Topher: Has the jacket copy been written for your book yet? I'd like to know what it is about. J: The jacket has not yet been written. But... in short, WELCOME TO THE VOID is a vampire book that's been bopping around my head since I read INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the book and the next few sequels, but most vampire novels revolve around vampires being sexy, mysterious, and to one degree or another bemoaning their plight. I wanted a vampire who was in his forties when he joined the ranks of the undead. He's not exactly happy about being a vampire, but he isn't going to whine about it either. He's caustic and abrasive, but he's also funny and (once you get to know him) good at heart. It's part love story and part mystery with loads of action and more than a few laughs. Topher: Should I be worried about buying a novel by a guy who's bad at a storytelling game? ;) J: Nah. I think it's because I'm too long winded. :) If we each had twenty or thirty minutes to tell our story...