Greetings fellow Looney Lab Rabbits! My name is Nicholas Roche, and I am Gaming Coordinator for the VULKON Orlando Spring Sci-Fi Expo being held this May 16th-18th. Being a more of a Blab Rabbit myself at this point, I would like to see if any Rabbits in or near the Orlando area would like to hold one or more Gaming Sessions at our upcoming event. I have the following games to use if needed: FLUXX 3.0 (expanded with bonus cards; more like 3.1+) FAMILY FLUXX ECOFLUXX ZOMBIE FLUXX CHRONONAUTS EARLY AMERICAN CHRONONAUTS If you have any ICEHOUSE/TREEHOUSE games as well, please bring them! Our shows have had Card Gaming sessions in the past--usually on Friday night and Saturday night--but nothing terribly organized. If someone can give me a hand (or possibly take supervisory control) with this go-around, I would be very happy. I can even see about getting any participants on as Staff for the event, which includes free admission to the event and one autograph each from current main stars Thomas Dekker (late of HEROES and THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES) and Jonathan Frakes (STAR TREK's William Riker). Please contact me ASAP. You can do so by either: (a) replying here; (b) Joining the VULKON forums (go to and click on FORUMS at the top); or (c) e-mailing me at njr75003@xxxxxxxxxxxxx . _NJR_ Many thanks for your attention!