Looney Labs Weekly Mailing list Archive

wwNEWS - Hello, Shiro!

  • FromKristin Looney <customer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 27 Aug 2006 20:56:33 -0400
this week in our news...

What's New?
- The GenCon 2006 Report
- A Note About Recycling at Origins
- New Dessert Samples (plus yet more artists' names): Apple Turnover,
 Chocolate Toaster Tarts, Chocolate Fondue, and Ice Cream Sandwich
- The Ember Update: Garden, Blast from the Past, Spirituality
- GinohnNews: Many, Many Anniversaries
- Bonus HMRs: Less Than Zero, Paycheck, and Night of the Demon

Testimonial of the Week
"My most interesting discovery has been around forever, I've just always avoided it. Self-described hippie game company Looney Labs has produced a set of game pieces called Icehouse for 20 years. They're just little stackable plastic pyramids in different colors. I've seen them forever taking up little back-wall booths at conventions, inevitably staffed by freaky looking hippies in lab coats. I never once felt the urge to go talk to them. The games being played with these little pyramids always seemed so abstract and complex as to not be fun, and frankly, the whole thing reeked of 'hey I made this in my basement.' This year, however, they changed how they marketed the game. They boiled down the product into a single, 9 dollar stack of pyramids and one very simple game (Treehouse). It's extremely easy to teach and demos wonderfully. I actually stopped to play this year, and half an hour later, after a great series of demos and some intelligent conversation with Kristin Looney, I bought one of every single thing they had on offer. 6 tubes of different colored pyramids, some special dice, some cards, a 5x5 handmade plastic board, and a book of a dozen really, really good games you can play with it all. I encourage anyone with even a passing interest in games to at least spend 20 minutes on their website." -- Julian Murdoch, in his Gen Con Wrapup at GamersWithJobs.com

Regular Features
- Haiku Movie Review: Little Miss Sunshine  %}
- Tirade's Choice: The 25 Most Important Questions in the History of the Universe

Come play with us ... http://www.wunderland.com/

-Kristin (of the Looney variety)

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