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[Something] Gamer Survey

  • From"Carol Townsend" <event-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 29 May 2007 15:51:27 -0500
Hi folks,

You may have seen this in other spots (it's up on Live Journal on the Origins community), so if this is old news, my apologies.  I've been given the OK to repost it here, along with a "please let people know to repost it elsewhere!" tag, so feel free to take the survey and pass along the info to gamers you know.


Ohio State University's School of Communication, in partnership with GAMA
and The Wargamer, are undertaking a follow-up to last year's large and
comprehensive study of hobby game players. The researchers are investigating
patterns of motivation and usage by tabletop (card, role-playing, minis, and
board game players), digital (computer, console, MMORPG), and other gamers
(such as LARP). The survey takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

Building on lessons learned from last year, as well as some ongoing analyses
of the existing data, the project is seeking continue expanding the
knowledge of the games world.

We invite you to participate at www.gamesurvey.org.

The study will be focusing on these key areas of motivation.

What do game players like in a game? What do they dislike? And why?
What motivates continued game play and preferences for types of games?
Where are games bought and what influences those purchase decisions in
light of preferences and motivations?
What interactions do gamers have with others?
With whom (and where) do gamers play, and how frequently, and how do these
decisions influence preferences and motivations?

Official Q&A forum can be found at

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