Looney Labs Weekly Mailing list Archive

wwNEWS - Random Yammering

  • FromKristin Looney <customer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 15 Jan 2007 21:03:36 -0500
( Whoops - I never sent this email - when Andy was on time! Sorry! )

this week in our news...

What's New?

- GinohnNews: Stu Stu Studio!
- Bonus HMR: BeerFest :)

Testimonial of the Week

"I've been traveling around the world doing the global vagabond thing and meeting some amazing people all over the world. When I left I was looking for some simple and small game to bring with me and regular playing cards were boring. So I brought Fluxx! I have now shared Fluxx with dozens of other backpackers in several countries from Iceland to Turkey. Its been a really fun way to make friends. We made up a few new cards to match with traveling and playing Fluxx: a Keeper called Boots and Goal: World Traveler (boots and earth). I look forward to coming back to the States in May and checking out what Looney Labs has been up to." -- email from Matthew Davidson

Regular Features

- Haiku Movie Review: Children of Men :)
- Tirade's Choice: Scott Teplin's Weekly Sketches
- Robin TV: Pipe Dreams

Come play with us ... http://www.wunderland.com/

-Kristin (of the Looney variety)

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