Looney Labs Something Mailing list Archive

[Something] Fluxx and Chrononauts mentioned in the Boston Phoenix

  • From"Doug Orleans" <dougorleans@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 14 Dec 2008 03:01:05 -0500
In the "Guide to the Season" supplement to the December 12 Boston
Phoenix, an article called "Geeky Gifts 101" by Georgiana Cohen has a
paragraph each about Fluxx and Chrononauts, with a picture of a
Chrononauts timeline.
http://thephoenix.com/Boston/Life/73326-Geeky-gifts-101/  (The
picture's in the print version only.)

Just curious, is this the result of good PR on the part of Looney
Labs, or was this wholly unsolicited?  Either way, cool!
