Looney Labs Weekly Mailing list Archive

wwNEWS - Super Duper Homeworlds Fun!

  • FromKristin Looney <customer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 14 Oct 2005 13:48:26 -0400
this week in our news...


What's New?
- New Product: Japanese Fluxx
- We've started building the EcoFluxx Foundation webpages
- Andy's 10 Favorite Amsterdam Coffeeshops
- GinohnNews: Rain, Sun, Noodles

Testimonial of the Week
"OMG Pandora's Box (the card) is evil!!!! :-) :-) :-) I played a game of Fluxx with a friend last night, and it went on for over 90 minutes!! One game!! We used Pandora's box about 5 or 6 times during the game, between it first coming into play, a couple of "Let's do that again"s, and a few reshuffles of the deck. It was ultimately a Pandora's box play that ended the game, forcing a "Play All" where I had to play a goal for which he already had the Keepers on the table. I love it! And I love my boxxes, too. :-) Just thought I'd give my opinion. The rest of you guys *have* to get these things. :-D" --Jen Breland, on the Rabbits mailing list

Regular Features

- Alison's Animeld: The Gutterfly
- Cool Word: oolert
- This Week on eBay:
 Chrononauts: First Edition, Second Printing, and Beta Version
- Haiku Movie Review: Pauli Shore is Dead  :|
- Tirade's Choice: The Bubble Project

Come play with us ... http://www.wunderland.com/

-Kristin (of the Looney variety)

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