So, I really want to play Aquarius Rising, but I have mix of the old style of pointy pyramids and the new rounded Arcade style pyramids, which are different heights.
Does anyone have a good idea for using just the nine pyramids of an Arcade set to play Aquarius Rising?
Or should I give in and just buy two more Rainbow sets? Or just be patient and wait until the Rainbow sets become rounded?
Found a combined color variant over on BGG, and it worked great.
Red + Orange
Yellow + Clear
Green + KS Green
Blue + Cyan
Black + Purple
After doing some more math, I realized that having sixty pyramids is kind of important. It's divisible by 2,3,4 and five.
Presenting Buyer's Market, a game of bidding and pyramidal building construction designed specifically for the Pyramid Arcade, for two to four players.
It's been years since I've released new game rules, and I'm happy to have something designed especially for the Pyramid Arcade. This one uses the relationship of the Zark City cards to the new color die, and is playable with the pyramids in the box (with the requirement of a booster stash for a fourth player). Thanks to the gamers (JM, K, A, and M) who have helped over the six months this one has been under wraps.
We've playtested this with groups of two, three, or four players, but I have a feeling that it could scale up to five, so feel free to give that a try.
End of Game Example: The Black opaque player scores 25: With three complete levels, he could have had four but held back for the double regality bonus.
White scores 18: White scores a diversity bonus and complete four levels but suffers for having several pyramids that they cannot place.
The Green opaque scores 28 points: With a cohesiveness bonus, four levels, and a diversity bonus, this player is the victor.
Note the unused pyramids in the foreground and the unspent ones in the background.
Well, I have finally gotten around to finalizing the updates to the rules for Armada. (See the attached files. Now calling it Armadas. Plural.) I am wondering if anyone here might be willing to help upload these to update the BGG and IcehouseGames wiki sites, etc?
Corrected a typo or two in the files.
Cool, I think the symmetrical sides should certainly address the imbalance of the original asymmetrical setup!
To upload the files to BGG, use the Upload link here:
If you don't have a BGG account, I can upload the files there for you; let me know if you want me to.
You (or I) can also add "Armadas" as an alternate title, or even replace the original title, via the Edit button on the game's main page.
Thanks for the link. I have now uploaded the files to bgg. (I assume that they don't show up immediately.)
I have been concerned about replacing the original game entries since it has been in the public for such a long time. This is part of the reason for the (minor) name change. Also to distinguish it from the many other games referred to as Armada. :)
I did also add Armadas as an alternate name. I would probably like it to have its own page and possibly link it as "reimplemented by" or some such, and make a note in the description. I don't know what all that would entail though.
As for the wiki, I am not so good with all of the fiddly formatting required for those pages.
Thanks again.
I love the updated rules. I have always been a fan of the original, and I think it's one of the coolest and most elegant game designs yet. This updated version really streamlines and enhances everything and rectifies the balance issues. Good work!
I'm thinking about doing a tournament or several of Pyramid Arcade games. I have enough Pyramids and boards and things to support about 24 players in a tournament of Pikemen, and Pikemen is relatively fast, easy to teach, and the tactics and strategy are not to easy, but not to hard. So I was thinking of starting with that.
Martian Chess is another possibility.
A class/practice session on Homeworlds leading up to a tournament is also a possibility.
Any other ideas?
If we get a community started, we could even do a multi game tournament, with a different game in each round. (Powerhouse, Pikemen, Homeworlds, anyone?)
I also have a post over at BGG
Hey all!
I got a promo Martian Coaster way back when they were the holiday gift, and never ended up using it for anything (didn't have pyramids)... I finally got it out when I picked up some KS Green pyramids, though I currently only have that color and no other players.
Anyhoo, I thought to myself, "Self? It's a coaster, right? Why not use it as advertised?" and started doing so... only to notice dark stain rings from my glass shortly after, as seen in the attached picture. Is this common with Martian Coasters? Or with Cosmic Coasters? This is a very "papery" item and I don't think it can be washed without ruining it... or can it? I know they're still available and I can buy another, but I'm rather mad at myself that I decided to try out the "coaster" functionality without more caution first and that I'd have to buy another if this one is ruined. I do plan to pick up Pyramid Arcade, and I know the Loony Ludo boards aren't coasters, but that's one way to replace the game piece at least...
TL;DR: Any way to wash Martian Coasters without ruining them?
I don't know, but FWIW it seems barely noticeable to me in the photo! Also, the photo isn't showing an actual coaster board side that would be used in play, but just a "title page" so to speak. So if it was me, I don't think I'd worry about it. :)
I have a ring on the other side as well that seems to have lightened up after drying... I know it's not bad, but it's still an imperfection with something I got as a gift that's a part of my gaming collection, you know? It matters to me. Besides, if they can be washed, I was thinking of getting a set of them and the Cosmic Coasters to use mainly as coasters for the front room when people visit. (Maybe it'll encourage them to play!) In the end though, if they get stained so easily, I'd rather have more durable coasters...
So yeah, my original question still stands: can they be washed or cleaned somehow without being ruined?
A quick and easy game. The picture was too large to post here, so please look at my profile page.
Players: 2
Equipment: 2 Stashes, of two different colors, one for each player.
Set-up: take your stash and mix the pyramids up to pick them out randomly and place them in 3 rows of 5 pieces each, facing your opponent's, with a queen-sized gap between the sides.
Movement: during your turn, you must switch one of your pieces with one of your opponent's. A piece placed on your opponent's field cannot be moved again by anyone. Your turn then ends and goes to the next player.
Goal: capture your opponent's pieces by making queen-drone-pawn line-ups in that order, in your own field. When that happens pick up the three pieces and put them to the side for scoring later. If more than one line-up occurs in your field, pick the one you like best, pip-wise.
Swice: if a switch creates a line-up in both fields, you can collect both of them.
End and Scoring: the game ends when it's no longer possible to make any more line-ups by one or both players. Pips on opponent's pieces captured are counted and higher score wins. In case of a draw, you can accept the result or play again.
Short version: I had to wait a while before picking up a copy of Pyramid Arcade. I was looking through the (absolutely wonderful looking) rule book online in anticipation and saw that my game, Timelock, was included in the "22 More Games" section.
I had to pause, then go back and re-read it to make sure I wasn't mistaken. I couldn't believe that people still like that game that I thought maybe a dozen or two people would ever play nearly a decade ago.
In short: THANK YOU to the folks that wanted Timelock to be included in the Pyramid Arcade book. It means a lot to even be listed in the same section as some of the games that got me hooked on pyramid games in the first place! To have my game mentioned in Andy's "magnum opus is kind of surreal.
I decided to take the time to design a Pyramid Arcade style badge for Timelock, if anyone is interested (see attached). More things to come when I get the time.
Again, thank you to the Starship Captain community (and the Looneys, of course)!
Well, thank you fFor making a cool game and sharing it with us!!
I nominated it because it is an absolutely great game that is easily playable with the pieces included in the Pyramid Arcade setup. I thoroughly enjoy it, and it's probably in the low teens/high single digits of my Starship Captain List. So, kudos on making a great game! I really like that badge too. It really captures the feel of the game, in as much as the other PA badges do as well.
I have heard of a Chess variant called Kriegspiel where you can see only your own pieces, and a referee tells players when they make an illegal move, capture a piece, and so on. I wanted to do the same thing for Homeworlds, but I seem to be running into problems. Please let me know if you have any ideas. (Sorry for the long post.)
I have attached two text files (so as not to stretch this post) which say what problems I am having with this idea, and what my current rules are. This seems like a cool idea, but I would like some input from others.
Now, this being said, some people might balk at this by saying Homeworlds "was not meant" to be a hidden information game. Well, I like to tinker with things, and this might be interesting if polished. And you do not have to like it. Everyone has a right to their opinion.
(EDIT: How did the text files get to 3KB? They are not THAT long... or maybe they are?)
Having the stars hidden and doing random choice among more than one candidate star indeed seems to introduce confusing problems. (And the randomness might arguably be "not in the spirit" of Homeworlds.)
What if the stars were publicly visible, but you know what is at a star only if you have a ship at that star. (To me it seems "thematically consistent" that you see what other ships are at a star where you have ships.)
And if you try to discover a star and none are left in the stock, then your move is simply declared illegal (and you pass) - FWIW something very similar to this mechanism is used in Robert Abbott's interesting game Confusion (in which you don't know the movement abilities of your pieces).
Of course this idea of how to handle the fog of war is very different from your idea, but hopefully it at least gives interesting food for thought. :)
> (EDIT: How did the text files get to 3KB? They are not THAT long... or maybe they are?)
Clearly the size is rounded to the nearest kilobyte instead of being the exact number of bytes.
Centuries before Martians starting using sandships to fight each other, they would use them for racing, in friendly competition. Eventually, Pyramid Racing became a professional sport, played on official racing tracks. This game simulates what this "day at the races" might have been like. RACERS, START YOUR ENGINES!
Can you please use a "standard" file format that can be easily read, like .pdf, .doc(x), .html, .rtf, etc? I would like to read your rules but my computer does not handle .odt files properly (the formatting is messed up, some text is weird, and the images are gone).
odt is a standard file format.
FWIW the free open source program LibreOffice reads it.
That said, the attached file seems to simply have some corruption in it, unfortunately, e.g. in the table at the start of the file (e.g. the cell to the right of "Designed by Adam Boudreaux" says "8~ 6r gjz( ZP#") :/ But most of it is viewable OK for me in LibreOffice.
See if this is better.
I don't understand the rule for moving wall pieces. It says
"The black pyramid can only be moved one orthogonal space and must be no more than two squares away from the other black pyramids."
Is that two spaces from the nearest other black pyramid? If so, the wall can be split in two by a sequence of valid moves -- in this case, what determines if your pyramids are on "the same side of the wall"? The example showing a piece going off the edge of the wall is also suspicious -- how do you determine which side of the wall a piece is on if it touches the edge like this?
Hmm. The rules lawyer in me finds that vagueness confusing. After all, the wall can bend in all sorts of directions -- what determines which way the end of the wall "runs"? Is it just the shortest line between the "end" of the wall and the edge of the field? If both players conspired to roll the wall up into a ball in the middle of the table, would the concept of "your side of the wall" mean anything?
Here's my attempt at a rules-lawyer-able version of the "wall" rule:
When moving a black pyramid, the entire wall must remain connected. Wall pieces are considered "connected "if they are diagonally or othogonally adjacent. In addition, there must be two wall pieces (or four in a 4-player game) which have exactly one orthogonal empty space between themselves and the edge of the board. This orthogaonally adjacent empty space is considered "part of" the wall, in that it determines whose side a crop is planted on. Finally, neither player may move the wall in such a way that both home corners are on the same side of the wall.
Was this your intent? I'm going off Zendo experience here, trying to put your rule in more precise terms.
Be the Indian brave, to score the most points & receive a tribal name from the chief.
I was thinking about Lunar Invaders (the new version), and I realized a problem. First off, if Alice spends a token to redirect a Teleport, does the target location have to be empty? Concretely:
Bob's planet:
_ _ 3
_ 2 _
1 _ _
Alice's planet (before teleporting):
1 _ 2
4 _ _
_ 1 _
But the more disturbing thing is that there seem to be token wars if both players continually block the other's action, which is resolvable only if one backs off, tokens run out, or a Teleport happens.
Concretely, suppose Alice has 3 tokens to Bob's 1. Bob tries to beam home, which WOULD win the game if not for Alice, who spends 2 tokens to block the teleport. But unless Alice herself can win, Bob uses a token to cancel Alice's move and now Bob can win immediately. Or perhaps both sides are fighting over one square (control point, maybe) and they keep canceling the other player's attack.
Are there any rules that prevent this scenario? (I was wondering if the "you can't spend a token to cancel a Malfunction" rule would stop this, but that just lets one player hog the power until a Teleport happens.)
Sorry for the long question. Just wondering. Thanks.
Interesting points - I read through the rules to see if any of this was specifically addressed.
Regarding the first question, I don't see anything in the rules preventing Alice from deciding to land the piece on B1. The only restricted space on the destination moon is the Teleport Pad (as listed under the rules for "Targeting Error"). And under "Teleport", the rules say: Any piece occupying the space your piece arrives in is destroyed. So that piece at B1 would be destroyed (even though it is one of Bob's own pieces).
As for the token wars, it does not appear that there is anything to prevent the situation you described. However, since Bob had already positioned himself to win in one move, I don't find it to be a problem that he is still able to win after Alice's futile "Total Shut Down" retaliation.
So ever since Andy found a commercially available tin that perfectly fits a Binary Homeworlds set of 36 pyramids, I'm starting to think of that as the canonical "travel set". Assuming you can cram one or two dice in there, maybe fold up the cloth volcano board from new Treehouse... can you have a Starship Captain's list made entirely of games playable from a Starship Captain's tin? Here's my picks:
1. Binary Homeworlds, of course.
2. Icetowers (is the 9 or 15 piece stash canonical for this?)
3. Treehouse.
4. Hijinks. I like to play it as a traffic light variant!
5. Ricochet Pyramids. Requires access to a convenient chessboard.
6. Martian Chess, likewise.
7. Zark City. Requires playing cards.
8. Pharaoh.
9. Cardinal Connections.
10. Tic-Tac-Doh. (Yes, I'm reaching for the single-stash games now.)
Can anyone help me improve the variety of this list a bit? I often feel like I'm forced to include Pharaoh as "filler" on lists like this -- any time I would play it, Hijinks or Treehouse does its job better. I'm very thankful that Ricochet Pyramids is a thing that exists, though, as it helps me fill that "puzzle game" slot that Zendo isn't here for with so few pieces.
Most 3 House games will work, assuming you can improvise on the 5th color. And any 2-stash or "2-House" game might work nicely. Of course, most games in the world require more than just pyramids. Boards, cards, dice, that sort of thing.
So there's 11. =)
If you allow a couple tins, you can broaden it up to a lot more stuff. I have Three tins in a set, with inventory as fFollows:
An 8x8 grid doesn't really fit in there, sadly. =) Then, like, just about everything that doesn't require cards or exotic equipment would be playable.
Perhaps we should wonder what games could be played with the tin itself as a piece!
Perhaps the tin would be a good size for a Lunar Invaders board (one on the base and one on the inside of the lid). An unused color could represent the Malfunction Tokens.
Here are a few more that haven't been mentioned:
Egyptian Solitaire - requires exactly 12 trios
Rotationary - another solitaire game that requires 5 trios of any color
Armada - ship battle, no other equipment needed
Torpedo - another ship battle, 2 players with 5 trios of a pair of colors, or up to 4 players if you use 3 trios per player
Petal Battle - a slightly smaller Petal board printed on cardstock fits nicely in the tin
Epicycle - can also be played on the Petal board, or on a bare tabletop.
Give or Take - 1 trio per player (minimum 3 trios), need to include the Pyramid Die
I’m sure there are more…!
I’d also love to figure out a way to use the tin itself for a game. Possibly for a large obstacle (or target?) in Torpedo or Armada? Maybe in a new dexterity game similar to how a CD is used in CrackeD Ice?
I’ve found that the lid of the tin (especially with the Starship Captain sticker on it) can work reasonably well as a turn-indicator, though it is a rather large item to pass back and forth.
For a long time, I haven't been able to upgrade the wiki software, due to some corruption in the database. This has meant that as my web host upgraded PHP, the very outdated version of MediaWiki eventually stopped working for editing.
I have finally bitten the bullet and done a dump of the latest version of all pages, and restored it into a new wiki instance with up-to-date software. You can see this new version at This has meant losing all history on pages, and all user accounts, but the wiki is once again usable.
Once we have verified that everything seems to be working well on this new instance, I will move it in place over the old one, with the old one being archived at a different URL so anyone who is interested in looking at the history of pages can find it. So, I invite anyone who's interested to check out the new install, make sure everything is working and nothing is missing before I move it over.
When exporting and importing, the types of Semantic MediaWiki properties didn't port over, which means all properties default to being considered links; this means things like "number of players" show up as links to pages that don't exist, rather than as numbers. I've updated a few of them, but could use some help re-populating the rest. See the properties list on the old wiki and new wiki to find the types that need to be moved over.
I think there's also some more work that needs to be done in general with figuring out how to effectively use Semantic MediaWiki and integrate it with the infobox; this version of Semantic MediaWiki doesn't seem to support wiki markup in Text properties, so some of the designer and description properties don't work properly, and it would probably be better to figure out how to include multiple designers as multiple Designer properties rather than one big property with all of their names.
Before I switch over the old URLs to point to the new wiki, I'd like some feedback on the theme, and whether we want to do any of the color tweaks to make it match the old wiki. We'll also want to compose a message on the front page announcing the migration, that history has been lost and people need to create new accounts (and probably include a link to the old wiki at a new URL, read-only, so people who want to find history can do so).
Anyone else have any feedback on the new wiki install, or anything else that needs to happen before I switch over?
Thanks for all the hard work on this Brian.
After a few days of testing it out and getting set up for registration to prevent the previous spam problems we've had, I've decided to make this live at the old URL:
The old instance of the wiki is archived here, for anyone who wants to see the full history of pages:
If anyone's interested in helping out, we have a to-do list with a lot of good starting points:
It's looking good... Thanks for the work you put into getting it back online. Everything seems to be working well. Content is beginning to be updated again (and there's probably a lot of new games to migrate as well).
Interesting...Icehouse will obviously go to 1. (hence the "crash" system)
I heard mention on The Download of a game named Arcana that was the predecessor of Zarcana. Looking around I've noticed that Zarcana came from Arcana, but I cannot find information on the differences between the two. Is anyone familiar if Arcana was appreciably different than Zarcana, and if so what were those differences?
Thanks in advance.
At fFirst, I was thinking you were asking about the difference between Gnostica and Zarcana. But I quickly understood what you mean.
Zarcana is generally considered the earliest member of this branch of the fFamily tree. But it is mentioned in a couple sources as having been previously known as Arcana. It sounds like Zarcana and Arcana were the same basic game, but there were probably some kind of minor differences, as these things will have. And why the name change, anyway? Good darn question!!
Well, we can examine this set of older rules. Notice the repeated use of "Zarcana" in the page, but "Arcana" is in the file path, so my supposition is that the rules were posted, and then the author did a search and replace (or something like it) to change the word inside the fFile.
Compared to this set of somewhat newer rules:
The fFormat and structure of the two rule sets is quite a bit different. Arcana has a lot more exposition about the virtues and qualities of the tarot deck, as well as having a lot more optional rules and "Technical Notes." The older rules have a lot of alternate suggested actions to do with the trump cards. I imagine there are other differences as well, if an interested party were to careful compare each card and action.
Looking at the page source for the older rules shows there is a Meta Tag of KeyWords, reading thus:
meta name="KeyWords" content="game, tarot, cards, board game, strategy, arcana, anacra, war game"
Notice arcana is in there, but not Zarcana. Interesting. But wait, there is also Anacra! what? It's just the word "Arcana" spelled backwards, but why did the author provide that as a tag? Was that a possible alternative name as well at some point? Or just being a bit silly?
Interestingly, the old rules include a subtle hint at the fFuture of the fFamily, Zark City, which does not use a Tarot Deck at all, suggesting:
If you don't own a Tarot deck, don't despair. With a few modifications to the rules, you can use a regular deck of playing cards to play Zarcana. The easiest way to play Zarcana with playing cards is to simply ignore all of the special trump rules...
Cool stuff!
The only difference is the Z.
At first John was calling it Arcana but then he heard about an existing game by that name, long forgotten but a worry at the time. So we added a Z at the front, which we all liked better anyway.
While I am a fan of simplicity, I was hoping for a super-exciting tale of intrigue around the name change. This will do however.
Thanks Andy!
The Pyramid Arcade rulebook clarifies both of these points.
1) You are not required to reveal the old goal. You put it on the bottom of the stack of available goals.
2) You may use both actions to change goals.
Figured out that Fluxx, Zark City, and Looney Ludo can be played against opponents that play randomly for an interesting challenge. Play with as many as you can, because this makes it more interesting. For LL, you just need three dice (two regular D6's, plus a TH die or just another D6 for the action, using Tip-Swap-Hop-Dig-Aim-Wild in that order). More later. I play this against 4 opponents, and I have only lost once. For ZC, I use three dice, just in case. I have never lost!!
For Looney Ludo:
Hello all,
I've made a new Co-op game you can play with a 3house set of Pyramids. It's called Attack Of the Mids . It plays a bit like a small version of Flash Point:Fire Rescue or Pandemic. I'd appreciate any feedback you want to give me if you try it out.
Hello Starship Captains!
In this post, I want to introduce an idea to be able to build a koan that follows the Buddha Nature:
"All pyramids of the koan are ungrounded and weird."
It doesn't require space travel and zero gravity to make this work!
In my previous post (see The Winning Rule in Zendo), I showed that there is only the empty koan follows the rule "All pyramids are ungrounded," and depending on your taste, even the empty koan will be excluded.
Moving Forward
The reason that we can't build koans following these rules is that there is another rule in Zendo, stating that pyramids in a koan "do not touch another koan’s pieces or any other foreign objects, including marking stones" (see Zendo Rules).
However, I found it a bit of a loss that with 5 rainbow (or xeno) stashes, you wouldn't be able to use the opaque black (or white) pyramids. As a result of my previous post, I came up with the idea that opaque pyramids can be used to signify "no pyramid". In other words, they work as props, but should not be considered a part of the koan.
Zendo Extension. Opaque pyramids can be used as props; they are "nothing" (and therefore are "no pyramid") and function as "fillers of space". No rule may refer to them.
As a result, now we can build koans that follow the above Buddha Nature, simply by stacking pyramids on top of opaque ones. The nice thing is that by adding opaque pyramids to the game, we actually add "no pyramids" to the game. So, for example, if a pyramid touches only opaque pyramids, it "doesn't touch any pyramid"!
It is possible to extend Zendo in such a way that it allows more koans to follow the Buddha Nature. This allows for more game play, and requires more accurate formulation of the Buddha Nature.
Please, let me know about your experience if you tried this extension to Zendo!
Note that in the extended version of Zendo, the rule "All pyramids in the koan are weird" has a koan with exactly one weird pyramid (of any size). It's the lowest possible limit of number of pyramids . . . So now, being all weird is easy to guess . . .
They used to sell ELBS in big bags. I sometimes do pretty much the same thing you're describing, only with elbs.
We use the opaque pyramids in the usual way, treating them as pyramids in the koans.Of course, the same arrangements you have in mind could be covered by the rule "All non-opaque pyramids of the koan are ungrounded and weird."
Thank you P.D.M. This is also a great observation. However, note that my consideration wasn't to "cover koans", but to "cover rules". In your case, the rule "All pyramids of the koan are ungrounded" would again not yield any other koans than the empty koan.
I'm getting a sort of déjà vu. As we are doing some sort of applied logic and model theory here, it seems similar to Goedel's Incompleteness Theory: for every consistent theory based on a set of axioms that is powerful enough to allow self-reference, the theory is incomplete. That means, it allows for a so called Goedel sentence G that is true, but can not be proven by applying deductive logic within the theory. (Such a sentence G translates to "Sentence G can not be proven within the theory.") However, the theories emerging from adding G or ~G, although both consistent, suffer the same anomaly!
It seems that if we want to cover certain "simple" rules, then we have to add some things that aren't considered pyramids (even if they are opaque pyramids) and make the game less simple, . . .
if we want to cover the same koans (but not rules), then the rule must become less simple. However, in this case, the same "simple" rule would then still only yield the empty koan.
zen zen = 'zen' and 'zen' = ''zen'' and 'and' and ''zen'' = '''zen''' and 'and' and ''and'' and 'and' and '''zen''' = ...
zen = zen = zen = zen = ...
Hello Starship Captains!
Playing Zendo with my family gave me a new appreciation for the skill needed as a Student and a Master alike to formulate a rule correctly. I noticed some quirks about Zendo that I like to share with you.
This post will discuss the meaning of the Zendo Winning Rule.
By playing Zendo, I noticed the ability of students to come up with rules that a Master couldn't even remember. In other words, the student's rules would be more difficult than any rule a Master would come up with, or dare to come up with. This led to considerations of simple rules that are possibly equivalent to difficult rules. And thinking about this problem, I stumbled upon a hidden aspect of the Zendo Winning Rule.
The Zendo Winning Rule
The Zendo Winning Rule governs when a Student wins. It can be stated in several ways.
Zendo Winning Rule. A Student wins if at their turn they guess the Buddha Nature and
1. the Student's guessed rule is logically equivalent to the Buddha Nature (or Master's Rule).
2. the Master can not disprove the Student's guessed rule.
Note that if 1. is the case, then 2. is the case. But not vice versa. I prefer formulation 2. over 1. for reasons I will show in this post.
Summary of Game Play
If a Student has a guessing stone at the end of their turn, they can guess the rule. Once the Student and Master agree on the formulation of the rule, it is clear that formulation 1 of the Winning Rule will never be a problem to decide, given that it is possible to compare rules formally. So, as your skills in Zendo and logic improve, it is possible to always decide whether two rules are logically equivalent or not. If they are, the Student wins. There doesn't seem a problem with this Winning Rule, but there is.
If the rules are not logically equivalent, the Master must disprove the Student's (guessed) Rule and to this end he has two options:
1. Make a koan that follows the Student's Rule but does not have the Buddha Nature. The Student would expect it to be marked white, but in fact the Master will mark it black.
2. Make a koan that does not follow the Student's Rule, but has the Buddha Nature. The Student would expect it to be marked black, but in fact the Master will mark it white.
If the Master can not disprove the Student's guessed rule, it must be equal . . . and the Student wins. (This looks like a hands on way to prove that rules are equivalent, so there is no need to be skilled in formal logic.)
However, I found certain sets of rules that are NOT logically equivalent, yet can not (under any circumstance) be disproved by the Master. So, it would seem that Winning Rule 1, although sufficient, is not necessary to win! If the Master fails to disprove the Student's guess, then by Winning Rule 2, the Student wins nevertheless.
At this point an example could come in handy. See the next section.
We know some of the attributes of pyramids, used in formulations of the Buddha Nature: color, size, groundedness, orientation, etc.
Now, for any attribute A, consider the rule schema S(A): "All pyramids in the koan have attribute A."
Example. Consider the attribute A = red, Then S(A) gives the rule: "All pyramids in the koan are red." It is easy to decide of any koan whether or not it follows this rule.
Example. Now consider the attribute A = ungrounded. Then S(A) gives the rule: "All pyramids in the koan are ungrounded." We run into a problem finding a koan that follows this rule . . .
It is quickly realized that in any koan (played on Earth), there is at least one pyramid touching the table, and hence is grounded. At least within the confines of the game rules (pyramids are not allowed to touch anything else but pyramids and the table), there is NO koan with at least one pyramid that ever will follow the Buddha Nature. The Master would have a hard time setting up the initial koans to begin with! It is impossible for any koan to follow the just stated. The only koan that follows this rule is the empty koan (consisting of no pyramids at all). A Student guessing this odd rule will be able to win with a guess of the form "the koan contains no pyramids". The Master would not be able to make a counter example, and the Student wins.
Example. Consider the attribute A = weird. Then S(A) gives the rule: "All pyramids in the koan are weird."
In this case it IS possible to make a non-empty koan following this rule, but it requires a minimum number of pyramids. The question is how many exactly. It's larger than 4, because 4 pyramids can not be configured to even form a closed loop (see Fig. 1). In this case, an interesting question arises.
Suppose the minimum required pyramids is N. Then the rule is equivalent to "the koan has at least N pyramids and all koans are ungrounded." Now the problem is this. How would the Master know the correct value of N? This could be a difficult--even unsolved--geometrical question. So, if the minimum is in reality 5, but the Master can only make koans of at least 6 pyramids, the Student will win with the rule "The koan contains at least 6 pyramids and all pyramids are ungrounded." The possibility of the Student winning because of lack of koan building skills on the Master's side, is therefore real.
We are now faced with the fact that the rules the Students can come up with in order to win, are not necessarily logically equivalent to the Buddha Nature, NOR do they even have to be correct from a theoretical standpoint!
Too Few Pyramids
A rule schema like S(A) also poses another problem. With a given set of pyramids, there is sometimes only a finite number (although a very VERY large number) of koans that can be built that follow the Buddha Nature. Consider the Buddha Nature: "All pyramids in the koan are red." In a standard Zendo set, there are exactly 15 red pyramids. Therefore, the rule is equivalent to "The koan exists of no more than 15 pyramids, which are all red." Obviously, this rule is NOT logically equivalent to the Buddha Nature. A student guessing this rule will win, because the Master simply doesn't have more than 15 pyramids, which he would need to disprove the rule.
We see that the first winning rule isn't sufficient to allow the game to end, because there are rules the Master can think of for which he can not (is not, under any circumstance, able to) disprove any Student's guess which is not logically equivalent to the Buddha Nature. And in that case, the Student should win . . . if only for the fact the rule is too difficult, even impossible, to guess.
Therefore, the Zendo Winning Rule: "The Student wins if the Master can not disprove the Student's guessed rule" is the preferred and reasonable rule which will allow Students to win, although sometimes with rules that are NOT equivalent to the Buddha Nature, NOR always correct from a theoretical standpoint!
Isn't that the true Zen nature of the Buddha Nature?
This, I'd like to add, will only add to anybody's fascination for Zendo.
Can you find a koan which contains exactly and only 5 weird pyramids? The best I could come up with was 7 before I wrote this post, but today I reduced it to 6. (See Fig. 2). It is clear you can find koans that have only weird pyramids of any number bigger than 6, by increasing the circle. (See Fig. 3).
See also my next post on solving some of these problems, and perhaps making Zendo more interesting, if only for advanced Zendo players.
Hi Russ,
My post is basically an observation that might turn out to be useful for advanced rules (see also my follow-up post (No Pyramid Extension), or when Students formulate a rule clumsily, but in such a way that the Master can not disprove it. I showed in several ways that practical limits may influence with what guess a Student wins and that the first formulation of the Winning Rule is not satisfying in all cases.
In the case "All pyramids in the koan are red", this rule tends to be guessed that way (and I agree that logically it includes the empty koan). This post was not about finding rules that utilize this principle, but to indicate that the Zendo Winning Rule preferably follows the second formulation to prevent a deadlock.
In the Extended Version of Zendo, the rules "All pyramids in the koan are ungrounded" and "the empty koan" are not equivalent. That's the value of this kind of consideration.
There are multiple ways to do exactly 2 all weird or exactly 3 all weird. If you combine one of each, you get exactly 5 all weird.
Hi Jeff,
perhaps you've proved exactly my point, as I forgot about leaning pyramids! If it were in a real game of Zendo, I'd be at a loss as Master. But since I believed you, I found such a koan within 1 minute!
Even though I found some koans with all pyramids weird, I couldn't find such koans with 2 equal pyramids. The examples I found, are hardly stable, but that is OK, I guess.
So, there are only certain combinations of sizes of pyramids that allow for koans with all weird pyramids, These combinations can be listed in a set S, a subset of {(1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (2,2), (2,3), (3,3)}, and I believe S is a subset of {(1,2), (1,3), (2,3)}. If you can find other koans, please show them.
Then a Student's guess might be:
"The koan exists of at least two pyramids, which would be in sizes according to S, and all of them are weird."
Again, this rule is logically not equivalent to the Buddha Nature "all pyramids in the koan are weird", but can not be disproved by the Master.
I just wondered if the term "simple" for rules is arbitrary? Considering the aspects of koans that are mostly overlooked, as you get better in Zendo, it becomes less clear what is "simple", because you see all kind of exceptions or restrictions that might apply to such a "simple" rule.
Great response!
Formulation 1 of the Winning Rule could be repaired by changing "logically equivalent" to "equivalent for all constructable koans". Depending on how we define the logical space of the game, there may be logically possible koans that are not actually constructable.
Yes, I agree. "Equivalent" would then mean: "uses the same color of marking stone". Note that your formulation "equivalent for all constructible koans" is now equivalent to formulation 2. This is seen as follows.
If the Student's Guess G and the Buddha Nature B correspond for all constructible koans k, i.e., G(k) = B(k) := the color of the marking stone, then the Master can not disprove G, since he can only make constructible koans.
If the Master can not disprove G, then for any koan k with G(k) <> B(k), koan k is not constructible (otherwise koan k would be a constructible counterexample), and therefore, G and B coincide for all constructible koans.
Thank you P.D.M.
It's possible to do 2 pyramids, same size, both weird. After reading your post I was able to construct all three examples, but technical problems prevented me from uploading photographic evidence. Smalls are the hardest to make, but when I finally succeeded the koan was pretty stable. The pyramids in these koans are tip to tip, but it's not actually necessary to perfectly align the tips. Still, I suspect it will be easier with the blunter-tipped Arcade pyramids, although some of my problems with the smalls had to do with center of gravity and not tip alignment.
And this type of discussion, is why Zendo will never be on my Starship Captain's list-it's too confusing of a game to me.
Hi P.D.M.,
considering your correct observation, later I remembered that the whole point of formulation 2 was to include the factor of the (limited) Master's ability/knowledge. It took me a while to crunch this mind boggler. Here's my fix.
When I read your response, I assumed that the set C of constructible koans is known, or at least known to the Master. But this is not so. The set C(p), the set of constructible koans by person p is a subset (or a strict subset) of C. With p = M := the Master, C(M) stands for the constructible koans the Master can come up with. As we have practical time limits when we play Zendo, we have to work with the skill level of the Master at that time.
So, if the master can't disprove the Student's guessed rule, that does not mean that there isn't such constructible koan in C, just that the Master can't find it and therefore is not in C(M).
To illustrate my point, here are two versions of my previous proof. Note that both are valid proofs!
Version 1 - C
This version is closest to your proposal, but seems unusable for the fact that C is unknown.
This proves the equivalence of [the Student's Guess G and the Buddha Nature B correspond for all constructible koans k in C] and [the Master, even one with perfect knowledge, can not disprove G].
Version 2 - C(M)
This version seems more practical and is closer to the spirit of my original proposal.
This proves the equivalence of [the Student's Guess G and the Buddha Nature B correspond for all constructible koans k in C(M)] and [the Master, assumed without perfect knowledge, can not disprove G].
Note that in this case, there might be a k' in C \ C(M) [where C \ C(M) is the set of those constructible koans not known by the Master] for which G(k') <> B(k'). But since k' is not in C(M), it is not "constructible" by the master.
This is what I meant with my remark that the Student can win with an incorrect rule from a theoretic perspective. Only if the Master were to have perfect knowledge, can the Student win with a rule that is equivalent on C, not just on C(M).
During Zendo, the interesting situation can thus arise that when the Master admits he can not find a counter example to the Student's guessed rule, that Student wins. However, when the Master subsequently reveals his (not equivalent) rule, a second student might find a koan k' not in C(M) that disproves the Student's guessed rule. It can be argued that this second student was put at a disadvantage, as he might have guessed a "more correct" version of the rule later in the game, had it continued, if only C(M) included k'.
This situation would qualify as a Master's mistake. Can we say that the second student wins, rather than the one that won at first? Do we decide on two winners? Does the Master win for declaring the second student winner? Remember, there are no losers in this game!
Zen, zen, zen . . .
Zendo is the most stimulating game I've played in years! I'm so looking forward to playing it again!
FWIW I have never had these kinds of problems arise in play, and have successfully enjoyably played it with many diverse experienced and new players alike.
We don't consider exact physical position to be relevant, because that seems to introduce various annoying practical problems (well, they are "Features" for some people and "Bugs" for other people) like ambiguity and difficulty of moving koans on the table.
We always play either:
(1) a koan is simply an unordered set of pieces (physical position is irrelevant)
(2) a koan is simply an ordered stack of pieces (there is an unambiguous ordering to the pieces).
So if you're leery of Zendo because of weird theoretical discussions like this thread, I recommend trying it one of these two ways, which seems to eliminate much of the potential "weirdness" and confusion. :)
As Russ said, these things don't come up in practice. Personally, I find this whole discussion confusing, too, and Zendo is one of my favorite games.
That's why my own contribution to this discussion has been limited to what you can do with "weird" pieces. If you don't know what "weird" is, it's pretty easy to understand. Imagine you dump all your pyramids on the table in a heap. Some of the pieces will be standing up and some will be lying down, but many of them will be leaning or hanging or otherwise not standing up or lying down. You might say to yourself, "those pieces are in kind of a weird orientation." That's why Zendo says any piece that's not standing up or lying down is called weird.
Don't let this thread put you off Zendo. The issue raised in this thread can't actually come up, and Zendo is a great game.
The subject of the OP came up in the final round of the Zendo tournament at Origins a number of years ago. It was the one with myself, Pace Reagan and Dan Isaac all vying for the top prize with the inscrutable Eric Zuckerman as master. (I want to say it was 2002, but I could be off by a year or two.) One of Pace's guesses was something along the lines of, "AKHTBN iff, when you ignore the blue pieces, the number of non-upright larges is equal to the number of non-large uprights." Of course, requiring the count of non-upright larges to be equal to the count of non-large uprights is equivalent to just "larges equals uprights." e.g. Let's say you have a koan that contains a large upright, a large flat and a small upright (noe of them blue). Pace would say 1=1, so the koan should be marked white, while Eric would say 2=2 so it should be marked white.
So yes...
1. The student's guess and the master's rule would mark every koan the same
2. The master couldn't provide a counterexample.
Ahh... memories.
BTW, here's my contribution to the "all weird" discussion, courtesy the Wayback Machine.
The two in the middle column are pretty unstable - don't bump the table. :)
I was going to say the same thing about 2 being minimum: leaning against each other, touching at the tips. Not EASY to make, and not stable in a strong wind, but "all weird".
Just hoping to come across some (preferably simplistic to make) giant pyramid instructions, if anyone has some. I work at a campground and was thinking this might make a good craft activity for the kids and of course once they are made they could be used to play games as well.
Anybody made some recently? Got any suggestions? My current best thought was to try blowing up the DIY pyramids sheets from boardgamegeek and maybe cutting out of some 24-pack soda boxes or something like that.
I'm actually building some today. I calculated the sizes of the pyramids, and then cut out triangular templates to tessellate out to make the pyramids.
fFound it!
My giant pyramid PDF template is laid out and uploaded there. It was made with 4 colors of 5 trees. If you want some other colors you might want to edit the fFile to get, say, 10 colors of 3 trees. The fFirst page is just a simple comparison of each size and shape, so you can craft your own thing entirely new with those proportions.
Oh, and I should mention, these are slightly larger than the Cardboard pyramids which The Looneys made some years back. If you have some of those and some of these, they might not be very compatible.
Thanks for sharing. How do you go about printing these at their proper size?
At the moment I'm thinking I might attempt something along the lines of making some kind of stencil sheet and then using that to mark up whatever material from there. I might have to stitch it together across a few sheets of paper or something, but once I've done it one time I can make more from there.
Has anyone ever tried doing something with thick, rigid foam mats (like those used for flooring in gyms/garages)?
Seems like a pattern for the sides could be made which allowed them to interlock and, as such, be disassemblable for transport. Might also be able to find the Rainbow colors already molded as RGBY, with no need to paint or dye?
Drawback might be that they are not thick enough to properly stack (i.e., mediums and smals would sit so low on top of large and medium that you'd have a very small fringe).
I have four monochrome stashes of the giant pyramids Looney Labs once sold. They were already painted when I got them. I once made a small pyramid cut out of a cardboard box using one of the existing smalls as a template. Once folded into the shape of a pyramid, it's self-supporting without adhesive, so you can unfold and refold it at will. The way a pyramid folds is not like the way a box folds, so you need a pretty sizable box to make even a small pyramid as one piece. Therefore, my desire to have a 5th stash has been on the back burner for quite some time.
Unfolded, they look much like the templates Scott posted, except there is a 5th panel. The innermost panel has a tab on the side, and each of the other panels has a huge tab on the bottom that folds up under when the pyramid is pyramid-shaped. The first (innermost) panel overlaps with the fifth panel and the inner tab overlaps somewhat with the fourth panel. The bottom tabs hold together the overlapping parts, which allows it to stay in shape. The tabs go up about half-way into the inside of the pyramid.
I have some scrap cardboard that's not quite big enough, and I have a vague notion that I could make something that is two pieces taped together and folded. They need to be the same size as what I have, so that limits my options somewhat. And, of course, it would require that I make time for a crafting project.
So I was thinking.
The dice in Pyramid Arcade are almost universally attractive little objects with, in my opinion, one slightly disappointing member of the team - the Treehouse die.
It's not that it's ugly, exactly, it's just... words on a box. I am no graphic designer, and certainly not one with any measurable talent, but I thought I might take a shot at making a graphological alternative. I set to work with my ballpoint pen and my drafting cards across the course of the day and came up with the following:
Treehouse Die Concept Album (Lots of details inside)
Now, I know there are some other games that use the die, like Looney Ludo/Martian Coasters. I would probably "solve" this by also having the words on the face. Chunkier dice are my preference anyway, so increasing the face size to accomodate that extra detailing would not bother me in the least. I'm sure there are others that feel differently, though! Alternatively/additionally, another "skin" could be devised to account for Martian Coasters. Are there any more published or really popular games that use the THoD?
Let me know if you have any comments, criticisms or corrections. I'm going to work on converting it to some kind of nice, clean vector image. Maybe we'll make the black sheep a purdy new jacket to wear!
I really like your ideas. I probably wouldn't have the words on the new dice though, and would just swap them out when need be. In regards to Martian Coasters/Looney Ludo dice, you could probably design some extra dice for that as well which would be really cool. Having a number 7 instead of TIP maybe. Not sure what you would do for DIG though.
Thank you! I do think they came out pretty nicely, if I do say so myself.
You're probably right that a separate style for Coasters would be more appealing than adding the words to the current design. "Dig" does present a challenge in that way, though, and may require colored icons to solve satisfactorily. I'll think on it and see what I can come up with! I love the idea of just having a giant 7 instead of "Tip" with no other numbers on the die at all, and I think it'd have to go opposite the wild symbol for the aesthetics.
I think all the arrows would be kind of confusing on a small dice face. And the words surprisingly lend themselves well to be used in other games. A game I'm designing actually uses them for events and more graphics would just muddle that up.
Sure you need a chart in most games that use it to remember what the words actually means But I think it gives a bit a theme to even an otherwise abstract game like treehouse. I'm not just repositioning a piece, It's digging underground!
You forgot Timelock and Black Ice. I play Martian Coasters, Black Ice, and Timelock the most (especially Timelock). I almost never play Treehouse, and I'm not sure how well the graphical dice would lend themselves to those other games.
Obviously we must make dice for every game!
For sure - I'm not really proposing a replacement so much as an alternative. Part of the fun of the Icehouse system is having the pieces to play a huge number of different games, but that's not to say more specialised components can't have their place.
And yeah, I agree that the design could be too fine for a small die. I'd prefer a chunky one myself. At least "Seasons"-size, if not bigger!
I like the reticule idea for "Aim"! I'd be concerned that the "Hop" and "Dig" were too similar to be easily discernable at table-distance, but I'm sure my design suffers the same limitation.
I guess I'm just ideologically tied to the idea of the faces having pyramids physically represented on them. Dubious reasoning, I know =P
Maybe you could make arrows that use pyramids for the points?
It's smart though, some of the moves can be a little unclear, if it could be clarified on the dice itself it would be cool.
In Arcade, Black Ice actually uses the graphical "Lightning" dice, funnily enough. Are you familiar with any other games that use the THoD? I'd be interested to see how else it's put to use.
I'll look into Timelock.
I am tempted...
For Treehouse, I like the visual reminder of which move can be done from which position. It's probably not a problem for players who are more familiar with the game, but extra help for newbies like me is always appreciated!
Search on wiki for "Treehouse die".
You're gonna be busy! ;)
Hi! Making it's official public debut,
please check out the rules, printable.pdf & tutorial video for
Solomids - a Pyramid Arcade bonus card game - at
and let me know what you think.
I hope you enjoy my game!
TY! to Micah Weberg
for the .pdf template!
Greetings Starship Captains!
In anticipation for the new wave of fan-made pyramid games, I have drafted up a nicer looking version of my 2 column rule sheets I recently started uploading to BGG (after sitting on them for far too long; so sorry!). The goal was to come up with something that:
(A) Looked nice and mimicked the style in the Pyramid Arcade rulebook
(B) Was relatively clean, compact, and easy to use (not many people could use the old, very nice IceSheets since it required software that could edit PDFs)
(C) Included rule writing / formatting tips for new game designers
You can download the first draft here: Draft_Pyramid_Rules_Arcade_Template.pdf
Please let me know what you think! Once I have gotten some feedback, I will produce .docx and .odt versions that should work in most word processors. I could use the most feedback on the actual rule writing advice bits since most of what I included I learned from reading other rulebooks and reformatting other Pyramid games.
[note: I made a similar post over on the Starship Captains Facebook group but figured I should also post here since some people might more active on one site or the other]
Nifty. Now I'm imagining some plain text LaTeX source files... :)
Ooo, once briefly experimented with LaTex for writing scientific papers but I never bothered to migrate over and learn all the tricks. Probably would not be to hard to format for the hardcore academics-turned-game-designers out there.
I made this game just about over 2 years ago. But I just found out an joined the forum recently.
"Cat, Rat, Flea!" works great with the new Pyramid Arcade coming out with it's three sets of trios in every colour.
It's a two-player chess-type. Everyone who's played my cardboard prototype have liked it. For t t you who already own pyramid collections, please playtest the rules I've posted!
Looks interesting.
Question: "the player who owns the bottom piece must quickly move that piece to an adjacent and preferably empty space."
Does that mean the adjacent space MUST be empty? Or that you must go to an empty space if possible, otherwise you can go to a non-empty space? If the space is non-empty, is the scurrying piece still laid down horizontally, or does it go on top of the piece(s) in the occupied space?
Typo: "When this happens the piece lays down in it's space" - should be "its".
Good question. The first part: yes, empty if possible.
The last part I wrote for that section is for the rare off chance no empty spaces are available. In most cases if the space is occupied, that piece will then have to in turn scurry or be eaten. Exception is if a Cat scurries on to a Flea, which will become trapped "underneath" even though the Cat will be lying down.
Thank you for pointing out the typo.
I'm just wondering if there's plans to eventually offer all of the new dice and boards in the online store (or retail)? While I'd love to just back Arcade, I've already spent >$130 on stashes over the years and I have every color in 5 trios (except the uber-rare electric yellow, root beer/trans brown, etc). [I backed for 2 trios of the Kickstarter green, of course!]
But I'd sure like to stuff all the new dice and the Petri Dish board into my kit (somehow! It's about stuffed full, with 13 tubes and stuff for scores of games!).
This kind of reaction really bums me out. I'm sorry the no-pyramids version is still so expensive, but I'd really like for fans like you to buy it. The reason it's so pricey is there's SO MUCH great stuff even without the pyramids! THIS BOX is the kit for you to "stuff all the parts" into. Yes, I know yoiu alreay have a WW5 board, but this one is so much bigger and nicer! Yes, I know you already have most of these rules, but these rule book I'm creating is so much better and more complete than any other book before it! And the Arcade cards! OMG they are useful! Even if we let you get the dice and Petri Dish board a la carte, you will be missing out on so much great stuff we are putting so much effort into making great! Dude, you were the one insisting we make Martain Coasters in all the colors -- the six new boards give you that option! The tray is SO much nicer to use that reloading those pesky tubes! (Of course, keep one for your game Moon Shot, but it's time to move into the future! Anyway, I hope you'll reconsider backing at the no pyramids level. We made it just for you!
Ah, man... I don't want to bum you out! :( I only asked because I see Ice Dice (v1) in the Online Store as I type.
But in my defense, here's what I've done to "build my own arcade" since, like, the mid-oughties:
So, literally, this is what the arcade adds for me:
And of those, only these are what I'd consider irreplaceable (or too fiddly to play with a substitute):
Again, totally sorry to be a bummer... but as someone who's pretty much bought anything with "Pyramids" on it... twice... the stuff in the Arcade that doubles-down (triples-down, even!) on what I already have is a sharp pill to swallow at $62.
I'll accept that you will only have this new stuff in the Arcane, though. And I won't even say it bums me out to hear it, if you do! ;)
Much love and respect for your goals;
[ Also, as another factor, I'm hoping to build and move into a tiny home very soon. One of many changes that will bring is that my rather-large board game collection will have to be broken down and compressed: All the beautiful boxes and plastic trays recycled; pieces parsed into logical or per-player sets in baggies; games stored in some kind of trays or flat-pack boxes (e.g., like the clipboard storage box holding everything that I listed above for pyramids... and then some). So a big part of getting the mid-less box set will be lost to me very soon: the box and storage tray. I know this is a rather-unique circumstance, but it's something I must keep in mind... while I plan to write a $50K+ check within a year! :) ]
Well, you can rationalize your decision however you wish. It's just disappointing to be working so hard to create a beautiful, cohesive package only to hear that long-time fans like you just want to cherry pick out the things you thing you need.
Thank you for your support.
The square Zark City deck is not a standard deck. It has 5 suits and 65 cards.
I feel your pain. I already have over 300 pyramids and boards and stuff, and I can play all the games with what I have cobbled together. But I think it's going to be worth it to get the new stuff and it can't hurt to have more of the old stuff.
I'm also hoping fFor some sort of a la carte option, but fFor slightly different reasons. The Arcade is spectacular, but I'm not entirely sure what the fFuture of The Arcade will be. Will it be in available in stores fFor a long time? Or will it be a bit more limited? I would like to be able to introduce new players to some of the games which require a petri dish, fFor example. We have been awaiting the petri dish fFor a long time, so I hope it will be available into the fFuture.
I apologize for posting this if it has already been answered(my search-fu is weak). Can anyone point me to a printable replacement for the Launch Pad 23 coaster? Mine(from the Icehouse bag) is worn nearly beyond recognition, and my son and daughter really dig the game.
There's an image here:
I've been digging around the wiki and am a little concerned about the quality of the site, and the possibility that it's not being maintained as well as it could be, especially in preparation of Pyramid Arcade hitting stores later this year.
I'd love to understand more of the history behind that site, and come up with way to breathe new life into it ready for new Pyramid Arcade owners, or if that's not a good use of my/anyone's time, breathe life into a replacement.
I would just love to help out there. I'm trying to reach out to Cerulean / Ryan Hackel to get regular access. I just friended him here on the fan club.
As a professional PHP web developer, there are a few issues with that could do with fixing. MediaWiki is out of date, there are lots of different kinds of errors. It's currently not a great experience to browse around. I have the skills to fix these things, and would love to help out.
As far as content on the wiki, I really want to start going through the playable games and marking them as playable with the components provided in Pyramid Arcade and other Looney Pyramids sets.
Failing being able to help out there, I am tempted to rescue good content from that and open a more modern Looney Pyramid community resource site. I'm even tempted to call it "Pyramid Buffet" to go along with the new box set.
If anyone has strong feelings about where to take and/or its content, I'd love to hear them.
Unfortunately the wiki has been in a sort of semi-orphan state for a couple years. E.g. I have an account there, and after logging in, I see error messages across the top of the screen:
Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: group name must start with a non-digit at offset 8 in /home/rabbits/ on line 592
Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: group name must start with a non-digit at offset 8 in /home/rabbits/ on line 592
Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: group name must start with a non-digit at offset 8 in /home/rabbits/ on line 592
Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: group name must start with a non-digit at offset 8 in /home/rabbits/ on line 592
Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: group name must start with a non-digit at offset 8 in /home/rabbits/ on line 592
I agree it would be great to get it actively maintained again, especially with Pyramid Arcade on the way.
The problem with the wiki has been a recurring topic with no clear solution, alas. E.g.: (wherein Ryan mentions that only Brian Campbell has full control over the wiki). In that thread, Ryan said:
During my last conversation with IceWiki admin Brian Campbell, he told me he was willing to turn the keys over to anyone qualified and attentive enough to fill his shoes.
So perhaps you can be that shoe-filler!
Excellent! Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this.
This is great!!! I wish you well in this endeavor.
I was just asking about this in a recent post, as I have updates to Armada (now Armada 2K) which I don't currently have a very good place to post.
Thank you.
BTW: I also see the same errors that Russ indicates when I log into the site.
This is great news! I reached out to do the same close to 2 years ago and was met with silence, but this sounds like progress to me. I'll throw my hat into the ring for cleaning up articles, playing games, general maintenance, whatever you need.
Quick Aside: WRT tagging games for Pyramid Arcade, we enabled Semantic MediaWiki some time ago and, IIRC, there are various pages that use queries to generate lists of games (I write "IIRC" because it's been years since I was actively developing the site and its templates and taxonomy).
In all honesty, I think an all-new wiki with VERY well-structured Categories and Semantics would be best at this point. We could port over games (using VERY clean and consistent templates and Infoboxes) as time permits, perhaps even porting into two 'bins' (major Categories): Finished versus In Development, and make the In Dev Category less obvious (and exclusive from any Semantically-generated pages/lists!). Folks who want to help playtest can find them, sure; but they are not as 'front and center' for new pyramid fans, hopefully avoiding giving bad impressions (e.g., I wouldn't want ANYONE to think Stacktors is Finished or even out of Alpha!).
[Here's hoping this time around something improves--this issue comes up about semi-annually....]
Brian replied to my emails, and has been friendly and apologetic, but hasn't been able to make time to allow me to help in the last two weeks.
Unless he helps me out this weekend by sending the database dump, I'm probably going to start rebuilding the wiki from scratch, as you suggest. It will suck to lose the edit history of the old site, but if this has been going on for over two years, something has to give.
I'm gonna get a modicum of content worked out, structure it well and then I might open it up to anyone who wants access. I want to theme it inspired by Pyramid Arcade's geometric artwork, making it still a MediaWiki installation, but a custom one.
I've written up a few notes about what the site should focus on, and what a game page should have on it to be considered 'well written' or 'feature' quality:
Basing it on mediawiki still means you or some successor will need to periodically maintain/upgrade the underlying mediawiki software, right? Especially if you're wanting to customize the mediawiki installation (that seems kind of a possible red flag for the future, if you later want to hand over the keys to a successor). So one possible alternative is to use some existing wiki hosting site which itself maintains the underlying wiki software, e.g.
(I mention this only in the spirit of brainstorming and consideration of the KISS principle, not because I think wikia per se is necessarily better or more suited than mediawiki.)
Good point. I don't know how powerful Wikia is, but I think the main point for this site existing is discovering new games you can play. I haven't had a deep good play with Wikia or Semantic MediaWiki yet, but KISS "Keeping It Simple, Silly" is definitely on my mind.
BTW I just noticed/remembered that Decktet has a nice looking wiki (which seems to be periodically updated, so it's not dead like the icehousewiki).
So perhaps wikidot is a good alternative. Looks less "commercial/spammy" than wikia. And perhaps there might even be some cross-pollination between Decktet and Looney pyramid fans?
Heh. According to their terms of service, they prohibit "pyramid schemes".
I'd really prefer to use a hosted service like Wikidot or Wikia, mainly because they would fight spam and keep the site up.
I've spent a few hours today playing with Wikidot (because of the reasons you said), and have found it a struggle to do basic things I know how to do in MediaWiki. The [[div]] syntax they have is really annoying, and especially because if it has textual content, it puts a <p> tag inside it whether you want it or not.
After trying Wikidot and being unsatisfied, I checked out Wikia. It's VASTLY better, and actually based on MediaWiki. Let's go with that.
So, without further ado...
I've got IceDice up as an exemplar.
First community wiki mission: Make pages for all 22 games of Pyramid Arcade!
I'll give anyone with an account here for more than two months any access they desire. Andy and Kristin Looney, this is for you guys!
. . .
Also, is having DNS issues this weekend, so that's no good. I don't know if we can rescue content from there. Here's hoping!
Well, we even have a game called Pyramid Scheme. :)
Thanks for working on this! It's been a long time since we've been able to move forward.
I did a lot of work with fixing dead links in the past (and finding games that had gone missing or offline). One of the things that I'd recommend going forward is to simply post the game rules on the wiki. We did a lot of linking, so as to not bother those who might not want their games shared on a community site. Several of those links are now dead (and someone will have to find the games again). Personally, I'd be for posting the rules of those games that are not for sale in some other form or where the designer hasn't specifically denied permission to print or distribute the rules. They can always then ask for us to remove the rules on demand. I can do what I can to help retrieve broken rules in the future.
Funny, the site is offline today, just when I was going to send over a few links to some game players. So, yes, fixing the wiki would be wonderful, indeed, as I've been linking to it to encourage a few friends to contribute to the kickstarter!
"Also, is having DNS issues this weekend, so that's no good. I don't know if we can rescue content from there. Here's hoping!"
Are you actually saying that we just lost
Yikes, that would be a huge tragedy for the community! Wow. In the middle of the Kickstarter and everything. There's so much irreplaceable data on there; the sooner we get that back, the better (even if it has to remain in its present form).
I didn't realize that you would have to start from scratch with the new wiki. It seems a daunting task in that sense.
I just realized that I already have an old account I'd forgotten about; I am goulo there. I think a single account maps across whatever wikis have given it access there (right?) so you can give me editing access, thanks!
It's working now. At least we have access to the archives again!
I have signed up (MyCakey) and started to add a couple pages, using the Icehouse wiki to work from.
I don't have loads of time to do much, but will aim to focus all my procrastination in this direction.
Now that we have movement with wiki, I'd rather focus the attention to that, when it's open to public editing again.
Which should be, with luck and time on our side, within seven days. No guarantees on the timeframe though.
We'll need a small team of wiki admins to help raise standards, that's for sure.
Thank you all for digging in and working on this! Although I do think it is important that this remain a fan run endeavor, please know that Looney Labs is happy to throw in a bit of financial support if this is ever needed... I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with!
I know that I am am WAY late for the 22 Other Games Discussion. But I wanted to throw out, that I am planning to post an updated rules-set for Armada (Armada 2K) to address the issues that people have had with the initial rules. Most of the solutions had already been included in the original as advanced/optional/alternate rules on the page, but I would rather have a posting that starts with the more enjoyable and balanced set of rules.
However, I have also noticed that the wiki hasn't had any activity for quite some time, and seems to be throwing some ugly errors on the pages. Are there any new standard places for posting games, or is that still the de-facto location?
(Thanks Daniel, & David for nominating Armada. And even Russ for pointing out the imbalances in the original base game.)
In a related topic... darn, I didn't get a chance to suggest IceSickle as one of the "22 others". :)
Attached is my current copy of the rules for Armada 2K. I do need to add a "Thanks" section in there, and probably tweak/fix some stuff.
A subtle change, but I think it does balance things very nicely! Nice work on this :)
People have just sort of been posting games here and there, some on their own websites. It kind of messed things up as far as having a central place and has probably been part of the reason that we haven't had community Ice Awards in the last few years.
Personally, I have minor updates to some of the games I designed that I haven't been able to post (nothing earth shattering there). There are a few new designers who have kept us up to date on things through this forum.
Hello Starship Captains,
Martian Chess rules can be found here. It is a neat strategy game that can be played by two or more players on an appropriate board. In this article, I'd like to talk about the possibility of a draw and how to avoid it.
Martian Chess' game end condition states:
"The game ends as soon as one quadrant is totally empty."
The question I'd like to ask first is this: will the game always end? If so, then there is no problem, but if not, I'd like to repair the rules.
Here is an example of a game that does not end (assuming optimal play).
Consider a 2-person endgame with 3 queens. One of the player is 1 point ahead of the other, but has 2 queens, while the other player has the third. Will this game end? If none of the queens can be captured, I believe the game will not end under optimal play. The reason is that the player who is behind, will not want to end the game, because he will lose. The player who is ahead can not end the game, because if they move one of their queens to the other quadrant, then the other player will also move one of his queens to the other quadrant. A queen can not be captured with best play (but this is not a totally trivial statement). So, after every two moves, the situation is basically unchanged and the player ahead still has two queens and the player behind still has one queen.
I came across this situation in one of my games and both of us realized that the game could go on forever. In other words, the game would never satisfy the game end condition. Who wins?
The player who is behind is dragging the game forever. Should that count to his advantage? The simple answer is 'no'. By dragging the game, no points are being made. So, ultimately, the score is unaffected by this play.
Note that the rules do not specify who wins in case of such a draw. At first we thought that if we both agree that the game will never end, then we can stop. HOWEVER, why would the losing player agree? You see, the rules do not specify that any player has to agree . . .
Therefore, I propose to change the following
GAME END CONDITION for Martian Chess:
- The game ends as soon as one of the quadrants is empty OR if after 25 moves (of all players) no piece was captured.
To accommodate for this, we also need to adjust the
WINNING CONDITION for Martian Chess:
- The player with the most points wins. In case of a tie: 1. if an empty quadrant resulted, then the player who moved last wins OR 2. if the game ended after 25 moves and no empty quadrant resulted, the player who captured the last piece wins.
Note. In effect, if 25 moves have been played and no empty quadrant resulted, then the last capture was the the last "move" that counted.
Note. I realize that the proposal for 25 moves is arbitrary, but a lower number like 10 seems too low. It is also loosely based on an analogy with chess, which has a 50-move rule and starts with 32 pieces. 2-player Martian Chess, there are 18 pieces, hence the number of moves by analogy should be (50/32).18 = 900/32 ~ 28. However, if future analysis shows that winnable endgames require more than 25 moves, I propose to allow these endgames to be played and not be cut off by the rules like in chess. Let anybody with such information present the endgames and how to proceed to win in more than 25 moves!
Note. Perhaps this strange situation will not happen that often in a game with more than 2 players, but we can still conceive of an endgame where everybody has two queens and prevents any of the other players to end the game. Whether this will happen likely or not, the adjusted rules now specify when the game ends.
Note. Even if the scores are equal before the game ends, an optimal strategy could be to drag the game. E.g., in an endgame where both players have two queens. In this case, none of the players will want the other player to end the game, because of the (original) winning condition.
Note. The 50-move rule in chess states that a game can be called a draw by either player as soon as 50 moves have been played without moving a pawn or a capture. It was at one time believed that no longer winnable endgames existed. But ongoing computer search showed much longer winnable endgames. In 2008 the record was 517 moves (assuming optimal play by both sides) to make a piece capture or exchange that achieves a simpler and more obviously winnable sub-endgame, for a particular position involving a queen and knight versus a rook, bishop, and knight. In 2009, this record was improved to 545 moves. (See Wikipedia.)
Please leave any remarks, thoughts or questions on this incorporation of a 25-move rule for Martian Chess.
FWIW I started a discussion about this a while back at BGG:
I play sometimes at SDG and this sort of endgame with few pieces comes up somewhat often indeed. But to my surprise there often seem to be sneaky ways that the person ahead on points manipulates the situation to nonetheless end the game, despite my attempts to keep drawing it out. Or else I am just a lame player (quite possible!) :)
I'm interested whether I (blue) simply bumbled, or whether wil (red) indeed successfully forced termination in games like this.
Either way, I agree that even if termination is force-able with 3 queens, nonetheless with casual players the game will draw out forever. I suppose it's a question of taste whether this is a problem, or whether it's fine for players to simply agree to a tie in that case!
Hi Russ,
This is really interesting. I replayed the whole game and initially thought that you made a blunder, and I backtracked the game to an earlier point. But I noticed that once you were more than 3 points behind, and the end game with 3 queens started, you were doomed. The reason is as follows.
In order to prevent a similar maneuver, you would have to prevent Wil from occupying either d5 or a5. But you can't, because he can place his queens in any column and on any field on his quadrant. Notice that you can't capture his queen, because you will lose (being behind more than 3 points). So, he will maneuver both his queens to d5 AND a5 (but this is not even necessary), and then put one of his queens in front of the other on your quadrant to force you to take one of his queens (or lose by being captured yourself). After that move, he has only one queen and can end the game and win.
However, as a result of this endgame, I noticed that there is a difference with my scenario. You were MORE than 3 points behind. In that case, the other player can simply attack (threaten to capture) any of your queens. Since you don't want to end the game, you will move out of the way.He is not interested in capturing the queen you have, but will have you capture his! (Sneakiest!)
But if you are 3 points or less behind, then this maneuver would not work. You would be able to win by capturing his queen. Because even if it is a tie, you win by moving last. This does not prove that another maneuver is not possible, though.
I looked at the endgame mentioned on BoardGameGeek. (Thanks for the link!) But I couldn't go over all the variations. It seems, however, that the situation can be extended indefinitely, as long as the player who is behind will always move in such a way as to either cover a4 or d4, or if not, then the other player can not move to both. I've tried a lot of variations, and I couldn't see how the stronger player could force the game to end. As a result, I thought it more interesting to share this challenge with other Starship Captains . . .
Hi all,
I recently invented a game I am calling Spice Smugglers. It is a 2 player strategy game with some Euro elements and a small amount of luck. Requires 3 trios, one of each rainbow color. I am interested in having some play-testers have a go with it and let me know what works, what doesn't, and what is unclear in the rules as I have written them.
Have fun!
The game sounds pretty good.
The rules jump between "Clippers" and "Cutters" a lot, but they are the same unit. You mention that the Clippers/Cutters have 2 cannons and can take 2 hits, but you also need to mention that Galleons have 3 cannons and can take 3? hits.
Without playing the game, I was thinking you could possibly use the coloured IceDice dice for combat in place of regular dice. Rolling the opponents colour would be a hit, while rolling a wild could be a crit and count as either 2 hits, or 1 hit and you get to roll an additional dice. This would allow a Clipper/Cutter to potentially KO a Galleon one on one without retaliation (at the expense of a lower hit chance).
Thanks for the feedback! Good catch with the clipper/cutter thing. I'll go change it so that it's consistent throughout.
And thanks for the idea about the dice rolling. I like your idea! I'll try it out next time I play with my wife and see how it feels. The only downside I see to that idea is that there's really only a 1/3 of getting either a hit or a critical. That may lead to some boring battles with many misses. But it could up the tension, and I do like the idea of a cutter being able to take on a galleon. Without that rule, it pretty much forces a player to bring in two cutters if they're hoping to tackle a galleon. That ups the strategy a bit.
Anyway, thanks again for the feedback! I'll tweak the rules accordingly. If you get a chance to actually try the game out, let me know how it goes!
Currently, if a Galleon attacked a Cutter, the result is pretty much a foregone conclusion as it will always get two attacks. There could be the potential to add a withdrawal chance. In this case, if you survived the first barrage you might attempt to withdrawal to a neighbouring spot inplace of returning fire. Instead of rolling for hits, you are rolling for a chance to flee. You could even go further and say that when withdrawing, if you are carring goods you get one less dice to roll. The problem with this option is where can you withdraw to that is fair? (maybe the attacking player could choose where you have to withdraw to)
Even with the lower hit chance, I think 2 hits for a crit could actually be overpowered. The crit being worth a hit and another dice roll isn't as strong, but it means that there is always a chance of pulling off a miracle. The odds of getting a hit would be lower, but with an extra roll for crits it also means there is unlimited potential damage. Imagine your opponent has a Cutter and a Galleon together and is about to bank the goods for the victory. You can only get a Cutter to the action before he caps, but with extra rolls you could potentially wipe out his fleet. It is unlikely to happen, but at least you can have that last roll of the dice. If the impossible happens it will create pretty memorable game too.
I will try to convince my wife to try it. I think I will have a better chance with this than most pyramid games as it isn't so abstract.
I did have one instance in my own playtest where a clipper (calling them this from now on) was able to sink a galleon, even with the extremely low odds of the 50/50 chance (the galleon kept missing repeatedly), but it's extremely unlikely and pretty much forces a player to try to always keep an extra clipper around as a "bodyguard" if they think one of their spice-carrying ships is going to get attacked on the next turn.
I did want the galleons to be noticeably more powerful than the clippers in term of firepower and spice-carrying ability, especially since they are so slow, and each player only has one. It can take many moves to get your galleon where you want it to be, and to have it be sunk by a solitary clipper may be frustrating. That said, I do like the idea of there at least being SOME wild chance of it happening. Your idea of just rolling an extra dice as a "critical hit" does seem to be the most balanced for this, as it provides the potential to KO a galleon, but the odds are very small. Do you think the "critical extra shot" would stack? For instance, say you rolled a wild, and then on your extra roll, you immediately rolled a wild again, could the clipper keep firing indefinitely if the rolls were lucky enough? This also seems potentially overpowered...
If you do get the chance to try it, feel free to either try it with the original combat rules, or with your own ideas (or both!) and let me know how it goes and which you prefer. I'll also try play testing with your suggested combat rules and see how it feels.
Oh, and regarding the withdrawal idea. I like it, but it does seem potentially problematic, since there may be times where withdrawing will always be beneficial, regardless of where the opponent sends you. Still, I guess that could be part of the strategy: position yourself where you know that you can withdraw anywhere and still be closer to your goal, thus lowering the likelihood that your opponent will want to attack you there.
It has a lot of potential. I'll also try play testing this rule and see how it works. Thanks again for the thoughtful and creative feedback!
Hi, Daniel:
I tried this over the weekend - well thought out game. Quick question - when you redeem a worker, does the worker 'leave' the island and go back in to your pool whether gathering spice or selling it? I assumed that was what was meant, and how we played it, but wanted to be sure. I will provide some more feedback after we get a couple of games in, as we only played once, but I liked what I tried. :)
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for trying the game out! You are indeed correct. Redeemed workers immediately go back into your worker pool. I will tweak the rules to make that more clear.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Let me know if anything else jumps out at you after a couple more games, or if there's anything about the rules you don't care for.
Just so everyone's aware, I tweaked the combat system just a little bit. Previously, I had state a rule that clippers are always sunk first in combat involving more than one ship on each side. The new rule, however, is that the attacker may choose which ship is hit, each time a successful hit is made. This way, the attacker could potentially focus all fire on the opponent's galleon instead of the clippers automatically absorbing hits first.
I think that's a great idea - makes a lot of sense. Hopefully I'll get to try it out this evening with my sons. Cheers!
I tried it with my suggested changes with mixed results. I think using the IceDice might slow the game down too much as it takes a while for your mind to register the other players colour as a hit. I also only had 3 dice when more would be preferred. After a couple of tries, I ended up grabbing a stack of defense dice from Arcadia Quest which have 4 blank faces, a crit and a shield which I was using as a standard hit. This worked really well, but the combat might be too random. I attacked my wife once with one Clipper vs 3 of her ships. Rolling 7 dice at a time she actually rolled all blanks twice in a row which was pretty amazing. I ended up winning the game 25 coins to 0, but she still said she liked the game.
I am still not 100% about how combat works. I was playing that if I roll 1 hit this attack, that hit carries across to my next roll. Once I have enough cumulative hits to take out a ship, I destroy it (and steal or discard any goods).
Thanks for the feedback on the alternative combat method! I was hoping to make the game more accessible, so that's why I decided to go with regular d6 dice and allow there to be a 50/50 chance of a hit.
You're correct about combat. Any hits you accumulate from one "salvo" will carry over to the next. So, say you have a clipper fighting another clipper, and in your first salvo (in which you would roll two dice) you score one hit and cause one damage to your opponent. Your opponent's clipper now has only 1 "hit point" remaining, but it is alive, so it can still fire back with both cannons. But your opponent misses both shots. You roll again, and again score one hit. This hit, combined with the hit from your first roll, is enough to sink your opponent, and you can then steal or discard any goods.
Make sense? Any suggestions to how I could make this clearer in the rules? Thanks again for the feedback.
I enjoyed this. The balance of actions is impressive. It's particularly interesting that combat heavily favors the attacker, but isn't always worth its cost in actions. It was also fun to imagine a worker stranded on a dock after its clipper was attacked, to be redeemed by the galleon later.
I had to keep reminding myself that redeeming a worker didn't use up an action, though, and wasn't quite clear on whether that had to be done before taking any other actions. A board would also be nice, to make it clearer where ships could move, but isn't essential.
Thanks for the feedback, Eric!
According to the rules, a worker wouldn't be able to be stranded on an island if all of your own ships there are destroyed. If you move your own ships away from the island or they get destroyed while your worker is still on the island, the worker is immediately moved back to your worker supply. Was this somewhat unclear in the rules? Do you think it would be more fun and/or interesting to have workers be stranded if ships are destroyed? The reason I made the rule that they are removed immediately is because that increases the incentive for someone to attack if their opponent has a worker on an island they want access to. If workers remained on islands after ships are destroyed, it would be easy to block off a desired island with a worker and just leave it there indefinitely.
I figured the "free" action rule for redeeming workers may cause some confusion. The rules as I wrote them state that a worker can be redeemed at any point during a turn, so you can choose whether to do this before or after other actions. Do you think it would make more sense to have redeeming a worker also cost an action? I will try to play test this and see how it functions. It may be necessary to increase the turn limit to 4 actions then, although that could break the balance of other actions. Hmm... I'll give it some more thought, but do let me know what you think would work best!
I agree that a board would be helpful! Perhaps I will try working on a print and play board to go with this, and see how that goes.
Thanks again for the feedback and for giving the game a shot.
Just a heads up to everyone: I added a new layout diagram to the rules that should be clearer. You could theoretically also use this layout as a PnP board, although I haven't tried it myself yet so I'm not sure if the dimensions are correct for playing with. Let me know if anyone gets a chance to try it out!
In this elegant strategy game, the original rules (see here) were an adaptation of Martian Go, and the difference was the scoring rules; they were changed to prevent draws. I've been trying to understand if the current rules are fair or not. I found they aren't and propose in this post a different scoring rule which makes the game fair.
Let's state the counting rule.
Since player A has to pay b tokens, and player B gets a tokens, the score difference between B and A, written B-A, will afterwards be B+a - (A-b) = (B-A) + (a+b), i.e, the difference will increase by the sum of the pips of the pyramids involved. Please verify.
Now look at the following rule (it's similar):
So, what happens to the score difference B-A? It becomes (B+b) - (A-a) = (B-A) + (a+b). So, the result is identical to the other rule. This means that for a 2-player game, both rules are identical for determining the score difference.
However, in games with more than 2 players, the rules do not yield identical results. It brings up the question what is fair in the first place. I will now give a simple scenario which shows that rule (*) is unfair in a 3-player game and rule (**) is fair.
So, let's say that (a*,b,c) means that player A has a pyramid of a pips, B has a pyramid of b pips, and C has pyramid of c pips. Furthermore, the * means that the mentioned pyramids of player B and C are pointed at player A's. We denote the score that comes from this situation by [p, q, r] with p the score of player A, q the score of B and r the score of C. If the star [*] appears at the second number, it's B's pyramid that is pointed to by the others, and if it occurs with the third, then it's C's pyramid that is pointed to.
So, (a*,b,c) gives a score [b+c, -a, -a] with rule (*), and [a, -b, -c] with rule (**), etc.
Individual scores can be added, as they refer to situations on different squares on the board. Look at the end of the following imaginary game where the shown combination of three situations are present:
(1*,1,3), (1,1*,3), (2,2,1*)
According to (*) we get the score
[4,-1,-1]+[-1,4,-1]+[-1,-1,4] = [2,2,2].
I find this unfair. If we look carefully at the situation, we see that all players have a similar situation, a 1-pip is pointed to by two other pyramids of the opponents. Clearly, player C is doing worse than the other two players, because he uses twice a 3-pip to branch off an opponent's 1-pip, while players A and B use a 1-pip and a 2-pip respectively. Also note that if we would discard player A and the first situation, then player B would have won from player C, and if we discard player B and the second situation, then player A would have won of player C.
With the rule (**) we get the score
[2,-1,-3]+[-1,2,-3]+[-2,-2,2] = [-1,-1,-4]
Note that you get a bonus for every (two here) pyramid pointing at yours! Now it's clear how much player C is worse, because he used his 3-pips, squandering 6 points, against the other players only 3-pips; the fact that they point to a 1-pip doesn't matter, since it's equal for all. It makes sense (and is fair) that player C is now 3 points behind the others.
More complicated situations can be thought of--some where the worst player even wins by rule (*)--but I believe that the basic idea stays the same, showing that rule (*) is unfair in a game with more than 2 players, and rule (**) is fair.
So, I would vote to change the official rules to make Branches and Twigs and Thorns a fair game for more than 2 players. Hope this is in time for Pyramid Arcade . . .
Clearly, player C is doing worse than the other two players, because he uses twice a 3-pip to branch off an opponent's 1-pip, while players A and B use a 1-pip and a 2-pip respectively.
I've not studied the argument in great detail, so I may be missing some subtlety, but it seems like you are basing it off of your personal idea of what "fairness" and "doing worse" should be, instead of what they actually are in terms of the rules as written, and the strategic/tactical implications of the rules as written.
It seems perhaps analogous to someone wanting to change the rules of Chess so that a player who is checkmated does not in fact lose if he actually has more material still on the board, because the player with less material "is doing worse", so it's not "fair" that the player with less material would win. Just as a Chess player may cleverly sacrifice material (which might seem "worse" to do - surely it's bad to lose material!) if it wins the game by the actual victory conditions, similarly a Branches player may cleverly place their 3-pippers (which might seem "worse" to do - surely it's bad to place your 3-pippers pointing at another player's pyramid!) if it wins the game by the actual victory conditions.
I.e., is player C really "doing worse"? Or is player C simply playing well and exploiting the rules as they are, and their scoring implications?
Or so it seems to me as my initial reaction, though I'm willing to be convinced otherwise. :)
Either way, I cannot imagine arbitrarily changing the rules of the game based on such a seemingly subjective argument about "fairness" without at least confirming with the game's author (Andrew Plotkin) to get his agreement and blessing to change the rules.
Ahoy Starship Captains!
In this follow-up I will correct a mistake I made in the previous post, share an amazing discovery, report back from Andrew Plotking (the inventor of the game), and give a different fair rule that I now believe is the true fair rule.
To my amazement, I discovered today that there are an infinite number of rules that are identical for 2-player games, but diverge for multiplayer games! That's a surprise to me and a stepping stone that allowed me to find the correct fair rule that I tried to find.
But first, I'd like to correct rule (**) in the original post. I made a copying error. I apologize for the confusion. So, let's correct it immediately and then move on to my discoveries.
Of course, I meant the following.
Notice that I just forgot to change values a into b and vice versa, when I copied it from rule (*). Once more, I apologize. This is not Facebook, so I can't change the original post. But this is the next best.
And indeed, I contacted Andrew Plotkin, who responded promptly. His answer to get involved in this discussion was the following (he is OK with me quoting him):
"However, it's been so many years since I've looked at it that I'm really no more of an expert than anybody else. I don't expect to touch the web page ever again. So decide whatever you want! I leave it up to you."
That leaves it up to us, then. So, let's go on with an open mind.
Well, I intend to figure out what is going on with this intriguing and fun game! I love a challenge. And as I said, I found an infinite number of rules that coincide for the 2-player variant.
Those rules are as follows. Take a parameter 0 <= t <= 1, and consider the following rule for this t.
What happens to B - A? Well, it becomes [B + (t.a + (1 - t).b)] - [A - (t.b + (1 - t).a)] = (B - A) + (b + a). Please, check this. Again, the result is identical as before: B - A + (a + b)! Fascinating, isn't it?
So, for any t, these rules coincide for a 2-player game! This gives a bit of a different idea of "arbitrariness", wouldn't you say?
Well, what does this tell us? It tells us that the 2-player variant is in fact a special case, even a degenerate case. That means that any of these infinite counting rules for a 2-player game are naturally fair. But if we want the rules to be fair for a multi-player game, we have to find out what t to use. Note that (*) is the rule where t = 1 and (**) is the rule where t = 0. I had honestly no clue about that yesterday! Note that t does not in fact have to be anywhere between 0 and 1 (it can also be negative or bigger than 1), but as it happens, these seem to be the natural boundaries. At once we can spot that t = 1/2 would also be a nice choice for t; it seems to balance the two "extreme" rules (*) and (**) out. So, let's look at it closer.
What does the rule with t = 1/2 actually mean? It means that player A pays half of the sum value of the involved pyramids to B. But as it stands, if the rule would be to consistently pay double that, it is even easier to grasp. Now we can see that there is really no use for the pot, other than to provide enough tokens across the board: all the exchanges of tokens go from the one that pays the penalty to the one that receives the bonus. So, a small says: it's cheap to dock (branch), but you have to add a penalty for the size of your ship. A large says: It's expensive to dock (branch), but you also need to add a penalty for the size of your ship. In effect, branching off from a large with a small is as "expensive" as branching off from a small with a large. i think that is fair. Notice that rules (*) and (**) aren't so symmetrical! And that was so puzzling at first, since rules (*) and (**) are quite natural.
So, let's look at a different situation again that bothered me today, because it showed that my new rule (**) was faulty as well.
(1*,-,(3,3)), (-,1*,(3,3)), (3,3,1*), (3,3,1*).
So, player C branches off with four larges, once with two larges from a small of player A and once with two larges from a small of player B. Also, players A and B branch off from a small of C, both with two larges. Note that player C squanders 4 larges and the other players squander 2 larges, a total of 4 to player C. This ought to balance out. Also, player C squanders them to different players, while he gets the four all for himself. Should player C win? I don't think so. He squanders more than the other players (double the amount) against the same smalls. Perhaps he should play even?
Rule (*) gives the score [6,0,-2] + [0,6,-2] + [-1,-1,6] + [-1,-1,6] = [4,4,8], C wins.
Rule (**) gives the score [2,0,-6] + [0,2,-6] + [-3,-3,2] + [-3,-3,2] = [-4,-4,-8], C loses.
The result of (**) does not feel like fair to me in this situation, and it proved to me that rule (**) is not better than rule (*). It's as far from a tie as (*), just in the opposite direction!
So, what does rule (1/2) do? It gives [4,0,-4] + [0,4,-4] + [-2,-2,4] + [-2,-2,4] = [0,0,0]! Ah! I can live with this, can you?
Note. Multiplying all scores by 2 wouldn't affect who will win! But it prevents half tokens . . . And it's a natural rule that the player being penalized should pay the sum of the values of the pyramids to the player being rewarded. We call this rule (1/2)'.
Perhaps you think it is bad to change my mind so quickly? Not at all, it's a sign of flexibility! As I have been trying to understand what is going on with the scoring rule in this game, I have discovered quite a surprising property of the 2-player game, didn't I? To preserve fairness for multi-player game I am now practically convinced that rule (1/2)--or its cousin (1/2)'--is best.
If we go back to the example I gave in my previous post, let's see what rule (1/2)' does in that case.
So, starting with
(1*,1,3), (1,1*,3), (2,2,1*),
the score with (1/2)' will be
[6,-2,-4] + [-2,6,-4] + [-3,-3,6] = [1,1,-2],
so C loses, just as (**) predicted. Since the result that C loses is the same, it explains why I was so charmed by rule (**). Nevertheless, note that C loses differently in both cases.
With (**) all players are in debt and that is a bit strange, because player A for instance has a total of 4 pips pointing at his 1 by two ships and only points with one medium 2 to a 2 (if it had been two smalls it would have been different). So, player A should have a positive score. And the same for player B. Even though player C loses, it kept bothering me that the result wasn't totally intuitive after yesterday. Now I know why. It wasn't fair either!
Now, with rule (1/2)', we see that player C payed a net of 1 to player A and also 1 to player B. It seems fair. A property of rule (1/2) is that the sum of all penalties (counting negative) and bonuses (counting positive) is zero! So, whoever loses has a negative score, and the winner has the highest positive score.
Conclusion. Rule (1/2) or (1/2)' is the preferred scoring for multiplayer games of Branches and Twigs and Thorns!
I hope I showed that the scoring rule of this game is an intriguing little puzzle and that I solved it satisfactorily. Thanks for reading.
Your thoughts are welcome.
Hello Starship Captains, here is a short update about the 3-player version of the game.
I am playing sample games in a 3-player version to get a feeling for how the game develops under normal circumstances and how the rules fare (pun intended). I need these real games to prove that our exercise with these counting rules actually make a difference at least in some games.
I played 10 games in all now, each taking about 10 minutes or so and about 10 minutes more to register the scores and do the calculations. In 9 of them ALL rules agree. This was somewhat of a surprise. Perhaps that explains why nobody found any problem with the rules before?
However, today I played one game in which rule (**) was found unfair and rule (1/2) agreed with rule (*)! Another indicator that my previous rule (**) is not fair. When I have played some more games and get a better feeling for the strategy of the players, I will be able to tweak the games and find an example where rules (*) and (**) do not agree, yet rule (1/2) agrees with rule (**), showing that rule (*) is not fair either.
Once I have found that game, I will post pictures of both "problem" cases, show the involved calculations, so you can see why rule (1/2) is in fact the only fair rule.
I find it exciting times for this "antique" game from 2002!
Ahoy Starship Captains,
in this update about Branches and Twigs and Thorns, I will clarify the fairness of the rule (1/2) a bit more. If you've been studying my notes, you will have noticed that the third player was actually not involved in any comparison. I realized that I just as well might do that and consider the relative score differences that occur for all the mentioned rules. In that way, you can easily see what the effect of each rule is on the third player. Further in this post, I will go over some general considerations for fairness and give more examples that show that rule (1/2) is really the rule to consider.
The first idea I want to illustrate is that when a player branches off of another player, then this event is independent of any other branching event that may already have happened or will later happen in the game. In other words, all branches can be studied independently. Another way of saying it is that the order in which they happen does not matter for the score.
So, let's assume that a ship of size a of player A points to a ship of size b of player B. In our previous notation we wrote (a,b*) or in a 3-player game (a,b*,-). Note that with our previous notation in 3-player game (a,b*,c) = (a,b*,-) + (-,b*,c), so we can study any 3-player situation as the sum of two 2-player situations.
So, we can ask: how do the score differences change with any such situation (a,b*,-)? We have to consider the new differences B'-A', C'-A' and C'-B' in relation to the old ones B-A, C-A and C-B. Note that this time I have included player C in the calculation of the differences. It seems too obvious to overlook, but we are learning . . .
Rule (*):
B'-A' = B+a - (A-b) = B-A + (a+b). We knew this already, but I include it for completeness.
C'-A' = C - (A-b) = C-A + b
C'-B' = C - (B+a) = C-B - a
Rule (**):
B'-A' = B+b - (A-a) = B-A + (a+b). We knew this already, but I include it for completeness.
C'-A' = C - (A-a) = C-A + a
C'-B' = C - (B+b) = C-B - b
Rule (1/2):
B'-A' = B+(b+a)/2 - (A-(a+b)/2) = B-A + (a+b). We knew this already, but I include it for completeness.
C'-A' = C - (A-(a+b)/2) = C-A + (a+b)/2
C'-B' = C - (B+(a+b)/2) = C-B - (a+b)/2
General Note. Please verify that the score for a fourth player D will behave just like the score for player C and the difference D'-C' is not affected whatsoever. So, every player not involved in a branching will stay at the same level as before relative to each other, no matter what rule is used. That is why we only need to understand the dynamics in a 3-person game.
Rules (*) and (**). A player not involved in the branching will gain an advantage over the player that pays a penalty and a disadvantage relative to the one that receives a bonus, but the amounts seem to be arbitrary. With rule (*) the advantage gained equals the size of the pyramid of the player paying the penalty. With rule (**) the advantage gained equals the size of the pyramid of the player receiving the bonus.
Rule (1/2). A player not involved in the branching will gain an advantage over the player that pays a penalty and a disadvantage relative to the one that received a bonus, with an amount equal to half of the sum of the pyramids involved.
To show that rules (*) or (**) are really unfair, I will make it more explicit that the differences C'-A' and C'-B' should at least not depend on only one of the involved pyramids.
For instance, I would like the rules to obey the following fairness principle:
This is because everybody gains from one player and loses to another the equal amount of points. Let's compute the scores for the sum of these situations.
Rule (*): [-b,a,0] + [0,-b,a] + [a,0,-b] = [a-b,a-b,a-b]. Note that if a<b, then everybody loses b-a points; if a>b, then everybody gains a-b points; if a=b then nobody gains or loses.
Rule (**): [-a,b,0] + [0,-a,b] + [b,0,-a] = [b-a,b-a,b-a]. Note that if a<b, then everybody gains b-a; if a>b, then everybody loses a-b points; if a=b, then nobody gains or loses.
Rule (1/2): [-(a+b)/2,(a+b)/2,0] + [0,-(a+b)/2,(a+b)/2,0] + [(a+b)/2,0,-(a+b)/2] = [0,0,0]. Note that nobody gains or loses, and this result is independent of the values of a and b. This is what we want for a fair rule.
We can ask the question if the effect of rules (*) or (**) might be desirable. To answer this, consider the fourth player: they will either gain or lose an advantage, depending on whether a<b, or b<a (with whatever rule (*) or (**) is played). It seems arbitrary how this goes down and hardly fair. Either the fourth player (not involved in the branching) wins an unfair advantage over the other players, or the other players win an unfair advantage over the fourth player. I believe that the score should be 0, as with rule (1/2), so that a fourth player does not lose or gain from this interaction between the other players.
I would also like the rules to obey the following fairness principle:
Note. The only difference between (F2) and (F1) is that (a,b*,-) has been replaced by (b,a*,-)!
Again this should be fair, because everybody gains from one player and loses to another the equal amount of points. However, an easier way of saying this is that (a,b*,-) should have the same impact on everybody's score as (b,a*,-); e.g., branching off with a pawn from a queen is equally bad as branching off with a queen from a pawn. (Note that this IS how a 2-player game is scored after all.)
Another way of formulating (F2) would be:
Let's see what happens:
Rule (*). [s1] = [-b,a,0] + [a,-b,0] = [a-b,a-b,0], while [s2] = [-b,a,0] + [b,-a,0] = [0,0,0]. Note that in the first case, in fact where the situation between player A and B is truly symmetrical, player C is either a beneficiary of the situation if a<b, or duped if b<a. This seems hardly desirable. Perhaps we could live with the idea that if player A and B branch off of each other, then player C should ALWAYS have an advantage or ALWAYS have a disadvantage; it shouldn't depend on what particular pyramids are used which of the two it is going to be, should it?
Rule (**). [s1] = [-a,b,0] + [b,-a,0] = [b-a,b-a,0], while [s2] = [-a,b,0] + [a,-b,0] = [0,0,0]. Again we see a similar asymmetry occur as with rule (*).
Rule (1/2). [s1] = [-(a+b)/2,(a+b)/2,0] + [(a+b)/2,-(a+b)/2,0] = [0,0,0], while
[s2] = [-(a+b)/2,(a+b)/2,0] + [(a+b)/2,-(a+b)/2,0] = [0,0,0]. Now the situations cancel out as desired.
Note. Since in the case of rule (1/2) the score equals 0 for all involved players, this means that it doesn't have any unfair effect, neither for the involved players, neither for the other players. This seems to be desirable for a fair rule.
This concludes my current investigation. I will try and play appropriate games which demonstrate these principles and then post pictures of the game end. I played about six 2-player games and am gaining experience with the strategy. The game is totally intriguing. We discovered that being the first to branch off of your opponent may be advantageous! I remember (only a few weeks ago) that it seemed that one had to postpone it the longest, but it isn't so . . .
Any observations, remarks or questions about this post are welcome.
I ordered the ELBS recently, and they arrived a bit late due to the blizzard.
But, they aren't black-the edges are, but there is a brown material covering the flat sides. Does that peel off? I can't seem to get it off, though I don't have fingernails to make a better attempt with.
IIRC, yes, that's a protective film. Try to soak them off in warm water...? I suspect they aren't even really 'adhered' but are that type of plastic that sticks with... magic... static... vacuum...?
Anyway, try something that will break their seal to the smooth plastic. Heck, you might be able to blow them off, if you can get a leading edge started.
Sorry I can't help more;
Hi Dave,
Yes, you have to peel off the paper on either side. It's a little tricky but after you've done a few you get the hang of it.
I suggest the careful use of a razor blade. Carefully pick at the edges until you can get a fFinger nail under the paper.
Thanks for the info, folks. I rubbed one ELBS against another, and that did the trick.
Many people know about the (Martian) Chess Boards designed by Elliot C. Evans, see They are perfect for Martian Chess, but I found them wanting for games where the pyramids need to lie down, such as Pikemen or Branches and Twigs and Thorns: a 3-pip pyramid (a large) can't comfortably lie on its side within every "square" or in every direction.
So, I designed my own boards that I want to share with you. In addition to playing Martian Chess, you can now play all the other pyramid games--that require a chess board--with 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 players (if the rules allow for it).
The boards are all diamond shaped and they come in three different patterns--that does not matter for the amount of cutting or laminating. You need two copies of each (six in total) to make all the different multiplayer boards (see attachments for boards and examples).
Some possible arrangements are sub-optimal as they do not preserve at least one diagonal along the edges. You might get puzzled without some examples, so take a look. To be honest, I suffered from bewilderment myself for a while. Preparing this post, I took pictures yesterday of all the boards, but I was shocked to notice that one example was not correct! I thought I had overlooked something that turned my design useless! I was relieved to find that I had only been impatient . . . Hence the examples to spare you the unjustified disappointment.
Technical Info.
The reason my boards work so well is that most 2x2 squares of neighboring cells use but two colors (distributed nicely over the diagonals), so you could call them "correct". Each of my boards has 6 "correct" 2x2 squares, while Evans' boards have only 4 "correct" 2x2 squares. In addition, my boards can be arranged to preserve this property along edges for one (in the case of 3-player board) or even two 2x2 squares (in the case of a 6-player board); in any case, all other 2x2 squares have at least one diagonal of the same color. Also, adjacent cells with identical colors can always be avoided! (Evans' boards always have some adjacent cells with the same color across edges and do not preserve any diagonal across edges--except for 2- and 4-player configurations.)
In the attachments, I provide examples of multi-player arrangements for 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-player boards. There are a few other arrangements possible, but I leave that for you to figure out.
Have fun!
Let me know your observations, remarks or questions. Thank you.
Neat idea!
very cool - can you post a picture of them?
Sure, Kristin, I was still learning about the interface.
So, here are the pictures. They are small versions of the boards in
Below are some pictures of the boards in Boards (no multiplayer configurations yet, but I assure you it's possible!). Again, you will need two copies of each to make all multi-player options!
[Technical info. I designed these today (Jan 25, 2016) after playing with some other options. These boards are also released under the cc-by-nc 4.0 creative common license (see for more details).]
I added a photo album with comments explaining how to form each board and the number of solutions.
Have fun!
Impressive, good job. Thank you fFor all the demonstrative pictures, as well. Very nice.
I will post this many other places soon... but let me drop this link here first:
please join us over on FaceBook for discussions of the upcoming Pyramid Arcade Kickstarter!
I hope any important news continues to be posted here. (Not everyone uses Facebook.) :)
Studying the rules of Zark City (, I noticed that the terminology of Zark City includes "adjacent" and "diagonally connected", but it got me confused in relation to some of the actions.
Is it allowed, with turn option "Move", to move a piece to a diagonally connected card?
The description of the action says that you need to move your piece to an adjacent card. So, I would say no. However, the reason I ask is because it says under the "Fly" action: "Note that a diagonal connection IS adequate to prevent isolation." as if this follows from the fact that pieces can still be moved to diagonally connected cards. If no pieces can move diagonally, I don't see how it follows that they are still "connected", or what "connected" means in any other way. It seems to be possible that pieces can become isolated, and that that was precisely what the rules tried to prevent?
The same question comes back with the "Convert/Demolish" action, which also relates to adjacent cards (and so possibly those diagonally connected cards).
Any thoughts on this?
Thanks for your help.
You can only move to adjacent cards. Diagonally connected cards are not adjacent. Don't overthink it.
Thank you Jeff,
Yes, this was my first impression also, and I accept it. Thank you for confirming this.
However, what about the digital connection rule? How is it that two cards that lie diagonally are "connected" in any way (other than geometrically)? Perhaps that is just a way to keep track of how the board is forming?
The original rules for Zark City did not have the "Fly" action and did not have the concept of "diagonally connected". The two go together. Without Fly, you can't have a card that's diagonally connected without being adjacent somewhere. I don't remember Andy ever saying why he allowed cards to be diagonally connected but not adjacent after Fly. So anything else I might say would just be speculation.
Thanks again for sharing a piece of information. I just now studied version 1 and version 2, and indeed it seems that only the Fly action and the diagonally placed cards have changed.
In order to understand why V2.0 is the preferred version, I need to understand why it exists at all. What failed in V1.0? Note that in V1.0 cards would always stay adjacent, so that movement across the board is always possible. If the board like in V2.0 can be "connected" but not adjacent, that means that in order to move your pieces to the part that is not reachable by moving to adjacent cards, you will need to use "Fly" at a different moment. OK, that solves the problem of being disconnected (not adjacent).
I'm studying the rules and I like what I imagine the game to be. It seems a lot of fun. I don't understand yet why Fly was introduced and how it "improves" the game. V1.0 and V2.0 look pretty much the same to me from a conceptual standpoint. But let's see. Here's an attempt to reach understanding of this.
Fly doesn't only allow you to move your own pieces, it also gives the option to move other players' pieces. If they get disconnected from their pieces at strategic times, it may make it harder for them to reach their goal. So, my conjecture is that in the gameplay of V1.0 it was too easy to win. That is, basically, because the one that is better and moves first, will win. In V2.0 it will be more difficult to win, so that it will take more planning and strategy to win. As a result, the "diagonal connection" is a way for the board to stay "relatively small" and not more than one card is needed to get all cards adjacent again. In theory, one could allow cards to go *anywhere* (if all possible positions were marked), but then the cards would probably fly off the table after a while! :-)
Just my five cents. (I'm pretty much satisfied with my explanation and the level of understanding here.)
If Andy ever reads this, I wonder if he agrees . . .
If a card becomes semi-disconnected because it's not adjacent, you can re-establish adjacency by Building a new card. You don't need to Fly.
If you're looking here at Version 1 and Version 2:
go here for an even more recent version of the rules:
The primary difference is that Aces can also be used to attack, so you aren't stuck with them if you don't want to Fly.
I haven't played Zark City a lot, and not at all recently, so I'm not exactly an expert on Zark City strategy. But I think you're underestimating the offensive uses of Fly. If I have a three of clubs in my hand, do I place it next to the four of clubs or the three of hearts? If I place it next to the four and then draw the three of diamonds, all need not be lost. I can build my Power Block in two pieces and then use Fly to bring them together (if I can draw an Ace, of course). You can no longer necessarily ignore a partial Power Block just because the other cards are on the board somewhere else.
That's a great response, Jeff.
Thanks for the references to the different rule sets (I am sure I have confused them at times). Versions 2 are only different in wording, I suppose.
Other differences between V1.0 and V2.0 are:
All in all this makes the game more active (and fun), I suppose.
I agree with your insights and it totally resolves my questions.
Hi! I've got a doubt in those games: rules says that you don't have to spend all your movement if you don't want, but do you have to make a move if you don't want to?
I mean if I got my pyramids in a better position than if I made a movement, can I reject all my movements points and do nothing?
I want to become a good Starship Captain ^_^
You do not have to make a move if you don't want to. That is true in both Looney Ludo and Pharaoh.
So we were playing in the right way. Thanks!
Pyramid fans have been asking for more details about the next generation of Looney Pyramids, which will have slightly rounder tips than the two previous manufacturing runs, which were themselves very slightly different. Our goal, of course, is for all pyramids to be interchangeable and as otherwise identical to the other versions as possible, but concerns have been expressed about stacking new ones onto old ones and having them look funny or something.
So, I put together a test set consisting of 4 trios from each of the 3 production runs, with freshly opened pieces of each type, and I’ve been carrying this set around in one of those awesome round tins I wrote about recently. (
These are my primary play-testing pyramids now, and I’ve spent a lot of time stacking, nesting, and playing actual games using this set, to make sure the 3 types all interact smoothly. And I’m happy to say they’re great!
I’ve also taken a series of photos:
The photos do reveal some slight differences. For the purposes of this report, I need a way to refer to each generation of pyramids, so G1 pyramids are the first type, made in the USA, G2 pyramids are the pointier Chinese-made pieces currently available, and G3 pyramids are from the future. And since I had some, I used G1 pieces with slightly non-standard colors (electric yellows and pinkish reds) to make them more easily distinguishable visually.
Photo #1 indicates that G1 pyramids do stack taller than the others, but as noted, I haven’t found this to matter — or even be distinguishable —in actual play. Perhaps the most important picture is #8, which shows 4 stacks of 3 nested trios. What’s not immediately obvious about this photo is that each trio consists of a G1, a G2, and a G3 pyramid, all nested together and stacked up. Again, there are some very slight differences in how they stack, but it’s not something you’d notice, let alone feel is a problem, in actual use. Photo #2 also depicts mixed generation trios, stacked up as trees. Photo #3 shows the mixed generation nests each sitting alone. Photo #10 just shows G3 pyramids being stacked up in weird ways that, as you can see, are all still possible. My favorite photo is #5, a close-up of 12 pyramid tips all pointing inward, and it really lets you see the differences in the tip rounding.
In closing I’d like to say, again, that I used to worry that rounder-tipped pyramids would feel inferior, but now that I actually have them, I not only think they’re perfectly acceptable, I have to admit they are actually pretty nice. Maybe even better.
Thanks for this info and the photos!
So it seems that (to my eye anyway) the differences are visible if I look for them, but quite negligible and shouldn't affect play of anything I play. :)
This is very good news! I'm actually pretty relieved! I was imagining something really rounded and kind of fFunny looking. This is great!
By the way, since you mention it: I too have been using some round metal tins. I'll have to get some kind of pictures. Say, if you wanted to carry more than one or two tins, do you put them in something to keep them together? I have a stretched out sock they can go in, but it's not great. Usually I'll just have a couple tins, which slide into my pants pocket very nicely.
They look good! In my experience, I find that the bottom edges of the pyramids are just as sharp as the point... Will those edges also be smoothed a bit in the new version? Either way, I bet the rounded ones will be just as painful to step on!
No more Spicklehead!
Probably a good thing....
They look good, and looks like they fit nicely with older generations.
Am really looking forward to seeing pyramids available in Europe again!
Spicklehead was probably to popular with Europeans. So now they can only have rounded pyramids. It is probably a good thing.
Ok, I know y’all are dying to know exactly which 22 games we’ve chosen to include in Pyramid Arcade. So, here’s the list:
Twin Win
Pyramid Shambo
Looney Ludo (aka Martian Coasters)
Launchpad 23
Lunar Invaders
Volcano (aka Fiesta Caldera)
World War 5
Martian Chess
Zark City
Black Ice
Give or Take
Petal Battle
Color Wheel
Petri Dish
This is not up for debate, I’m just sharing the list as background for my question…
My plan is to make the final section of the book a teaser for yet other games. Here’s what I have so far:
We asked the community of Starship Captains for recommendations about other games to try, and this is the list they came up with. Most of these games can be played with this set, possibly including a few extra items of easily-gathered equipment, such as a chessboard, poker chips, gaming tokens, etc. Games that require additional pyramids are marked with a small pyramid. ( /\ ) Rules for all of these games can be found online.
<Full list of 22 other games + short descriptions for each goes here>
So, the floor is now open for other nominations. Here are a few obvious choices to start with:
* Icehouse /\
* Zendo /\
* RAMbots /\
* Pikemen /\
What else?
My two cents -- the more multi-level strategy games the better. Maybe it's time to mine the Wiki for accessible items?
Awesome! You've hit on my fFavs!
"Hijinks" was otherwise known as "Pink Hijinks" yeah? I can understand the name change there, just wondering.
Perhaps, if you're taking suggestions fFor more on the 'more' list, you could add Logger. It doesn't require any other pyramids, since the pyramids used are not dependent on color. Also, Alien City is a great game, but it may require too much extra stuff to be a good entry on the list (specifically a Piecepack). And, the last one I shall nominate is Extinction, which is similar to Pikemen, but with different kinds of rules regarding movement and winning.
I'm surprised by the selection of Pyramid Shambo over Nothing Beats a Large, so I nominate Nothing. (At the very least, it has a great title.)
One of our favorite pyramid games is CrackeD Ice, so I nominate it also. It just requires one extra component, although spare CDs aren't as ubiquitous as they were thirteen years ago. (We play a variant that allows placing pyramids on their side.)
I don't feel like I've played Crosswalk enough to nominate it, so I'll just mention it for purposes of discussion. In the same vein: Blam!
Yes, since there aren't any pink pieces in the Arcade, and color doesn't matter anyway, we're just calling it Hijinks. This makes Pink Hijinks a pink edition of the game Hijinks.
I think Pyramid Shambo is a better game that Nothing Beats a Large and clever though the latter may be, the two games are too similar for both to be included. So Pyramid Shambo wins out.
I'm tossing in Freeze Tag, by my friend Rink, which brings us up to 18 nominations:
* Icehouse /\
* Zendo /\
* RAMbots /\
* Pikemen /\
* TimeLock
* Logger
* Alien City
* Extinction
* Gnostica /\
* Virus Fight
* Branches, Twigs, & Thorns
* Pylon
* Quintazone
* Nothing Beats a Large
* CrackeD Ice
* Crosswalk
* Blam!
* Freeze Tag
Keep 'em coming! We need to get beyond 22 so that we can start voting and choosing!
I'll suggest Martian Backgammon, Tic Tac Doh!, Pyrinoes (which requires dominoes), and Nile.
Certainly I will second your mentioned candidates:
Branches and Twigs and Thorns
Alien City (even though it needs Piecepack tiles)
I'd add:
Gleebs and Grues
Stack Control
Tic Tac Doh
and I'll immodestly plug my own Stawvs and Ricochet Pyramids which I've had people request to play sometimes. :)
Beyond what has already been suggested, here are my recommendations!
I'll second Armada: That was the game that really made me think, "Woah... these are a new class of playing piece, not just 'board game' pieces" because it's at its core a "miniature game" not a "board game" (to me).
Might I also suggest Ikkozendo, as it's playable with one TH set... or, really, any collection of 'mids--you just lose available characteristics when you don't have many colors (e.g., "has a pink medium"). And because all players need only two koans at all times, it's very piece-lite (and thus pocket-friendly). It's drawbacks are primarily memory-related: You really need to be present for a whole round, to hear each guess and to see each change in the koans; and there's nothing to 'review' in terms of previous koans marked black or white. Some would consider that a feature; and it makes two-player much more viable in a tight space (e.g., at bar or in small booth)..
And as long as we're pimpin', I get good traction with Moon Shot when I bust it out to kill time between longer games. Down side: no more tubes. [I reckon that kills it out of the gate, but worth a mention.]
In general, I'd try to showcase as many play STYLES as possible: solo, duel, multiplayer; cooperative, competitive; no-, variable-, static-board; pieces as counters, units/minis, or shared resources; luck, strategy, dexterity, memory; and so forth. Let the fact that 'mids are the first new type of playing piece since the playing card inspire your presentation of this 'relaunch'! I would especially be sure that the majority of games leverage stacking, nesting, and relative physical sizes: Without those elements of the physicality of the pieces, many, MANY games can be played with substitutions (e.g., LEGOS, coins, chess pieces).
Thank you for asking!
FWIW: A few years back, I tried Armada a few times with interest (since I liked the idea of it), but we found that (like the GEV problem in original Ogre), a fleet of small ships was just too powerfully maneuverable and fast, and they easily beat the fleet of big ships. Have others not found this to be the case?
I am not sure I have played enough games of it to tell whether the small ships always have an advantage, but I think this could theoretically be remedied by just having each player have the same ships (e.g., 2 large, 2 medium, and two small). Not sure how that works in practice though.
The mention of Nile makes me happy. It seemed, when it came out, that it was largely panned, and even the designer seemed pressed to take note of it's existence. Despite this, I find it to be an interesting Euro-style game.
It should probably receive a /\ symbol, since it does require 5 nests of red, yellow, blue, and green. Although one could combine colors, such as 3 red and 2 orange. With some care, one could make any colored piece represent money and workers, so long as you don't mix them. But it's probably better to stick with single colors, so the /\ is appropriate.
How do you fFeel about the game Undercut? It has been widely published as the game Karesansui. It's a great game! But also, it's not a Looney Pyramids game anymore. Maybe it's encouraging to see other games get designed and published? Or maybe we let those guys do their own marketing. I dunno.
My friend & I also thought that starting each side with the same set of ships would be the obvious fix, but alas we never got around to trying it out.
I suggest a draft system, with each player allowed no more than 12 points of ships. Doesn't lead to equivalence; doesn't lead (often) to heavy imbalances. Then, setup either behind screens or alternating placement in starting areas at opposite ends of the field (e.g., the ships 'warp into battle' like in Star Wars).
I'd also suggest including 'terrain': I often used tubes as 'impassible' regions and tube caps as teleporters/wormholes (touch either one with tip of mid, appear facing same direction at other one with base of mid in contact).
Finally, don't underestimate multiplayer! Either a Circle of Death (enemy to left; theoretical allies opposite, if 4+ players) or freeform alliances (i.e., backstabby Diplomacy analog).
Bonus Note: A trick to distinguish teams when you use only a single (or a couple) of monochrome stashes is to place small stones, dice, or plastic 'gems' inside each mid. If doing so, I highly suggest translucent (ideally, clear) stashes! :)
That sounds like the perfect solution! I will definitely try it out.
I'd remove:
Armada: As noted in some earlier discussion, my friend and I found Armada to be disappointingly seriously unbalanced with its rules as written (fleet of bigger ships is easily beaten by fleet of smaller ships). With some modification, it could be an interesting and worthy "miniatures style" (gridless / continuous space) simple battle game. The idea of it is cool, so if you want to playtest and develop it yourself, it seems worthy. My BGG user comment:
As written, it seems to have the all-too-common "fuzzy wuzzy fallacy" of lots of small fast ships being able to destroy a few big slow ships.
We want to try again with a couple rule tweaks to try to tone down the small/medium power vs larges:
1. Small ships move 3 steps (as you'd expect, instead of 4).
2. Range for ships is their ship size, instead of all ships firing long like big ships do.
Or play with equal forces on both sides.
(But we never did try it again, which perhaps is indicative...)
Cracked Ice: "I'm not in the target audience for this kind of silly dexterity / balancing game. It also lasts longer than I'd like (15 or 20 minutes) - for a "physical" game, I'd much rather just play Drip in 1 minute."
Crosswalk: "After 1 play, we were not impressed; too random and drawn out."
FWIW: I've personally played with various people and definitely enjoyed:
Zendo, RAMbots, Pikemen, Alien City, Gnostica, Branches/Twigs/Thorns, Blam, Tic Tac Doh (These all seem definitely worthy of inclusion as I think they are not only good but also well known "classics" one way or another in the pyramid community, e.g. appearing in the Playing with Pyramids book or implemented at SuperDuperGames or discussed relatively often at BGG, etc)
Stack Control, Gleebs and Grues, Stawvs, Ricochet Robots, Extinction (I enjoy and recommend these too, but they seem less well known, if that matters)
Uncertain for me:
Amoeba: I played Amoeba twice long ago and wrote "Shares some similarities to Knizia's Ingenious. Need to play more to evaluate." So I'm not sure what I think about it. :)
Icehouse: I played several times with various people, and we found its strategy opaque and confusing and kept wondering what we were missing, giving its legendary reputation; if I recall, the need to "be cool" or whatever was also a bit confusing/offputting as it makes it sound like "the game is broken if you don't sometimes make suboptimal moves just to keep the game from deadlocking" or something.) Eventually we all lost interest, and I found Ice Towers to be much more pleasing (easier to explain, clearer strategy, more fun, etc - and I'm glad to see Ice Towers is included as a main game in the product). But maybe for historical reasons it should be included? :)
No idea (never played them) about TimeLock, Logger, Virus Fight (somehow it looks more complicated than a typical pyramid game), Pylon, Quintazone, Freeze Tag, Pyrinoes, Nile, Dog Eat Dog, Ikkozendo, Undercut.
(I think I covered all 29 games in your list...) :)
Here are my suggestions:
I feel that the rest of the games on the list all capture unique ideas or gameplay styles (or are classics) that are worthy of inclusion.
Great feedback, thanks!! I’ve sorted this into 3 lists now: Yes, No, and Maybe. The Yes + Maybe list totals 22, so nothing new can be added unless something else comes off the Maybe list. Further thoughts?
Yes (17)
* Icehouse /\
* Zendo /\
* RAMbots /\
* Pikemen /\
* Gnostica /\
* Branches, Twigs, & Thorns
* TimeLock
* Logger
* Alien City
* Extinction
* Pylon
* Blam!
* Freeze Tag
* Tic Tac Doh!
* Stack Control
* Amoeba
* Undercut
* Nile * Pyrinoes
* Gleebs and Grues
* Stawvs
* Armada
NO (7)
* Crosswalk
* Ikkozendo
* CrackeD Ice
* Dog Eat Dog
* Virus Fight
* Ricochet Pyramids
* Quintazone
Ricochet Pyramids is not really like RAMbots (unless one thinks Ricochet Robots is like RoboRally - sometimes people say they are similar, but to me and many other people, they are quite different genres and experiences:
The Ricochet games are about real-time pattern recognition (like Loonacy, Set, Dobble, etc), being the first to find a good solution to get a robot to a goal. Pieces are all neutral/communal.
RAMbots/RoboRally are about non-realtime thinky programming and simultaneous execution of programs for one's own robot (each player has their own which they control) to move and to attack others with unexpected funny chaotic results.)
(Disclosure: I wrote/web-published Ricochet Pyramids. If people don't like it on the list, cool, I just want it to be rejected for a valid reason, not because it's supposedly like RAMbots when it's not really. I play and enjoy both games, but the only thing they have in common is the high-level theme of robots on a square grid.) :)
Thanks for clarifying! Admittedly, I haven't played Ricochet Pyramids myself, so forgive me for providing an invalid reason. Just from my perusal of the rules it felt similar to me, so I was trying to help cull the list. I'm all for it being included though, if it's as unique as you say!
I don't quite have time for a full evaluation now, but here are a few comments:
I agree that the list should have as big a variety as possible of different game types. That shouldn't be an excuse to keep a weak game on the list, but it argues for reducing the number of similar games and keeping games that are good but not my particular preference.
CrackeD Ice - Keep. I'm not usually a dexterity/stacking kind of guy, but this is a worthy entry in that genre.
Zendo v. Ikkozendo - Drop Ikkozendo. It's too similar to Zendo, and you must have Zendo.
Freeze Tag v. Crosswalk - I agree they're similar, and I like Freeze Tag better. Drop Crosswalk.
RAMbots v. Ricochet Pyramids - My concern here is not that they're similar to each other play-wise. But it would be good to keep the "just like this published game" to a minimum. It might be fine to have a couple if they're good. but if it gets down to 23 and a cut it needed, maybe consider one of these.
Edit: I didn't see Andy's comment reducing it to Yes/No/Maybe. But I'm going to leave my comments alone. I've only played a couple on the Maybe list. Hmm.
I agree with this list. Looks like a really good "Best Of" selection. I'm sure there is something that no-one has suggested at all and in some months we will realize we missed something great. But this list seems to really be solid.
I'm thinking of what games would require more the "More Pyramids Required" symbol. Alien City, Extinction, and Nile would need some modification to the rules to play with 3 stashes, so they should just get the /\. Pylon and Amoeba can play with 3 stashes, and should work just dandy as a shorter, smaller game. I'm not sure about others, but I can research it if you like.
On a related note, Pikemen only requires more pyramids if you are playing a 2 or 3 player game on an 8x8 board. I have been playing a smaller version of Pikemen I'm calling "Skirmish" which uses a smaller board and fFewer pieces. Skirmish would not need the /\ symbol, but it's a basically a variant at this point.
Re: CrackeD Ice: I agree that this game is interesting and possibly worthy of being listed because it's a dexterity game and there aren't many of those in the library. However, one of the unpublished six will be Verticality, which IMO fills that niche better than CrackeD Ice. That's my main reason for moving this to the No list.
Re: Ricochet Pyramids: How close is this to Ricochet Robot? I've never played it. Does it replicate the original or is it new and different in some way and only inspired by Ricochet Robot? I strongly agree with Jeff that I'd like to minimize inclusion of games that are basically straight-up adaptations of published works.
OK, I'm really looking forward to Verticality. As I said, CrackeD Ice is probably my second most-played pyramid game (behind Zendo).
RP is unabashedly inspired by RR, but does not work the same.
In RR, robot movement is blocked by robots and walls. In RP there are no walls (other than the outside of the board), and robot movement is blocked by robots and non-current-goal towers. The current goal tower does not block, so to move onto the current goal, you often have to arrange that there is some other robot immediately behind it, otherwise the goal robot will move through the goal and onward without stopping.
The method of determining current robot & goal is different too, allowing repeats of previous pairs instead of going through a deck of robot/goal tokens.
You also have more flexible control over the setup arrangement to make it easier or harder to find paths, since you can put the 9 goal towers wherever you like on the board during setup, instead of the goals (and walls) being preprinted on the 4 board quadrants of RR.
Oh right. I forgot about Verticality.
Please, check the discussion on the fairness of Branches and Twigs and Thorns. Thanks.
I'm late to the game, but here are some additions that I think should be included.
Autumn Ash: My game that has only been out for a few years (a 2Xeno 2Rainbow stash game, so works with PA), so it probably hasn’t circulated much. It has been playtested like crazy with lots of players, and I still look forward to dragging it out whenever I can. I’m always thinking up new strategies for this.
Invaders of Mars: Wow, a fun game, with a good theme, that I haven’t played for a while.
Gleebs and Grues
Nile: Though it's been some time since Scott and I played this, so I could be foggy as to how much fun it was.
Skurðir: A good multiplayergame.
Apophis : I played Spaceteam the other day, so this is on my mind. It might not be to everyone’s liking.
Quicksand : One of my favorite head-to-head strategies. This would be up at the top of my list.
.... "Late for the game," meaning that read more of the above posts and see that things have been kind of selected through at this juncture.
I'd still recommend any of the games from my short list that didn't make it into the "Yes" column, though there are plenty of good ones in there. Perhaps if there's room in the "Maybe" column. ;)
If I was going to trade out any in the "Yes" column for any other game, it would be Stack Control. I like the game, and do play it often enough. However, it's basically derivative of other games, a multiplayer Pylon. This is the reason that I'd never recommend Hexano-Duel, even though it hovers at the top of my SC list. Hexano-Duel just happens to be my favorite version of Volcano; it's significantly different from others, but it's still derivative.
Amoeba never felt like a solid game to me either, but perhaps there are enough others who do enjoy it.
The rest of the games in the "Yes" column look like good games to me.
At a G3 planet I have 2 ships, a y2 and y1. May I sacrifice the y1 for a move action and move the y2 to the now-banked y1?
The rules say:
To sacrifice a ship, simply return it to the global stash. You may then perform the number of actions determined by the size of your sacrifice ship
So yes you can.
Thanks for the quick reply!
Greetings Starship Captains!
Did y'all see the thing I posted last month about the boxed set we're working on?
...or the thing I posted today about a metal tin that holds a Homeworlds set?
Well, there are many details we're still hammering out. But here's a question I'd like to throw to this group...
I wish Martian Coasters had a better name. Any suggestions?
I did see! The big box is really interesting and exciting!! I've been pondering rounded pyramids, ever since the initial teaser came out.
And the little metal tin is also really cool, eh! What an awesome fFind! I'm now imaging the web-store having a sudden, unexpected run on these things and having no idea why. =) I notice, two tins will hold 24 nested trios, which is the amount needed fFor Caldera. I can imagine carrying around a third tin with other stuff like some caps and dice. I'm really keen to get several tins, now, and try them out.
Is "Looney Coasters" too obvious? ;)
PS: That round tin storage idea is very cool!
This is awesome. I can't wait to see the new games! The rounded pyramids are going to be interesting. I like the tin idea too, but I already have the travel set I love so much. Thanks for the exciting news and your hard work!
I can't think of any clever new names for Martian Coasters. We just call them "coasters" and that's cool by me. :)
Will there be a version of Pyramid Arcade available that won't include pyramids? I have all of them already; I just want/need the boards and rules!
We expect many to make this request, and plan to have a Kickstarter level called Everything But The Pyramids!
May I ask, why do you want to change the name? Which part do you like less? The "Martian" or the "Coasters"? Many pyramid games have the Martian prefix, so that seems alright to me. I don't know of any other game named coasters, however, so I'm not sure what a "Martian" version of coasters would be. A reasonable name might be something like Martian Hopscotch.
I dislike both parts of the name, actually. There's nothing particularly Martian about it and it'd rather only have one game in the set called Martian something, and that's Martian Chess. Coasters is also a very unhelpful name since it doesn't really tell you anything about the game itself. Also -- and this is a good related question, we're considering making the ones in the set not actually coasters but instead simply small game boards. In which case it would make even less sense to include coasters in the name of the game. But is that a good idea? My thinking is that few would use or even want to use the game boards in their Arcade set as drink coasters. It makes sense to me as an a la carte product in a DIY world, but I don't think it does now. Thoughts? Anyway, I wish I had a one-word, snappy, unique name for the game that actually described some aspect of its gameplay. So I'm thinking something like Home Run, although that's two words. Alison suggested Shifter. Anyway, it may be too much to ask - name design is one of the hardest parts of game design - but if it's ever going to happen, now's the time.
It's true, I have never used my coasters as actual drink coasters, and probably will not do so in fFuture. I know I could, but I probably won't.
Glad to know! Thank you for the speedy reply!
Maybe "Galaxy Discs" could work? But if they aren't going to be round that won't work, obviously. Will give it more thought.
Not to be confused with the very different game, Cosmic Coasters.
Just ordered 6 metal tins. Let's see what we can do with them, shall we. =) I think I'll need to make up some nice stickers or labels, too. A project! Yay!!
Ah, I thought you meant the name of the objects, not the name of the game. :)
(Analogous to how the objects "Icehouse pyramids" became "Looney pyramids".)
The game is about trying to navigate land masses that are moving around all the time. What about "Tectonics"?
Here’s another tidbit about renaming Martian Coasters: the version we include with Pyramid Arcade will have one significant rule-change. The DIG action, which has always been weak & redundant, will instead give the option to spend your movement points on pieces of ANY color, not just your own. We have a new bacronym to help your remember it, too: Do It Globally.
A quotidian possibility for Martian Coasters would be something like "Pyramid Ludo", since it's always struck me as being a highly dynamic relative of Pachisi/Ludo/Mensch. If you were willing to keep "Martian", then "Martian Mensch" wouldn't be bad. But "Pyrachisi" sounds terrible.
I'm trying to get away from the Martian angle here, so I don't like Martian Mensch. What if embrace the crazy meaning of my name, which fits since it's a high-chaos game, and call it Looney Ludo? My previous best candidate name has been Get Back, but Looney Ludo does have a nice ring to it, and fits pretty well if you know what Ludo is.
Looney Ludo sounds like a plausible candidate!
Looney Ludo has a nice ring to it
If you're planning to go with Looney related name, I think you should go all the way and play with your company name as well: Looney Laps.
After you suggest it, "Looney Ludo" seems obvious. It also at least has a chance of approximately conveying the game play (to someone who knows what Ludo is) whereas Home Run and Get Back don't.
For what it's worth: Home Run sounds to me like it should be a baseball game. Get Back sounds like it ought to have some kind of advancing menace which players retreat from. Neither carries an apt connotation (to me, anyway).
I see Martian Coasters as a sort of race game, on an ever-changing course. Makes me think of another game, in fact: Robo Rally.
So... Looney Rally? Pyramid Rally? Fluxx Rally?
Or there's a strong "get safe to home" sense to the game's goal of finishing with a Nest on one's coaster/board.
So... Rally Home? Home Rally? Home Rush?
Orthogonal question, while I have the floor: Will you be including references or links to other games designed for the coasters/boards?
[No, I don't ask because I think Wormholes is one of the best games that uses them! ;-) ]
Hmm, someone's going to need to categorize all the games playable with the new release...
Caldera? Doesn't that require six stashes of 4 colors? I'm afraid that if you use three stashes of eight colors it will be considerably more difficult to make monochrome trees to win the game. A couple options:
1. Caldera really is just that much harder.
2. Map colors together. e.g. purple and blue count as one color, etc.
3. Tell people to buy two copies of Arcade if they want to play Caldera.
None of those options feel good to me. I suspect we'll go with option 2, but that's just a cop out. Let's face it... purple and blue aren't the same color - we're just pretending they are so that we can list out 22 games instead of just 21.
Martian Coaster Rename:
I like the "Tectonics" idea to capture the possibility of shifting land masses.
Yes, I know what (regular) Ludo is, but I'm not convinced that enough other people do to make that a good name to just add an adjective to.
I like the idea behind Home Run and Get Back, describing the goal of the game. Along those lines, how about "Going Home", "Ollie Ollie In-Come Free", "Fly Away Home" or "Coming Home"?
Since players are trying to gather their pieces on the correct coaster... "Looney: the Gathering." (Just kidding.)
I wonder if this would fit the tin:
Hi Ryan! Actually, it's not Caldera, it's Fiesta Caldera, and we're probably just going to call it Volcano in the book. And what is Fiesta Caldera? It's like Caldera but with 3 Rainbow and 3 Xeno stashes, and these two rules. 1) Black caps and White caps are considered identical 2) You win by collecting 3 monochrome tress OR 5 mixed-color trees. It works great!
I'm feeling pretty solid on Looney Ludo. I like the way it sounds and I don't really mind that Ludo is obscure. If you don't know what it is, it's just a wacky sounding word until you get to the historical note which says:
"This game was originally published under the name Martian Coasters, and featured beverage coasters as game boards. The new name was chosen because the gameplay is reminiscent of Ludo, a 19th century derivative of the ancient classic Parchisi. Except it's crazier."
... and then the name takes on meaning and informs the player about classic game history.
How frequent are the two endings? Is it usually one or the other, or are they pretty evenly split?
For me, that intro paragraph makes all the difference. Ok, I'm on the Looney Ludo band wagon.
Ahh... I see. Since "Fiesta" wasn't part of the hyperlink to Caldera, I thought it was just some random adjective.
Black and white caps together: Makes perfect sense.
Using the Volcano name: As you might remember from the original Caldera discussion, I'm a proponent of keeping the Volcano name for the original game. In general, once you have a perfectly good name for a perfectly good game, you shouldn't change either one. I could see using just plain "Caldera" and adding a little something to the rules like... "If you're using the Arcade set, here's the setup and the win condition. On the other hand, if you have access to two Arcade sets or three IceDice sets or even six copies of either the Rainbow or Xeno Stash, here are the rule changes."
Geez, I'm just never happy - am I?
Jeff, I would guess (with zero data to back it up) that the five-mixed-trees option is used at least 2/3 of the time.
I would counter that Volcano and Caldera (and Fiesta Caldera) are all so similar as to really be the same game. Perhaps my planned historical notes for this one will sway your opinion as well:
Historical Notes: Technically, this game is Fiesta Caldera, not Volcano. The original rules to Volcano evolved into a slightly different game we called Caldera, and that lead to Fiesta Caldera, the version you could play with the colorful mixture of pyramids in this set. But we decided to keep calling the game Volcano, even if it has changed a bit from the version first published in Playing with Pyramids, back in 2002.
Not that you need approval, but...
Including that type of information would indeed soften the blow, but it doesn't actually change my mind. You could say it takes the situation from a -5 to merely a -1.
I think saying that this game is technically Fiesta Caldera only confuses things. If you really wanted to mention that name, you could say something like...
This game was known as Fiesta Caldera during development. Because it's now the flagship game in the Volcano family of games (and, we feel, the best), we are retiring the old rules, which used an expensive-to-obtain set of pyramids, and declaring this new ruleset the official Volcano rules.
As a Classic Volcano loyalist, I wouldn't say this is my favorite course of action - if it's a new game, use a new name. However, if you're going to call the new game Volcano, I wouldn't even mention Fiesta Caldera except in the past tense.
I'm a little confused. Why the new rules? I'm always happy to play new games of course, but I fFeel like the classic Volcano is quite good. The Caldera rules were a nice opportunity to play in Base_3 -- because IceDice bags contained 3 trees in several colors -- and you could simply buy 2 IceDicebags to get 6 trees. But if the Arcade will include 5 trees in several colors, why not just stick with the classic Base_5 Volcano rules?
On a not wholly unrelated topic, I've been pondering the utility of making Volcano caps that are not pyramid shaped at all: Some kind of round blob that sits on top of a nest. I mention this now because it seems to me part of the need to have so much stuff available in Volcano/Caldera is to get the caps in a separate color. The arcade probably can't be redesigned to include extra blobby bits at this point, but it's a thing I think of making sometimes, possibly out of clay. Such blobby bits would be good fFor other games, like Lumberjack to denote protestors, and Homeworlds to denote your own Homeworld.
Because Arcade will have only three nests/trees each of ten colors.
Also, I thought IceDice includes only two nests each of five colors, so you'd need 3 IceDice bags to get six trees.
Ahhh, I see now.
And, you're right of course. IceDice->Caldera is 2x3, not 3x2.
I'd also favor saying that Fiesta Caldera is a version of Volcano, rather than being "not Volcano". There are at least three ways to play Volcano (original recipe, caldera, and fiesta) which differ in requiring different distributions of colours.
Saying that it's not really Volcano, even though it's called that, invites the kind of hipster pedantry that makes some fandoms seem unwelcoming.
Oh, and just to make sure I respond directly to the part of your comment that is at the basis of my perspective...
> I would counter that Volcano and Caldera (and Fiesta Caldera) are all so similar as to really be the same game.
I would counter-counter that no, they're not. The difference between five and six caps is pretty significant. In Volcano, the smaller number of caps leads to different, longer-term and, in my opinion, better strategies. With even that one extra cap in Caldera, it is a LOT easier to get a cap onto pretty much any volcano you want to erupt, while in Volcano each player can have more impact on what the other can actually do on subsequent turns. During the initial Caldera discussion, some people said this was an "pro" for Caldera, while I considered it a con.
Interesting. I still consider it a pro, despite everything you say. We have different opinions about what makes for better gameplay.
Anyway, yes of course, they aren't *exactly* the same game, that's what these debates are all about. But they're the same games in the way that No Limit Texas Hold 'em and Five Card Stud are the same game. Many differences, of course, but they're both called Poker. And of course, there are old school purists there too, but most poker players these days just want to play No Limit Texas Hold'em, and none of them say "Hey, let's play No Limit Texas Hold'em tonight," they say "Let's play Poker tonight." And that's what we're trying to do here. Yes, technically it's Fiesta Caldera, but when someone says "Does it include Volcano?" we want to say "Yes!" not "Yes, but it's called something else for confusing, historical reasons."
I was trying to formulate an argument for Poker not being a good analogy for Volcano/Caldera because of the differing end games of the latter two. But then I realized that Razz and Omaha Hi/Low may well undermine any argument I might devise. Not all Poker variants have the same objective, either.
Still, I think the end game of Caldera is infinitely more elegant than the end game of straight Volcano. I've never had a problem with the 6th cap, so I guess you know where my loyalties lie.
If we accept that Volcano is the game and the various incarnations are merely variants, doesn't that mean that we should have a retronym for the variant originally called Volcano? I called it "straight Volcano" above, maybe that would work.
Another example is Hearts. I've seen some old books about cardgames which say that only Hearts are point cards in "Hearts", and that the game is called something else (like "Black Mariah") if the Queen of Spades scores. Now having the Queen of Spades count for 13 is standard for "Hearts". Some people play with the Jack of Diamonds subtracting 10 points, which changes play a lot (for the worse) but without making it not "Hearts" anymore.
As for a retronym for the original version, maybe "Classic Volcano" or "5House Volcano"
+1 for Classic Volcano.
This fits the Poker analogy, at least for me. Back when I was just a wee lad, Five Card Draw was the only form/variant/ruleset for Poker I knew. If my brother suggested a game of Poker, 5CD is what I assumed he meant. Now, not so much. If I see a Poker event on the schedule for ESPN, I now assume it's Texas Hold'em.
Translate Poker to Volcano, 5 Card Draw to Classic and Texas Hold'em to Fiesta Caldera. So what this seems to imply is that...
1. Volcano should be promoted from a single game to the name of the genre/family
2. Classic Volcano can become the new name for the original game.
3. Caldera and Fiesta Caldera should keep their names.
Maybe the Historical Note could start something like this:
Fiesta Caldera is the latest addition to the Volcano family of Looney Pyramid games, which started with a game which we initially called Volcano but have renamed to Classic Volcano.
That way you won't have two names (Fiesta Caldera and Volcano) for the same thing going forward. Fiesta Caldera is a game and Volcano is a family or genre of games, like Tx Hold'em and Poker. It also allows you to use the more generic "Volcano" to mean Fiesta Caldera by default, much as an invitation to Poker Night at Casa de McGuire implies you'll be playing TH'e.
I think the historical notes should be kept to a minimum to avoid confusing new players. But there probably should be some note to avoid confusing people familiar with a previous version of Volcano. I could see it being a sidebar that says: "For Volcano Fans - Volcano, like Poker, now has several variants. This one is called Fiesta Caldera. Please take a moment to look for differences from the versions of Volcano/Caldera that you might already know."
If you talk about variants, I'm familiar with Classic Volcano, Classic Caldera, MegaVolcano, and now Fiesta Caldera. I've played all but the last of these. Are there any other major variants?
(Reviving this discussion now that the project is out there on Kickstarter.)
Would the Zendo Arcade project be another standalone set or just the additional pieces required to play canonical Zendo, Icehouse, (original) IceTowers, (original) Volcano, etc when added to the Pyramid Arcade set? What would you need to play those games? Just two additional nests of four colors plus Zendop stones and maybe some nice postcard for stash pads. Volcano would require two more nests of a fifth color plus two more small blacks.
The idea of an upgrade kit struck me as something they wouldn't do, but it does make some sense, considering what the pyramid system is supposed to be. It would make Zendo fans unhappy, though, to have to buy two things to get new Zendo. I would be extremely surprised if they included different versions of games that are already in the original Arcade. I would think that a Zendo Arcade would be all new games (new to the Arcade system anyway), whether it was an expansion or a standalone.
No, Zendo Arcade will be a standalone set, with pyramids in 4 colors and rules + parts for games that aren't in Pyramid Arcade.
This comes with a round sticker, correct? Does it fit that round tin that was posted on the blog? I picked a couple of those tins up, they're fairly neat.
I'd kind of like to see one for those tins with the circular logo on this page
Hi guys, thought I'd tell you about my current project at catering college.
I'm doing Patisserie (pastry chef) at college and our first project is Pastillage. Pastillage is a kind of icing that sets rock solid and very brittle. It's a bitch to work with, but worth the effort. I'm making launchpad 23 with pyramids in 8pip, roughly 7pip and roughly 6pip. I finished my dice yesterday! For scale, the pyramids on the dice were drawn around actual plastic ones. Pictures coming soon.
Oh my goodness, this sounds really cool! =)
I dig this. Well done!
this is awesome!
board and rules now done. I've since done the grey cartoon rocket on the rules, and grey on the launchpads in sharpie. gluing it all together today.
completed work. still waiting on my mark for it.
Hello :)
I wanna get some extra White pieces and try my hand at dyeing them to make new opaque colors and perhaps some tie-dye bits. Will dye that works on ABS plastic also work on these? What kind of plastic is used for the pyramids? I understand if the actual plastic type's a proprietary secret, I just wanna know what sort of dye will recolor pieces without melting them or something.
Anyone willing to share info about this? Anyone done it already in a way that worked well? I'd love to know.
I don't have any dye, but might well end up buying an assortment just to experiment with. I like the thought of dye since it won't chip off and won't change the pyramids' dimensions like a solid coat of spray paint would.
I'm using the pawn pieces to indicate 'status effects' in a tabletop RPG that uses Heroscape terrain and a bunch of other stuff thrown together to sort-of emulate Final Fantasy Tactics. Since there's a lot of statuses (both good and bad) that a unit can have, I want to create a good amount of distinctively colored pieces. They're useful 'cause you can stack a lot of them near a minifigure and know at a glance what's going on with it, instead of having to look across the table at somebody's character sheet.
I'll post about my experimentations with dyeing pieces, but first I have to get my hands on dye... and an extra White stash.
Thanks for the quick reply!
Eeyore had some good results with Rit dye:
Thanks for this post. Those results are quite nice. I dug around a bit on that site, Wunderland, Wikipedia and a few other sites and gleaned this information:
The pyramids are crystal styrene, which takes oil-based dyes well and anthraquinone based dyes the best. Unfortunately most of the anthraquinone dyes aren't approved for use in the US or EU - they're really toxic, requiring special microbes to degrade. But next to ABS, crystal styrene is comparatively easy to dye, being less resistant and taking the dye at a lower temperature.
I've seen ABS keyboard keycaps dyed with Rit to amazing effect, especially with lighter colors. It seems Rit will suffice and that I'm far less likely to melt pyramids than I thought. Rit also has those advantages of being cheap and common. I'm going to try it first, to make Whites into an opaque, 50% grey. Then I'll use the knowledge gained to fool with some of the other leftover, translucent colors.
When I find a method that produces results I think are worth posting, I'll update this. But gathering dye, pyramids and stuff will take a bit; the Xeno Stashes are on order...
Hi, folks. I've done more research and got some spare Xeno stashes and various dyes. It might be a month or two before I post my results, because I want to take my time with everything and get the best results I can the FIRST time. So, I'm saving this project for a day when I can house-sit for a friend who has a gas stove and fill their kitchen with weird dye fumes.
I am trying to get not only the solid grey but also smoked pieces that lie 'between' the existing colors without looking too much like an existing color. Pale pink, chartreuse, smoked grey, and smoked white could all work well. Brown would be a welcome addition, as well...
Will update as time goes on and results start coming!
I was wondering what it took to get "regular" access.
It takes an admin to personally bestow "regular status" on a user. I could easily do the task.
However, due to a MediaWiki snafu, the IceWiki won't accept any edits at this time, even from admins and regulars. This has been the unfortunate state for at least a year or two. Only the wiki's webmaster, Brian Campbell, has any ability to solve the problem, whatever it is.
Isn't it really time to migrate the content to a new platform?
As a bonus, admin privileges could be given to someone at Looney Labs so that it wouldn't go all ghost town in the future.
We have tried getting official Looney adoption of it in the past, with little or no success.
At this point, the best bet is probably to migrate it by hand. That would at least provide an opportunity to get all the infoboxes, metadata, tags, categories, etc into alignment... at the cost of several hundred hours of volunteer time (over 300 pages to convert). As a bonus, though, we also could install Semantic MediaWiki onto a new site and be able to much-easier build the game-list pages (especially What Can I Play, which is a hand-built index but could be auto-built with consistent, standardized semantic tags... and could be improved by including the new packaging option as a sort category (# sets of Ice Dice and Pink Hijinks has never been factored into the page).
I do not volunteer. :)
I would certainly assist with architecture, all kidding aside. Tagging, templates, structure are fun. Copy & paste for hours is not.
I would love to see a working wiki again !
I volunteer for copy & paste !
I can't offer any technical expertise, but I would definitely volunteer time copy/pasting things if someone is going to make a real go at this.
During my last conversation with IceWiki admin Brian Campbell, he told me he was willing to turn the keys over to anyone qualified and attentive enough to fill his shoes.
A further advantage to moving to a new platform would be that it could be called something like "The Pyramid Wiki", reflecting the name change for the system. Then there could be a site newsletter on Wednesday.
The Pyramid Wiki Mid-Weekly.
(The newsletter suggestion is just for the pun, but there would be advantages to the name change. Retaining all the "Ice" names harkens back to history, but doesn't situate things well for people new to the system.)
I'm glad that you got a hold of him. Hopefully someone will stand up and help out. It's a great resource of games that supports an often vibrant community of players and designers.
It would suck if it just ended up as an archive, like the Piecepack community's site, as so much work has gone into the wiki.
I would love to help with this, as I had been going through and pointing out spam where I could previously. Much as I would like to, I can't take on the whole thing because I know I'd overextend myself and it would fall apart. Definitely up for as much as I can mange tho.
Is this tournament still happening yearly? The latest entry in this wiki page is for 2011, but I don't know if that is because no one has updated it or the tournament has stopped. Will there be one in 2016?
Psshhh... I have no idea, but I wish. I played in the one in 2011, and it was amazing, though I had no idea what I was doing and Jacob Davenport was teaching me the tricks of the trade between rounds. My first official move was to crash and hand over a piece to Andy Looney, and I was more than happy to do so. It was GREAT. Best gaming experience of my life, and I'd pretty much show up wherever I could do do it again.
It used to be held at The Big Experiment, at Origins. Looney Labs stopped doing The Big Experiment, because it was a lot of work! hey wanted to fFocus more on cool games, not big expensive convention experiences. And so, the IIT quietly dissipated. There remains a great deal of interest in some circles, to be sure. But I wouldn't count on it happening again anytime real soon unless a throng of interested people make it happen.
I would like to purchase 4 stashes to play icehouse with my friends. I'm currently planning on buying 1 ice-dice set and 3 rainbow stashes.
Is there an easier way to buy multiple stashes?
I don't see another way to get 4 or more monochrome stashes for less than $50. You plan sounds like the best one.
If you go with IceDice * 2 + Rainbow Stash * 1, you'd get the same pyramids for the same total price but endup with an extra IceDice bag and an extra set of dice (and two fewer boxes).
You are one of four powerful Flamemights captured by the evil Ice Etin. Breaking out of the cave where you were held triggers an alarm within the Etin's frozen mountain lair, and the caverns start filling with deadly icicles! The only way to save yourselves and the world is to open the four Embergates by collecting five runes for each, thereby destroying the mountain and the Etin's power! But will you survive?
4 players
a Rainbow stash (or Xeno, or any 4 colors you care to use)
2 standard playing card decks (jokers removed)
36 small tokens
1 d6 spawn die of one color
1d6 location die of another color
1 d14 attack die
30-40 minutes of free time
Set up
Decide who shuffles and deals the cards. Each player is given a hand of 3 cards which are dealt face up. The remaining cards are divided into 6 equal stacks and arranged in a circle face up in the center of the playing area, and are numbered 1-6 clockwise. The tokens are place in a pile on the side.
Players pick a color and put their tree on stack 1. One token is placed each on stacks 2-6.
Movement and Life Points
The number of pips in one's tree determines how far you can move during your turn, at the start of the game, anywhere from 1-6 spaces. Movement can be either clockwise or counterclockwise. Person to the left of the dealer goes first. The pips also represent one's life points, which can be lost if injured by icicles (tokens). When injured, remove a pyramid with the total of points lost and place it next to you, or rearrange your tree with lost pyramids to show the current movement ability/life points of your Flamemight. If you lose all your pyramids you died from your wounds and are out of the game!
Opening Embergates
5 cards for each suit (hearts, diamonds, spades, and clubs) must be collected and turned in at portal spaces, above/below stacks 1 and 4, in between stacks 5 and 6, and 2 and 3. An Emberune must contain 5 cards of the same suit.
Players take turns moving through the 6 caverns and encountering the spaces they land on. Various actions can be performed during your turn:
1. prior to moving you may cast a healing spell on yourself, if you were injured in your last turn. Discard cards from your hand for one point each. Note you can only cast one healing spell per turn.
2. you must move to any stack you want, the pip count of your tree allowing.
3. the cavern must be explored. Different scenarios can play out:
A. if the stack is empty of tokens, collect the rune (take the top card) and add it to your hand (face up), revealing the next card of the stack.
B. if there are tokens present you must cast a flame spell (roll the attack die). Add 1 point for every other Flamemight sharing the stack. If the roll is equal to or greater than the value of the top card of the stack (Ace is 1, Jack 11, Queen 12, King 13), you were able to melt all the icicles (remove tokens to the pile) and can now collect the rune.
If the roll was less than the card value, you may cast battle spells. Discard cards for one point each. If the total is still lower, you were injured by the icicles and lose 1 pip.
C. if there is another Flamemight on the stack you may either:
a. cast a healing spell if you have not done so earlier by discarding cards to heal your companion.
b. give your companion a rune from your hand, so that they can use it later for spells or to help complete an emberune they're working on. If this action completes an emberune it is turned in. Note sharing cards can only happen after an attack has been completed, and you can only share with 1 player, if there is more than one on the stack.
4. you must roll the spawn and location dice together. The spawn die determines how many tokens you take from the pile, and the location die shows where to put them. Note a stack can only hold 6 tokens, if the stack rolled is full, or will be full before you can place all the tokens, spread the spare tokens to other stacks that still have openings.
5. your turn ends and play proceeds to the next person.
6. if all the caverns fill up with icicles you all died and lose the game!-so get those gates open pronto!
Optional Rule
Talent specializations: each color represents a different type of flamemight, based on where they draw their power:
Soot (black), from Coal
Volcanic (red), from Lava
Noon (yellow), from the Sun's Zenith
Abyssal (blue), from Deep Sea Vents
Dawn (pink), from the First Light of Day
Vital (green), from Life
Cinder (grey [I'm sure someone has these]), from Ash
Spark (cyan), from Electricity
Ardor (orange), from Fire
Twilight (purple), from the Last Light of Day
Celestial (clear), from Distant Stars
Forge (white), from Molten Metal
If using this option, prior to shuffling the deck, take 4 cards, one for each suit, shuffle them, and give one to each player. The suit you get determines your talent cards: if you get a club, and use club cards to cast spells, you get 2 points per card instead of 1, and if you're on a stack that matches your talent, add 1 point to you attack roll.
This game is a modification of one Daniel Solis is developing, called Particle Panic. The picture shows the starting lay out. The bowl on the left is for tossing dice into so they don't bounce all over the place. Hope you find it entertaining.
How does one represent a d14?
By using a fourteen-sided die. I'm not sure what you mean by "represent."
I did not know there was a 14 sided die, that's what I meant.
Pardon my presumption; I'm used to playing games with all sorts of dice. Yes, dice come in about every shape you can imagine. D14s are a more uncommon type; found mine on eBay. If you like, you can substitute the die with a notecard cut into fourteen squares, numbered 1-14, and shuffled inside a little bag to be drawn from.
I work at a game shop, and have not ordered any of those before! Going to have to change that!
I recall reading an article by Andy about his thoughts about important design principles to consider when designing pyramid games. I don't recall every point made, but a couple were:
The basic premise was that the pyramids should inspire us to create different types of games.
Does anyone have a link to the original article?
The front page of the IceWiki has a writeup that closely matches what you describe... but those aren't Andy's words.
Here's an article Andy wrote in 2003, but it isn't pyramid-centric:
The front page of the IceWiki has a writeup that closely matches what you describe... but those aren't Andy's words.
Look at that. Those seem like the words that I remember, but I guess I mixed my remembrance of them with things that I read by Andy. I stand corrected.
Thanks Ryan!
Kristin, forgive me if this topic is premature.
At today's Looney Lounge, I took a peek at an early draft of Pyramid Primer #2. Like its predecessor, this 28-page full size pamphlet contains space for the rules of approx. 12 popular pyramid games.
I noticed that there were a couple blank spaces on the cover, suggesting that there was more space left in the draft for a few more games. Perhaps us Starship Captains could help you select some worthwhile fan designs?
I myself am rather partial to TimeLock
I don't know which games are in it, so I'm not sure which to suggest, but guessing about games probably not in it which I enjoy playing (some pretty regularly), I'll propose:
Tic-Tac-Doh (simple classic, needs only 1 stash)
Stack Control (good for various numbers of players, pretty easy to teach)
Gleebs and Grues (strange but pleasing 2-player game)
Branches and Twigs and Thorns
Blam! (good for 2 or more, easy to teach)
Ricochet Pyramids (port of Ricochet Robots but interestingly different; by me)
Stawvs (similar to Amazons with Volcano scoring; by me)
Martian Tic-Tac-Toe (discovered and played only recently but it seems interesting and good)
Games that might already be included:
Freeze Tag
Lunar Invaders
Nothing Beats a Large
Petal Battle
Petri Dish
Pink Hijinks
Pyramid Shambo
Twin Win
My recommendations:
Penguin Soccer
I do agree that is a great game. I don't know how they would put this in the current IceSheet format considering the ideal state for playing this game is one Xeno stash and one Rainbow. But, in terms of other requirements, it's fairly simple, and can be played with items currently found in the Treehouse sets sold in the bag. Sounds pretty solid to me.
I think Martian Whist is pretty good, but I would say something like that.
Alien City (yes it requires a piecepack, but it is a great game that I think about more than I play) Autumn Ash (this tricky strategy game takes a little effort to learn, but it's also a good game to aspire to once you own several sets of xeno and rainbow pyramids) Invaders of Mars (this is a fun game of doing yourself the least amount of harm_ Logger (evil little game that is fun to teach and play) Moscow Ice (the rules could use a little bit of a rewrite, but it's a solid game with some fun variations for up to 4) Paint the Line (I haven't played it enough of late, but it's a solid game) Plutonian Poker (great for larger groups) Quicksand (It's starting to become a 2-player classic) Timelock (the perfect mix of strategy and luck--a game that lets you really mess with your opponent) |
It would be hard for me to choose 12 games without a LOT of thought about quality and variety.
BUT, I am posting to suggest that many of them (if not all) should be selected based on having Rainbow and Xeno, to help promote sales and to reward those of us with 'complete' sets (complete commercial releases, not weird electric greens and blems). The wiki has RX and R+X+ categories (though I think they're incompletely tagged) to help find good ones.
And it it isn't too presumptuous to offer, I'd remove the NC portion of the CC license from any game of mine that you'd like to include! :)
I was wondering what the current first turn rule is. It used to be that Player A built his homeworld first and Player B took the first regular turn after setup. SuperDuperGames just alternates turns normally after setup. The current PDF at LL says you flip a coin on evenly matched games, but it is listed after the homeworlds setup. To me this sounds like either both players set up their homeworld and then decide who goes first with a coin toss, or SDG-style and I over-thought it.. What is the correct setup/first turn rule these days?
Hm, good question. I had thought it was what you said fFirst. Player A builds, Player B builds, player B takes her fFirst turn. But I'm not sure where I got that fFrom. Possibly the 3-house rule pamphlet? Indeed, I hadn't really thought about it, but it's a good thing to get clarification on. Andy, are you available to comment?
FWIW I asked a similar question at BGG and get this:
I was looking at the Binary HW PDF at the Looney Labs website and just wanted to make sure I have the first turns right. I'm playing that we decide who's first (coin toss), the winner builds HW first, and also takes the first move. This is the way SuperDuperGames does it. Is this correct? No more "player who chooses the homeworld first moves second"?
Correct. That's because if you let the second player build his homeworld and then immediately take a turn, he can often win by a "fool's mate" unless the first player chooses her homeworld colors to include red.
Alice chooses a homeworld: b3y1 g3
Bob chooses a homeworld: y2g2 r3 (deliberately adjacent to Alice)
Bob moves: build r1
Alice moves: build g1
Bob moves: move r3 to Alice (oh crap! thinks Alice)
Alice moves: build g1 (since moving away would instantly lose, and changing color doesn't do much)
Bob moves: capture g3 (leaving Alice with g1g1 at home, and Bob with r3g3)
Bob's "fool's mate" doesn't work if Alice happens to choose red as one of her starting colors; but that still cuts out a large swath of the possible starting positions, which is pretty sucky. It's simpler to just mandate that the first player to set up also moves first; then Bob has no incentive to set up deliberately adjacent to Alice, so we get a more satisfyingly large space of possible setups.
This is a good point: in the variant with the second player (Bob) getting two turns, then the first player must always choose a red pyramid or ship in their homeworld.
I had another reason for suggesting that this variant gives the second player a very large advantage. If player one chooses a homeworld with a small pyramid ('Goldilocks' or 'Banker'), then player two can choose a homeworld with a small pyramid of the same colour, and trade their first built ship for that colour before player one gets the chance to. From my experience, locking an opponent out of the small ships of a certain colour counts for quite a lot in the very early game, when nobody has spare medium or large ships to trade. Player one has to choose to trade their large ship for this colour (which will usually slow them down or put them at risk of catastrophe), or end up being locked out of that colour completely.
While this isn't as dramatic an advantage as Quuxplusone's "fools' mate", I think it means that player one should always choose the "fortress" homeworld in this variant to avoid this.
Sly I research games made for traditional gaming systems and came upon Gateway, a golden oldie from the '70's. It's part of a set of games called Sly-the rules are available at Board Game Geek, but you'll need to register to download them.
Anyway, it's not that complicated of a game, the adaption of which I call "Iceway:" it requires a 12x12 board seen as being composed of 3x3 squares, with the center of each of these squares being a gateway that can only be used to enter new pieces. Two to four players can play, each gets an Icehouse stash of a different color with 4 queens removed so that each player only has one queen.
Pieces move any number of spaces horizontally or vertically, passing over any gateways and other pieces in the way to an available empty space. Pieces cannot land on another piece or a gateway. The goal of the game is to get all of one's pieces on the board (one begins with three, one of each size) by lining up one of your pieces, at right angles, to 2 pieces of another player of two different sizes, but of the same color, such as: Green queen and Cyan drone and pawn. These alignments can be made regardless of what's in the way.
When an alignment is made another of your pieces can be entered on the board by placing it on a gateway; if another player has a piece in the 3x3 square containing the gateway you have chosen, your piece must be moved off it that turn. The initial set up of the 3 pieces one starts with is the most complicated part of the game, so arranged to prevent any line ups on your first turn. Mr. Sackson used cylinders, squares and triangles-queen is cylinder, square drone, triangle pawn.
Set up for 4 players:
Player 1: Q at 10C; D12I; P6B
Player 2: Q10J; D4L; P11F
Player 3: Q3J; D1D; P7K
Player 4: Q3C; D9A; P2G
Hope ya don't mind my way of sayin' "hello," this bein' my first post.
With 6 rainbow stashes, you can duplicate the 1/4/6 distribution of pieces in the original exactly. With 4 sets of Martian Coasters, you can duplicate the board. Bonus: the center of each coaster is distinctive so it's easy to find the gateways. I can't think of an easy way to build a 12x12 board otherwise.
I was amused that Sly uses the same "just like a deck of cards" analogy that Looney Labs now uses for Looney Pyramids.
Fun fact: I once adapted Can't Stop (another Sackson game) for play with pyramids. I made a board, which fit on a standard sheet of paper. It uses four rainbow stashes.
I totally forgot about the coasters. That's a good idea; it would make the adaptation pure Pyramid.
I've been interested in solitaire games lately so while playing around I came on the rules for a little game called Minimax. It's a Mancala game with 5-cells where your goal is to get the most points possible.
The rules are at if you're so inclined to try.
Feedback is always welcome at me at fogus dot me or on this very forum.
"take four trios and randomly distribute the pyramids amongst all cards but the vault, two to each card."
Should that say "three to each card", since there are 4 non-vault cards? Or am I confused?
You're not confused. I am. :( I fixed the rules to say "three."
I will look at the rules and try it this weekend!
Wonderful! Feedback is always welcomed.
I tried it out and won, ending with 4 trees in the vault. I'm not sure if they are considered monocolor or not (see rule question below):
1. I found the paragraph starting with "While sowing onto cards you may build structures if possible." to be a bit confusing. Does it mean that only when you place a pyramid onto a card, you can make a tree on that card? Or can you make a tree before sowing (e.g. at the start of the game if a card randomly happens to have a small, a medium, and a large)? Or does it mean that you can e.g. sow a medium into a space with a large and decide to place it onto a large (committing yourself) in the hope of later sowing a small onto that? (In this case, I guess you can't rebuild structures, see question 2...)
2. Can existing structures be rebuilt (i.e. when I sow into the vault can I rearrange trees to make them monocolor for scoring purposes)?
3. The game ends when "You sow the last pyramid or tree during a turn onto an empty card." Literally that means that if your first move sows into the vault, then the game ends, since the vault is an empty card. Is that intended?
Hi Russ, it's no surprise that the rules were confusing, but thanks to your feedback I should be able to fix them. That said, let me answer your question directly.
Does it mean that only when you place a pyramid onto a card, you can make a tree on that card? Or can you make a tree before sowing (e.g. at the start of the game if a card randomly happens to have a small, a medium, and a large)? Or does it mean that you can e.g. sow a medium into a space with a large and decide to place it onto a large (committing yourself) in the hope of later sowing a small onto that?
The last interpretation is correct. That is, you can only construct parts of the tree "in passing."
Can existing structures be rebuilt (i.e. when I sow into the vault can I rearrange trees to make them monocolor for scoring purposes)?
Like before, tree building is always done in passing, even in the vault.
The game ends when "You sow the last pyramid or tree during a turn onto an empty card." Literally that means that if your first move sows into the vault, then the game ends, since the vault is an empty card. Is that intended?
My intent was to tree the vault differently from the other cards, so no you don't end the game if you end on the vault. Indeed, if you end sowing in the vault you get a special power to choose from any other card on the next sow.
I'll look over the rules the first chace I get and try to clarify these points.
Thanks again!
Thanks again for the feedback Russ. I modified the rules to be (hopefully) more clear.
As I recall, you posted a very large number of games over a period of a year. I've been curious to try the stronger of those games, but I'm more inclined to try a game that is on the wiki (instead of trying to dig up random websites or an old forum post such as this).
Have you taken any consideration of putting some of your favorites on the wiki?
I definitely intended to always add them to the wiki, but for ~2-years it was down for the count. Now that it's up I'll add what I've got to the wiki post haste. :) Thanks for the poke.
BTW, I've been playing around with the PyArc-style template too. :)
Is this link to add to your profile still available? I can't seem to add it.
Ning has been having problems with profile page Apps. So until they have solved the problems it is not possible to add the Starship Captain App to your profile page.
A couple weeks ago I noticed that the SC section on my profile page was displaying an error message
Unable to retrieve gadget xml. HTTP error 404
So I moved my old text version of my SC higher up on my profile page.
(And updated it too.) :)
I am having the same problem, getting the message, "There was an error processing your OpenSocial XML file. Please verify that the OpenSocial XML file is valid and try again."
Yep - sorry, this is still broken, and Ning doesn't have any plans to fix it. :( We have a plan to move the database someplace new, but other web projects have a higher priority right now. I'll let you know when it's fixed - in the meantime, you can do what Russ did... which I also just did for my own list!
I am the admin for the IceWiki. Please send me your user name and I can add your account to the regulars whitelist.
However, you still won't be able to make edits. We are having some trouble with MediaWiki and the fix is above my admin level.
Hi, I would like to become "regular" too, so I can add my games to the wiki and edit some typos I found here and there. My username is Rosbi. Thank you and I hope the wiki will be fixed soon :)
A long time ago, (2004ish) I was super excited that all of the pyramid games had rules that lived online. Then one day some of them started to disappear. This was before the wiki. I panicked and started to print up a copy of all of the games that I could find that still existed. I have a pretty good collection.
I recently was able to have a conversation with Mr. Looney. I mentioned a game that he had never hear of. It was one of the lost ones. I promised that I would post what I had printed up online here in the forum. I think this thread would be a good place for others to post stuff that they might have printed up also....provided it doesn't exist on the wiki. I have more in my collection. When I get time, I will post more of the lost ones here for all to see. I will scan them, that way the url and other info will appear as well so that the proper people might get credit.
The first game that I am posting is a solitaire game that is more of a puzzle than a game. Ice Star.
That's a great idea. It's very cool to hear that you have some old games printed out. Ice Star is one of the ones that I located a while back (probably through, and it is on our wiki. I actually got to try the game out a while ago.
There are, however, several games that are still missing, so feel free to take a look at the complete list of archived games and post any that you have that are missing.
Just looked up the ice star on the wiki. The name is there, but the instructions weren't.
Thanks for calling that to my attention.
There's a link on the page, which was working as of a few months. We didn't put a lot of games directly into the wiki because of copyright issues (perhaps silly in this case) or because the original page was done up with pictures, etc. In this case, I'll have to go fix the link again (whenever the wiki gets fixed).
About a month ago I posted the rules for a game called Cydonia. While I like the game, I was worried that requiring 8 Treehouse stashes would be prohibitive for play. Therefore, I devised a similar game called Martian Whist that requires 2-4 Treehouse stashes instead.
The rules are at if you're so inclined to try.
Feedback is always welcome at me at fogus dot me or on this very forum.
The rules have been modified to include trumps (optional). -->
There's a game on Steam called Tabletop Simulator.
It allows you to play board and and card games online. There are lots of mods in the workshop of different games people have added including some pyramid games and different versions of fluxx.
There's Martian chess:
and solid pyramids:
The guy who made the 'mids doesn't know how to make them stack-able but there are stack-able ones in the making.
Anyone want to join me for online gaming?
I'm always up for Martian Chess
I saw this on Steam a while back, and remember thinking "I hope someone makes some Icehouse pyramids for this"!
Tabletop Simulator does look good, but I do hope that a set of stackable pyramids comes around soon. I think it'd be great for playing Zendo, which is one of my favourite games at the moment, but that one does really need stackable pyramids...
At one point this year I decided to challenge myself to create 10 Icehouse game designs this year. The precise reasoning for my self-imposed challenge is lost to the dustbin of history (or perhaps at the bottom of a wine glass). That said, the challenge was set and amazingly I managed to meet it. The following games were designed by me in 2014 (sorted in order of my favorite):
Logistics– I actually think that this is a legitimately good game and as a fan of abstracts easily my favorite of the group. I still need to work on the capture powers however.
Cydonia – I also think that this is a good game too, but the number of pyramids required might be prohibitive for some. I think that the “trick-taking” aspect is novel for a pyramid game.
Toripoka – A neat micro card game that could use a lot more play-testing.
Gorgias – My entry into the Yahtzee family with (I believe) a novel “battle” resolution scheme for pyramids.
Quux – A little connection game designed purely to be a “breakfast game.” Needs more play-testing to see if there are any killer strategies.
Malice – An Icehouse version of Alice, informed by Martian Chess. I enjoy it, but there is a decided lack of clarity.
Pew Pew, Die – My version of Martian Roshambo using no pyramids at all.
CarboniteDice– A variant of IceDice meant for Solo play.
Initiative – A game of perfect information that sadly can be very cold.
Pungo – Basically a game designed just to explore the “controlled roll” mechanism.
Coin Hijinks – An adaptation of Pink Hijinks for pocket change.
Pink Poppycock – An adaptation of Pink Hijinks to use the “controlled roll” mechanism
All in all not too bad IMO. There are a few games on this list that I think I can see myself (and others hopefully) actually enjoying. This to me is a success. Additionally, I learned some valuable design lessons over the past year that I share on my game-blog at -- please consider reading it.
Thanks and happy new year! Here's to 12 more in 2015. :-)
Concluding my goal of creating 10 pyramid games in 2014, I present my final effort (or at least that last that I'll spam here;)...Quux.
Quux is a connection game for two players requiring a 4x4 board and two mono-stashes of differing colors.
The current rules are on my personal site at I will eventually put them onto the Icehouse games wiki once it's gotten over its... troubles.
Please consider trying it out.
And of course thanks for the feedback provided in 2015 on my games posted here. :)
Congratulations on completing your Ten Game Challenge!! Actually I apparently missed one because I thought you only had 8, and the year was almost gone. I had thought if you get one more up, this would be only #9. I'll have to go back and review them all, eh!!
Again, congratulations!!!
Hi Scott,
Thanks for reading! For the sake of Clarity I should say that I didn't post every entry here, but I assure you that between variants and new games there have been (at least) 10. :)
Continuing my goal of creating 10 pyramid games in 2014, I present my latest effort...Cydonia.
Cydonia is a pyramidal trick-taking (using trees) game of perfect information for two players. It takes place over two rounds, the first used to build a mixed stash of pyramids used in the second phase to win another set of trees used for final scoring.
The current rules are on my personal site at I will eventually put them onto the Icehouse games wiki once it's gotten over its latest configuration troubles.
Please consider trying it out.
Hi Team,
Just wondering what Tarot deck would you recommend for Gnostica or Zarcana? I know where I can get the stickers to add, but I would really like to make the best possible gaming experience. I'm also asking this question on BGG. If you would add where I can get the deck, Amazon, B&N, etc., it would be very appreciated.
Thank you,
Any of dozens (hundreds?) of published tarot decks with the correct suits and major arcana should work fine, so it's basically a subjective matter of taste, i.e. which one has art you like the most!
(FWIW I'm a fan of the classic/traditional Rider-Waite, though I don't currently own that version, alas.)
It's not a tarot deck, but I was happy with this set of custom-designed cards for Gnostica:
If you want the best gaming experience for Zarcana, then use this deck explicitly made for Zarcana (by me):
All rules on every card... no stickers needed.
That looks great for Zarcana! Wonderful art! I'm going to get some more ink tomorrow!
Would you recommend a Rider-Waite deck? Crowly-Thoth?
I wholly endorse Ryan Hackel's deck, and prefer it to any other.
The Crowly-Thoth deck changes several major arcana cards. This makes it somewhat less ideal, since the rules use a more traditional approach to card names.
I believe the games were designed using the Rider-Waite deck, but I'm not sure on that. In theory, any tarot deck will work, as long as it has the standard major and minor arcana.
The non-tarot deck is the perfect deck to play with. Not only are all of the rules on each card, if you are playing with people that refuse to touch a tarot deck, they will usually play with this one without objecting. (It's a bit of a problem here in scenic Utah.)
Ryder-Waite is the default tarot, these days. Just a hunch, but I would avoid the newer "art" or heavily-themed decks, such as the Dali' deck or "Tarot of the Foxes" or whatever, because they would be hard to correlate with the rules. I'm not terribly familiar with Gnostica, but one of the older tarot, i.e. the Marseilles, might be better (or worse?) for play. The Marseilles includes the major arcana in images similar to the Ryder-Waite, but the miner arcana are presented with images similar to conventional playing cards.
I got "The Tarot Box" at Barnes & Noble and like it because the cards (Caselli tarot) are pretty close to Rider-Waite, and smaller so the playing surface doesn't grow as fast."the+tarot+box"&tbm=isch
Continuing my goal of creating 10 pyramid games in 2014, I present my latest effort...Gorgias.
Gorgias is a press-your-luck dice game of philosophical debates for two players. It takes place over the course of seven rounds whereby players roll dice to help build their philosophical arguments. During each round the arguments will be secretly arranged and pitted against the opponent's arguments. The results of these arguments will help the players score points toward winning the debate. The most balanced debate wins the game!
The current rules are on my personal site at I will eventually put them onto the Icehouse games wiki once it's gotten over its latest configuration troubles.
Please consider trying it out.
When I try to add the app by url, and paste the url provided, I get the following error:
There was an error processing your OpenSocial XML file. Please verify that the OpenSocial XML file is valid and try again.
Has something changed on the back end that's preventing this from working?
Thanks for letting us know. I believe this is a problem with the Ning platform not our gadget specifically. I will check with Ning support.
The wiki is down. Does anyone need help?
Yikes, that's too bad! I was actually planning to get to one of your games this weekend (still will if we are back online). I'm sure that it will be up sooner or later.
There are so many great hidden gems from the past three years that haven't been played as much, especially after the pause in the ICE Awards.
My games are also at if you're still interested.
That said, I agree that there are many good games created recently that deserve to be played and explored. I don't know much about the situation with the ICE awards, so I can't comment about it except to say that it's a shame to see that they're (effectively) dead.
What is needed to keep it alive? New administrators, renewing the web name cost, or what?
I don't really know. From an outside perspective it looks like a configuration setting is wrong, but that is just speculative based on looking at the error message.
Thanks for letting us know. Unfortunately, the wiki is a fan run site so we (Looney Labs) can't fix it.
I'm trying to contact Brian to see if I can lend a hand to get it going again (I think I've seen that error problem before on a wiki I run).
Just for the record I wasn't posting to try to get Looney Labs to handle the problem. My only hope was that the owner/admin (whom I don't know) would see it.
I'll try contacting the webmaster, Brian Campbell.
Disregard. The wiki seems to be back up, at least me me.
(I'm using Win7 and Firefox 33.1)
It's feeling much better...
Indeed it is for the purposes of viewing, but there still seems to be a problem that prohibits editing and/or creating pages.
I confirm that edits are blocked somehow.
Error: "Warning: Parameter 1 to ReCaptcha::confirmEdit() expected to be a reference, value given in /home/rabbits/ on line 113"
Internal Error: "Set $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; at the bottom of LocalSettings.php to show detailed debugging information."
I emailed Mr/ Campbell about it, but to no avail. :(
Continuing my goal of creating 10 pyramid games in 2014, I present my latest effort...Toripoka.
Toripoka is a set-collecting, bluffing card game based loosely on Three Card Poker, for 2 players. The game takes place over a series of rounds, each played to determine the winner of one or both of the pyramids available for capture. Pyramids are captured by players building the best possible three-card Poker hands given three personal cards and two exposed public cards. The player who captures the most points when the pyramids run out wins the game.
The rules are on the Icehouse games wiki at
Please consider trying it out.
First time posting! Hello from Cape Town, South Africa :)
I would love to have some help re: Zark City. I posted this question on BGG but no responses.
- if during convert/demolish action a target pyramid is removed from the board, is that piece then completely out of play i.e. cannot be used again by the player who placed it?
If this is the case then I assume that a player who no longer has any small pyramids and has pyramids on only two cards is out of the game...?
No, pieces are never fully removed from the game. They go back into the personal stash of player whose color it is. For example, if I destroyed one of your pieces, I'd just give it back to you. There's no way to be placed out of the game in Zark City. It's actually the whole point of the Hatch rule. No one gets taken out, at least, until there's a winner!
Great! That makes a lot of sense - the alternative means that players are knocked out early in the game and that you can win by merely eliminating your opponent.
Thanks for the quick response, this has been bugging me :)
FWIW I saw a response to what I assume was your post at BGG; perhaps your BGG subscription settings are not set to notify you about responses to your posts?
I'm attending a conference this week in which I volunteered to run a Zendo session. For those of you who've done such a thing before, I wonder if you have any advice. Before my questions, please keep in mind the following:
That said, my questions are:
Thanks in advance. I'm very excited. :)
Especially with non-gamers, I often introduce the game without guessing stones. Just say you can make a guess as part of your turn if you wish. (And then there's no problem with people dropping in or out of the game.)
Keep the koan rules simple. A very common mistake for new players is making too complicated rules. (If you find yourself making a compound rule with "and", "or", "if", etc, stop! Don't do it!) Better to start too easy than too hard. Even a simple rule like "There must be a green piece" can sometimes take a while for newbies to get.
10 or 12 people is too many for a single game - too much down time between turns, the koan could be solved before some players even got a single turn. But you could start that way in a single big group to show how the game works, then break them into 2 or 3 groups to play in parallel.
I usually ask the correct guesser in one game if they'd like to make the rule and run the next game. Usually they do. (And then I emphasize that they should not try to make a complex rule, and they are not competing: their goal is not to "stump" the players but to provide a fun game to the players.)
You might stock up on pyramids (or borrow some extras). I wound up with 8 people per game, and we played for over three hours. We needed 8 stashes and a big table!
I'm all set in the pyramids department. Thanks. :)
Everything Russ said, except I wouldn't ask a newcomer if they want to master a game until they've had at least three or so games under their belt. Even if the first winner proactively asks to master the next game, I'd tend to err on the side of saying no. Maybe tell them they have to win two games.
As master, try to think out loud without giving away the rule. e.g. When someone makes a guess, say something like, "Hmmm... now I have to make a koan that either follows your rule and not mine or follows my rule but not yours... without giving too much away." Also, explain how did you picked the opening koans?
You might consider having little sheets printed up with just an intro to the game so that you don't have to stop a game in progress every time a person shows up. Just one quarter of an 8.5x11.
Keep the koan rules simple. It's a heck of a lot better experience to burn through a half-dozen games with rules that are "too" easy, than to take an hour to grind away at a rule with prime numbers and weird orientations.
That was a blast. Thanks everyone for the feedback, specifically around guessing stones, beginner masters, and complicated rules. I had ~10 people sign up on the conference site and brought enough pyramids sufficient for ~4-5 groups.
My session was due to start at 9pm and due to very slow service at a restaurant I arrived about 5 minutes late. The room was filled, but I suspected that the previous session had run over. I immediately spoke up and asked "how many people are here to discover Zendo?" Every single hand went up...
That is, ~30-35 hands went up.
I immediately knew that I was in trouble. However, and this is a big however, a couple (Danielle and David) immediately stood up and pulled out a huge stash of pyramids! They also knew and loved the game and offered to help. Once we ran through the rules, we split up the pyramids, split up the Masters and started. Both Danielle and David ran a table each and managed to teach their players the traditional Zendo rules. However, as I was Mastering 3 tables to start, I went with a simplified version of the rules and jumped from table to table.
Zendo was a immediate hit. The players, though most were new to Zendo, instantly "got it." There were constant congratulations on finding the rules and echoes of "let's play another." I mastered about 9 games between 3 tables, but soon was able to relax, vet some rules, and just sit and play once the other players felt confident to be Master. I still jumped from table to table to play a rule or two (and got in ~20 games by night's end) but after a while the tables were off and running without intervention. It was a thing of beauty.
I stayed until the end of the last game ... that ended at about 1am. That's 4 hours of Zendo played and enjoyed by 40-50 people, many whom were new to the game. If you do a Twitter search for strangeloop and zendo, you'll see some of the feedback and positivity.
Thanks to everyone who provided feedback, and to David and Danielle for bailing me out of a potentially embarrassing lack of pyramids. The Zendo session was a smashing success.
<br /><small><a href="">Find more photos like this on <em>The Looney Labs Fan Club</em></a></small><br />
"That's 4 hours of Zendo played and enjoyed by 40-50 people, many whom were new to the game."
Holy smokes, that's impressive! Glad it went so amazingly well! Congrats!
Thanks Russ. And thank you for the advice. It was invaluable.
Continuing my goal of creating 10 pyramid games in 2014, I present my latest (and greatest?) effort.
Logistics is a game of pyramid transportation and capture using a Mancala-like movement and capture mechanism for 2 players. It requires 1 IceDice set per player (more for a larger board) and plays in 15-30 minutes.
The rules are on the Icehouse games wiki at
Please consider trying it out.
1) The sowing happens just like in Manacala - one pyramid per cell.
2) You never sow into the opponent's row unless a capture power allows you to manipulate one of their pieces.
I'll modify the rules a bit to make these bot more clear. Thanks for checking it out.
You can only sow into the vault if the number of sowed pyramids puts the last one into the vault. When that happens only the pyramid sowed into the vault is kept, the others are still on the play area cards. When sowing into the vault you'll only ever put one pyramid or a tree if you've managed to build one. I think drawing up some examples might be helpful. Thanks for pushing on this. :)
> Sorry if I'm coming off as annoying. ^_^
Not at all. Quite the contrary. Thank you.
I went ahead and added a game fragment for illustrative purposes. I hope this helps to clarify the rules. Thanks again.
Have you tried Inked Playmats? I don't know if they do any that small, but they make good stuff, allow for customization and are usually pretty fast. And I've never seen them require a big batch order.
I will have to check them out. I was talking with I think their prices are insane. They wanted $500 for one mouspad of each of the 4 main Martian Coaster colors. There is no way I am going to pay $125 per mouspad for a little 4x4 square of fabric so I am back to looking for a vendor. I will try this one you linked next. I already sent them an email asking if they can do 4x4 sizes. I love martian coasters and really hope I can find someone to do the mouspad version of the coasters for an easily packed and carried version to go into my emergency kit.
Have you thought of doing a 9x8 sized one with all four colors in the four corners and then cutting them apart?
The only local print shop I know of is Kinkos lol.
I will have to try Office Depot....closest Office Max is like 70 miles away. Way too far to drive in a Gas Guzzling tank of a vehicle.
I actually think they are owned by the same parent corp...I used Office Max website to double check and they showed me where the nearest Office Depot was.
Next Question...does anyone have a good high quality picture of each individual coaster? My scanner is being a POS and all my scans come out blurry which just wont do...There is a PDF version of the Launchpad23 game board so that's easily accessible to get a durable travel version made. The Martian Coasters though....I haven't seen any pictures of the individual coaster designs themselves to provide to the print shop for getting my rollable,foldable, non breaking, non bendy travel coasters....might even end up ordering two sets since my demo coasters get a beating getting lugged back and forth between cons and game stores and friends nice if this plan works out to have a set of coasters that won't get bent, banged or battered being hauled all over the place.
The Rules PDF at has images of the coasters at the bottom.
Direct link to the PDF:
Nice...I never noticed that before..I guess maybe I just never scrolled all the way down, or I never looked at the online rules just the mini pack rules that come with the coasters...either way, thanks for the help and once I guet these things printed I will let you guys know how the portable coasters work out for me on my next hike/campingtrip.
Well Thanks to the helpful hint from Mr. Wolfe here I have the Art work for the 4 primary coasters. I couldn't find a good picture of the black coaster so I had to deal with a slightly blurred picture of the actual coaster rather than a drawing. We will see how they fair in a few weeks when I send them to inked playmats to get my 4x4 fabric and rubber mats made up, if I don'f find that Office Depot will do them cheaper.
Yeah sure. I wont be placing any orders for 2 weeks to a month or maybe a little longer depending on how my school funding looks, I am just working out the finer details at the moment so when the time comes I will have everything together. I did send the pictures I had off to Inked playmats already, not as a model for the order but as a general idea of the colors and designs in case that will change the pricing at all. Once I get to the point where everything is ready and I have the extra funds put aside to make a test order I will send them the actual Art to be used, i.e. the nice clean photos, and send them the $68 for the initial order. and if they work out nicely I will find out from them if you guys can order them directly from them if you too want a travel set of coasters that can be folded and moldered without bending or breaking and if not I can order them for you guys since after the initial order it will be $3 each board rather than $50 + $3 for each board. Just not sure if that is any orders or just orders I make, so I will get clarification on that so that anyone else here that wants a travel set of coasters can get them as well whether with me as the middle man or by providing a link or something.
Though it wasn't a resolution per se, I challenged myself to invent 10 pyramid games in 2014. While I have a few in various stages of development, I recently "completed" a game called Pungo.
Pungo came out of my explorations in attempting to remove the randomness from Pink Hijinks (see my post on Pink Poppycock). This thread of exploration led to a game that hints of PH, but plays quite differently.
The rules are on the Icehouse games wiki at
Please consider trying it out.
Thanks. I hope you enjoy the game. Just to be clear. I love PH very much, so this was not an attempt to "fix" it. Instead, it was more an exercise in exploring remove luck from it that yielded interesting results. :)
So I may have resubmitted my Membership card for a dozen or so times...Every time I tried to fill out the form, the captcha box would disappear after I uploaded my photo. I tried a few work arounds and had "Captcha reuse attack detected" pop up on the screen when I submitted. I finally had one at the end with no errors let me submit the form.(this is on Google chrome) And I have also been noticing that my Captains list disappears. When logging into my page from a tablet or smartphone using Google chrome as the browser I have had to reenter the list twice because it gets totally cleared out. I have not experienced the total loss of list on a desktop version of Google Chrome but I do get an HTTP error 404 and blank list loads on Google chrome for desktop. I haven't tried Safari or Firefox or IE yet to see if it bleeds over or it is just a chrome issue. I will start trying to remember to log in using something other than Chrome and make note if I get the error there as well.
Thanks for letting us know. I will take a look at it. Do you have any ad-blockers or other extensions installed in your browser. I have seen problems with NoScript and Ning in the past.
A quick follow up.
I am able to reproduce the 404 error on the starship captain game list but I don't know why it is happening.
For the Membership card form, I don't have a fix but I have a work around. Instead of pressing the "Upload" button to send the file, just select the image file and fill out the rest of the form (including the captcha) then use the "Submit" button below the captcha. The image will be uploaded with the form and you should not get the captcha error message.
It took some time but my first game with pyramids - Pyramideto - got new version. More cards, Magic cards, new goals, updated rules and new languages.
If you like it, try it at DTC (
While searching for a way to make Martian Chess more portable for any upcoming trip, I happened upon a way to repurpose a small Moleskine notebook and some Chessex dice.
Oh that's clever. :D And as it's my favorite game…
Although, today, I fought the game to a 9yo. And he promptly kicked my butt. :) Made TWO mistakes that round, and now he's hooked and I want a rematch.
My son and I were toying around with our Pink Hijinks set and happened on a "variant" called Pink Poppycock.
Pink Poppycock plays exactly like Pink Hijinks except a player's possible moves are populated ahead of time rather than on a per turn basis. In other words, before the game begins we take the pyramid die and each roll it 10 times, writing down the result of the rolls. We then start a game using only the rolls that we got, crossing off those used from the list as we go. We've played around with various scenarios including:
We've not played Pink Poppycock enough to know if this is a viable variant, but the first few plays have at least been fun. If you're so inclined give it a try and let me know what you think, ideas for improvement, different pool scenarios, etc.
This sounds like fun, and Pink Hijinks as a packaged monochrome set of three trios definitely needs some more love.
The pre-populated set of move choices is interesting to me. I wonder how well it would work to have a small deck of cards or something, and you must play through all 6 cards, before you can replay any card. Something to think about. Interesting idea, sir.
A quick search turned up a person, Andrew Farley, and a company, Neon Surge. It does have a VideoGameGeek entry, but information is sketchy.
I got that far, but appears defunct, as does The two domains are related, despite having different registrants. The registrar of uses a Yahoo email address which IMO just screams "send domain spam here!" Andrew Farley's registrant email is at neonsurge.
Sounds like a couple of guys got together to start a small indie game company, which is cool. But it looks like things may not have panned out for some reason. The domain is coming up on expiration, and the iOS app (which appears to have been blessed by Looney Labs since it now bears the name Martian Chess and a LL logo) is still at 1.0.
I'll keep digging.
Pulled a major coup today, trading a couple copies of my books for:
I'm dying to learn more about this set, but for now I'll read the Mystique.
Is this what you ended up with? They're extrememly rare. :)
There is a stash of silver glitter pyramid in my set. More detail of the set on BGG:
Some interesting bits about the set:
BTW Greg, thank you for that link. It's a wealth of knowledge and as an added bonus it's led me to the old Looney news entries. No sleep for me tonight. ;-)
Wow, I didn't even know that they created an entire set of glitter icehouse pyramids (that particular silver pyramid stash was a limited edition of one). I gather that what you have there is extremely rare. Btw, I love your little display of stackable/physical games.
Wow that is an amazing find!
Has anyone by chance scanned those original booklets? I know that *most* (but not all) issues of Hypothermia have been scanned (with some OCR errors I should probably email ee0r about when I'm thinking about it and have some time).
Being that I only recently discovered icehouse pieces (saw mention of them a few times on BoardGameGeek, but only in reference to their usability with piecepacks and the like), I of course missed a lot of the rich history of this system. A fair bit of the older things are being lost now, so the archivist in me is looking to see these things preserved.
Game Techs on the Book of Faces have seen the project I've been working on now… Hoping to have that done soon.
I should've been a librarian or something. :)
I've not seen any scans of the enclosed booklets, but I imagine most of the material has migrated online or to other documents.
While I think it would be interesting to scan the documents in the old Icehouse sets for the sake of preservation, it seems that all of the information contained therein is available elsewhere. Indeed the Wunderland Icehouse site has a lot more information than that contained in the original booklets.
I hope this helps on catching up on the history.
That is interesting to know. I was never really clear on what came with these old sets. Pretty awesome, thank you!
The printed book The Empty City is numbered "zero" on the spine, and the book Playing With Pyramids is numbered "one." I believe the original intention was to take this mode of publishing a series of books themed on the Icehouse set, with each book containing a mixture of rules and myths of the lost civilization of the Martians. This idea has been re-expressed over the years in newsletters, magazines, and pamphlets. This current website you're reading is a direct descendant of that basic desire to play games and share stories.
On this related point, I would like to quietly suggest everyone with a fFew minutes should read The Empty City. It is a nice work of fFiction. When I read it some years ago, I was at that point deep into playing the game Perplex City, an Alternate Reality Games with some similar themes as The Empty City. And I had just gotten really into playing a lot of the game Alien Cities, so i fFelt like I was really building this whole thing up in my head. I was walking around in this really cool place fFor a month or so. =)
Rook, if you've been living under a rock, is an odd bird. (See what I did there?) It's a deck of 57 cards, made because a lot of American Bible Belt Christians see poker/bridge cards as second only to Dungeons and Dragons as tools of Satan himself in corrupting people through gambling, drinking, smoking, and probably other vices.
So someone came up with the idea of "Christian cards", a deck of cards with just colors and numbers rather the suits and ranks of the typical poker deck. To do this, they took a TAROT DECK, removed the trump suit, gave the others their own color, and numbered them 1-14. They kept the fool, and turned him into a dopey looking bird called a rook, from whence the deck derives its name. And of course Rook, the standard rummy-style game played with the deck, is most often played for stakes. Fail. :D
Even so, the rook deck is quite useful as two of them can be used to play games with non-standard decks pretty easily, and a generic "57 Cards" exists printed on KEM (USPCC-owned) plastic stock, as well as USPCC paper used to make Bicycle, Hoyle, Bee, etc. Good quality stuff, and it's what I use.
So anyway, Zark City… I think it seems like the way to adapt this is to leave the 14s in, and treat thusly:
Option #2 is to pull the bird (or tree in the case of 57 Cards) and two 14s. Now you've got a 54 card deck. Treat ones as aces and ranks above ten as in Poker (so no Knight/Chevalier rank), and consider your two 14s to be Jokers.
The second option is a direct 1 to 1, which is often what people want, but I think Zark City merely becomes more competitive with the extra 1 pip cards.
Any thoughts?
Primarily Mennonites and Puritanical Christians had (have) that issue with standard cards.
Very interesting how a tarot deck was used to make this deck!
Inorite! It's absolutely hilarious to me—but then the Poker deck is also tarot-derived. Indeed, the first playing cards were tarot, and tarot is a GAME. The idea of using them for the occult, divination, etc, came later. The "major arcana" were originally just the trump suit, and there were more cards in the trump suit than any other.
What this suggests to me is that a single deck of cards could play Gnostica, Rook, Poker, and any number of other games. Use Rook colors for the four poker suits (which are French tarot suits), and include yellow stars for the trumps. Print on Poker or Bridge sized cards. Second set can be marked on the card fronts (black dot works) opposite the rank/suit. That's 156 cards, and it's quite universal. Only there's no way anybody's going to be producing that in high quality cards because demand is just too low.
I find it very helpful during Zark City that the attack cards are all "letter" cards instead of numbers. It's a simple and direct "at a glance" way to see how much attack you have in your hand. I'm not sure two-digit numbers would have the same standout effect.
I didn't find the difference to be that great simply because the numbers were two-digit. In the two or three test games I've had with with a Rook deck, it seems to play pretty well so far. Granted, I've thus far only had the opportunity to test it in 2 player games, and Zark City tends to play a bit differently with two versus more players.
I should've suggested blue stars, not yellow. But I was thinking of Five Crowns at the time I suggested it, which is a five-suited deck of French-suited cards plus stars with A/2 cards removed. There's also the Stardeck which has stars that are red/black.
There are a few double and triple "universal" decks out there, but I dunno what kind of stock they're printed on (usually the same stuff a Decktet is, but I haven't got a Decktet either), and honestly the universal decks are trying too hard IMO. I generally keep two decks handy, when I can have only two: My 57 Cards deck, and a Bicycle Double 9 Domino deck. I tried posting about the circumstances of that over in the general forum but … browser/network/something issues… It didn't take. :)
I'll post something about it with pictures when I figure out how best to cut some foam to keep a 3House set from rattling around inside the box. Also, I might have to find an alternative box because currently I use an old VHS rental type plastic case. Those are rare nowadays. :)
Okay, so we all know you can't get them anymore. And we all know that they're really kind of nifty, especially version two with canals for Martian Chess and other games.
I have the beginnings of a solution, I think, and I would like some suggestions from the crafty amongst the group.
Yup, that's a plain men's handkerchief, white. It came in a pack of a baker's dozen at Walmart for $5.
You can see here that the things are not 100% perfectly square and that they have a slight texture in the weave, but the thing is basically just a white square. Turns out it measures 16 inches to a side. To determine this, I folded the thing into quarters as best I could and measured along the folds. I did it that way to ensure that if I think I can get a certain measurement, I really can.
You probably see where I'm going with this. A 16 inch square is a little small for a tournament chessboard, but realistically speaking it is big enough. Or is it? Well, my tallest regulation pyramids are my Pink Treehouse set, so I'll use these as a guideline:
As you can see here, any game that involves setting the pieces on their side in a chessboard square is going to be a bit snug of a fit. You could do it on a tournament regulation chessboard or rollup mat, but I don't know of any games off the top of my head that require the ability to do it. And I suspect Andy would say of such things that games should be spontaneous—you out to be able to play with whatever you have handy, or improvise something on the spot. And we all know that THE EMPEROR MUST BE OBEYED.
So I think it should be sufficient to use this smaller size.
Which brings me to this:
Well welIt's what I happened to have around from another project that didn't end up needing them, although for this project I wonder if they're suited to making crisp lines. Perhaps my best bet is to pin the thing to a backing I don't mind bleeding on to and drawing an 8 by 8 grid with sharpie. Or 4x4 quadrants with canals. Or something. To be able to play traditional chess with it, you need the alternating colors, so maybe I need to use an ultra fine point sharpie to draw the grid?
What do you think, Crafty Captains? For $5 a pack, I can afford to screw up a couple of these things trying to get it right, but … I'd rather make a bunch of them and give them away as prizes for Cadet Trainings if they come out nicely.
I intend to post pictures of whatever I do here on this thread.
I think homecrafted chessboard bandanas would make great "graduation" gifts for new Starship Captains and as prizes in pyramid tournaments.
A little more crossover from the day job: McNett, the people responsible for Aquamira water purification tablets and Frontier filter straws widely known to backpackers and emergency preparedness folks also have a brand for pack towels and whatnot, Outgo. What I just stumbled upon is this Game Towel they produce.
They've got chess, backgammon, and scrabble boards. Doesn't pack down nearly as small as a bandanna will, mostly because of the large amount of space NOT used. for gaming. Still, for those who might be interested in travel gaming for actual travel, this might be an easy solution. Also for gamers who are HHGttG fans, campers, people with families interested in preparedness, etc… :)
They also have a smaller workout-sized towel under their Tactical brand ("fer duck-huntin'!", explained), and apparently they CAN put chessboards on those if you want a dozen of them… For what pack towels cost, I don't need a dozen of them, thanks. :D
I haven't had time to work on my little art project above. Much going on.
I've seen 'em at craft fairs. I have a bandana chinese checker board I got 20 years ago. A quick google search turned up several, but I kinda like these
I like the extra space on these. Makes it great for people in super windy areas to be able to put the board in the center of something and tie-down or strap the rest of the towel down so the board doesn't fly away on you. and most likely way lighter than my carved stone chess set that would not make it very far in a SHTF scenario.
While I'm all for do-it-yourself crafts, I also recognize the limits of what I'm capable of with squeeze-on fabric paints. I'm guessing I would get results I'm much happier with by going with a higher resolution process. Two options come to mind immediately:
1. Screen printing.
2. A custom fabric printing service such as Spoonflower
A standard-sized 22" square bandana is fine, since a chess board with 2" squares (need 1.8something for a "flat" three-pointer) would come out to 16" square. That leaves a 3" border for fancy designs or a little extra room for Martian Chess canals. If you had custom-printed fabric made, a 24" repeat pattern would give you enough extra fabric to add a hem to prevent raveling. Unfortunately, I looks like the minimum you can buy from Spoonflower that would be big enough is 1 yard of fabric, 54" wide. That would allow your 24" pattern to be printed twice across the width of the fabric and 1.5 tiems in length. For the sake of the math, 2 yds of fabric would yield 6 pattern repeats and cost $35 for their limited-availability satin fabric. (Different fabrics are different widths and prices.) That comes out to just under $6 per bandana. Also, 24" of fabric gives enough to allow a draw string to be hemmed in, so you could make either a bandana or a bag/board.
This would give you something comparable to the Chesspas "board".
Chesspas: $6.75 for 1, already designed and made.
Spponflower: $35.00 for 6, one of us (could | would have to) design it and it would have to be cut and hemmed.
So... Spoonflower would be slightly cheaper (in multiples of 6) and would allow more design freedom, but it requires more effort (design, upload, cut, sew).
Note: Spoonflower just happens to be the one fabric printer I know. I have to imagine there's more out there.
Hi all,
Much to my joy, I learned recently that a co-worker is an old Icehouse player. We chatted briefly about the prospects of teaching each other some pyramid games and I wonder if anyone has suggestions on games amenable to Skype-based play?
Some initial ideas:
* Homeworlds
* Blam
* Treehouse
I suspect the answer is that there are many, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
Thanks in advance.
Not Icehouse or Icetowers. :)
Probably just about anything Turn Based, I would think. Eschew a deck of cards and it is even easier to play, because then both people can setup their own tabletop of a game. Martian Chess, fFor example, would play very well. People have been playing Chess by Mail fFor a very long time, so Martian Chess by Skype should be really natural. Zark City, however, would probably be clumsier.
Volcano/Caldera would probably be very easy, I think.
Hi everyone, I'm looking for a way to store my pyramids and assorted other stuff. Actually, two ways–one for an Icehouse set, and one for full set of (currently 11) colors. I've noticed pink pyramids stack a little taller than the others do (at least my Pink Treehouse set does) and the plastic tote that would otherwise hold six stashes wouldn't quite work.
So, what do you use? And of course…
Showing off is mandatory. :)
Also, I'd like permission to post your pics of iceboxes and general gaming kits over on the wiki where they can be found. If you're willing, let me know. Also if you have preferences for attribution and license—CC BY-SA or something?
I just realized, I don't think I have ever actually taken pictures of my storage solution. I'll do that later.
I have essentially two sets of pyramids.
One set is like my grab-and-go bag. It lives in the car, and is always handy. It is a Laptop Case with pyramids in plastic tubes, along with a bunch of other stuff like dice and cards and stuff.
The other set is a couple overstuffed pyramid bags which hang by my desk. Those bags hold a lot of pyramids!!
Also I have a set of Giant Pyramids, which are in a big cardboard box in the garage. But that's sort of, you know, different.
Ultimately, I intend to have two sets as well as a set of IceDice and Treehouse as they appear on the retail market.
The first set is my full 11 stash (and room to grow) kit. Carryable, but not exactly travel sized. :)
The second is kind of a games survival kit. And I'm kind of not kidding about that, since I intend to actually put such a set in a "survival kit". Basically, a means of entertaining a family when disaster strikes. Needs to be small, lightweight, and cover a wide range of ages and interests. You can see why pyramids, a deck of cards, and some dice would be a good starting point.
"The second is kind of a games survival kit" this is exactly what got me back into tabletop style games. I have all this junk for surviving a disaster and realized that if its something major that shuts down utilities for weeks or even months I would probably lose my mind and either kill myself trying to do something dumb or get taken down by the police as a raving madman if I have nothing to entertain myself and my family for that time. One of the reasons I got hooked on Looney dice as well as some of Steve Jackson's dice games is the portability of it all. Easily stashed into a go bag or in a cargo pocket. So I too would love to see some of these storage solutions as I accidentally killed my big box-o-storing when I tried to fancy it up with wood burning...which I quickly learned I DO NOT know how to do lol. But I was using this wooden artist case to hold everything since it is compartmentalized for holding paint brushes and paint tubes and colored pencils and other such art tools, just stuck my colored pyramids into those pre-cut wooden bins inside the case and lined the inside with felt to keep everything soft. and non abrasive so it wouldn't scratch up any of my more delicate gaming pieces....the end came when I decided to re-purpose it to carry my Call of Cthulhu LCG set because it was bigger than what I wanted to be carrying around and wood burn an elder sign on the lid....I ended up breaking the whole thing before I was long story short, I am in the market for some carrying cases too. Although I did see a video about a game called Hippos&Crocodiles that is carried in a long zippered pencil case type deal and it got me thinking that if I could find some zippered pencil cases that were nice/long/wide enough they might make for a good storage option for the grab-n-go set. Especially if I could get my game mats done up on mousepads like the game boards for that hippos & crocs game then It would be as easy as rolling up my game mat stuffing it in with the pyramids and hitting the street. Time to play? unzip drop mousepad type game mat and enjoy/ there is the link to the makeup case I was talking about...from the picture it looks like the mirror slab is removable with a few screws and I am sure with a little time and motivation I could find something related to my pyramids and/or cards or dice to replace the mirror with or just totally remove it or maybe even leave it in. Seems like a good choice for carrying lots of pyramids or a combo of pyramids and accessories especially if you end up in one of those disasters where you have to vacate the premises with a quickness, nice little grab and go tote as far as I'm concerned. Again I have not tested it yet...but soon. I will post results when I do get a chance to order and test this and the canvas zipper pouch from my last reply.
Oo, that is a nice bag. Let us know how that works for you!
It is not bad. It's just one of those mini coolers for a sixer done up with the Looney Labs logo on it. so it has plenty of internal space. I use it more for holding the Pyramids that are already stored in something like a small bag. but it is water proof.
I expect to have my pencil case here Monday so I will see how the pyramids fit in there, and how it fits into my Looney Labs Purple bag. for one storage and transport option. The only downside is the pencil case comes from China any domestic ones were much smaller in size, so there is the extra shipping time to ship overseas.
Ok, so I got the Pencil case in today. The thing is Huge....Way bigger than I expected. I tried out my Looney Pyramids Demo kit and all 6 rainbow stashes EASILY fit with plenty of room to spare. As it stands right now I could put each individual Rainbow stash into a ziploc baggy(like the ones they come in) and then put each one of those baggies inside the pencil case and still have plenty of room left over. I can see this bag easily holding 11 stashes of pyramids with room to spare, especially if you take the time to place them neatly inside the case, I just rolled up the ziploc baggies and stuffed them into the case. I would venture that You could store multiple Icehouse sets in this case. If you want something smaller JUST for 11 trios of the Current colors available then I believe any store with school supplies should have similar pencil cases that are smaller. But I think this one will handle your Icehouse set easily. I will get some pictures later when I have better light to work with. I have my three loose stashes that came with the Demo kit in the case right now and they cover the bottom of the case with room for a couple more stashes just on the bottom layer and the case is easily 5 inches tall. I will be buying a few more of these cases myself for other collections of Pyramids. The construction seems decent and it doesn't appear that is will be easily destroyed, that being said it is a bag with a zipper and zippers are not the most reliable invention ever so expect the zipper to fail at some point, especially if you over stuff the bag with a couple hundred mids. but aside from that, the seams appear to be stitched well, the handle is secure, and the canvas fabric appears to be sturdy enough to stand up to the test of time. We shall see, but for now I am giving this my stamp of approval for a method of pyramid storage(also if I ever get those mouse pad style game boards/martian coasters made then they should also be able to fit nicely inside the bag along with Zendo stones, Treehouse dice, and other assorted dice for games. I will take a look at the makeup case soon to see if that can be converted into a decent hard sided travel case for pyramids and accessories.
(Afterthought, the pencil case in question is actually just a hair longer than the inside length of the Looney Labs Purple Bag so if it is fully stuffed it wont fit. Not too big of a deal though since I use that for Fluxx and Chrononauts and was looking at this zipper case as a separate storage option for pyramids all together.)
First three pictures. Used a 3 pip pyramid for size reference. As you can see its a decent sized bag, also inside the bag are three rainbow stashes, you can see there is plenty or room to the right(see the next two uploaded pictures) for a few more rainbow stashes to layer the bottom.
Last 2 images. The inside looks a little cramped, but there is plenty of room, I couldnt find a good way to hold the camera and move the baggies inside and hold the bag open and snap the picture to show how much room there is, but as I said I basically just rolled up the excess plastic on the baggies that the stashes come in and tossed them into the zipper bag, so they came loose and are taking up space with nothing but empty plastic that can easily be moved aside or rolled back up if I need to put more into the bag.
Sorry to be more space cadet than starship captain for awhile there—much has happened personally and medically which has interfered with regular life for awhile. The “terminal” cancer isn't going to kill me, but everything else might at this rate. ;P
I haven't really thought about storing these things in a single-person-carryable bug out bag backpack, but that's largely because I consider such things to be somewhat different purpose than most. My philosophy on bags/kits is rather off-topic for this thread and it starts to run into professional territory for me, so I'd best not use this forum for it anyway. Suffice it to say that I believe in things being built for the purpose so that you don't have to carry more than you need to, because I know I'll be carrying it under my own power, and I suspect you will be too.
That said, if that rugged pencil case could be made to keep things from rattling around inside it, it'd be well-suted to the task. The makeup case you cite below is a little heavy for a go kit of any sort, but it'd do for a home- or car-carryable kit I suppose, and such a kit can hold more internally. If you have pics of your internal setup, I'd love to see them (and you may have already posted them to page 2…)
The small kit I hope to eventually turn into something that the local Red Cross chapter can assemble and offer for around $40 or less, so that particular pencil pouch might not do it for their purpose, but it's a step in the right direction.
Y'know, when I see your pictures, I think of stuff like packing cubes. The smaller sizes. The Eagle Creek ones are very nicely made and high-end, but the Red Cross kits could easily use something a little more basic. Should be quite doable to include some pyramids, some cards, and some colored dice in such a setup with room to spare.
I'd like my personal kit to handle water though, and coasters would only take so much unless I get creative and do something with plastic. Hmmm…
Not the best method of storage for the pyramids, but could be nice a water tight storage option to put your smaller storage options into. These things work wonders.
Those things are quite effective, yeah. I stuff my phone (Survivor case and all) into something very similar when I'm going to be out where there's more than just rain to worry about and it's always stayed dry, even when I got completely soaked.
Definitely. I had a few of these to lug around different things during my Army time. They did quite well keeping the sensitive equipment dry even under the worst of conditions.
Wow, that is surprisingly tidy. And somehow completely obvious. So obvious, I never thought of doing it before. Like, of course a plastic case designed fFor carrying small, sharp pieces of slightly fFragile plastic would be the right box. Why did I never think of this?
Alas, the Treehouse tube is no more. It would be so obvious to use any number of small bit carriers if we still had a source for treehouse tubes. I've got one now, but I paid a premium for the set. Unless anyone has found a source for the tubes in question? They are likely a fairly standard part, though probably normally sold in lots of like 10,000 or something. ;P
I think these would work, but I'm not too keen on having to trim them down to 6.5" and buy 25 at a time. =P
(I have been soooo neglecting LL stuff lately. Life has seriously interfered with my free time!)
I think if we could get tubes for pyramid storage, a group buy would certainly be in order so that you didn't have to buy more than you needed. I could immediately use half a carton, with caps, as could most of us.
The issue with these tubes is that they're both too long and they're round. The Treehouse tube is used as a game piece, which is the biggest argument for having it. Otherwise you could just use treehouse and icehouse bags labeled and tossed into a six pack cooler.
I think you're close looking at a site like uline though. I'll keep this in the back of my head and actually try to remember to do something other than just let it rattle around for months as something that I intend to address when I have time.
(I also haven't forgotten about finishing the ePub of The Empty City either…)
The square ones I found (not from Uline, which doesn't seem to carry square plastic tubes) were both more expensive and too short. I figured it'd be possible to trim down the 8.75" tubes to 6.5" with a miter box from an arts and crafts store. The 1.5" diameter allows the pyramids, which are 1.414" diagonally at the base, to fit easily with very little wiggle room.
I've just started getting into the pyramids games after becoming a Fluxx fanatic over the last few years. A couple of days ago I decided to make my own box after looking around at both suggestions and pre-built products online. It's still in progress, but I bought a hinged wooden box for $5 at a Michael's craft store as well as a few strips of alder in 1/8x3/8 and 1/16 square sizes. The outer dimensions of the box are just over 8x8.25x1.75. The walls are about 1/4 inch and the top/bottom are very thin plywood. I used the strips to make a raised 6x6 board on top. Remaining work includes interior dividers and lining - it'll hold 39 nests, plus dice and coasters - plus staining, a felt pad on the bottom and replacement hardware.
Picture: Ice chest in progress
I'm a somewhat newcomer to the whole pyramid scene but I've got a case I find works pretty well so far.
It comes in a few different arrangements but here's the manufacturer's website: Mine is like that but it holds 12 instead of 16. I got it at the Container Store, Amazon has them too. There are also versions of these boxes that are 5x7 instead of 4x6.
Anyway each of those 4x6 units can hold at least 18 nested trios. I've got mine in them as 6 nests of 3 colors each. So two containers hold my rainbows with a slot to spare, and two more hold the xenos + pink. I don't like them rattling around loose so I keep them in plastic baggies per color for now, although I'm trying to rig up a thing with little foam sheets that you can see with the red/yellow/green container in the photos below. I've also got the games that come in pyramid bags inside their own 4x6 so if someone wants to play one of those, they can just grab that 4x6 and the needed pyramids. The other 4x6s have extra dice, coasters, a rainbow box (which I'm using the hold the little booklets those come with), that sort of thing. A 3house book and World War 5 board fit inside the outer box.
Photo gallery of this box as of this post:
Hoping to get a tarot deck and some zendo stones in there too eventually, probably the rainbow/xeno/pink boxes will come out to accommodate those. I might get another rainbow stash for the "extra" slot so it could be easily grabbed too. Ideally I'd also do that for xeno, and then have a 4x6 for pink/grey/kickstarter green but I'd need to get greys for that!
Biggest downsides I see with it now are that some things might not fit the 4x6, the handle is potentially too flimsy for really using it a lot (like at a convention maybe. perhaps it could be modified or replaced?), and I bought a 12 box unit without knowing there was a 16! Also there are transparent color versions of the 4x6s but not in all the colors you'd want if you were going to dedicate a 4x6 to each color of pyramid.
Tip-saver/rattle resistors for Metal Tins:
So, as Andy indicated back in October, these metal tins (Starship Captain’s Metal Tin) could be a neat way to store your pyramids.A few years ago, I had made a similar (cardboard) container, but with cone-shaped bottom and lid to better fit/protect the pyramids. Basically the cone was just a small 0.5" high, and 2" in radius.
They are fairly simple to make: (Make two, one for the bottom and one for the top)
1) Draw a 2.12" radius circle on a piece of card-stock. (A little over 2-1/16")
2) Draw a radial line, plus an additional radial offset from the first by 10.27degrees. (10 degrees is probably sufficient)
3) Cut along one of the radials, and bend the paper into a cone such that the cut line meets the offset line.
4) Tape ends in place.
I hope this question hasn't been asked to death… Are electronic versions of the Pyramid rule publications a possibility? Stuff like PwP, 3H, PP#1, etc. I realize that most of the games in these books are posted elsewhere such as the wiki and elsewhere in more than enough detail to play them, and often citing the company's permission to do it. That suggests to me that the issue is more one of interest or logistics than of possibly cannibalizing sales from the printed copies by the often lower-priced digital ones.
Printed books just aren't the most convenient thing in the world for me. My eyes basically suck, which is why I tend to enjoy abstract games. (I still manage to play Chrononauts and a few editions of Fluxx with a "pocket" (by some definition) magnifier. Still for longer reading, electronic documents on a screen are much nicer.
Thanks, regardless of answer!
I can't speak fFor the looneys in any official capacity on things like copyright, but yes, many of the games are available online. Actually, I think it's fFair to say that many of the games in print were *originally* online, and selected to be printed later. Though I agree, an ebook of some of those publications might be nice. An assortment of PDFs are variously available, at least.
Yeah, I think it's basically a question of interest/time/energy. I'm not aware of anyone having made specific e-book format documents like mobi or whatever, as opposed to PDFs or various word processor formats.
Pamphlets and just about everything sent to a publisher can be turned into a PDF. These, as sent to the publisher, usually include cut marks, color swatches for quality control, etc. A few minutes in Acrobat can "crop" (hide, really) those edges for nicer presentation. Being legally blind, I can usually talk publishers into a PDF in exchange for a receipt for the printed version and proof of disability. Most of these are what they send to the printers and have all of those borders intact and visible—I never bother to cut them on screen, though I might for mobile device viewing.
Of course the usefulness of the PDFs publishers send me varies greatly. Some of them ratchet down the DRM settings to the point that the documents cannot be used for their intended legitimate purpose. I'll spare everyone the rant and point out that "unbreakable" DRM simply cannot exist and the law expressly permits me to prove it when legitimately necessary. And I do! :)
Books tend to be written in a source format, often MS Word or LaTeX if the author is a UNIX nerd either by choice or by having gone to university in the right time period… I have experience turning the former into ePub, and the latter into HTML which is one step removed from ePub. If the source comes to me with the PDF so I know how the printed version is supposed to look, I often can incorporate some elements of that into the eBook. I usually work cheap, since I do this in my spare time which is not generous. I think last time I basically got an autographed copy of the book and a mention in the acknowledgments section in the next printing of the book. Oh, and the PDF and ePub copies of the book, obviously.
The last resort for these things is chop and scan. You literally saw the binding off the book and run the pages through a sheetfed scanner. Time was not so long ago this was the ONLY way to produce electronic books. The scanner produces multi-page TIFF files or the equivalent as PDF, and you stick the result into OCR. This winds up creating many errors and editing is tedious. I simply hate doing this because the product is always inferior and it destroys a perfectly good book. But for smaller publishers or books out of print, sometimes it's still the only option available. IMO it's criminal to do to an out of print book.
I spent many hours growing up in front of an industrial scanner, tediously scanning pages sometimes one at a time if the page stock was too thin for the feeder. Now I just ask, and usually get them without much fuss. :) And in recent years, I'm not the only one asking, so I ask BEFORE buying. The result usually winds up on sale wherever the publisher wants it sold, usually at a discount from the print edition, the company makes profits on bits, and there is much rejoicing. Thank you Amazon and Apple for getting eReaders right!
Looks like that's a variant of Pyramid Primer #1. That covers the 3House games for anyone but an OCD pyramid freak who probably wants the original paper product anyway. But about half of the games in PwP aren't in that primer.
OTOH, it might make sense to just put the rules to a bunch of pyramid games in ePub format and a PDF with chessboard wedges and the like collected and ready to print. :)
W00T! Some of my xeno stashes are here! The rest probably Monday. I also had another Pink Hijinks "delivered" to give me a full stash, but … it wasn't actually delivered. It'll either be actually delivered tomorrow, or show up in 6 months, or not at all. *sigh*
Hi, I added an account "atehwa" to icehousegames wiki. Could I get my account added to the "regular" group? I'd like to add a couple of games there (and a few house variants of other games, such as triangular RAMbots).
Imagine a cross between Martian Chess and Alice, with tweaks here and there to try and maintain the essence of that classic pyramid game. I've added the rules to the Icehouse wiki at
Please consider checking it out.
Ha, if nothing else, it's an amusing mash-up title! :)
Out of curiosity, did doing it more straightforwardly (every move takes the piece to the dual square, as in Alice) not work well? Malice's teleportation seems more complex, and I'm curious why you made it so.
Likewise for the starting setup being divided between both boards instead of all on one board in the usual setup (as in Alice).
I'm quite proud of that one. ;-)
PS: I just edited in some questions while you replied to the first one-sentence version of my comment. :)
Malice's teleportation seems more complex
I played around with the straight-forward Alice teleportation, but it was not as satisfying. One reason is that in Alice no matter where you put a piece it's always yours on the other side, but not so in Martian Chess. Also, in Martian Chess captures tend to happen because pieces are trapped or pieces are overloaded, but that's it. The extra complexity helped to enable more interesting capture combinations.
the starting setup
The starting setup is still being tweaked, so feedback would be much appreciated there.
Also, the "blocked teleportation" stems from the fact that in Alice, disallowing a move because of an occupied dual square is a powerful way to avoid checkmate, but in Malice that's not a consideration.
Whilst fiddling around with a couple of IceDice pyramid dice I came up with a weird little 2-player dueling dice game where the dice are never really rolled. I've added the rules to the Icehouse wiki at
Please consider checking it out.
Hi all. I created a game inspired by the old classic "Mate" named "Initiative." Initiative is an abstract fencing game of perfect information where one player attempts to place a pyramid that his or her opponent cannot parry.
The rules are on the Icehouse games wiki at
Please consider trying it out. Feedback is of course welcome.
I'll give it a try this weekend while I'm demoing at AnCon. I've gotta teach pyramid games anyways, So why not give it a go??
I know this is kind of late, but I wonder if you had a chance to try at AnCon?
My fiance, who has just recently finished her Starship Captain training, and I are getting married in September, and she has left it up to me to create the centerpieces for my wedding. We decided that, due to our love of games, that each centerpiece should be a self contained, functional game. Our hope is that we can have the people who take home the centerpieces take home a game that they can play, and so what better way to make centerpieces than to create them out of pyramids? I have some ideas about what games I would use, and I'll list them here, but I'd love to hear from the community about what games they would like/expect to see if they were at this wedding.
My list so far includes:
Martian Coasters
Ice Dice
World War 5
Zark City
Thin Ice
Cracked Ice
So, knowing that I'm thinking of these, what other ideas would you all have? Keep in mind that I'm going to have to buy all of these stashes, so I'm thinking 3HOUSE and less, just due to the sheer costs involved.
How about Daniel Solis' "Procession?" You can play it with a Chess queen and 5 marbles in two different colors, and a chess board (or bandana printed like a chess board), but I've found it works beautifully with a Queen pyramid and five pawns each. And, it was designed for a wedding, and the theme is a wedding processional. More here:
Are you intending that the games be played at the wedding? If so, I suspect that RAMbots is rather too long and complex for that kind of setting, where the focus is presumably on the wedding and the socializing, especially if many of the guests are not already experienced gamers. I'd tend toward simple short stuff like Martian Coasters in that case.
FWIW I've had success playing Stack Control with casual gamers.
I would suggest Pikemen in place of Rambots, actually. The setup looks lovely, with each set of pieces already on the board arranged in a cool setup, and the rules are fFairly simple to explain. Rambots is simple enough I suppose, but the board starts mostly empty.
I get a lot of mileage out of playing Giant Volcano. But this requires you actually have Giant Pyramids to play with.
Logger is nicely playable with assorted pyramids, if you wind up with a number of extra parts that need a game.
Depending on who is coming, and how you arrange tables and such, you might be able to simply put Treehouse at several tables with less experienced gamers. It's a very fFriendly game with minimal part requirements.
Actually, that's the next project on my radar. My friends and I are going to make some attempts at some sturdy giant pyramids. We demo at cons and we play enough pyramid games to actually warrant their construction
First, this is awesome. Second, congratulations on your upcoming marriage! Third, when you have your plan together, and know how many pyramids you need to order, be sure you call Alison at the Looney Labs office... she has been known to offer discounts for larger purchases used at wedding receptions...
also, check out this old Fluxx Love Stores page:
Thanks Kristin!
So far planning has been going very smoothly, but this will be a great help. Actually, the great part about using the pyramids for centerpieces is that while it was my idea, Joshua has really been the one to run with it. Even so, I really appreciate your post.
So I was sitting around, alone, and wanted to play IceDice, but I was alone. So instead of complaining about it I played around until I discovered a set of solitaire rules that were mostly sensible and challenging enough to be interesting. I typed up the rules for CarboniteDice on the wiki for your feedback and (hopefully) enjoyment.
Lately I've been thinking about multi-discipline sports... triathlons, pentathlons, decathlons. The idea is to combine contests in a way that challenges the whole person, to find the most well-rounded competitor rather than just the most specialized one. (For example, a triathlete must run, bike and swim.)
I want the pyramid-athlon to measure the player's ability to think in all directions. It should include perfect information strategy, risk-vs-reward management, inter-player diplomacy, turnless speed thinking, and creativity.
If you were going to make a pyramid triathlon, which three games would you pick? (My vote is for Homeworlds, Zark City, and Martian Coasters).
How about a pyramid pentathlon? Which five would you pick? (I'd add IceDice and IceTowers to the triathlon.)
Let's go for a whole decathlon. Pick ten. (Pentathlon plus World War 5, Caldera, Pikemen, Martian Chess, and either Zendo or RAMbots.)
But I want to hear from you. I challenge you to condense the gamut of pyramid gaming experiences into the 3/5/10 most diverse and challenging representatives.
I've actually put lots of thought into this, and honestly the biggest problem I see with these types of events is scoring. I have spent many hours attempting to figure out how I would score games put into these competitions. While games such as IceTowers, Icehouse, and Martian Chess have actual scoring mechanisms, how would you score a game of World War 5? Or more interestingly how would you score a game of Homeworlds?
If I could find an interesting solution to this conundrum I think I might actually run a decathlon at AnCon in Hudson, OH this year.
I'd just score rank results from each game and combine them, ignoring specific scores. I.e. who was 1st place, who was 2nd place, etc.
(E.g. see )
For a good hardcore triathalon :) I'd probably say Homeworlds, Zendo, and Gnostica.
To bring it to 5, perhaps add IceTowers (for realtime) and Tic Tac Doh (for tiny/minimalist abstract).
To bring it to 10, add Martian Coasters (for silly random game), Pikemen (for classic style abstract), World War 5 (for dice-rolling ameritrash), RAMbots (for simultaneous programming), Volcano (popular abstract).
But tomorrow I might give other answers. Many choices... :)
I would probably build the Triathlon with an eye towards getting each of the various main styles of game. This is more fFlexible, allowing you to pick the games based on length and available time. I'll give a more concise answer next. =)
The next couple would be perfect abstracts, and would be sorely missed in their absence.
Rounding out the Decathlon would be any of the things mentioned above we didn't include, plus:
Here is a more precise answer to what I think you are asking: What are the 3 games that we can measure a person by, and decide conclusively that they are The Master of The Pyramids?
The three I have chosen each display properties which are completely unique to a Pyramid game, and are all unique fFrom each other. They eschew conventional materials, and tend to highlight the defining fFeatures of a Pyramid game. I probably sound a bit presumptuous here, but I think it's a pretty good basis.
I would round that out to a pentathlon with:
I named a bunch of other great choices to make a Decathlon in my previous post, and those all stand. It's probably cheating to wave my hands and say "...and some of these, too." But I also think if you're going to do such an event, it would be wise to consider the audience. If you anticipate new or easily confused new players, maybe use this Triathlon instead:
Well, I wouldn't expect "new or easily confused players" to be a "Master of The Pyramids" in any case. :)
True, good point.
So... a Sharp Point Olympiad? (groans)
Anyway, I would love to see (and participate) in an event around this topic. It would be fun to see it organized along various levels of participation and pyramidal experience, each corresponding to the triathlon, pentathlon, and decathlon. That is, rather than trying to focus on diversity at the 3 and 5-game levels, I'd rather see a focus on getting people who might have never played before up and running and competing.
That said, my entries are as follows.
# Triathlon
1. Zark City
2. IceDice
3. IceTowers
My thought here is that each is simple enough to learn fairly quickly and represent a nice survey of pyramidness. As an additional bonus each can play 2-4 players allowing some flexibility in matching players and also in helping to host a large group.
# Pentathlon
4. Pink Hijinks
5. Volcano
The pentathlon would still focus on newcomers to the games in that it still has games that are quick to explain. However, more so than the triathlon games, the pentathlon games offer more change for strategic thinking and perhaps a way of segmenting awards amongst the newcomers to the games and the veterans.
# Decathlon
Now we get into the hardcore events, for the players who might already know many pyramid games.
6. Martian Chess OR Pikepersons
7. Homeworlds
8. World War 5 OR Icehouse
9. Gnostica OR Zarcana
10. Zendo
Rounding out with the cream of the crop (IMO). You could choose the game to the right or the left of the ORs to make the event more or less intense.
It would be a blast to participate even if I'd probably be one of the worst players. In any case I could shoot for a Cool As Ice award. ;-)
See the only problem with this, for me personally, is that some games, being only 2 player, might pose a difficulty in actually scoring that way. For example, while Homeworlds can be played with multiple players, most players will agree that the purity of Binary Homeworlds is far superior. So, without having to get into a complicated tournament (I say this because a single game of Homeworlds could take hours), how would you score a game of Binary Homeworlds in which there is one winner and one loser?
Just asking out of curiosity, because I really love Binary Homeworlds and I would honestly put it in any kind of competition for a true Master of Pyramids.
I don't see the problem. Many 2-player games (e.g. Go, Chess, Pentago, etc) have tournaments with the simple system of giving 1 tournament point for each win and 0 for a loss.
Or using my "devil points" system (linked earlier), +1 for win and -1 for loss (a point for each player you beat and -1 point for each player who beat you).
I don't see a need for having "scores" from each game. (Especially since indeed many games, not just 2-player games, don't end with "scores" but only with a winner.)
Just note who won, or note final ranks if desired.
Hmmm.... I didn't approach this from the "how to run a tournament" perspective, but you guys make a good point.
I see two obvious approaches.
One solution is to have all the games in the pyramid-athlon be 2-player games, so you can use an existing FIDE-like method for scoring tournaments. This cuts out most of the diplomacy and player interaction games, and limits the ability to test the full athletic range.
The other solution is to only include games have objective scoring built-in, so that you can compare relative scores and performance between multiple players across many games. IceTowers, Gnostica, Dectana, Volcano, Martian Chess, etc. There aren't that many of these, and they all play with the same part of the brain. So much for well-roundedness.
Most pyramid games I've played, especially more of the recent designs, simplify the endgame into a "get there first" race. Perhaps just extending two-player formats into multi-player dimensions would be adequate.
I work on new card editions for my first game with pyramids - Pyramideto.
Anyone who wants to help is welcome.
Tasks: playtesting, rules editing/translating.
Reward: new cards :)
BTW any ideas for other languages?
Link to the first draft of rules -here.
If you want to comment, send me your emal address, pls.
Thanx. I know about. I uploaded my first expansion to Geodeto and made new layout for the most of backsides, so it takes few days to go through proof prints. I guess it will take some 14 days max. If you want you can add yourself to my mail-list.
So, the cards are ready at:
All Pyramideto NEW versions have same decks of cards, just the second language (English-Spanish, English-Chinese, English-Czech) differs.
I hope you will have fun :)
Hi everyone, just a quick little topic.
I have only just recently been introduced to Looney Labs, and as of yet have only played Fluxx games. I say played... I mean pretty much formed an addiction to them already.
But the Pyramid games also look interesting, and I was wondering what peoples opinions were in relation to which Pyramid set I should buy, and what games might be easy enough for me to get into. I have a good friend who will also be delving into this with me, but he too will be new to it.
Any help you can give would be great.
My geeklist about pyramid games I've played might be useful:
For me (so far!), the breakout game is Zendo -- sort of like Mastermind with three dimensions. Also like Martian Chess and Rotationary. Would like to try Homeworlds, but, so far, haven't found any takers. (It's also OK if you just want to build cool stuff with them. Builders of R'lyeh is basically pointy building blocks, but really cool pointy building blocks.)
That's a good idea. The kit comes with the pyramid primer guide #1 which is a great place to start. 13 pyramid games, and most of them among the best and most popular, plus all the things you need to play said games
I love 7 dragons! It is both fFun and beautiful. An exquisite gem.
Actually, pyramids are ultimately pretty economical. I have seven rainbow sets and a couple Xeno, and I've got any game I can think of covered -- many in two color schemes ; ). (Of course, maybe I might get a couple more Xeno sets... OK, maybe 3.) The most pyramids I've ever used at one time was the 7 rainbow sets, for an 8-player game of Zendo.
I had extra mediums I didn't know what to do with...
Holy fFrijoles! That is amazing!! How long did it take you?
Downright spiffy!
Thanks! :)
Without drying time about an hour.
I'll be teaching Martian Coasters and whatever other Pyramids games folks wanna get into tomorrow at this event. FREE play all day off the "Wall of Games." Great people. Great fun.
(Note: the news people thought Ron had already reopened the cafe. He hasn't YET. The event's at the Round Table Pizza at 9500 Greenback in Folsom, CA. It's an appreciation day for his regulars, and also a demo for potential investors.)
you'll have to excuse me, i've been drooling for about the past hour.
Haha! I know the feeling! :) I purchased this specifically for the gaming community who like pyramids. I purchased one for myself years ago, then I remembered the same place had a second copy. I went back years later (last weekend) and it was still there, same price. So I just got it to sell. It's on ebay. I really hope someone who loves pyramids / looney games ends up with it. With extras.. it's worth it... :)
Hi! I got tired of having my five Rainbow Stashes always falling apart into an untidy mess, so I decided to see what I could do to keep all my stuff compact and together. Here's what I came up with:
Total materials: two paperclips and a rubber band.
Some terminology: You can easily think of a paperclip as a combination of an outer loop and an inner loop. I will be using these terms in the instructions below.
Before you start: Buy an assortment of rubber bands from an office supply house (or use what you have). Pick a rubber band and tentatively complete the steps below to create the "bottom" and "top" halves of the assembly, described below.
Building your Rainbow Stash holder
Here are the steps to create the "bottom" part of your Stash holder:
Step 1 (above photo, top left): Lift the inner loop out all of the outer loop until the two, viewed sideways, makes an "L" shape.
Step 2 (top right): Bend the longer side of the inner loop so that the bent portion is the same length as the shorter side of the inner loop. Bend it to a 90° angle so that is parallel to the outer loop. This "U"-like shape will fit into the hollow portion of the smallest pyramid in the five nested pyramid sets of your Rainbow Stash.
Step 3 (bottom right): Wrap the curve of the outer loop around the rubber band you chose to use. Do this loosely so that you can undo your work if necessary. Once you've found the right rubber band, you can make the wrap tighter (as shown in the above photo).
Here are the steps to create the "top" part of your Stash holder:
Step 1 (above photo, upper left): Twist the inner loop away from the outer loop, flattening it out until it achieves the "reverse-S" shape shown in the upper left portion of the above photo.
Step 2 (upper right): Twist the outer loop into a nice circle, which will later be used to capture the tip of the leftmost pyramid. You can use the tapered end of a pencil or pen to "capture" the natural curve of the outer loop. Wrap the straight leg of the outer loop around the pencil or pen to make a very nice round "lasso."
Step 3 (left half of bottom of photo): Wrap the curve of the inner loop around the rubber band that is attached to the "bottom" Stash holder part. Do this loosely so that you can undo your work if necessary. Once you've found the right rubber band, you can make the wrap tighter (as shown in the above photo, bottom half, left side).
Adjusting your Rainbow Stash holder
Try using what you've created to hold together the five pyramid nests of your Rainbow Stash. You may need to substitute a larger or smaller rubber band to get the best results. If needed, bend the two metal parts of your Stash holder in whatever ways you think will make it work better.
Additional suggestions
I find that I can fit up to three Rainbow Stashes and a few dice in a zipper-lock sandwich bag. The only weakness I found with these Stash holders is that if they are jostled hard, the stack may come apart in the middle, leaving you with a lot of loose pyramids. To combat this, I wrap the excess sandwich bag around the pyramids, then secure this with one or two extra rubber bands.
My Stash holder design isn't pretty, but it's cheap, it works, and it totally minimizes the amount of space multiple sets of Rainbow Pyramids take up.
Give them a try! I hope you find them useful.
Wow, that's really interesting. =) How well do they hold together, in that? I mean, i don't think I'd want a stack of pyramids like that, alone, tossed into a purse or big game bag. I'm pretty sure they'd fFly apart. But maybe a fFew sets lined up together side by side in a box, might hold okay?
Clever and weird, though the risk of it flying apart gives me pause. :)
In a box would be fine. Also, putting them in a sandwich bag like I described works quite well. I hope you give it a try--it *does* work!
Thanks for the compliment! As I said in the above reply, the method I described with the sandwich bag and rubber band works quite well. When you take the stack out of the bag, the tension of the rubber band holds the stack together (although you do need to be careful with it at this point). Really, I've had no accidents using this method.
To anyone reading this: How do you store and transport your Rainbow Stashes? What works for you? Please share your experiences.
I'm still keeping my pyramids in the original tubes, and I have a box which holds 6 tubes.
What I want is to make a securely closing box that would hold a bunch of stacks of them flat in divided slots, like tubes missing one long side. But I've not found one "off the shelf" and have been too lazy to try designing and making my own.
Ah, yes. I'm a newcomer and got my pyramids in boxes and Ice Dice pouches. Yes, the original tubes are certanly ideal. I thought of trying to find "just the right size," but that felt like too much work. I got the idea for my paperclips-and-rubber-band holder by playing with a stack of nested pyramids, and it works well enough for me.
I tried this, it seemed to work well, but I was paranoid about adding more scratches to my stashes. Here's a simplified version I came up with: one 7-inch band (made for file folders) with 3 overhand knots. The center knot keeps it under the base of the bottom nest, and the two end knots form loops to hook around the tip of the top nest on both sides.
Hey, great--I like your idea better! Thanks for sharing--this is what happens when people share their ideas!
Sorry to resurrect the thread; but it's important enough to dissuade people--my method with the rubber band will cause stress fractures in pyramids over time, don't do it.
Thanks for the warning/update!
Bummer--I really liked your solution. Thanks for letting us know!
Hey Starship Captains,
I was just looking at wiki to refer a new player to guides as to what can be played with their supplies, and I see it's a bit out of date. Not sure if anyone wants to poke around there, but I thought I'd bring it to people's attention. There might be people on this forum who had not yet discovered this resource, and I think it's worth keeping up.
Most glaring omission to me is that the Pyramid Primer is not listed as a game rules publication. Beyond that, I'm sure that there are many new games people have invented which could be added and tagged with specs (what components, how many stashes, how many people, etc.)
Thanks for playing with pyramids, everyone!
[One moment while I put the slide show to the right on "pause." Thanks for that, from all we migraineurs who are triggered by animations in peripheral vision...]
We were discussing in another thread my personal enflummoxing (it is too a word) by the Wiki functions, etc. on that page. I like the idea of a wiki for this purpose, but there are more recent versions that don't have as high a learning curve, i.e. the freebie version of SharePoint. I do web admin for a living, and would be able to help out with the grunt work on converting files, etc., and giving input on a redesign, if folks want to go that way. (NO, I'm not willing to head up a redesign -- still working full-time these days.) I'm finding that, once introduced in person, many people (including non-techies) are fascinated with pyramids (especially Zendo), and I think a more user-friendly pyramids site is needed. End of two cents...
You're saying you find a wiki to be an uninviting format for users looking for information, or just for people who want to add to or edit the site? While I find it very bare-bones, stylistically, I don't see how it differs from other sites in information quality or navigability. Most people have perused, say, Wikipedia...
As for editing it, there is certainly some technical savvy involved - a certain learning curve, but I figured there might be some pyramid folks who are already familiar with wikis, or who would be interested in pursuing it. I didn't find it all that hard to pick up the gist of the wiki markup language myself, but I'd balk at having to download and use some app I'd never heard of. (What is SharePoint and what does it do? I'll admit I'm not particularly tech savvy myself.)
In short, I wasn't suggesting moving away from a wiki format at this time. This site is not run by Looney Labs (so it's not really up to us!) There is already so much information that has already been built in this format, that moving it into a completely different system doesn't sound practical to me, but maybe I'm wrong. I was just hoping we could get some more info up there. I'd love to hear what others think about this!
If nothing else, thanks for your enthusiasm!
PS: Sorry about the slideshow...
The idea of changing to a different wiki format has been floated before ( ), but the general consensus seemed that it would be a logistical nightmare, as there are thousands of pages, tags, links, etc. There doesn’t seem to be a burning need for it either. It’s a very functional site as is, and, with the spam issue under control now, I haven’t heard a lot of complaints about the content.
I try to help keep the tags up to date, etc. And there are others who do so as well. Alison’s encouragement is very welcome though! If you want to actively get involved in the forum, just jump in and help. Alternatively, if you see something that doesn’t look right while reading the thousands of pages on the wiki, feel free to take the initiative and fix it up!
BTW, I’m not a programmer, and I haven’t had a lot of difficulty editing within the wiki. There are several of us who use it who would likely help out if someone needed to dump their rules into a new wiki page. It isn’t that difficult to fix up the format of a given page.
But, is there any "Help" file or instructions anywhere on the site? I invested over an hour one day trying to get the gist of the thing, and all I found were "joke" help files that said "We have no help files." It's not even clear what program it is. (I have an Associates in Computer Science focusing on web design, and over 13 years experience designing and maintaining web sites, including those with database support. If I can't figure out even where the instructions are on the site, how is someone with no coding or design experience?)
I'm very familiar with several types of Wiki configurations, but, as I say below, I can't even identify the program running this one, and can't find any help files, instructions, or templates for using it.
There is a "Help" link to the left-hand side of the page. That works for me.
At the bottom right of the front page is the "Powered by MediaWiki" logo. It's the same software used by Wikipedia.
Oh. So, you have to be a sexist Democrat to use it? (That's a joke, people.) Thanks for the clue. I'm surprised to find out there isn't a database involved -- I was looking for data tables, which is one of several problems in how I was researching it.
The problem with a database is that then you need a database design and a front end. Both of those would need to be maintained, so you're not really eliminating problems so much as moving them to a different level. Considering the problems we've had with administration on the current site, I think that's exactly the wrong way to go.
The last time I tried to make any significant changes, I found that the site was not using the current version of MediaWiki. I was unable to use some features I found in the MediaWiki documentation, which limited my ability to make improvements. I do not know if it was ever upgraded. If not, it would be more accurate to say, " older version of the same software used by Wikipedia."
I just got the Pyramid Primer tags into the wiki. Someone will still need to make a little page for the PP, along the lines of what was made for the other publications.
My thoughts are, if we want a nice curated space, then neither a wiki or a database or anything else is the answer. A genuinely designed and curated webpage of some sort would be the way to go. A minimum of automated entries, a low amount of untested games. Something which really showcases the available games.
I think that's what the "Other Games" page on the looney website is intended to be, more or less, but it too lacks curation. The Looneys don't really have time, one assumes.
Oh, and that webpage could probably produce some sort of periodical. Because people like physical objects fFor their games. But that might be rather difficult.
Agreed, although in practice I've not had that problem. I just do pretty standard basic vanilla wiki formatting, the sort of thing which has existed stably for many years.
Hmm... you know, this isn't a political forum and we are probably a rather diverse community politically; odd "jokes" about sexist Democrats (or racist Republicans, or creationist Teabaggers, or anything else off-topic and political like that) else seem unnecessarily antagonistic/divisive.
Actually, it was intended to be a joke about Wikipedia.
> and I think it's worth keeping up.
I couldn't agree more. I'm happy to help maintain the information given the proper rights. As a relative newcomer to pyramid games I've found the wiki an invaluable source of information. Likewise, I think that I have the proper mix of knowledge and ignorance to help. :-)
The biggest problem with a distributed-authoring wiki is that nothing enforces formatting or metadata standards. Considering that Alison asked about a specific page--one that is basically a bunch of ways to filter and sort the list of games--I replied to her point with the best sustainable solution.
While I'm disinclined to entertain a conversation about 'defense of a platform', I will say:
1) There is no law requiring that a working interface to create and access HTML pages be "maintained". Unless some new LL product drives a change to the metadata schema or adds colors or similar, it could tick over fine for years.
2) I could do the "design" for the form entry and table structure in about a half a day. Wrapping the database with a site that has navigation, sorting, filtering, and grouping would be the biggest challenge, not only in technical accomplishment but also working through all the aesthetics (which a wiki platform usually resolves for you). Hence why I think it would be a capital school project.
3) What we could really use is something like Joomla, with some serious standards applied on the Editor role (i.e., where the tagging is made consistent). It wouldn't be as custom as a purpose-built DB site; but it wouldn't be the 'wild west' that an open wiki site tends to become.
If an admin will install SemanticWiki, I could begin to add tags to finalized games to make the What Can I Play page be automatically generated (then it would need to be protected by an admin). It's likely that just semanticizing (heh) the infobox would do 90% of what the WCIP page needs.
What you’re talking about has merit if someone wishes to create a curated site. However, I see that as an addition to the wiki, which functions as a vital community database, serving various needs that wouldn’t be covered by a website.
It would be nice to offer players better guidance as to the scope and quality of the overall collection of games. I’m thinking of doing something on the wiki to address this better. At the very least, I’m going to start a page accessible from the "What Can I Play" page that links to the different databases, blogs, forums, etc. where reviews of assorted games are to be found. To be most helpful, I think these should be pages that offer reviews for more than one game, and it should include external and internal links.
Promising Cadet here, I've discovered several pages have dead links (moved usually, or some no longer available) and it would generally be good to update those links where possible, find archival info where not, and overall get permission where possible to actually put content on the site. If has bandwidth or storage limitations, that could be an additional problem we might endeavor to solve. (I'm personally shocked when people tell me they still have any kind of serious limits on either for hosting they pay for as I've not had to worry about either for years…)
There are a LOT of pages on the site, obviously, and many of them could use some TLC. I created an account on the site, but I don't believe I have access to edit anything, and even if I did I wouldn't correct more than typos without some notion of a standard/optimal entry of the type upon which to model edits to other pages. I wouldn't want to make the problem worse.
It was obvious to me just looking at it that it was a fairly basic MediaWiki installation with a few thematic adjustments. MediaWiki isn't the easiest thing in the world to cope with (and I admit I haven't much experience with it because of that), but it gets the job done.
The one thing I wish MediaWiki did better would be images. Text markup syntax is a matter of taste, and wars have been fought since Mars was green and blue over whose taste is better. ;) Most of us learn all the ones we use often and find cheatsheets for the ones we don't. But we're talking about games, and in describing a game's setup, a picture really is worth a thousand words. Even if you're legally blind. (Hi.)
As I don't have anything but the Treehouse/IceDice mini-guide as far as official Looney publications go (for now), I don't know if there's a better or more complete way to do these things. That said, the summary boxes in that little guide are quite useful:
Difficulty, Duration, Number of players, Pyramids required, Other equipment, Picture, Short Description. That seems to be a great index entry for a game IMO. If the author wants to link to official rules or even describe them outright on the page, I'm perfectly happy with that. :)
That's not a particularly complicated format for the purposes of indexing. As you say, the web interface and making it look good is the majority of the work here.
Oh I think any love to any page at all is good. I wouldn't worry too much about conforming to standards. In short, there aren't any real standards. Most games need more pictures, and many games need revisions. Probably the most common type of problem is a page which writes a lot about some minor detail, but fFails to describe important concepts.
As fFor editing rights and ownership, the main page of the wiki reads: "This is a wiki: Dive right in!" The game designer is considered to Own the game, but they have also posted it in a public space with the understanding that anyone may revise. Good editing is as important as good design. Give attribution where necessary and you'll be okay.
I don't seem to have access to edit anything. It may be a public space that editors should dive right into, but there's the procedural matter of having the appropriate access permissions it seems. :) The current state of things is good to know. I might have some suggestions for improving the free-for-all somewhat at some point, but I'm rather new here and it's generally a good idea to get to know things before one goes around messing with stuff.
How new? Well, I got my first IceDice set less than two weeks ago now and absolutely fell in love with the system! I will shortly have as full of a full set of stashes as one can get. I've learned eight games, though I haven't played them all yet because of time, availability of players, and oh, I just got the rest of my rainbow stashes this week. Xenos will come mostly next week. :)
Boards will take time as I determine what is best to print, what is best to buy, and what is best to build. I saw some pictures of a couple of lightboards out there and they were just amazing. Oh, and I can handle the LEDs for such things if I have something to do with them, so you KNOW I'm going to wind up with glowy pyramid action sooner or later. Especially since slightly glowy pyramids would play easily in low light—I'm legally blind and an albino, so playing in low light with lots of contrast to my pieces is much appreciated. :D
Oh, yes, uhm, Ryan Hackel needs to grant you Editing access to the wiki. He will probably need to know your username. Ryan, are you tuned in this thread? He's generally pretty awesome about adding people. Actually Ryan is pretty awesome all around. =) If he doesn't respond here, I suggest maybe starting a new thread somewhere asking fFor editing rights, that usually grabs his attention.
I would love to see your Glowy Pyramids, if you do assemble them. People have discussed putting small LEDs inside the pyramids themselves, which sounds just awesome! Pictures!
INSIDE the pyramids sounds like too much work. Plus, you couldn't do it with regulation pyramids, sadly. They just nest too tightly.
What you might be able to do, if you were really creative, is arrange for individual spaces on a board to light up only when a pyramid was placed on the square. Something involving a very light pressure making contact.
No, I'd either bottom-light a diffuser under plastic or glass, or I'd use some kind of side-lighting arrangement as is done for LCD screens. Should be workable for anything up to about a 14x14 grid if I light all four sides. I can envision games useful with up to that size of board. Lit or not, I think I want multiple boards. I have use for 3x3, 3x4, 4x4, 3x5, and 5x5, in multiple combinations. (4 3x3 and 4x4 would be useful to have, for example to make 6x6 and 8x8 boards…) Magnets might be useful to hold them together. I'm probably getting too fancy on myself.
Whatever I do, there will be pictures, if I can come up with anything worth taking pictures of. For the forum, and for BGG.
I updated the entry on BBG pages - and Icehouse wiki. I will edit the rules. No changies in the game rules, just the text. If anyone can help me to do it in proper english - will be honoured :).
Best regards, more pyramids :)
For all English speaking fans. There is a link to Updated English Rules. If you would like to make any comment, do it here or send me your email and I will give you access to comment the main Google Doc.
Last three rounds differ. All players play simultaneously. For each of last three rounds, to avoid frictions, each player writes down name of the swing state, in which he or she intends to place a pyramid, and size of the pyramid. If applicable, make changes in State cards possessions after each round.
would read better as:
"In the last three rounds of the game, pyramids are placed simultaneously. All players should secretly write down the name of the state and the size of the pyramid they will play there. Then, change State Card ownership as normal."
I think the enterprising gamer will make their own set of state cards and size cards fFor this purpose. But it's probably not necessary to say this in the rules. Maybe if this game gets published in a deluxe edition or something, cards fFor this purpose could be made.
There's probably other cases where the English could be improved. But this paragraph kinda stood out, to me.
If you give me permission to add comments, I would do so.
I sent you one.
I think the enterprising gamer will make their own set of state cards and size cards fFor this purpose. But it's probably not necessary to say this in the rules. Maybe if this game gets published in a deluxe edition or something, cards fFor this purpose could be made.
To much cards I think if there will be more players. Do you mean it is problem to write down f.e. 3 to FLO?
No no, not too much trouble. I think I really mean to point out, the general trend in modern gaming is to include a token, card, or chit fFor almost any activity done in the game. A "deluxe" edition of this game might have these things. But it is not at all needed.
There is a free competition version of the game named VIRIBUS UNITIS - see it here:
I've been trying to learn Homeworlds by playing at home and on Super Duper Games with limited success. What will help me tremendously is to look at examples of great games. My question therefore is can anyone recommend past game listings that I could look over and play-through on my own? Thanks in advance.
I have no concrete suggestions of specific games, but if you look at the highest ranked players and then view their lists of games to find ones they played with other highest ranked players, that might work... If you find anything particularly cool, please post it. :)
I will do that. I was aware of the archived games at, but was hoping for a few pointers to n00b-friendly games. That said, I will work my way through and highlight some interesting games as suggested. :-)
Andy thoroughly documented a play-by-email session from 2003:
Here is the current #1 on the Binary Homeworlds ladder playing the current #2 (as of this post on 4.27.2014), so this could be a decent game to follow. Though the OP may be good by now, in reference to ways for people to learn the game beyond just reading the rules, it helps to get your own pyramids, set them up, and use them to replicate the move-by-move as they are played out by these people online. This will help with visualization, and then you can stop at any time, analyze the move made, and try and figure out why the person made it against what other options they had.
Thank you for that link. I'll work through that game the first chance that I get.
The Icehouse Wiki seems the obvious place to me, as it's the primary central archive of pyramid games.
I'd say post to the wiki, then link to it here for discussion/feedback. Folks have tended not to do much on Talk pages, these past few years.
I would be happy to post to the Wiki... if I had creation rights. Would anyone with the power consider allowing me (username Fogus) such power?
This question comes up from time to time (too often). Is there a way that a link could be added to the create account page that tells new users how to edit (as that's probably the reason most people create new accounts anyway)?
You'll want to message on here to get editing rights.
I'm going to shift a discussion here from Board Game Geek, just to make sure the greater Looney Pyramid community can be involved.
From Andy, June 2013:
Without completely repeating everything from the BGG thread here, I will give a brief summary:
I think it's a mistake to replace the Zen theme from Zendo with the Xendo "cluster analyzer" theme. Yes, the Zen theme may be offputting to some, but I'm convinced the Xendo theme would be just as bad, especially if it adds some ceremonial terminology to support it. "A cluster is positively charged iff ___," is just as bad as, "A koan has the buddha nature iff ___."
My suggestion for rereleasing Zendo:
Call it Zendo. Describe the rules in a completely theme-free way. e.g. "A group of pyramids is marked white iff ___." Describe the Zendo Zen theme, the Xendo cluster analyzer, the software debugging theme and any others that might apply in the introduction or an addendum to the rules. Heck, you could even include additional themes specifically tailored to special interest groups. Christian Zendo anyone? "A congregation is going to heaven iff ___."
And I'll mention here my point that changing the title to "Xendo" will be bad for player searching info on the web; there are a lot of useful good webpages about "Zendo" which won't be found searching for "Xendo".
Agree completely (and, I've played a lot of Zendo with different groups of people). Light on the theme, already. And, I don't think a name change is appropriate. Pyramid stuff is hard enough to find/explain/market as it is. Now, maybe if there were a sequel with different rules... Of course, even with a variant, I'd still call it "Zendo II" or whatever, for all the reasons Russ W mentioned.
Ha ha, I was wondering what the "cone" problem was until I muttered out loud to myself "the cone problem?!" :)
"Koan" has 2 syllables... I don't think I've had people confuse it with "cone".
> "Koan" has 2 syllables... I don't think I've had people confuse it with "cone".
Must be nice. :) We often played Zendo at lunch at my previous job and had one occasional player that still had the cone problem after maybe two years.
I fFeel like I'm rally late to the conversation here. I wasn't aware this was a conversation in transit. My thoughts are thus.
Zendo is a well known game which has a great deal of awareness. Casual strangers may not be fFamiliar with the Zen component, but people seem to respond to the name, know what it is, know how to play it. When I play with pyramids in public, I can depend on having to explain at least once "no no, we're not playing Zendo, although it's a great game and you can play that with these pieces, too. No, we're playing ..."
And, of people who do know the theme and are fFamiliar with the basic notion, it seems to resonate with a stoic search fFor truth. I will fForever have the image of the Zendo tournament judges, at the big experiment, in very smart looking robes.
Changing the spelling to Xendo seems a bit ... meh. I don't think I understand the motivation there. But maybe there is some value to publishing something slightly unique. But, as Kell mentioned, you lose the ability to google "Zendo."
Perhaps, if you just want to rename it a bit, you could go fFor some munging like "Zendo, the computer mastermind" or the like.
I suppose this is all a lot of words amounting to a plaintive, unsolicited opinion. And I don't really play much Zendo at all, so I can't claim personal interest. I guess what I'm saying is, themes don't really need to match gameplay. Ask Reiner Knizia about that.
I vote the keep "Zendo."
Another vote for Zendo; it's an interesting theme that fits the contemplative nature of the game.
Is it too late to order something online and have it arrive before christmas? I already asked my FLGS and they're not able to order what I want right now.
An item from the LL store? Or just online in general?
I work in a comic/game shop in Illinois. I might be able to help you; send me a message if needed.
I replaced the v1.0 rules on the wiki with v2.0:
Major changes are:
1) A more formal and rigid board made of cards, instead of the territories existing independent of the others.
2) No more Action points. Turn options are made from a fixed list.
3) Larger pyramids roll more dice in combat, instead of enabling rerolls.
4) Dice are no longer stocked on territories, nor can players place new territories into play.
5) The game ends when one player gets all of their pyramids on the board.
6) Territories are no longer removed from play when they are captured. The board position is fixed during the entire game.
That's a lot of big changes! I hope this version is far more improved and strategic. The Decktet variant is still available, too.
I enjoyed the old version. Can't wait to try this one. Looks good.
During setup, should the cards be shuffled before the deal, after removing from ones the 7x7 layout and adding them back into the unused cards?
The cards were always face down. I don't see a point in shuffling.
I didn't even think of that. Never mind, nothing to see here.
OK. Here's my contribution. I'll spare you the story about 12 bucks worth of Swiss Chard starts that were taken out overnight by a band of roving gastropods from a neighboring yard...
I've changed the attachment. I've added a note about the number of players (1 or 2).
We need to run the 2012 Ice Awards first....
Yeah, I've been telling my friends the results for 2013 should be out in about fourteen months. ; )
I'm thinking at this point of running the 2012 and 2013 awards at the same time. It's just a very time consuming endeavor, so I've been putting off. Last year we ran long, awarding the 2011 award sometime in March of 2013, I think. Combining efforts might be a very sensible way to go. Maybe have a slightly wider range of awards available, to account fFor a broader diversity of games. Also I'd like to streamline the voting process.
Generally my thoughts are, whoever runs the awards process gets to be the benevolent dictator and make a fFew executive decisions. So, if I am the one to run it next, these are things I may do. I guess this isn't really the place to sort of this stuff, but there it is.
Ah, the age-old question... how the heck do you put these things away when you want to put them on the shelf or in a backpack?
The big thing I've run into this time around is that I'd like something which doesn't take long to get the pieces out of or into, yet is still relatively rectangular and space efficient. I'm trying to find Eeyore's page on paper stash boxes but it seems to have been buried in the depths of old mailing list posts or something, so a link would be nice.
The tubes themselves were a great fit in most regards, but still a little tricky to get into and out of. In particular, the only way to get all the pieces back in is to hold the stack upside down and lower the tube backwards over it-- something not a lot of people at my game night seem to figure out on the first try, leading to a bit of fumbling trying to get everything back in the game box before everyone leaves.
I'm particularly interested in any solutions that don't involve a wood shop, laser cutter, or 3D printer. I'd love to be a fancy craftsman like the rest of you, but lately all I've had in reliable supply is cardstock and old boxes.
I've certainly had fantasies about a custom wooden box or 3D-printed box with rectangular compartments to hold stashes analogous to the plastic tubes... :)
It seems like it might be relatively easy to make a box with separate stash compartments by accordion-folding a long sheet of cardstock and laying it across the box, so that its cross section looks like this:
and then stashes could be laid in each rectangular section. Perhaps glue the cardboard in place to stabilize it. But I've not yet gotten around to trying this.
I did recently handcraft a very simple cardboard thingie with a dozen slots to organize and hold Kingdom Builder tokens, since I got sick of having so many little plastic bags to rummage through, so maybe I'll try handcrafting a pyramid storage solution sometime soon... :)
In years past, I kept my pyramids in the stash tubes. They were a great way to store them in the stashes that I was likely to use them in. They were translucent so I could see which stashes I was looking for. They were rigid and kept my pyramids from being crushed in my heavy game bag. They were long and narrow and often fitted in those little places where nothing else could go.
Unfortunately, as the years went by, the tubes began to wear out. The caps no longer fit tightly, and popped open, scattering pyramids in my bag. The edges of the tubes began to crack, and the plastic began to fade into a dim yellow. I still have the tubes, but don't use them regularly anymore.
Since the Treehouse Revolution, it is less important for me to keep my pyramids in separate stashes. Since I'm going to need multiple colors for games, it's actually convenient for all my rainbow colors to live together in one box and my xeno colors in another box (with grays, electrics, and pinks in there too).
In my search for a practical container, I've tried keeping my pyrarmids in ziplock bags, toddler-size shoeboxes, and even a box that once contained little jars of novelty jams. I've had good results with 300-count CCG longboxes.
I went out to a hardware store, and found a container most people would use for nuts and bolts and things like that. It had 6 compartments, and each holds a monochrome stash. I placed the six colors for World War 5 in there, since it's the most common game that my group plays with pyramids. I also bought another box, and keep volcano caps, Zendo stones, black, electric yellow, and dice of all kinds in there.
I've tried stuff like this. It's not easy to get the flaps to stand up though-- that sort of fold tends to flatten itself really easily.
If I can find a good way to stabilize it, though, you can bet I'll make a volcano board out of it too.
I have a box a little like that first one, but the dividers in it are all wrong-- all I have are full-length horizontal dividers and the smallest size of vertical divider. I've tried a few arrangements but ultimately it was still too much of a pain to get everything in and out. Currently I'm using an undivided box I found at a general store... it's only 6x8x4 so it fits much easier in my backpack than a tackle box style thing, and I just dumped some pyramids into it on top of my bandana and dice. I'm starting to think maybe there's no way to get around the clean-up time and still sort the pieces in any meaningful pattern. I'd still like to try dividing up the box though, maybe I can cut some cardboard down to fit the slightly sloped edges...
This also looks like an interesting option. Looks like the vertical pieces come out.
Thinking about the pros and cons of sorting/nesting versus just pouring all the pyramids into a single big sack/box/etc:
Although sorting and nesting the pyramids during clean-up takes more time, I generally like doing it:
1. It helps verify that none are missing (fallen on the floor or whatever) and should be looked for
2. Nests make it possible to store them more compactly.
3. I worry about loose pyramids being more likely to get broken/chipped/cracked. (Has anyone who carries their pyramids mixed in a single box/sack/etc had problems with this, or am I needlessly worried?)
I store mine neatly, and I have seen others which are stuffed in a bag or box. Mine, which are stored neatly, look much nicer still. Pyramids stored in a loose box will tend to get more scuffs, more rough edges,and less shininess.
I'm not saying my solution is better -- they are meant to be used, and battle scars are sexy -- but sorting them and storing them neatly has a demonstrably positive effect on the life of the pyramids. Also you risk looking like an anal retentive weirdo, sorting out a million bits of plastic. Choose your path, I suppose. =)
Or, take the middle path, and buy two complete sets. One set to store neatly in organized rows and columns, and one set to throw in a bag. Then, see which set you use more often. =)
I used to carry a full set of pyramids in a large drawstring bag I stole from a set of bedsheets (not sure why it came with one, maybe they expected me to actually store my sheets neatly rather than just folded on a shelf?), and I can assure you they never cracked... although they did get pretty scuffed up, and I did lose a small at a party once. I agree that knowing you have everything is one of the big advantages to sorting them.
Oh, by the way, I finally found Eeyore's paper tube designs again. They don't seem to be linked from his main site, so I'm not sure how long this link will work.
Yes, but that has the same problem as mine-- the horizontal pieces are effectively fixed. Not so great for sticking little rulebooks into the "leftover" space.
I'd also like to point out that I've never felt a need to carry all 10 colors around. Really, I think 6 is enough for almost all purposes-- Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Black, and either Clear or Pink according to preference and availability. That's enough to play anything from the Black Ice era, including Volcano. If I could get a small box that just holds six rows of five nests, plus maybe a little space on the side for dice and tokens, that'd be perfect.
Was browsing the wiki today and I noticed that Cardinal Connections, one of my favorite single-stash games growing up, has a lot of gaps its Infobox. So I logged in to update it and found that I can't edit anymore. Can someone add me to Regulars so I can go along my merry way?
I can grant you editing access. What is your user name on the wiki?
Oh geez, I forgot to mention. It's nupanick.
Done. You should be able to make edits now.
Thank you, Ryan, for keeping the wiki alive - and thank you, Nicholas, for working on updating pages!
No need to thank me, ma'am. All in a day's work.
He’s not the first person who has mentioned having trouble editing the wiki. Is there a particular reason that’s happening? There has been less activity on the wiki this year, when compared to the amazing number of new games that were made in 2012. I wonder if there are people wanting to edit the wiki who, for whatever reason, are running into errors.
From what I've read recently, I think the chain of events was
- Slight decline in wiki activity
- Unchecked spambots go wild, clutter up pages
- Registration AND verification now required to edit
- Massive decline in wiki activity
My hypothesis is that a fair number of people in situations like mine simply didn't follow through when they found out they couldn't edit anymore. On top of that, I nearly couldn't get into my own wiki account because it's been a few years since I last logged into it and there's no password reset link... luckily I was able to recall my past self's password-choosing logic and guess my way in.
The IceWiki has been fighting a War On Spam ever since its first days.
We tried a CAPTCHA, but spammers blew through that like it wasn't there.
We tried an IP blacklist, but spammers rarely used the same IP address twice.
We tried a URL whitelist, but it was too exhausting to maintain, and spammers switched to spam without URLs.
We blocked edits by non-members, so spammers created new user accounts for each spam post.
At this point last year, the IceWiki was still open to regular edits, and it was getting a new spam post every 20 minutes! It was more spam than the admin team could keep up with, and we needed a big change.
We finally dropped the hammer earlier this year and restricted edits to an admin-controlled whitelist of approved members. This has completely stopped the spam, but has made legit edits less convenient.
I get a "help unlock my wiki account" request about every three months. It's a lot easier than deleting spam round the clock 24/7.
Meanwhile, the IceWiki's activity levels have stayed about the same, about a handful of edits each month. The activity levels spike during a contest (IGDC or ICE Awards) cycle, which we haven't had for a long time now.
A number of pyramid games have been created in the last year, but they are more often being published here on the fan club than on the wiki. In my experience as the wiki admin, people are more scared of MediaWiki code than of inconvenient account registration.
It is my hypothesis that, as Looney Labs has transitioned from selling the Looney Pyramid game system to selling individual Looney Pyramid games, the influx of recent pyramid converts are less likely to be the type of creative abstract gamers who invent their own games (or at least less likely to post new games on the web) and more likely to be the kind of casual gamers who are content with the rules that came with the game.
I guess that I assumed that those who were regular editors before the change was implemented automatically had the ability to continue editing by default, but I understand if that wasn’t practical.
LL has transitioned to selling individual LP games for some time, so I don't think it's the only factor. If you compare the number of new games invented in 2012 to 2013, the difference is very obvious. Of course, 2012 probably got a real push from the introduction of IceDice, and the absence of an ICE Awards for the 2012 games may have dampened the spirit of designers a little. As regards to the latter, in the absence of a formal Award (assuming that remains the case), it might be nice if people began to informally put up reviews on here of some of those games that they may have played from that giant batch of games.
“A number of pyramid games have been created in the last year, but they are more often being published here on the fan club than on the wiki. “
I have seen a few games posted… mostly in their early design phase. Obviously, this forum is not the idea place to post a final rule sheet, as such games will inevitably be lost in threads—rarely to be retrieved. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to encourage those designers to post their rules to the wiki. If they get the basic rules up, there are those of us would be more than ready to help fix tags and infoboxes.
Does anyone have a white Treehouse die they'd be willing to sell/trade/exchange for some small number of souls? I just purchased some NOS Xeno Treehouse tubes in hopes that they may've included the older dice (and also just to get more pyramids, of course!), but they were of more recent vintage. I'd love to have one, just to complete my collection.
Send me a message and we'll work a trade.
Hi. I'm going to be participating in an UnPublished Mini-convention next weekend. If I get the rules done in time, I'm going to demo a game for Pyramids ("Snail Invasion!") Are there any cards available that I could hand out to people who aren't familiar with Looney Pyramids? Or, maybe something I could print out? I don't want/need to invest in an entire demo kit -- I just need something for folks who are interested in more info.
In the store there's always packs of Ice7. It's a quick little pack with information on pyramid games, and rules for 7 games on handy little cards.
There's this:
If you print page 2 of the full pocket guide, you get the same information as the web page.
I can get as many Treehouse dice as I want from the store, but I have some game ideas that would require multiple colour dice and pyramid dice. Does anyone know where (or if) I can get those? I'd prefer to buy official dice rather than stickering blank dice.
Pink hijinks has the pyramid dice, which is pretty awesome. Which is not really what you were asking about, i know. =) But then you also have a slew of pyramids to do stuff with.
Contact Alison ( - we have a big pile of these dice from an early test run, that have printing that wasn't cured well and rubs off easily. We are never going to put these up for sale, but Alison sends them out to people when they ask really nicely, and understand the work required to coat them with clear nail polish before use.
Thank you, I'll drop her a line! Clearcoating them should be a simple project, and I'd love to start playing around with more of them.
I just created an account, "Sehrgut", on the wiki. Would an admin be able to add it to the "regular" group so I can edit? Thanks!
Done. You should be able to edit now. Thanks for helping the IceWiki grow!
Thanks! I'm happy to contribute!
Does anyone know of any games other than Pink Hijinks itself, and two-handed Treehouse, that can be played with a Pink Hijinks set? It's such a convenient little pack — so easy to cart around, that it'd be nice to have a bigger repertoire with it.
Perhaps I'm missing some on the wiki, but I seem to have read through all the ones that require minimal pyramids, and haven't come across any others. Maybe someone's working on a game playable with the PH set? I'd definitely be interested in hearing any ideas!
I have hunted through them, but as Pink Hijinks isn't a complete stash, they aren't playable with it. It's a set of three mono trios, which disqualifies games that use colour to differentiate piece behaviour or owner. As well, since there are only nine pieces, it limits even further what they can be used for.
It may be possible that there aren't any other similar games in existence yet. I've searched the wiki for the phrases "one nest" through "three nests", and "one trio" through "three trios". None of the results for these are playable with a PH set due either to requiring significantly more pyramids (the majority of results simply used those phrases in describing their rules), or use colour as a significant factor.
You can play a smaller 3x3 variant of Rotationary, a solitaire puzzle.
IceSickle should work with fewer pieces, just quicker and low scoring.
With a Treehouse die, you can play two-player Treehouse.
If you can get a stash tube, you can play Drip and Moon Shot.
If you wanted to mark up each nest to be distinct (via painted pips, decoration etc.) there are a number of one-nest-per-player games that become possible, such as Penguin Soccer, Zamboni Wars, and Ziggurat.
I have been thinking of a monochrome game which is vaguely derived fFrom Homeworlds. Instead of using color to decide what you can do, you simply choose the action you want to take. That or roll a die to decide what limits you have at the moment. I did say I'm thinking about how it would work. =)
So fFar, the game is sort of like pink hijinks without a board, which is not quite what I was hoping fFor. I'm aiming fFor Homeworlds without color. I'll keep you posted if I come up with anything interesting.
I like that idea! Here's something I came up with this evening riffing on that, but adding a color die. It seems moderately-playable, though not easy to end, at least playing two- and three-hand games against myself.
You might be able to get away with Tic Tac Doh with only three nests. Might end in a tie more often though.
I'm trying to organize a bigger demo of pyramids (something that'd justify asking for access to demo kits) and found myself describing what's in Pink Hijinks as a "short stash". I propose the term be added to the wiki. :)
All fans are welcome and asked to participate in the vote...
What is your favourite game with pyramids of this year? And what like other players the most? And what like players in far far far Czech republic? We all will see as all fans are welcome and asked to participate and vote for The Game of 2013.
There are only two candidates this year, but the vote is not easy at all. You can choose or U.S. President (USP) or Geodeto. The contest ends on 19 of October.
More details at:
Sorry I forgot the most important: the link to vote - I hope you do not need any translations:
With the consent of Andy Looney I would like to draw your attention to my three games with pyramids.
For these three games you need cards besides pyramids. These cards can be obtained here from the Web DriveThruCards.
For games Pyramideto and Geodeto you will need one set of pyramids (rainbow) and a white trio. To play U.S. President you will need three sets of pyramids.
Geodeto and U.S. President are designed for more experienced players.
Pyramideto is designed for families and younger children, so be careful.
I'll be glad if you try these games. And I am looking forward for any comments. Here or to mail mail
The link:
Best regards, Jan
To clarify: You're saying that U.S. President requires three rainbow stashes?
By the way, for everyone else reading here, Pyramideto was one of the finalists for the 2011 ICE Award for best game of 2010. The ICE Awards are given out by the Looney Pyramid fan community. Pyrinoes won that year.
Thanks for the heads-up, Jan. And thanks for making them available this way. I plan to get them at an appropriate time.
I confess I'm at a loss about the "be careful" warning. :)
As all players need their color, with rainbow stahes you can play in max. 5 players. No other limits. If you add white - you can play in six or three couples.
BTW if you remove 6 white cards from Pyramideto, you can play also with only one rainbow set.
Maybe because the game is geared to younger children? Have to watch that they don't get hurt with handling the pointy pyramids, I presume.
That's great, Jan!
I can easily endorse all 3 of these games as being great fFun.
If I ever get around to running the dang ICE Awards fFor 2012, U.S. President will probably be a strong contender.
Thanks fFor your words and fFs. :)
Yes. As LooneyLabs put it - pyramids are designed for older players than Pyramideto.
Hi all. I do not know if you know it but Martian Chess is in the play store. I downloaded it and it plays well. Under credits It says the game is based on Andrew Looney's classic board game Martian Chess.
The one thing I do not like is the lack of pyramids, It has other symbols instead.
Personally I would like to see other pyramid games on andriod but only if it were ok with Looney Labs.This game has no pyramids how should it be rated.
I agree with you about having more pyramid games on Android. I'd love to see Volcano/Caldera on my Nook. I'd never get any work done then as I'd always be playing it.
Thanks Chris.
Also worth mentioning that it's FREE, after all, we all like free.
Simply go to the Play Store and search 'martian chess'
1) Must my piece move through the Exit Portal on exact count only, as in Earth Backgammon?
2) If I have a piece awaiting Re-Entry, must I move that piece before any other?
3) How many of my pieces can I have waiting outside my Re-Entry Point at once? Just one? More than one?
EDIT: Official rules are here:
Hello! You probably have arrived at an answer by now, since I'm slow in responding. Nevertheless, I've reviewed the rules and here's what seems to be the case. I may be wrong, but this stuff seems to be true:
1) No. The rule under 'Rolling the Dice' states "You need not use all of your pips." fFurther, the example photo shows Green is about to win, having rolled 4 and 5, although Green only needs 1 and 3.
2)That doesn't appear to be the case either. There is no rule about re-entering before other movement.
3) Well, pieces must stack in trees while waiting in the hall. Therefore, immediately outside the entry point, you could have no more than 3 pieces: a small, a medium, and a large. However I think you are asking if pieces stack outside the entry point. That is a pretty good question! I think they do not. The rules are very vague on this point, stating simply "If you leave a solitary piece unattended ... and your opponent lands on that piece, it gets moved to the Re-Entry Point," which suggests that every piece at the re-entry point stacks collectively on top of each other.
It seems to me your questions 2 and 3 are basically about the same thing. How are pieces handled at the re-entry point? The rules are very vague on this point, aren't they.
I think it would be most logical that a player must move pieces back inside the entry before doing anything else. Your opponent may have bumped 1 or 2 of your pieces (of any size) on his last turn, therefore you could have no more than that outside the entry point. Also, the pieces would probably stack in the order they were bumped, and that is the order they must be brought back in.
But that is only an interpretation.
What options exist for Looney dice apps on Android?
I know there's an iOS option for Treehouse. but couldn't find a similar Android offering. I would love an all-inclusive LooneyDice app that would cover Treehouse, IceDice, Black ICE, Petri Dish, and future "custom dice" pyramid games.
So.... what's out there, app-geeks?
actually i cant seem to fFind the app fFor iOS, either. There are a lot of dice rollers fFor iOS and Android alike. I'm yet to fFind a good dice roller app fFor either system.
I hope bumping up an old topic like this is OK. I've found a pretty good solution for this question, I think. This app is free and works pretty nicely:
And I've gone ahead and made custom dice sets for a few pyramid games: Press the import button in the app and point it to the zip files inside that zip. Or you can unzip the images and make the dice manually in the app yourself if you'd prefer.
The games are Treehouse,Pink Hijinks, Martian Coasters, and Ice Dice. I also made my own take on a theoretical "Xeno" version of Ice Dice for anyone who prefers those colors.
Any feedback on the dice sets/images is welcome. If you'd like me to try making some dice/sets that are not in that pack, feel free to ask but it helps if you have existing reference images to work with!
Here's a preview of the dice faces, so you can see what they look like:
Pretty cool. Hopefully you can make Lightning dice and the new color dice when those are available.
Thank you very much! I didn't know this app and it's amazing
Yeah when I get my copy of Pyramid Arcade I'll look into what else I can add.
Alright I've started making the arcade dice. This file is JUST the dice faces themselves, feel free to add them to the app as you'd like them. If I get around to setting up the custom dice per game for the app I'll upload that later. I made a bunch of variants too, mostly for the lightning die. Let me know if you think this is missing anything. I might attempt a second color die but I dunno. Most of this is pulled straight from the PDF of the book that was sent out awhile back, a few things (the Spade and Diamond and some Atom adjustments mostly) are custom.
I wish we had this for the iPhone!
Presenting Autumn Ash (finally in its advanced/playtested form) a R+X+ game for two players.
Do you have and IceDice set and two Xeno booster sets? Then you have enough pieces to play this fun strategy game that employs lots of colors. It’s a game that works mostly as a complex strategy game but also feels a little like a race (albeit a race without randomness or luck). This is because, after any given piece enters the board, it can only be moved four times (though it may end up returning to the board later). After you play it a few times, I'm sure that you'll find a number of interesting strategies and ways to thwart your opponent.
Download the attachment and give it a try! The few final changes have been made to the online copies. We’ve spent a lot of time playtesting this over the past 15 months, but I’m still interested in what others think. I’m also looking for suggestions for the Ice Sheet.
So many colors? There aren't a lot of games that use all ten standard colors, and the design was, in part, meant to address one of the problems associated with using so many different pieces. I tried to make a strategy game using all the colors but also a game that, once its mechanic was learned, wouldn’t require a lot of rereading or relearning. The key to getting the game run smoothly was to not make the colors represent different powers but instead different stages or moves on the board.
The rules are also available on our wiki.
Suggestion for Unsettled Autumn Ash (the advanced version of this game): I have trouble describing this advanced version of the game, and, as it is a really great way to play AA, I've been thinking that there has to be a good way to visualize the shifting board and how pieces can be entered onto the playfield. One suggestion I have for first-time players is that they cut a template out the size of a 5X6 board (based on the dimensions of whatever board you are playing on). Use the negative space of your cut out to place over the actual game board, and use it to determine possible corner spaces for the given state of the board!
It's been a while since I've updated this. I've just uploaded the final version of the IceSheet, as the stacking rules were revised (largely simplified) a while back; this now conforms with the wiki version but add additional game aids and diagrams.
I've played this extensively with people who I've taught the game to (thanks again to my awesome playtesters), but I'm now turning to the community to help out and encouraging players to give it a go. I'm curious as to whether there is any portion that needs additional clarity, and I'm really interested in reading what people think of the mechanics and game play. Enjoy!
I'll be posting a video in a little bit that introduces the visual aid to aid for playing the "Unsettled" version of the game. It's probably not necessary, but it might give that variant greater exposure. I believe that version will become the default for experienced players.
I have not tried playing this (sorry) but I wanted to say the picture is beautiful - I have been playing a 10 color version of Caldara recently and it's so much fun having all the colors in play!
Thanks Kristin! It is actually really cool to have a game that works well with all of the colors. Ten-color Caldara game sounds awesome. :)
I'm glad that you like the picture; I'm going a little bit further to promote this game over some other games I've come up with. That's because it's a strategy game that I really enjoy :), and, let's face it, with over 400 games to choose from on the wiki, if you have something worth sharing, you have to do a little promotion.
I visited for the first time in a while and when trying to look at the discussion pages was told I don't have rights for that. It instructed me to come here asn asked to be added to the 'regular' group. I didn't see a place for that and so am asking here.
As the IceWiki Bureaucrat, I have added "Noles" to Regular status. You should be able to access all pages now.
Hi Carlton! You seem somewhat confused by the situation, and I can see why it might not be immediately clear. See, the wiki used to be assaulted on an almost constant basis by spambots. So we elected a new set of rules and rulers, and now, anyone who wants to edit or contribute, simply need ask fFor "regular" permissions. Hopefully the process is quite painless.
No I understood fine I just thought there might be a sticky forum topic or something of that nature. Since I didn't find one, I hoped I was acting appropriately. Apparently I was. :{)}
Thanx ever so much. You are a gentleman and a scholar. There aren't many of us left.
How? Where? When? I've been working on a game with a customized board that I'd like to enter. When should I start watching for rules, etc.? It looks like something happened last December, where people were playing games and evaluating, but I've not been able to find any specfics on how to enter games, or deadlines, etc. Help!? Thanks.
The information on the IceAwards is here.
Feel free to submit your game on the wiki. It will then be considered during next year’s award cycle. I'm not sure when this year's evaluation will begin--probably in the next few months.
Yeah, we *really* need to do this.
Bear in mind, the ice awards are usually fFor the previous calendar year. When we start the awards, now, we will be looking at every game "published*" fFrom January 1st, 2012, through December 31st 2012.
* Published in this case means, most generally, put up on the wiki.
The reason fFor choosing to go a year back has to do with the idea that hopefully a game will be playtested, edited, and improved by the time we get to examining it. If a game has proper ownership, then it should have improved noticeably beyond a simple rough draft.
Thanks very much for your response, but I can't figure out how to submit a game to the site. I just keep getting relinked back to the info page. I have a game ready to go ("Snail Invasion!) The rules and a customized game board are all ready to go as a PDF file, but how do I get it to show up on the wiki site? Thx. P.P.S. I just tried uploading the file, and I got an "Upload Warning." I followed the link above to get to this page, but I keep jumping back and forth between old salmon-colored pages and what looks like slightly-newer blue and gray pages. Is there any relationship between the salmon pages and the blue ones? Why are the formats different? Why is everything, as far as I can tell, accessibly only to Admins? Am I even on the right site? Am I supposed to be emailing files somewhere instead of trying to edit the wiki? (I've worked with SharePoint wikis, but I've never seen anything like the pseudo-code on this site. I'm guessing it's about three generations back?) Thanks for any help anyone can offer. I've been working on the game for about ten months, and really want to enter it for 2013.
Last note -- I tried looking for "Help" and find references to "Talk" pages, but I have no idea what a "talk" page is. Even the "instructions" say they're not really instructions for the Pyramids site... Ai yi yi. I gotta tell you, folks. This whole thing is starting to feel like one of those Masonic "worthiness" tests. Are only people who are willing to spend a couple weeks studying old programming language "worthy" of playing with pyramids? I have an AS in computer science, and have been maintaining and designing HTML and ColdFusion sites since they were invented, yet I can't make sense out of anything on the site. I suspect people who aren't in IT in any way but who still like playing with pyramids would give up in total frustration...
If you have never edited a wiki page, then I can certainly imagine your confusion. The Icehouse wiki uses the same software as Wikipedia, so if you have ever edited a Wikipedia page, that prior experience should help.
A "Talk" page is a page for discussion about an Article page in the site. (Typically about a specific game's page, e.g. playtesters giving feedback or someone asking about a rules ambiguity.)
If you have not already created a user account, you'll need to do that. The reason why everything is accessible only to Admins is because in the past there was a HUGE problem with asshole spammers constantly creating accounts and leaving spam all over the site. (See for when that happened.) So now new users need to explicitly request that the wiki admins give them editing rights. (You can probably do that here in this thread if you tell your user name.) (I am not an admin, but they read these forums.)
Once you have editing rights, you can edit existing articles and create new articles (such as an article with the title of your game's name!) You can look at an existing game's article (use Edit to see the wiki source code) to see the format of wiki markup syntax.
Hope that helps. Good luck!
If you want your game designs posted on the IceWikiiki, please do one of the following:
1) Post the rules to your game in a thread here at the fan club (under the Pyramid Games subforum (just like you did to start this thread). One of our IceWiki experts will format the rules for you and handle of the confusing MediaWiki code.
2) Email the rules to me at deeplogic at excite dot com, and I'll take it from there.
Thanks for designing pyramid games!
Thanks bunches for your help. (It's been a migrainy work week already. I don't think I could handle another learning curve.) I've created a new thread -- "Entry for 2013 Ice Awards" and uploaded the rules & board. Watch where you step...
My very-fast two cents -- I'd go with a theme that is totally removed from any historical reality. I'd give this game a pass because it seems to imply, yet again, that Left Wing equals good and Right Wing equals bad, and I lost my patience with that BS a couple decades ago. In this particular instance, the Communist Threat was very real, and many of the people Hollywierd's continually presenting as innocent absolutely were not. (Start here in your research of opinions not approved of by the celebrity marketing machine:
Short version: do you really want to go there?
Yes, my limited experience with Paranoia (the RPG) back in the day (read the rules, played an online campaign) was that it was a quite silly and quite non-politically specific parody of the paranoia of living in a totalitarian society, but the totalitarian society's actual political structure ("left" or "right", as if politics is a simplistic 1-dimensional spectrum to begin with... but that's a tangent) was quite undefined and unimportant... and could be left to the imagination of the players as desired. Which if viewed through a specific lens can apparently invite projection of one's own political hot button issues: the rules to your Paranoia pyramid game prompting Kell to a vigorous defense of Joseph McCarthy's activities and insistence on the real dangers of the Communist Threat was... rather surprising to me. :)
The game rules you linked to are rather verbose with flavor text, a turn off for me, and the game doesn't appear to be my sort of "pyramid game" (what with the diplomacy/role-playing and need for creating custom cards, etc - it seems more of a boardgame version of Paranoia which just incidentally happens to use pyramids). I'm more into the abstract strategy type pyramid games mostly, so I am probably not in the target audience, alas! Good luck with it, in any case!
I have an Origins badge and Board Room ribbon, and I have giant pyramids. I would like to find a way to bring those things together. I don't have anything on the schedule, but if you're interested in doing something giant-pyramidy, especially Zendo, let me know. I'm planning to do things in the Board Room, since that's where I'll be anyway and I've already talked to people at CABS and GAMA about that location.
Please respond to this thread or at one of the following links at BoardGameGeek.
Giant Zendo:
Other Giant Pyramids games:
(They are entries on the same GeekList, so you probably only need to follow one of them.)
I won't be bringing my Giant set, but I will merrily hang out with you and play things! I could bring my Brobdingnagian chessboard bandanna (which is a king size bed sheet with a grid on it).
I've been meaning to make a volcano board too, actually, so this might be the motivation to do that. Normally when I play volcano at conventions, i use a ton of duct tape to mark out an area n the fFloor. But a nice bed sheet really is better fFor quick setup and tear-down.
That is, unless you have appropriately sized grids to use, yourself?
I don't have enough pyramids for Giant Volcano, but something like Freeze Tag or Pharoah could be done on a Giant Volcano board. My Giant pyramids consist of four monochrome stashes. I have Giant Zendo stones and I have a Giant Gnostica deck, but that's the extent of my Giant supplies. When I need dice, I have some Big dice that aren't Giant, but they work.
I hope you guys managed to get some giant games going - we missed seeing everyone at Origins!
It never seemed to be the right time to bring out the giant pyramids. The closest we came was on Wednesday when the convention center was closed for a while because of a fire in the basement. While waiting for the all-clear, a few friends and I grabbed a bit of floor in the walkway from the Hyatt and played Zendo. We used regular sized pyramids, but it was on the floor.
Thanks for sending Fluxx: The Board Game. I played it a couple of times at Origins, and I've managed to play it a couple of times since. People are interested in trying it even if they don't like Fluxx. I can only imagine the number of times I would've played it if Looney Labs had been at Origins.
So, no giant pyramids at Origins, as far as I know, but we're on the schedule for Buckeye Game Fest in September.
Does anyone have contact info for the Barney family that made the giant fuzzy pyramids that showed up at The Big Experiment at Origins many years back? I would love to show them this picture!
What's the pip value of that tent?
Good Question - it's 25 feet tall :)
According to my math, its pip-value is 1575. :)
if that's true... it's going to take a lot of queens to ice that puppy over. According to my calculations, we'll need about 525 Queens to successfully ice that over.
Or just leave it outside in January. That outta "ice" it over real good.
Hello everyone! For my very first post on these forums, I'd like to share my first attempt at creating a game for Looney Pyramids. Tonight's just full of firsts, apparently. ((Jump past the first line for the nitty gritty work-in-progress rules, and past the second for a tl;dr.))
I've been whiling away at my local Starbucks all day, working on the mechanics for the game with my friend/test subject, recording ideas on napkins and scraps of paper. When I got home and started typing everything into coherent phrases, something hit me: Something like this has probably been done before.
I've only been playing with these pyramids for about seven years, but they've been around for a lot longer than that. I've only played a few games, maybe six in all, not including variations. On top of that, the "kernel" of my game is actually the original game that the pieces were invented for. How could I possibly think of a variation of the game that no one else had ever thought of? It can't be possible. But, by George, I had to be sure. So I set out on an epic adventure, exploring the labyrinthine archives Icehousegames of the dot com and the dot org. I stared down the notorious Googantuan. I consulted the Geeks of the Board Games. I mentally hacked away at paragraph after paragraph of descriptive text. Somewhere halfway into the list of games starting with "A", I had a brilliant idea: I bet the forums could tell me if a similar game existed.
And here I am, asking (no, pleading) for help.
The game I started to hash out had very similar basic rules to Icehouse. There are attacking pieces and defending pieces. Defending pieces have health equivalent to their number of pips, and attacking pieces have an attack stat equivalent to their pips. That hasn't changed.
The play area for my variation is split into quadrants. This comes in to play in a bit.
My variation is turn based. It works kind of like Warhammer (or so I assume, as I've never actually played Warhammer): You roll dice that tell you which pieces you may deploy (and possibly in what mode, attack or defense) and to where they may be deployed (hence the quadrants).
While I haven't worked out all the dice mechanics, I do want there to be a dice pool and a dice "lock" area. You can lock a die and save it for another turn, and you may only roll the dice you have not locked (i.e. your dice pool) on any of your turns. You'll also have a chance to use some of these dice during your opponents turns (maybe, I haven't fully sold myself on that one yet).
There are other mechanics I am toying around with (like modifier dice, and/or a card-based item system similar to Munckin), but the key ones are being dice-based and turn-based, two things that I think change the very nature of the original game completely.
Too long; didn't read:
I'm developing a variation of the original Icehouse game which involves dice and turns. I am curious if there are any games that are similar. If there are similar games I would love to take a look at them for inspiration and for fun.
It's going to be a pretty complex game. I've always been a fan of really complex games, and this is my first real effort at designing one. Any and all input, comments, criticism, and praise is completely welcome.
I'm currently typing up a Google Doc with a first draft of the rules, which I'll link here when I get closer to finishing the barebones. I'm also going to keep trying to find similar games, mostly so I can make sure I'm not blatantly reproducing anything.
I've been playing with Pyramids for only about the same amount of time you have. For what it's worth, I've not seen anything like what you've described, although perhaps Martian Coasters has a similar "quadrant" element? Might be worth looking at, anyway. Also, you might check out Munchkin Quest (not regular Munchkin), which has some ability tracking that may be similar.
Given that you say "It's going to be a pretty complex game. I've always been a fan of really complex games", I'm guessing there are not similar existing games, since in my experience, pyramid games tend to aim toward the more simple/elegant/abstract/minimalist end of the spectrum (arguably as part of their spirit, though some games push that a bit, e.g. Gnostica is a bit more complex than the average pyramid game, but Gnostica's complexity is nothing like Warhammer's).
I can think of several complex pyramid games. Some are arguably too daunting for casual players, but there are also several well-written games that also have a lot going on in them. I suppose it depends how one interprets “complex” or “Warhammer like.” What you describe, on the surface, doesn’t sound too complex for pyramid pieces, but I’d like to hear more. If a lot of charts are required to look up dozens of distinct powers, then it may be something that doesn’t appeal to the typical pyramid player. Of course, the more you playtest what you have, the more likely your final rule set will be a success.
To your question, there are at least two or three games that I can think of that use a turn-based adaptation or revisioning of Icehouse. One of those is a game that was never finished. I can look them up when I return home and provide the links. What you describe seem distinct from those.
I did a little digging into Warhammer, and I realized that wasn't a very good example. The closest thing to Warhammer would be my modifier dice, which you could roll to give your attacking or defending pieces more power, or to extend the range of your attacking pieces. The item cards would do the same thing, so I'd probably pick either the modifier dice or the cards.
I'll go a bit more in depth about the dice mechanics. Since the game is designed more for me to play with some of my more "hardcore" gamer friends, it uses a couple non-standard dice (a D-4 and possibly a D-10, to be specific) as well as a few custom D-6's (these would be the modifier dice and could easily be substituted for with regular D-6's. If I go with the card system, these wouldn't be needed.) and a few of the "pyramid size selecting" Icedice. At the beginning of your turn, you roll the D-4 to decide which quadrant you'll be campaigning in for the turn. Then you roll one pyramid selector three-five times (haven't decided yet, and there might be a way to roll for more per turn later on), showing you which pyramids you can play this turn.
You can choose to place all your pieces during your turn, or you can "lock" the dice that you want to try to play either during your next turn or during the end of your opponents turns. During the ends of your opponents turns, any player may stop the turn and roll the D-4 to see if he can place his pieces in the quadrant that that player just played in. If more than one person wishes to do so, they proceed in normal turn order. Then play continues to the person whose turn it would have been.
@Russ: I think the reason I think it's so complicated is that I'm the one writing out the rules, and having to think about how the rules might interact is making the game seem more complicated than it actually is. I should mention that my playtester, who is in no way a hardcore gamer, has been able to follow the rules pretty well, though we've really only been playing it with turns and pyramid selectors. I haven't tried any of the fancy-schmancy modifiers yet. I just think that they sound like a good/fun idea.
@ Kell: I actually did get the inspiration for the quadrant system from Martian Coasters. :D I haven't played it, but when I started pondering my game, I decided that I needed to make my play area smaller, and originally thought I could somehow adapt the coasters to my idea. I didn't end up doing so, but the quadrant idea stuck.
@Greg: I am very intrigued to hear about those games,especially the unfinished one. In my experience of games in general, the games that are dropped are usually ridiculously complicated, and are abandoned because the creators couldn't get all the features they wanted to fit together into a coherent game. I can think of a few video games that never saw the light of day because of technology restraints and creative overload. I don't want to get caught in that trap.
Actually, this incomplete one may be the least interesting of the two:
I can't think of the other one, though it was more interesting... perhaps I'll run into it again soon and post the link.
I look forward to seeing how your game turns out.
Hey guys! Just a little update. After a lot of playtesting and a whole lot of input from non-gamer friends and family, I've decided to go with a card-based modification system. Essentially, each turn you get to draw a card. That card modifies your icehouse pieces in some way. I haven't yet figured out exactly how they will be applicable to the pieces, but the basic modifiers are as follows:
The reason for the cards is two-fold; It is much easier for "non-hardcore" gamers to follow directions that are placed immediately in front of them, via a card which is placed on the board underneath the piece that it affects. Also, this mechanic adds a level of strategy that more "hardcore" gamers will enjoy. It does not necessarily give any advantage to wither hardcore or non-hardcore gamers, as most hardcore gamers have an ingrained understanding and near-eidetic memory of dice rolls, while non-hardcore gamers will have to keep checking a rule book at every time a die is rolled.
I have also considered swapping to a six-sectored board, so that more people will be able to play the game. It will likely make games longer, and I'm tying to think of a better way to implement a placement system that involves more "normal" dice. One such idea is to have players roll four d-6's, and making the values equal to quadrants. The problem I have with this is that I would have to stagger the values of the dice-rolls to make each quadrant have an equal chance of being chosen, as there are always more chances of the median numbers being rolled than the outliers. This is a huge problem for me, as 1. I don't feel like working out the math to make this work and 2. it makes the game much more complicated.
One idea I had to counter this was to simply limit the "sectors" to 2; flip a coin, and that decides which sector you can play in. That, or I could get rid of sectors entirely and everyone could play on one contiguous board, but I feel that would make the game far too simple (and far too similar to Icehouse to be a true offshoot, as opposed to a branch), even with the dice and card mechanics.
I am still working on how I want the dice to work, but I think I'm pretty close to a complete idea with them. They will be the hardest step into playing the game, meaning most gamers would need to either make their own dice or assign specific die values to the numerical values on standard d-6's. The only reason I think this will work is because of the ease of which I made my own set of icedice and treehouse die, being too poor to buy a real set.
In the near future, I hope to release a tentative rules page along with a template for the custom dice (and one for the icedie that I am using, in case anyone needs it). As before, I would love to hear any input any of you have.
I just had kind of a brainstorm, and here are the big points I made to myself:
Now, needless to say, I'll be finishing the "softcore" version first. I want something new to share with my friends and family whom I have recently gotten hooked on Looney Pyramid games. That said, I would love to challenge some of my more hardcore gamer friends with a fun and complex game hat they have never played but may understand from other games they have played.
From now on, this thread will be solely focused on the softcore version of the game. After it is done, I will start a new thread which will be the development of the "hardcore" version of the game, building on what we have talked about here.
I think the "softcore" version fits very well into the classic, "intuitive" paradigm that most Looney Pyramid and, indeed, Looney Labs' games fall into. Even with the extra mechanics, I think it's fairly eay to larn, and the cards can esily be downloaded from a public folder on Dropbox to be printed. I am debating on simply making 52 different cards and assigning the 52 cards in a standard playing card deck to a card. That would cut down on the supplies needed significantly, though might make it harder for "softcore" gamers to understand.
~~~ALSO::: I tried using the basic dice mechanics with the card mechanics, only using cards from the original Munchkin set. It worked surprisingly well. I am strongly considering using the Munchkin system to run my card-based system in the game. I might have to contact Steve Jackson Games about this, and I'm wondering if any of you guys think it is worth pursuing. I am all for making my own set of cards, but if I can save time and energy by somehow including Munchkin in all of my mechanics, I wouldn't mind making the plea to Steve Jackson for the rights to include their info in my rules. That's obviously a very complicated route, but I feel that it might help a lot of gamers who love both Steve Jackson and Looney Labs to get their conscripted family-teams to try my game. Advice and opinions on this are highly recommended.
Would it help to think in terms of the basic game, and then an "expansion?"
That's actually a good idea. I should do that.
While we are in between community-award contests, I think it might be fun to open up an ongoing thread where we can post game reviews. The goal is to help preserve games and identify forgotten classics. The challenge is to find, play, and review games that were designed before the original community design contests (in other words, any game pre 2004).
Any game that was designed between the invention of the pyramids and January 2004 qualifies, to the exclusion of those few that are already considered popular classics (those on the SSCL) or which are "published" games. If a game was made before 2004 and was subsequently entered into the first IGDC (which was open to older games), it is still eligible for the Game Review initiative.
When you have a short review of a forgotten classic, please post it here. With so many new games being designed each year, there are bound to be several games that would otherwise go largely unplayed.
List of Eligible Games for Review:
Pythagoras [Still looking for a link, but it looks like this one is gone too]
Games that should probably be removed:
Martian Backgammon and Thin Ice were published in Playing With Pyramids.
CrackeD Ice, DNA, and Martian Mud Wrestling were published in various issues of Hypothermia.
IceTraders is listed on as published, although I'm not sure where. It was later developed into Homeworlds, which has been published several times.
It would make Andy very sad if you left Spicklehead on the list.
Thanks for checking that. I thought that I had taken all of the Hypothermia games out, but some of them snuck back in. If someone thinks a game should be included that I missed, I'll be happy to check into that too.
We had been thinking of ways to recognize great community games from before 2004, and this seems a simple way to do so. I'm sure that many players have played at least one two of these already, and I'm curious as to which games people would recommend to be played or to be wary of.
I've added the list to the above, so I can edit it easier.
If you're looking for rules to a particular game, I recommend that people look on the icehousegames wiki first, as the most recent rules and links should be there. A few games might be only available from SLICK.
I have not included games that were considered to be in a largely unfinished. A few of these may be found to actually be complete if examined further, as Martian Mids was found to be. However, these should be taken on a case by case basis, so I think it's best not to include them all here at this time.
Invaders of Mars: This is a game of doing yourself the least amount of harm. The strategy is to pick your poison smartly and to force your opponent into doing more damage to themselves than they would like. It's one of those games that gets more strategic as the rounds progress. To mend the rules, players should, as Brilk suggested, have a queen seek out the drones when possible, instead of landing on players pieces when no babies are left. In some ways, this is a predecessor of Gleebs and Grues (similar in its theme, scale, and the fact that players are not only competing against themselves but also a malevolent force), which is a really good game in its own right.
Verdict: Is this a classic? When played with the amended rules, this game is a lot of fun. The game has stronger narrative/theme than many of the games of its time period. Its mechanic is simple and effective. Invaders of Mars doesn't have as much strategic depth as some classics, but it doesn't need to. I'd call this a casual classic, with average to good replay appeal. For its fun and originality, I'd rate it around 7 out of 10 aliens.
I've fixed the list above to include links to all the games that qualify. The restrictions placed on what qualifies were perhaps kind of strict, but the goal is to concentrate on games that meet certain criteria that often means they are overlooked with so many other games out there.
This game is inspired by its namesake, developed over one hundred years ago and its redesign called Camelot. The pyramid variant has the appeal of a largely blank board at the start, and thus the game can go in many disparate directions right from the beginning. I played this game a lot when I first got my pyramid pieces, and I took it up again for this review. In the context of all the games I’ve played since, I suppose that I’d have to more judicial in how I grade it. It feels a little like checkers, but much more deliberate and strategic. It’s also a game where one misstep can, and usually does, end it.
I’ve read a few comments on this game that indicate that players may not have been using their playing options to the fullest. This is understandable as there is little direction in the rules and some of the ways of winning this game go counter to how we typically play games. Remember the following and you should have a good game of it. 1. Pawns can move in any direction diagonally, and queens can jump backwards and forwards on the board. 2. If you have a jump, you MUST take it. Jumps can suddenly appear after the other player takes their turn, so both players need to be aware of the changing board. 3. Remember that you only need two queens to win, so sacrificing a queen to help another queen out is sometimes wise.
Underappreciated? Yes it is. Is it a classic? Perhaps not, but I still recommend it. Despite liking it as much as I do, it does borrow much from it’s predecessor; add to that it doesn’t have a high pyramicity rating either. However, it is, despite it’s terse rules, well designed, and offers a good replay value. With so many good pyramid games, it’s not a game I’d say was “required” playing, but it’s one to try for fans of strategy games. 7/10
Are reviews still welcomed?
Indeed, the imitative is ongoing. There are a lot of games here that have never been evaluated, at least not in any formal way. Please feel free to add any opinions you have on the games listed.
Afternoon all,
I was just wondering if there was any progress on making Pyramids available in the UK / EU? I'm hoping to buy some more in the near future, and was wondering if there was any better way than getting them shipped over from America - including shipping and customs charges, it works out at nearly $20 a stash...
Also are there any plans to sell pink pyramids by the stash, or do I have to buy two copies of Pink Hijinks and throw away three pyramids?
Wish I could have made it to Vegas this week! Understand Some of the Loonatics were there, and met the owner of "My" store, (adopted) Dirigo Hobbies, Nick Jutzi! Ready to set up Starship Captain training when he gets back, and Have plans to demo on Tabletop day! Yay!
I'm trying to figure out something about Andy's "Standard Opening Move", as reported on the I Love Homeworlds page.
He usually starts "with a Large Green ship and a Blue/Red star system", and mentions "Yellow isn't needed until later..."
Since you need yellow to move out of your homeworld, isn't yellow needed in the next turn or two? There's only so much building and trading you can do at homeworld. Or is that the strategic point I'm missing? I should build/trade up to 3 of each color before I start Discovering?
If mega-stockpiling is not the strategy, then it feels like I've wasted a turn, since I'll need to trade into yellow sooner than "later". Can you tell I'm relatively new at Homeworlds?
Thanks for any ideas you have.
"Later" does not imply "many turns later". It can also mean just a few turns (e.g. 3) later. It's not uncommon to build & change colors for the first few turns before moving.
About "wasting a turn" - I think it's simply a matter of tradeoffs. You'll probably want ships of all colors sooner or later, so if you start with a yellow ship instead of some other color, then you could similarly consider yourself to be "wasting a turn" to get that other color later. And evidently Andy thinks a blue/red star is good for other reasons, so you couldn't start with a yellow ship, given a blue/red star, or you couldn't build anyway.
I'd say if you really want to play andy's opening, you should keep building green until doing so would let someone else get an early two-pointer. Then switch to yellow and start moving out. You'll need plenty of green ships hanging around if you want to pull off a Banker or Factory build, and I know those are two of Andy's favorite tricks.
"Later" in this case is usually about 2 turns later. I always build a small as my second move (who doesn't?) and usually my third move is to trade that small green for a small yellow.
Looking for a Starship captain or someone who is willing to run pyramid demos and host games to come to the international San Diego comic convention and run cadet training and other various pyramid, and other Looney lab games. Convention is Wednesday July 17, 2013-Sunday July 21, 2013. Located in San Diego CA.
Must be able to provide yourself with transportation, and lodging arrangements.
I will provide badge.
If you are interested, send me a message, telling me why and a little bit about yourself.
Boy would I love to go. Someday, perhaps!!!
The following games have made it to the final round of the ICE Awards. What games will end up on top, a game of dueling elderly wizards fight for neighborly supremacy? Pyro Martian clubbers competing to exit a conflagration? alien monsters fighting to the death in a Gleeb arena? or pyramid factions racing to be the first to traverse a treacherous “volcano board”?
A• Evacuate (Designed by Gregory Lattanzio)
B• Freeze Tag (Designed by Jeanne Rink Kramer-Smyth)
C. Gleebs and Grues (Designed by Robert Dudley)
D. Ziggurat Demolition Throwdown (Designed by P.D. Magnus)
It is now up to us to determine a winner and a runner up!
1. To vote, you need to request the poll link from me. Feel free to do so through a "friend request". This personalized link is all that is required to vote (no login or password is required), and can only be used once. Alternatively, you can email your ranged votes to me, and I will add them into the tally.
You can email me through this forum or through my email: glattanzio(at)
2. Rate each game on a scale between F and A+ (with A+ being, of course, the best).
Guideline: From F to A+, you might evaluate the games in relation to this guideline.
F In your evaluation, the game is awful. What was the designer thinking?
C Is midrange, for an acceptable and at least somewhat entertaining or interesting experience. There were a few things that you liked about the game, but you may not play it again in the near future.
A+ An exceptional game that you really enjoyed. This is a game that captured your imagination and that you can’t wait to play again.
All votes need to be in by 1pm EST on 3/10/13.
Voting is done via an online survey program that allows for a lot of flexibility in ranged voting. This way you’re not voting simply yes or no to a particular game, you’re grading the game itself based on your reaction to it. It also keeps a lot of good data on the votes.
Here are things to consider in the final round:
Originality: With 400+ games on our wiki, it’s amazing (and a testament to genius of the pyramids design) that there is still such diversity in what designers come up with. That said, how original a game is, and how interesting its concept is, probably has some affect on how we view it. Some games may simply update existing games (published or otherwise), and some may seem familiar but do something very new with these familiar mechanics.
Replaybility and Strategic Depth: Does a given game make you want to play it again? And then, having played it again, do you still need to play it… just one more time! The depth of a game comes in here as well. A game that offers a number of options for strategic play may end up being returned to more often, as there will be quite a number of things you may wish to try out.
Fun Factor: This is hard to measure but… were the game mechanics and the general game experience fun? Were you able to get beyond the frustration of learning something new and really get into the pleasure of playing?
Pyramidicity: Some games make more use of the attributes of pyramid pieces than others. The use the color, shape, size, opacitity, and pips on a piece may come into play in some games. Some games may utilize the ability of a pyramid to point in a certain direction, be stacked, hide information, and some games even use gravity (and the tendency for awkwardly placed pyramids to topple). Pyramidicity helps one to decide if a game is a pyramid game foundationally or simply a game that uses pyramids as pieces. That said, nobody says a game should use all of the characteristics of the pyramids or that a game that has the highest pyramidicity rating is the necessarily the best.
And so the round begins! Please note, for the next two days I'll be presenting a paper at a literary conference. If you request your voting link before then, there will be a delay in my response. Thanks for understanding.
I’m back and town now and will continue to provide the voting links for players, when they are ready to vote on the final list of games.
Of note, we welcome more pics of game play, questions concerning play, etc.
I regret that I didn’t get a pic of Ziggurat Demolition Throwdown up in time for the prior round. The only pic I had was a phone pic someone took during a 4-player game played during GAGG. Unfortunately, the shot didn’t really provide for a distinct representation of the gameplay.
For that game, you should check out the work that P.D. M. has done on the decktet. They’re worth printing or purchasing, as there are several interesting games that you can play with them.
Hey Greg - how do I request a link to vote? I've been playing the new games... and want to make sure I vote before the deadline!
Thanks Kristin.
The links can be gotten by emailing me on this forum. For most people, that means that you have to add me as a friend, but, in your case, I was able to just send the link to you.
Alternatively, people can email me at my personal email (see above).
Calling all pyramid players! There’s just a few days left in the ICE Award contest, and voting has slowed down a little these past few days. This is a reminder that everyone in this community is eligible to vote. Even if you’ve only played one of the games listed, feel free to log in and rank it (though the more games you can vote on the better the final total will be). Thanks!
The contest has officially ended!
The winner, and final standings, determined by round robin voting, are as follows:
1. WINNER: Freeze Tag (with the most first-place positions on voters ballots)
2. Runner up: Evacuate
Congratulations to Jeanne Rink Kramer-Smyth!! And congratulations to everyone who participated!! There has been no shortage of great games to play!!!
Thanks so much!!
Thanks for all your work on the 2011 IceAwards, Greg. I don't feel like I pulled my weight to the extent that I might have, but I'm glad to see the process bear fruit.
So I'm trying to run a Zendo event at my school's board game minicon (it's called Rudicon if you're interested). The event submission is supposed to have a short catchy description of the event, and I know from experience I should have someone proofread mine in case I do a bad job selling it. Here's what I've got so far.
"Zendo is a cooperative puzzle game in which players use logic to discover a hidden rule, which changes every game. It has elements of Mastermind and uses Looney Labs' trademark Icehouse Pyramids as the game pieces."
Hey!! I didn't know you are in Rochester, Nick!! Cool! If you'd like, I can probably bring my giant pyramids, and maybe run some other stuff. Giant Zendo is awesome. I actually need to make some guessing stones in giant fFormat (beans bags are preferred, but take some time and energy to assemble. Maybe something with colored fFoam or something)
Anyway, your description looks good. You could get into the dynamics of having a Master and Guessing Stones. But what you have is sufficient.
What time are you planning on running your game? I have a thing on Saturday night and I work fFriday night, but I would totally show up to play on Saturday afternoon.
Sounds great Nicholas. If I remember correctly, this con isn't for several months?
I'm not sure the word "cooperative" belongs in a Zendo description. Ordinarily, Zendo is a competitive game, with opportunities to take advantage of the efforts of other players.
Since Mastermind is deductive and Zendo is inductive, that comparison may not be warranted. Also, I don't think Mastermind has the currency it once did, so it may not have much explanatory value.
Here's my quick go at an elevator pitch: "Zendo is a game of inductive reasoning where players try to discover a secret rule by making experimental attempts to fulfill or break it. It's customarily played with Looney Pyramids, a beautiful system of game pieces that are also used for many other inventive games."
Woah, that's a pretty good one, Matt. Can I use it? And yeah, I forget that not everyone grew up on Mastermind. I've gotten more blank stares than I expected using that comparison.
Oh, and Greg, it's a lot sooner than that. March 8 I think.
Of course you can use that. It strikes me as a little too lofty in its diction; it could probably be tamed into greater vernacularity.
As a game store owner, this is the pitch I've found most useful to introduce Zendo:
"Zendo is the Looney Labs Pyramid Game and Logic Puzzle where you get to construct cool buildings (called Koans) while attempting to guess the "secret construction rule" set by the "Zendo Master" for each individual round.
On the day of the event (as people are looking at your game table) you can say, "Zendo - Build the Koan; Guess the Rule; Become the Master!" -- I've used this phrase to good effect at local conventions.
The first one taunts logic puzzle fanatics, conveys the basic theme, and is on an easily comprehendable vocabulary level. (not that elevated diction is bad, but you do want to make it appeal to as many people as possible.<grin>)
The second (spoken only) one takes less than 15 seconds to catch attention and draw someone in to watch or hear more about the game you are running.
Thanks for your suggestions. I ended up going with the following, building largely on your sales pitch:
"Zendo is a multiplayer logic puzzle where players build structures ("Koans") out of colorful pieces ("Icehouse Pyramids") to try to determine what type of constructions match the secret rule set by the Zendo Master of each round.
Any number can play, length of game varies with difficulty of puzzle (pre-written beginner puzzles will be provided), feel free to jump in mid-puzzle."
Oh, and for anyone looking to attend the event, I'm asking for it to run late evening of saturday, the 9th.
Is this in March? I'll do my best to make it.
Yup. Next weekend at RIT. Pretty sure entrance fee is 5$, I assume they make most of the profit off tournaments though.
Cool. I'll be there. Do you have a set time? I didn't see it in the event calendar when I last looked.
Check again, should be up by now. Saturday at 8PM. I also intend to enter the Dominion tournament while I'm there.
Ah, I'll be out with a girlfriend for a prior engagement, but, if it goes on for an hour or two, we'll be able to jump in mid session.
It was good to have made it to the event, which we did finally get set up and going. It was nice to have met you Nick. Thanks for bringing the event to Rudicon.
In the online store I saw mention of a book called Playing With Pyramids. I did not see it listed anywhere in the online store.
Does it have rules for games in it?
Are they the exact same games as in Pyramid Primer #1(which I already have)?
Is it available anywhere?
The book contains rules to the following 12 games:
It also has some historical anecdotes, strategy notes, etc.
It is technically out of print, but you can get it at different places online that still have copies. It's quite useful and includes many games not included in the pyramid primer... for now.
COME JOIN US for the first round of voting for the ICE Awards of 2012 (the play through of the games from 2011). Voting starts 1/25 and ends on 2/17 (1pm EST).
What is this? "The ICE Award is a fan-organized award given annually to recognize quality fan-produced games for Looney pyramids."
Rules for voting: Rate the games from one to seven (with one being your favorite). You can rate as many games as you wish, To keep the voting system working well, please vote for as many games as you are able. You’ll have three weeks to do so, so feel free to try out a few games that you haven’t played before. If you have a game in the mix, you may vote for your own game.
Send your votes to me via email through this forum or via glattanzio(at) and they will be tabulated if received while the round is active.
The top four games will make it to the final round (from which the winner and the runner up will be awarded).
To encourage informed votes for as many games as possible, the games on your list will receive a bonus if you list at least two games in your list, even more if you vote for five or more.
THE GAMES: These are each quality games that I would be happy to teach others.
A• Evacuate (Designed by Gregory Lattanzio)
B• Freeze Tag (Designed by Jeanne Rink Kramer-Smyth)
C. Gleebs and Grues (Designed by Robert Dudley)
D. Paint the Line (Designed by Robert Dudley)
E. Martian Canals (Designed by Dennis D Duquette)
F• Stawvs (Designed by Russ Williams)
G. Ziggurat Demolition Throwdown (Designed by P.D. Magnus)
How the order is tabulated:
Because this round includes seven games and not everyone will get to play all of them, the order will be tabulated by hand. All users will get to vote once by email; those who may not have an account on here will be encouraged to sign up through the wiki. The final round of four games will be tabulated via a simple voting program.
If you vote on one game: The game gets three points
Two to four games: The game in the first spot gets five points, the game in the second gets four, and so on.
Five or more games: The game in the first spot gets seven points, the game in the second gets six, and so on.
I decided on the above tabulation rules due to the fact that I wanted the best quality votes, accumulated in the shortest time possible (as we need to have the award finalized so that whoever runs the next contest can do so soon).
I will encourage my local gaming friends to get together over the next three weeks to play through all of the games at least once, and I encourage that process as able.
Good structure. I like it.
So many tough decisions!
On just the topic of Robert Dudley's games alone, I think Paint the Line has a really good mechanic, but Gleebs and Grues is likely to be a more commonly played game. But which is actually *better*? Which deserves the highest accolades?
And how do they fFall in among the rest?
Some of the games also have pages on Boardgamegeek. Ratings, comments, and reviews are always appreciated!
REMINDER: We have just 10 days before the end of round one of the ICE Awards of 2012 (7 days before Valentine’s Day, which I suppose you should also probably be cognizant of).
I want to note that I personally send an acknowledgement email out for each group of votes that I receive. If you have sent your votes already, but have not received a response, try submitting them again.
There's less than 24 hours before the end of the first round of open voting...
As votes are starting to come in more rapidly, I'm extending the voting round until 1pm on 2/17, EST. That way, if you want to play a last round of games tonight, you'll have a little more time to get your votes in.
Remember, if you believe that you've voted, but haven't received an email confirming your vote, send it again.
The winners of the 3rd Round are Evacuate, Freeze Tag, Gleebs and Grues, and Ziggurat Demolition Throwdown. Congratulations to everyone whose game has made it this far!
Feel free to begin evaluating these games. The voting will start soon. I've been running test of various voting services for the final round. As soon as I figure that out, I'll announce it here. The contest will end approximately two weeks after the voting goes live.
And, fFor those who are confused about what year this is, and what happened to last year's games ....
Well, you see. We got started unbelievably late with "The Class of 2011." That is what these fFew are, you see. Greg nobly picked up the mantle and carried it proudly. And has more or less sworn to never do it again, I think =)
I will start assembling "The Class of 2012" -- that is, all the games designed during the actual year of 2012 -- after all this stuff is over. Confusion will absolutely ensue, as we complete one set of fFinal voting and hand out an award, then jump directly into a whole new set of all new voting with new games and all new stuff.
I will give at least a month or two between the two series to ensure we cleanse the palette and have time to refresh and renew. I will say, I've started looking through some of the newer game designs, and there are some quite awesome offerings!
I'm getting ready for the final round: I've narrowed the final round process down to two or three voting options... The only concern I have is that the most appealing one may not be the most stable one. I'll figure that out by tomorrow night.
Scott: As to whether I'd gladly jump in and run things again--never say never. That said, I'm happy to pass the torch on to you or someone else for the next few years. :)
Y'all are such rockstars for doing this.
When will the final round start up?
I'll post the thread shortly... I'm waiting to hear back from a programer on a possible voting program, but things should be set in the next two days.
I'm new to Looney Pyramids and just started playing Martian Coasters. I'm looking to get a hold of the 5th Black Martian coaster but was told they were no longer for sale. Does anyone have one they would be willing to sell me?
First thing you should try is finding a Starship Captain who happens to also be on the demo team that is in your area. They have demo kits that include copies of the 5th coaster, and might be able to help there.
I'm having difficulty navigating the Looney Labs website. Where on the website do I look to find a Starship Captain on the demo team in the Boston area?
I ended up making my own. To start can do a google image search on “5th Martian coaster.” You can also find images for the white pieces (and probably other Xeno colors).
I found some thin cardboard which I glued the images to, and it looks and feels very much like the real thing.
I started my pyramania with an IceDice set, and I missed the window for the old tube-packaged sets of Treehouse. But now I'd like to get my hands on a copy of the rules from that set. Or maybe someone could even tell me whether it will really answer my need. Here's the scenario.
Pink Hijinks is adorable, but a little frustrating in the face of the terrific flexibility offered by the contents of other pyramid games. E.g. The new Treehouse set explicitly offers itself to play Pharaoh, but it's also ready for IceSickle, Ice Age, and other game options. For a little while, I thought that Pink Hijinks itself was the only game playable with the contents of the Pink Hijinks bag. Then I realized that I could add a Treehouse die, and the kit would be sufficient for a two-handed game of Treehouse.
So I'd like a copy of the rules that will fit in the Hijinks bag, to orient new players. The IceSheet version is too big, but I'm hopeful that the rules from the old Treehouse tubes will do the trick.
There's a scan at boardgamegeek of some older version of the Treehouse rules from the tube:
Yeah, that's just what I need. Thanks!
if you give me your address, I can probably send you one of my dozen sets of classic treehouse rules.
fFunny thing about those. you'd buy a bunch of tubes, and you'd get a whole lot of rules to that one game. I think i still have lots of copies in my bag of stuff.
Terrific. I'm actually having trouble legibly printing out the BGG image file. I'll send you my address. I figured there would be folks with a surplus of old tube rules. Thanks in advance.
You could use a service like to get acrylic (or wood) custom cut for this.
Maybe I'm confused... but doesn't that service take orders/plans online, find a creator to handle the job(s), and then the creator cuts and ships them? Their FAQ even talks about international shipping (e.g., customs fees). Heck, they might pair you with a creator in Western Europe....
I don't think so -- they have facilities in a number of countries though. From their FAQ:
We are optimized to ship domestically within the United States of America, New Zealand, Germany, Italy and the UK. We also ship internationally to almost everywhere in the world.
But on something like this I wouldn't be surprised if shipping would be more costly than the item itself if it has to ship internationally.
That said, a google search for "Laser cutting service in Netherlands" will probably turn up a domestic option.
There are lasercutters in the Netherlands, but I'd have to provide them with all the measurements they need being able to create what I want. Why invent what has already been invented ;-)
Looney Labs has all I need, I just need to know if the 2 parts of the board can be bought separately. If yes, I would easily be able to do the rest myself. Ripping an existing board into 2 pieces doesn't work. There's just no place to get any grip between the pieces. I'm sure it'll somehow get damaged when putting too much force into it.
Don't try to rip them apart -- it won't work.
Acrylic is not glued in the traditional sense it is "welded" with a solvent effectively turning the 2 pieces into a single fused item.
Why invent what has already been invented
To not have to wait indefinitely.
To be creative and put your personal style on it.
Because it hasn't been invented (i.e., maybe you can't buy the layers separate; or doing so might be a custom-order situation, with commensurate costs and delays)
...kind of a theme of mine, these days: why wait on a message board when you could take charge of your own happiness?
Round two of the 2012 Ice Awards, for the games of 2011, has closed. As we have exactly seven games passing, there is no for second evaluations of the games to further narrow the list.
My thanks goes to all of you who contributed comments and reviews. The first round of voting will begin shortly.
The goal of the ICE Awards is to evaluate and celebrate the games from the prior year (being the games created in 2011). It also provides means to encourage game designers by offering a certain amount of recognition, along with a small reward.
We have made it through the first round (which was to simply verify that the games listed “can be played as written”), and now the fun begins. We welcome anyone and everyone in the community to become involved in evaluating and voting on these games.
Here are the games up for evaluation in the 2nd round of the 2011 Ice Awards:
Awaiting Evaluation:
Passes to Round 3
1• Evacuate
2• Freeze Tag
6• Stawvs
7. Ziggurat Demolition Throwdown
Does not currently pass:
Having one negative review, these games are not out of the running. We will attempt to get up to two reviews per game this round. If there’s a game here that you think might be worth a second look, give it a try. If you think it belongs in the top 50% of the remaining games, it will be reconsidered.
1. Bridge
2. Chain Reaction (Although we allowed it through the first round, it had two initial negative but passing assessments. Since they were both in the first round, if someone has a positive review of it, it would then be up for reconsideration.)
3• Ice Colony
5• Whack Chess
Disqualified (having two negative reviews):
None yet.
2nd round goal: (Slight updated) To speed up the evaluation round, and get us to the final voting rounds, we need to get a single vote per game. If we can get it down to seven games passing, and no more, we will simply move on. If we have more than seven games passing, then I will ask for a second vote until we've gotten it down to seven.
A game needs at least one passing evaluation to make it through to the next round.
For the reviews: You are free to evaluate these games as you wish. My recommendation is to ask yourself whether the game is fun, interesting and worthy of being in the top half of games. I recommend that you refamiliarize yourself with the games you wish to review, perhaps playing them again if it has been some time. Don’t be afraid to ask specific questions that you might have of the designer (or other players). We hope to thin the field down to the best games of the year per the contest, but this process will hopefully also help designers to improve/fix their games and thus improve the overall quality of the wiki, regardless of whether they are the winners.
Note: The Original IceAwards rules states that different players should review each game then did the prior round. This is to encourage more players to learn the games, but, as the first 1st round was only to "pass" a game as playable, I believe that reviews for games you played in the first round should be allowed. I do, however, encourage players to also review something that they have not commented on yet, just to get more of us familiar with a greater number of games.
So, how should we submit evaluations? Just post them to this thread?
Yes, feel free to post them in here (or on the wiki). Even feel free to have discussions. We'll probably switch to secret ballot for the final two rounds.
Could you include links to all the games' rules here, so we don't have to go searching? Thanks.
I’m at work, and it is easier for me to do that from home, so I’ll link them up tonight.
I have done something ... strange. I have made a specialized deck of too many cards, fFor Ziggurat Demolition Throwdown.
I don't know if this will make the game better, but certainly it will be easier to understand. Players could also use some sort of player guide, like describing how to attack and defend, and how towers work. But the important stuff fFor each card is fFound herein.
Note that the Decktet is only 30something cards, and this fFull set catches nearly every combination of actions, fFor a whopping 90 card deck! Also it doesn't include pawns. It is not, to be sure, a Decktet replacement. But it is an overlarge deck of cards fFor this one game.
I haven't actually played with this deck, but I should be able to print it out on plain paper and use some of these card sleeves I have lying around the house, in order to see if it works well.
I imagine P.D. Magnus choking on his coffee this afternoon when sees what I have wrought. Sorry, dude! I think I like the game, but i wanted to test this theory I have.
I am going to cut Bridge. It is not a bad game, it's just not especially profound. I've played it a couple times, and it didn't really move me. It is workable, and not at all tragic. But it tends towards specific outcomes.
I found Bridge's movement rules to be unclear. Must you move onto an empty space? Or can you move onto an occupied space (I hesitantly suppose so), and if so do you cover/stack, or do you capture? Can the bishop movement go through occupied spaces (I hesitantly suppose not)?
(I also added this to the game's discussion page at the wiki.)
I confess that I'm more puzzled than anything. This custom deck doesn't just provide more explicit instructions on the cards. It also changes the game.
With this custom deck, there are 9 special defense cards. I guess "attack strength" can still be stacked together to use cards for defense? Are black towers still required for defense?
In the game as written, everybody loses one pip of tower every time the deck is exhausted. With the larger deck, this well happen less often. But the attrition is deliberate: Players can't just keep drawing cards and defending forever. If you get stuck with towers that are useless to you, then you can change one colour eventually (by taking attrition to it and making change for a different colour).
NB: Reference cards for the game as written are available on the Decktet Wiki.
Whoops, I meant that I hesitantly assume you can NOT move onto an occupied space. Not that this changes my point that I found the movement rules to be unclear. :)
True, and true, and true, and true.
The 9 special defense cards are partly because I was a little lazy, and didn't fFeel like removing 3 cards fFrom my 9-card layout. But also I fFigured, with a larger deck, more special defense cards would be an okay thing to have.
Yes, Attack Strength is intended to reflect defense strength as well. And yes, players still need a black or green tower to do any defense. I did not (intentionally) change the game mechanics.
However, I did actually overlook one rule entirely: "Everybody loses one pip of tower every time the deck is exhausted." Oh dear, that does change things, doesn't it. I don't believe I even noticed that rule, and I've been playing it wrong altogether! It's a small note, but an important one.
The best solution I can think of right now is to invoke the rule that, at the start of the game, you should draw 30 or 40 random cards fFrom the deck. That way you never really know what you're getting. As a matter of fFact, this solution would allow the game to be played with more than 2 players. Perhaps it should be 15 cards per player, so the deck scales with the number of players in the game. I might also invoke some rule that reduces the size of the deck as players are eliminated, but now we're getting ahead of ourselves.
Another option is to simply play with the cards that appear in the decktet. I could mark those cards with a small glyph in one corner, or something. I might make up a new version with that, now. I sorta need to make an 11th page anyway (one color combination is missing)(even though that bumps the card count up to 99 (oi vey!)), so what the heck.
By the way, the fFact that we can have this conversation probably means the games passes the second round. I still have not had a chance to play it more, but I can imagine myself playing it more than just fFor testing or whatever. It's a cool thing. The name of the game is an unfortunate run-on, but I like the things this has going on.
Paint the Line
The rules seem clearly written to me. The mechanic of the game is solid; I like how the game plays out on two distinct levels. On both of these you are trying to limit the possibilities of the opposing player while opening up your own pieces and strengthening your position at the ideal time.
Because of the nature of the game, essentially strategy develops once the board has progressed to a bit. For the first moves, players are free to make selections based on a very general plan of attack. After those initial moves, the real fun begins, and this makes for a solid game of medium length.
Having played this three times now, I am confident that it belongs in the next round.
We've played several games of Gleebs and Grues now and enjoy it. It's extremely short (player will make 6 placements and at most 6 moves), and probably perfectly solvable by brute force by a weak computer :) , but it seems a clever and fun light pure 2-player abstract strategy game which also makes nice use of a single Treehouse set (5 different colored trios, with each player meaningfully controlling 2 colors (where it matters that they are 2 colors, not just 2 treated as 1 color) and a neutral 5th color which actually does stuff too). Also the rules are pretty short and clear. It fills a nice analogous to Tic Tac Doh.
I had a similar response overall, but I'm not quite ready to review it at this time (for one thing, I'm going to ask the designer to clarify one thing in the rules, when I get the chance tomorrow). It does make for a fun, really quick game. Do you have a verdict at this point? Does it belong in the top half of the remaining games?
Scott, at least when we played it, we did use the lose one pip rule.
Also, the game always allowed for more than two players. However, I have worried some that the deck recycle penalty might get a little crazy with a four or five player game. Scaling the deck some way may be an option, if that is a real concern.
Answering whether it belongs in the top half is hard since I've not played most of them still. :/
I can only say that I think it's a fine game which I would not strike from the list and which I think (in the absence of knowledge of the majority of the games) seems a good candidate to progress further.
BTW what was the rule question you had?
Looking through the rules again, they seem clear to me, except I realize that I forgot one rule: "Any single gleeb a grue lands on is eaten. Remove eaten gleebs from the game." I'd been playing that a grue landing on a single gleeb gets locked just like a grue landing on more than one gleeb. Doh! That would have possibly altered the game we just played this morning, but not altered at least some of our previous games. (We had a game where no grues ever moved!) A quite diverse range of results in our 5 games so far, in fact, which is pleasing.
Don't be too hard on yourself. We did do gleeb munching correctly, but, when I first played it, we forgot that gleebs only go on pieces of the same size.
Our only problem was an ambiguous sentence issue: "Move any one gleeb that you control if possible. It must end its movement on top of another gleeb."
If you read that closely, you may wonder whether stacks of gleebs can move or only a lone gleeb. The following paragraph implies the latter (that stacks of gleebs move). If true, that ambiguity can easily be fixed by rewriting the sentence: "Move any one gleeb or stack of geelbs that you control if possible...."
I can reword that part if necessary, but I really feel like the paragraph that follows it and the example spell things out clearly enough.
"Move any one gleeb that you control if possible. It must end its movement on top of another gleeb. Gleebs can not move onto other gleebs of the same color.
Gleebs absorb other gleebs when they jump on them. The whole stack moves together and is treated as if it is only the size and color of the gleeb on top.
Example: A stack with a small yellow gleeb on top counts as a small yellow gleeb regardless of the sizes or colors of gleebs below it. It is unable to move on top of another yellow gleeb and its stack can only be pinned by a small grue."
The paragraph following that creates a contradiction with the preceeding paragraph. That's why I recommend rewording it, to make the game easier to understand. You move from the singular (used twice in the first paragraph) to the suggestion of the stack moving as one in the second paragraph (and the reader gets that after comparing the two).
We considered the two paragraphs for several minutes and concluded that we'd go with what we guessed you meant after reading everything else, but I think that can be avoided with that minor change. Of course, the example clears things up. However, I do think that it's best to avoid having to extrapolate rules from examples.
There's actually no such thing as a stack of gleebs due to gleebs absorbing each other. Like the example says, a stack with a little yellow gleeb on top is a little yellow gleeb. Think of a single little yellow gleeb as a 100 pound human and a stack with one on top as a 1000 pound human. They're both still a single thing; one's just way bigger than the other. When the rules say to move a single gleeb, that includes stacks due to them being single gleebs. Again, I really feel like this is spelled out clearly in the rules. The example isn't necessary to understand the rules, but it's there because it should clear up any confusion.
I don't think I can find a way to word the rules that won't confuse anybody, though. Talking about stacks of gleebs leads to plenty of other questions like whether it matters that a medium red is in the middle of a stack for grue movement. The current wording is what I ended up with due to all the other ways I thought of leading to even more questions. If this still ends up being too bad, I'll try to figure something else out.
Then I suggest calling it a "Gleeb stack?" (and not a stack of Gleebs). It's still a stack (in common, physical pyramid terms), and switching from singular to the plural makes someone question whether you erorred in the first paragraph. Sure, we figured it out, but we also looked at each other afterwards and said that it could have been worded differently.
I understand the theme and the description in the second paragraph. That works fine. It's the wording in the first paragraph that seems like it could be easily fixed to make it easier for new players. Most of the rest of the rules seem very clear, and the game is easy to learn.
I'd forgotten this issue until Greg mentioned, but yes, that confused me at first as well.
Note that earlier we are told "Give one player all of the blue and yellow pyramids and the other all of the green and red pyramids. These are the gleebs." So we are already led to think each individual colored pyramid is a gleeb. It comes as a confusing surprise later that a stack is also a gleeb.
And even then it could be clearer, because there's still an ambiguity about whether a gleeb is an individual pyramid or a stack: "The whole stack moves together and is treated as if it is only the size and color of the gleeb on top" talks about "the gleeb on top", which reinforces the idea that the top pyramid by itself is a gleeb.
If you want to keep this conceptual framework, then instead of "The whole stack moves together and is treated as if it is only the size and color of the gleeb on top", perhaps say "The whole stack is now a single gleeb, whose size and color is that of the top pyramid".
And in the set-up section, perhaps say "Give one player all of the blue and yellow pyramids and the other all of the green and red pyramids. These are their initial gleebs, but in general gleebs are stacks of one or more colored pyramids." or some such.
"The whole stack is now a single gleeb, whose size and color is that of the top pyramid".
Outside of the setup rules, pyramids are referred to as either gleebs or grues. Since gleebs and grues are both pyramids, using the word pyramid in the movement rules just brings in more ambiguity. Again, this change would be eliminating possible confusion in one place to cause it in others. I really did put some effort into making the rules as clear as I could. This issue is actually why most of my games are themed instead of abstract. Wording them in non-ridiculous ways is harder than actually designing them, and being able to use more terminology like gleebs and grues simplifies the language tremendously.
If anyone has a better wording option that doesn't just move the problem somewhere else, I'm definitely up for changing it. As this thread shows, it could clearly be better. I just can't figure out how to get there.
"Gleebs absorb other gleebs when they jump on them. The whole stack moves together and is treated as if it is only the size and color of the gleeb on top."
I feel like there should probably be a sentence between these two or just a change in this paragraph to clear this up. "Stacks formed this way are [something rulesy]." I'll work on it. This is definitely reminding me how horrible writing the rules was the first time around.
we forgot that gleebs only go on pieces of the same size.
You mean "grues", not "gleebs", right? Gleebs only go on gleebs of a different color - size is irrelevant, unless I'm missing something.
The rules say: "Grues must end their movement either on top of a gleeb of the same size or in an empty space."
Which makes me realize another thing we weren't doing, doh! (We were only moving a grue if it could capture a gleeb. I forgot that they can/should be moved to empty spaces also... this will change the gameplay a lot by making the grues much more dynamic, I suspect!)
You mean "grues", not "gleebs", right? Gleebs only go on gleebs of a different color - size is irrelevant, unless I'm missing something.
Indeed. That's what I meant.
If you are familiar with Amazons, you'll note that both Stawvs and Hey That's My Fish drew inspiration from Amazons. :)
(Stawvs uses Amazons' more general/free "shooting" of any space accessible from the space you moved to (instead of HTMF's requirement that you take/shoot the specific space which you just moved from.)
And of course it uses Volcano scoring. :)
There are other games with the same board twisting mechanism, e.g. the commercially published Pentago and the pyramid game Quicksand.
YES! That's it!!! I'm partly thinking of Quicksand, the 2009 ICE Awards Winner, and Pentago, the abstract game published in 2005! No wonder the mechanisms seemed so fFamiliar!
I like Pentamid Twist. But I am willing to cut it. Pentamid Twist definitely offers new mechanisms, and it definitely uses unique rules and concepts. But I would prefer to avoid something that's sort of similar to something that recieved fFanfare.
All in all though, the significant difference from Pentago is the ability to move (and cover) pieces, which makes it a close adaptation--closer than Quicksand.
I'm not really that familiar with Pentamid Twist. So, what do you think, should we cut it this round?
Update/Pep talk ;)
The voting has slowed down throughout the second half of December, which is to be expected with the holidays. As we are rapidly approaching the new year, let’s see if we can’t get reviews for the remaining, ungraded eight games before Sunday, 1/6 (with the goal of finishing up the final two rounds by the end of January).
I recommend that we concentrate on getting at least one review for those eight games. We may need second opinions on a few, but we can cross that bridge once we get there.
I will be in touch Eric as to how he set up the evoting for the final two rounds last. Hopefully, we’ll have enough people playing the final batch of games so that those get the response and attention they deserve.
I'm taking this one off the list.
Game notes: Pentamid Twist adds a little twist to a Pentago game. It reminds me a little of Quicksand, but it is essentially most like Pentago. It adds a nice little change to the endgame of Pentago. However, it isn’t until the last few moves of a given game that the extra rules of PT even come into play, and that only if you are playing another good Pentago player (as a shorter game will end before it even gets that far). I like the end game this provides for, as it breathes a little more life into Pentago. However, this is an adaptation where the additional rules don’t change things enough to get the game into the next round, where more original games will stand out.
Based on conversations I’ve had with Scott and on the various playtests, Martian Canals makes the cut while the Wilds of Mars doesn’t quite make it into the top half of the remaining games.
Scott might have a few remarks on WoM.
Concerning MC, in brief, it’s a good game, played on an interesting board that makes good use of the fudge dice. We concentrated mostly on building canals, but I imagine that the decay strategy comes more into play with more than two players (not sure how well it works with 12 players, but it should accommodate several on its unusually large board). I’m looking forward to giving it another try in the next round.
heh, yes, i get the hint. I should add some words about Wilds of Mars.
It is not a bad game, but it doesn't particularly move me. I have no problem with implementations of other games, and in that regard this is a fFine game. It's actually a pretty good implementation of another game, as a matter of fFact. But that is not to say the game is GREAT. We are hoping fFor GREAT here, and this is good; above average even.
There seems to be a tendency in this game to do exactly one set of things: build a path to the nearest Thing, return to camp and do it again. There is plenty of opportunity to interact with opponents, but you are probably better off working on your own thing, most likely.
There is a Hidden Map problem, in which players will make lofty plans to win, but players will tend to be at the mercy of the cards they draw, which is really a pity because the setup and structure of the game is quite lovely.
This is the part of the ICE Awards where we have to make tough choices and start cutting perfectly good games. The Wilds of Mars is such a tough choice.
Both of the guys I used to play pyramid games with moved away recently, so I've been forced to sit this out. This round seems to have stagnated, though. If nobody objects, I can run solo games with some of the remaining games to move things along. I don't have the wedges for Whack Chess, but I can do the rest. I'd really like to get someone else's opinion on Evacuate, though. We didn't like how it played when I tested it last year, but that definitely could have just been me and the guy I played it with.
I don't think Ice Colony's quite ready yet. Combat favors attackers as defenders win ties, so games will naturally stall out with both players just rolling dice and saying go for a long time. Since some territories boost the defensive bonus even further, there's really no point in the game when it's actually favorable to attack them. The odds of successfully attacking these territories are always terrible. There's also a chance you can lose on your first turn with bad rolls, which I'm never a fan of.
Thanks Robert,
It did stall a bit. :) I wonder if it's the evaluation process seems to do that; I’m hoping that the response will pick up in the straight voting rounds. I appreciate your offer; if you get the time, we could use some help getting the last few games an evaluation.
Having read through Ice Colony, I concur that, while it looks like it could be interesting to play, it probably doesn’t belong in the top half of the remaining games.
Feel free to take a look at what’s left for this round. I have played a few of the other games, but am not familiar enough or quite ready to evaluate them. For Whack Chess, the wedges are printable, but, if you don’t get a chance to get them, I’ll probably get to play it at some point.
I appreciate the comments that you left for me on Evacuate, especially as it was in development at the time, so the feedback was invaluable. You’re always welcome to replay it if you are so inclined.
I wish to cut Whack Chess. It is well written, and a nice thing worth playing. But it seems to be almost entirely Stack Chess, with some fFairly ill advised rules about shuffling the board. The rules are very well written. But I am of the opinion that rearranging that many board sections with that many stacked pieces will result only in a big mess. It is a good and playable game. But it will get messy quick. It is, as the name suggests, WHACK!
i have played Evacuate a number of times with different people and i say it should pass. its a very original and playful concept.
Concerning Stawvs:
I’m trying to finish up this round within the next day or so, as we'll need to clear room for the 2012 awards. Then it’s on to the first of two voting rounds.
We’ve had a few comments already on Stawvs. It’s fun to play, but there have been concerns as to whether it is a unique and worthy enough adaption of games like Hey, That’s My Fish to include in the first voting round. People are generally on the fence, so the next comment will tip the scales. Thus I’m eliciting any final suggestions as to how you lean on this one.
Stawvs is quite a bit different from HTMF. I'm fine with simply judging the game on its own merits. I don't have a full review of the game, but I've definitely played it enough to feel comfortable saying it should pass this round.
Since we're down to just Freeze Tag, I also think it should pass. I'm not a fan of roll and move games, but Freeze Tag eliminates a lot of the problems I typically have with them. "Rolling better" isn't a back breaker like in many other roll and moves. It's a solid game.
I agree that Stawvs merits further play.
I haven’t played FreezeTag yet, though I elicited reviews from some of the players of that game, just last night. Thus we’ll pass the game pending any negative comments they might wish to post this afternoon.
Are there any cooperative pyramid games?
It's fFunny you ask. I don't actually know of any explicitly cooperative pyramid games ... until this morning when I was playing around with some pieces and sort of inadvertently invented a weird game. (Actually my new game may or may not actually be cooperative in nature. It's still really in development. I just made it up this morning, after all. But I think it has interesting prospects as a coop game, anyway.)
Of course, any game that plays 4 players may be played in teams. Martian Coasters, fFor example.
Homeworlds has a semi-cooperative component, in that the good guys are trying to destroy the bad guys. But nobody knows who is on what team, so that gets a bit messy.
In short ... not really, that I know of. Which is really a shame. Great point though!
People!! Where are the coop games!?!?
See for 5 (I haven't played any of them so all I know is that they are in the coop category!)
So, I just got my copy of Pink Hijinks in the mail.
The rules stated that I win "with all three pieces of a given size" are in my home row.
When is this size 'given'? Is it specified before the game starts? Or do I win if I have all 3 of a particular size? If the later, it seems to be impossible to win with the second goal.
It's not really "given", in the sense of specified for a particular game. It just means you win if you have all 3 pyramids of any size in your home row: all 3 Smalls, or all 3 Mediums, or all 3 Larges.
Ah - re-reading it, I missed part of the rule is "and no extras." The second goal made no sense without that.
I bought a copy of the new Treehouse, and I love the colors of the pyramids produced at the new manufacturer in China: very strong and vibrant, and consistent in coloring. Passing through a game store today I almost bought a box of Xeno pyramids in order to start building up new copies in those colors as well.
I did not, though, because I was wondered whether the Xeno pyramids that are being sold in the new boxes are also made by that same manufacturer, or whether they are leftovers from the previous manufacturer. I have not seen any photos of the Xeno pyramids that show the same quality of coloring that the Rainbow pyramids now have, so I suspected that they are still selling through the existing stock before releasing any new Xenos. I already have plenty of Xeno stashes, so I don't need to buy more, but I will once I find that they are also from the new manufacturer.
Are we still selling through existing stock? If so, what is the estimate for new ones being available?
I thought all of the card-boxed Rainbow and Xeno 'mids were from the new manufacturer, and I haven't seen any evidence to the contrary. The Rainbow ones in the card boxes match the "new" ones in my IceDice and Treehouse. My card-box Xeno 'mids are similarly free of flash and other minor defects that I see in the earlier pyramids (Pink and Electric Yellow) in my collection.
As I've been playing around with the new Treehouse, I noticed that another old Pyramid game playable with the contents of the little green bag is IceSickle. Suitably inspired, I made an edit pass at the rules from the wiki, and I formatted them in a style modeled on the Pharaoh rules that come with the new Treehouse:
The docx file here is intended to be printed back-to-back with itself, so that a single sheet cuts into four copies of the rules. I left it in Word format so that people can more easily use the text elsewhere or make their own edits.
This is a super-playable game, and anyone who has the new Treehouse has everything they need in order to play. There should probably be a corresponding IceSheet, and this game might be a good candidate for Pyramid Primer #2.
I think this is a great idea. I will get right on working on the initial forms of an IceSheet for this. I should have something together by the weekend.
I saw and picked up a copy of the new Treehouse set at the Game Parlor in Chantilly VA last week. Here are some reactions I have:
- I love the vibrant colors in the new pieces. It looks like there is a much more consistent color between different sets as well.
- I really like how the different different rule sets and the Pharaoh board fold up nicely to fit on top of the Pocket Guide to reinforce the bottom of the bag. Even the descriptive tag on the outside fits on top of them.
- It's really cool to have a cloth board for Pharoah: it's foldable, more durable than a paper board (and doesn't stay creased when you unfold it), and can be used for Caldera, of course.
- It's also nice to have more breathing room in the Treehouse rules.
Here are my reactions (all positive, like yours):
Now that I have 13 stashes of pyramids (6 Rainbow, 5 Xeno, 1 Pink, 1 Electric Yellow), I prefer to keep all the Rainbow ones together in my larger kit. The super-pocketable Treehouse bag gets to hold what I need for Pharaoh, Treehouse, Tic Tac Doh!, Ice Age, and IceSickle:
I've got the Pocket Guide in there now, but I'm thinking of formatting some rules for IceSickle and Ice Age to fit instead.
Are you registered as a Starship Captain yet?
If you followed these instructions to add the list app to your profile page, and listed at least ten pyramid games you know how to play, then you are an officially registered Starship Captain and are eligible for a free membership card! Request Membership Card
You can check to see if you are registered via this Starship Captain Search tool... if you were one of the first few Starship Captains who signed up, you may not find yourself on this list, because you originally listed your games in the text of your profile and never came back and installed the app that drives the roster. Please go add the app to your profile page before you request your membership card.
... and if you don't want to be listed on the public roster of Starship Captains - just edit your list of pyramid games on your profile page and uncheck 'Include me on the public roster'.
It will be a few weeks before we are ready to start shipping out the coins and membership cards - but please go send in a request for your card. Thanks for joining the Academy of Starship Captains!
Being one of the early captains, I added the tool per the instructions. But I still don't find myself on the SCSearch tool, when I search on my zip code. What else do I need to do?
You just need to wait for us to go in and approve your list... but the lights are flickering, so it might not be today! Just go ahead and sign up, and order your membership card, and the search will start finding you soon. Thanks!
OK. I hope Sandy does no serious damage to you and yours, or to anyone else within its range (which is quite large!). We're fine so far here.
Is that app a new thingie, or I just missed the memo earlier? :)
I did it back in the "old days" via a plain text list in a "text box" profile element, but I have now installed the app and added some games.
It would be neat if (like "hot 10" and "top 10" at it was easy to move a title up or down in the list (shifting the others automatically). I suppose (perhaps erroneously) that there's some intent that they're sorted in order from games one most enjoys...?
It is nice that we can add more than 10 games!
I look forward to the Starship Captain search tool working internationally as well. :)
So, for the "Coin Order Number" I used the Confirmation Number from the order I placed for the coin, but I had to take out the hyphen because the Membership Card form insisted on strictly numeric characters for that field. Hope that was the right way to do it.
This. This now makes my Looney Labs experience complete (well except for someday successfully taking Andy down in homeworlds haha).
I'm on now; thanks.
Doing some browsing led to a lot of questions:
- Is 50 miles the only US search option? Changing the radius, or searching by state, might be nice.
- Are there really so few SCs outside the US?
- If the zip code is relevant only for US search, it would help to hide (or disable and gray out) that field.
The app's not new but the Starship Captain search functionality is! Glad you were able to add it with no problem.
That should be just fine. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
feeling stupid. I added the App, but I don't see where to add games to the list.
I've been a startship Captain from the start. I have tried clicking on EDIT for the box where the app put itself, and I have also tried clicking on the My Starship Captain List. I get a screen with a text box that says "No games selected" . I don't see where to add games.
So when I originally notices the email I distinctly remember seeing a request for an order number but now I am not seeing any mention of this at all. I could be blind or did it get removed?
No, you're not blind. We removed it to make the process easier for everyone.
Sorry for the confusion!
Hi Robert, are you following the these instructions:
To add your list...
If so, the app added will have blank text fields for you to write in the games you've played. If this still isn't working please let me know.
Hi! I've tried to add the app but I get this message: "There was an error processing your OpenSocial XML file. Please verify that the OpenSocial XML file is valid and try again."
How can I do it?
Over on three different threads (1) (2) (3), a standing discussion and voting process was begun regarding the Pikemen IceSheet. Here's the current vote tally on that:
Also I think I got a yes out of someone on the Google Hangout a while back, but I don't recall who. Kristin maybe, Bryan maybe?
Okay, so why such a low voter turn-out? I know people have actually played Pikemen before now. I think it has to do with noone wanting to say something else is cool, and then turn out to be wrong.
But it's okay! Be brave! If you haven't had time to pour through the rules with a fFine tooth comb, that's okay! BE BOLD!! We would like some more votes on this sucker, ya know?
Jeff made a good note. I incorporated his notion about pyramids "standing upright" at setup.
Regarding Scott Alan Sulzer's comments: I plan on issuing a much shorter game with much shorter rules. Mr. Sulzer made a terrific suggestion when he said: "I was suggesting that the 2 player, 6x6 board variant be redone as Pikemen: Skirmish but keep the other options available as Pikemen." Brilliant! I plan on doing exactly that!! After this is done. I have played it a couple times. It will be a slightly different game, which should play a bit fFaster, and should be quite a win. Just think of Pikemen as the classic game, with this sheet as a nice compendium of rules. The fForthcoming "Skirmish" Icesheet will be much shorter, and well suited fFor a modern era of Starship captains.
Regarding David Artman's complaint: It's good that we are thinking about these things. But let me just say, all IceSheets say "Stash," not "Set." That's Andy's choice, not mine. If that's the problem, then you will have a problem with any IceSheet ever. It is perfectly acceptable to stand by your convictions, though. Bravo. But, with apologies, I am not addressing that here.
Russ made some good suggestions. I have edited the IceSheet with his notes, and I'm attaching it below.
I believe the only suggestion I did not employ was striking the silly Start Player rule. I like the idea of silly start player rules, myself. This one is as good as any. And I think people understand that silly start player rules don't actually need to be used all the time.
Let me know what you think!! 5 more up votes, and this is Certified Gold.
I don't like the entire section about the 6x6 variant:
When the game Pikemen was originally
conceived in 997, Looney Pyramids were
available as Monochrome Stashes of 5 trees. This
meant that getting 5 trees of the same color
was somewhat easier than it is more recently.
Although it is less known and less played, the
2-player variant, on a smaller 6x6 grid might be
easier for new players to accomplish, because it
uses only 3 trees of any one color, and therefore
only 3 Rainbow Treehouse sets. Also, it’s probably
good anytime you want a shorter game.
It's full of filler and sloppy writing. I don't have an issue with anything else. Here's an example of text for that section that would change my vote to a yes:
"This 6x6 variant only requires 3 Rainbow sets."
I'm still a big fan of this sheet. Grammatically, I think it's just fine. Some fine tuning that I might suggest, since you wanted me to break out the fine toothed comb, would deal with the maneuvers section. I dunno if i would necessarily reference Playing with Pyramids, especially because it's out of print now.
Also, if we're going to publish Skirmish as a separate game, do we still need the section in the rules here? I don't mind it being there, but if we're going to be making a separate IceSheet, and this was still included, why would i need skirmish when i already have pikemen?
Just thoughts, those things are just me nitpicking via opinion. i'm still giving this my vote of approval.
I’ve spoke with a few of you who bemoaned the absence of an IceAwards for last year’s games. The IceAwards inspire game creation and keep exemplar, potentially classic games from falling into obscurity. Over at the Starship Captains forum (and at the wiki) we’ve been going through the first elimination round to decide what games from 2011 are playable at this point. We've always intended that, for the second round, the discussion and votes could be taken up here on the main forum (especially after some of the unplayable games were take out of the list). However, stuck in the first round, there are a few games left that could use an opinion. Thus, to speed things along, feel free to join us there or within this thread.
1. 1st round: Game play through to make sure games “work” and are actually “pyramid games” (not Snakes and Ladders with pyramids as merely movement pieces). A game passes if one player, who didn’t make the game, vouches for it. If a game maker or player can explain why a broken game isn't broken, they have a last chance to quickly fix or clarify a rule.
Here are the remaining games that could use an initial judgement:
Round 1:
If you've played the above game, or are willing to give it a try, let us know whether you think it should make it past the first round.
I've passed Pentamid Twist on to Round 2.
Second opinion on Chain reaction: We made it through a dozen turns or so before giving up. It could make a great computer or tablet game, with simultaneous random particle ejection, but it's far too fiddly and frustrating for the table top.
It probably qualifies as a game, though.
Then I guess whether it passes as or not as a formality, without someone getting through a single game (much less offering a single positive review) it won't really be passed onto the third round.
We’re almost there… only a half dozen to go. It makes some sense to make a somewhat arbitrary deadline. Let’s see if we can’t get through these final games in the next week, roughly by 11/18th! That way, we may be done with the contest by mid Jan, well in advance of next year’s voting.
The final list of playable games and initial comments will go up as soon as the last few are given a read through and cursory test. You probably don’t even have to completely finish the game at this point in the process.
Then we’ll move on to the next round where the real reviewing process begins.
We’re moving ever closer to completing the first round of the IceAwards for 2011! Thus this is one last push to get the final few games evaluated (at the very least, we could use your help in reading through the directions and playing through a turn or two of a game, to make sure that it “works” ). Then we can move on to the fun part of the judging and presenting the awards themselves!
Only two to go... It would be nice to get through these this weekend. The next round is the first real evaluation round, so these just need a general test to see if they work (play a few rounds, or one complete game). It's been indicated that we might want to start the 2012 Awards earlier in 2013, so the sooner we get through the 2011, the better. I hope that we can be onto the final voting round by the end of January.
I’m withdrawing my game, Stacktrices, partially in interest of moving the judging forward and in favor of my other game, Evacuate.
We’re almost ready to start the next round! I’ll be organizing the details on that and will post them within the next few days.
I'll pull Colonization again as well. Down to zero!
Greetings Captains!
Well, it seems that our visual recognition abilities are at their prime and ready to be tested in the field. Well done to all Captains who provided answers. The answers and your scores are below...
What challenge will the next quiz hold?
At this time I would like to ask for feedback. I noticed that more than 100 fans viewed the Quiz, yet only 9 Captains provided answers. Was the quiz to difficult? too easy? Email me at or friend me and send a message through the website or ad a comment below and let me know what would make this quiz more enjoyable for all of you. I want you to look forward to it, to be challenged of course, but mostly have a good time. And of course I would love to see more responses!
And now on to the answers!
Pyramid Cadet Instructor Quiz part II: “I’ve been Set Up!”
Difficulty rating: A bit tougher!
(Correct answer is worth 1 point. Super Bonus Question is worth 3 points for a total possible score of 13 points – all answers (except the Super Bonus question) can be found online in the rules sets and are only taken from the games in the Cadet Training Syllabus)
Name the Pyramid Game and the Number of Players:
(Sample Answer: IceDice - 3-players)
1. Black Ice - 2 players (of course!)
2. Martian Chess - 2 players
3. World War 5 - 3 players (Blue is in Australia!)
4. Treehouse - 2 players
5. Ice Towers - 5 players
6. Zark City - 3 players
7. Martian Coasters - 3 players
8. Pharaoh - 3 players
9. Launchpad 23 - 4 players
10. IceDice - 2 players (a very stylish setup dont you think?)
(Super Bonus Question) But wait! Off in a side chamber, two Starship Captains were playing a brand new Pyramid Game. It is not in the syllabus and unpublished as of yet, but it has had a lot of plays and is a recent topic of discussion on the forums and has its own IceSheet! Can you name this game?
Super Bonus Image! Freeze Tag - 4 players (way to go Rink!)
Congratulations Captains!
Thomas Preece (13 pts)
Jeff Wolfe (13 pts)
Alison Looney (13 pts)
Mark Valenti (13 pts)
Jennifer Waddington (13 pts)
Joshua Denmeade (13 pts)
Thomas Winward (13 pts)
Frank DeGroot (13 pts)
Scott Myers (12 pts)
Somehow I never even saw this quiz until this evening, not sure how I missed it :(
In working towards more IceSheets for the big pyramid push, I looked towards the classics, such as the game this thread concerns itself with, Cracked Ice. It was originally published in Hypothermia, and was a classic back in the day. It's a personal favorite, so I decided to write this up. The game has been playtested enough over the years, that the rules themselves are set. The question with this thread is are the rules written up correctly enough to be put in an IceSheet. I look forward to your input.
Good I Approve.
In working towards getting more IceSheets together, I looked towards the classics. As in games that have already been published with rules, but haven't been put in the IceSheet format yet. So, here is the first of two that I have written up the rules for: Thin Ice, originally designed by Jacob Davenport. The game has already been playtested enough that it was included in Playing with Pyramids, so that isn't the main concern of these rules, but instead to look and ensure that I have put into words correctly the rules, so someone can put this together into a proper IceSheet. Thank you!
Good I Aprove
Maybe add some pictures of examples
I plan on adding pictures, but only when it's actually being made into an IceSheet. For now, I'm more concerned with getting the rules into the proper format.
Thin Ice is okay, but CrackeD ICE is the preeminent dexterity game, if you ask me.
I had not heard of that game. I assume you mean this one described at the Icehouse wiki? It looks potentially interesting, but the lack of any images of the game interferes with both understanding it and appreciating it. The link at them bottom to a page with images no longer exists. :(
There’s a BoardGameGeek page that has a few pictures to help you out.
So, apparently I missed a lot in the two years I didn't visit here (particularly an entire ICE Awards where my game was a finalist!).
Now that I'm back, I have updated the rules to Plutonian Poker (finally), available here.
I applied the changes suggested by Bryan and Ryan, and after playtesting them I think they greatly streamline the game- Thanks very much to both of you for the feedback, and I apologize for the delay between the advice and its implementation.
I also added a new optional rule concerning turn order; me and a friend lifted the idea from Catan's setup phase after learning it recently. I think it adds a decent twist, but in larger games it would become cumbersome, and I haven't used it many times so it may not have a lot of staying power.
I was also considering adding a new hand or two; Firstly, an equivalent to the flush which is fiendishly difficult to acquire, lacks partial goals, but has a high-point payoff and noticeable bragging rights if completed. Secondly, another "small" hand that would give 2 and 3 player games more options. Nothing has come to mind while brainstorming, however, so any suggestions about that would be appreciated.
Thanks for reading
This looks like a good game. A possible variant that occurs to me is turnless play as in Icehouse.
Good job. We've played this many times (and with groups up to 6 players), so I look forward to using the updated rules.
Hi there,
Here come the questions. :)
1.) Is it out yet?
2.) What is the new board made of?
3.) Will you be selling it in the Looney Labs online store?
Is the Pharaoh board paper? The folds are barely visible, but that's to be expected in a promotional photo. I wonder how it works in practice with the folds. I was wondering the same thing about the Pink Hijinks board when I saw a picture on BoardGameGeek. I look forward to both of them coming out before the end of the year.
Hi Kristin,
Cloth? Yay! People will be buying these for the board alone. I can't wait! :)
This looks great. It will be a perfect way for me to pick up that final rainbow set so I can finally play Caldera! I'm off to add it to my BGG wishlist.
Hrmph. Can't do that, because there's no version entry in the db yet. I'll add it, unless someone else wants dibs or it's already pending moderation. Kristin, should I do so, and can I use the image you've posted here?
D'oh. There it is in Kristin's post. Cloth. Cool.
Welcome back Starship Captains! You did a great job on the first part of the Cadet Training Quiz. Congratulations! Let's up the difficulty a notch...
Part II involves visual recognition – crucial when training Cadets for the Icehouse Academy. This quiz specifically focuses on Game Set-up. First a tale of woe...
Recently on a sojourn to the outer reaches, a test crew of Starship Captains had all 10 games from the Cadet Syllabus set up and ready to play, when alas, the artificial gravity failed and an airlock blew! The moment was caught with on-board cameras in the instant that the Pyramid pieces maintained their position but just after all the other game components flew off out into the vacuum of space!
Below you will find the images taken of the 10 Pyramid games from the syllabus that were taken aboard that space flight. They are positioned in Set-up positions just before the first turn of each game. There are no dice, no boards, no playing cards and no bags to store hidden pieces. (We will have to order more from the Game Tech Store!) In addition, since the gravity was off, some of the images are askew as a few cameras came untethered and were floating around.
Can you identify the name of the game and the number of players just from the images? Be careful, sometimes the color of the Pyramids don't matter, and the number of players may affect the set-up positions.
Best of luck Captains,
Cap'n Drew
Email answers to Answers will be tallied and posted on October 28th.
Pyramid Cadet Instructor Quiz part II: “I’ve been Set Up!”
Difficulty rating: A bit tougher!
(Correct answer is worth 1 point. Super Bonus Question is worth 3 points for a total possible score of 13 points – all answers (except the Super Bonus question) can be found online in the rules sets and are only taken from the games in the Cadet Training Syllabus)
Name the Pyramid Game and the Number of Players:
(Sample Answer: IceDice - 3-players)
(Super Bonus Question) But wait! Off in a side chamber, two Starship Captains were playing a brand new Pyramid Game. It is not in the syllabus and unpublished as of yet, but it has had a lot of plays and is a recent topic of discussion on the forums and has its own IceSheet! Can you name this game?
Super Bonus Image!
This one is going to take me a little longer. :)
And now the answers and the scores for all Starship Captains that took part!
1. “If the attacker wins, the loser must flee…”
Answer: World War 5
2. “Slide one of your pyramids onto an adjacent card.”
Answer: Zark City
3. “Players can only bring their pieces onto the board from their edge.”
Answer: Pharoah
4. “If you can use the action on your trio, you must.”
Answer: Tree House
5. “Whoever is holding the dice goes first”
Answer: IceDice
6. “…cup your hand around it, forming a little shield…”
Answer: Black Ice
7. “It’s helpful to imagine that the quadrants are divided by small canals.”
Answer: Martian Chess
8. “Begin by naming your imaginary friend…”
Answer: Ice Towers
9. ..”the fictional origin of these pyramids is in the lost, ancient cities of the planet Mars.”
Answer: Martian Coasters
10. “..have each player take a monochrome Trio and hide the leftover pieces behind them…”
Answer: Launch Pad 23
Super Bonus Question (Not one of the games in the Cadet Training Syllabus)
“During each turn, you get TWO actions.”
Super Bonus Answer: Twin Win
Starship Captains Quiz Rankings!
Perfect 13 Points:
Mark Valenti
Jeff Wolfe
Joshua Denmeade
Jennifer Waddington
Thomas Preece
Christian Gilbert
Alison Looney
Frank DeGroot
Genevieve Sanders
Jeremy Wedel
Mark Booker
12 Points
David Artman
9 Points
Lorena Finnerty
8 Points
Scott Myers
Congrats to all the Captains out there that replied... Quiz part II coming this week!
To all those that didn't take part.. grab a space helmet and get in the game!
I have been super busy as of late, but I finally made a some time to create a location on the wiki to track our progress on working games through the process of becoming quality IceSheets. I call this, The IceSheet Initiative. Now we have a central location to go add games to a list so that Starship Captains can see the progress of games and what needs to be done on certain games to help get it to the stage of becoming a glorified IceSheet. Go check it out and if you feel comfortable in the wiki, you can add games to the list and create links in the forum for discussion and voting.
Give me your feedback of what we can add to this or how to improve upon it. Thanks!
Here's the link:
Thanks a lot, Dallan. I have some questions, though.
1. How do we decide which games "are already solid and ready to become IceSheets"? You have set it up with 4 games, 3 of which were mentioned in the "Which Games Next?" thread. (I'm surprised no one thought of Tic Tac Doh!) What about the others? Shall we add all the other games that were in Playing with Pyramids or a Big Experiment tournament? What about award winners?
Gotta go; I'll post more later.
2. Do people just volunteer to do a writeup of a games' rules, adding themselves to the wiki entry?
3. Where shall we post and discuss rules writeups? Here at the Fan Club, or on the wiki, or what?
Hey Captains.. Drew here.
First, great work on this initiative. It's very exciting to see the Pyramid excitement growing and evolving. What a wealth of information and passion.
Following up from the online discussion, and the responses from Bryan's comments below I would like to make some suggestions at this point mainly involving process (which is the main thrust of Byan’s questions)
Lets look at the IceSheet Initiative step by step...
Stage One: Thorough Playtesting
Before even submitting a game to be playtested by Starship Captains, make sure that you have done ample local playtesting and can find no flaws in your game. Once a game enters Stage 1, it cannot enter Stage 2 until it has passed the approval of at least 10 Starship Captains that the gameplay is solid.
General Comment: Creating and playtesting a game that a fan wants to submit is all on their own time, and yes - don't submit a game until it has been played through to a point where it won't be shunned when played by others. You don’t want a lot of holes found in the game play after submission.
Stage One Process
- Start right off the bat by writing the rules for your game in a format that closely resembles or is just like an IceSheet. This will save time later in Stage 2 and 3 when it comes to editing and presentation. It will also force you to create rules that are clear, concise and will fit in the IceSheet format.
- Process: In order for a game to enter stage 2 it has to pass the approval of 10 “outside” Starship Captains. Once you feel your game is ready..
Stage Two: Clear, Simple Rules
Once a game has been approved as a playable game, then it moves into the stage where the rules need to become as clear and simple as possible. Reword, rewrite, simplify as best you can so that the future players will never have to question the rules. Make sure the text is clear of typos and grammatical errors. Once a game enters Stage 2, it cannot enter Stage 3 until it has passed the approval of at least 10 Starship Captains that the rules are as simple and clear as possible.
General Comment: This stage (the editing of a document) doesn’t need 10 Starship Captains. It needs exactly 2 people: 1 Looney Labs employee and Andy or Kristin) Based on personal experience, if edited by too many people the editing of a document can go on ad nauseam. And if the rules are written clearly and concisely as possible from the start, this stage will be easy. Here is the process:
Stage Two Process:
- The rules should be in their most final form on that game’s dedicated thread on the Starship Captain’s Forum if the process of Stage One is followed. In fact many edits and simplification will have taken place during the Stage One process.
Stage Three: IceSheet Formatting
Now that the gameplay is solid and the rules are clear and simple, a game is ready to be made into an IceSheet. During this stage, a Starship Captain skilled in the art of Adobe Illustrator, will take the approved rules and begin formatting them into an IceSheet. Graphics that visually assist players understand how to play the game are usually encouraged. Many times a new font or logo is used for the name/title of the game. Multiple Starship Captains may work on any given IceSheet together. Maybe one could focus on the layout while another, who enjoys creating graphics, could create a visual of how to play the game and supply that graphic to the person working on the layout to just plop into place. Just an idea for a possible joint effort on an IceSheet for a single game. Like each stage, games cannot leave Stage 3 until it has been passed the approval of at least 10 Starship Captains that the layout/graphics look good and the document is without typos. Once Stage 3 has been approved, the IceSheet is ready to go on the "More Games" section of the Looney Labs website and possibly make it into a future Pyramid Primer.
General Comment: All the work in previous stages will also make this stage simpler. Stage Three needs the help of Starship Captains (SC) that can create the sheet but only one person should work on it at a time. That Starship Captain must dedicate themselves to seeing the project through. Since it is voluntary, if a SC cannot finish the project they shouldn’t begin it. This is a just a courtesy to all the folks working on the game and to make the process move smoothly in a timely fashion. It will also make multiple games able to be worked on at once.
Stage Three Process:
- The File (Thin Ice_final) is now in the hands of the one SC that will create the formatted IceSheet.
Please feel free to discuss this process but I believe this will help stream line all our efforts to make this a great experience. If there is a suggested change to this process - please post it here, so that all involved will be on the same page.
I think general consensus will work for this. The community as a whole will have the best idea of accomplishing this.
But it could be voted on! How about a survey!
I think Bianca's and my reply to the initial message covers these. But if not, lets discuss!
Thanks, Drew, for taking the lead to clarify this.
I have one suggestion: in Stages 2 & 3, I completely agree that just 1 or 2 people should be in charge of editing -- the recent discussion about the Pikemen rules sheet is an example of how long it can take when lots of people edit. But we have also seen that having many people comment on editing details can be extremely helpful, as Andy has stated when he has posted pdfs of game rules for comment.
The difference between the examples is how many people have decision-making authority. Let as many people as you want raise issues, but let only the editor decide whether, and how, to handle them.
That's right Bryan - It is very helpful when many participate, and it is in Stage One where much of this "group think" and "group edit" will occur. But, as I said in the Summery #1 above..
In effect, the author of the new Pyramid rules becomes the “Project Manager” and manages each stage of the process. All aspects of the new IceSheet initiative should come back to the author,
In Stage One As many SCs as want may playtest - offers suggestions to rules, edits, phrasing, and as I said Andy and Kristin may also chime in if they want. But it is the author's job (the one who begins the forum post and created the game) to take these suggestions edits, changes to game play, etc. and implement them into the rules and repost the updated version. Manage this IceSheet's production.
In Stages 2 & 3 as you said, the time for group think is over and the author of the rules works one-on-one with only those needed to create the IceSheet, and also have a final edit.
Actually, I did think of Tic Tac Doh! (I was the only one to log plays of it on BGG last month.) But I didn't actually post anything...
In the examples I cited above, Andy submitted his rules write-ups for comments at Stage 2: the rules were finalized, but he wanted comments on how the rules were written. An example is with Lunar Invaders: Andy got lots of comments to help improve how the rules were written, not all of which he would not gotten by himself.
That's what I mean. During Stage 1, the worry is about the game play, and once its quality is established, the written rules can be finalized in Stage 2. There is overlap, of course, but I think multiple inputs on issues to consider is still valuable during Stage 2, as it has been with Andy's games. The problem comes when there is no chief, such as the long back-and-forth about whether to use "Stash" or "Set" -- that's something for people to mention, and leave for the editor to decide on.
I guess that you and I were drawing the line between the stages at different points. As long as it all gets done, it's fine. Thanks, Drew.
In the brainstorming session we had last night, we decided that in anticipation of the release of the new Treehouse and the Pyramids Demo Kit next month, we need to get a bunch of additional game rules ready to download at the More Games page, so excited new fans can follow up and easily explore the Pyramid universe.
The games which are described in the Guide to Looney Pyramids, and whose rule sheets will appear in Pyramid Primer #1, are:
(As an aside, I have to admit that I'm excited about the Pyramid Primers. Their magazine format will allow them to come out on an on-demand basis. The hope is that they will appear a couple of times a year, and this will allow us to have professionally formatted rules to numerous pyramid games, something which we've never been able to have before. PP#2 will probably have other classic games which did not appear in PP#1.)
So, which other games shall we prepare for rules formatting for the Other Games page? At the time of this writing, that page says:
So far, rules pages and PDFs have been built for:
Zendo, Twin Win, Pyramid Shambo, Lunar Invaders and Nothing Beats a Large
Scott Myer has also done a rules sheet for Pikemen, and Andy has reserved RAMBots for himself to write up. Other possibilities include:
I made this list mainly from games in Playing with Pyramids, or done at the Big Experiments back to 2003.
What else would you suggest?
From your "possibilities" list, I'd go for CrackeD Ice, Gnostica, and Martian Mud Wrestling.
A few random thoughts:
I'd suggest the IGDC winners be considered:
In particular, Summer 2007 was full of great games:
(Subdivision, Zamboni Wars, and if I may say so, Moon Shot)
Also: Armada - AWEsome game, really.
Finally, I'd make sure that the games under consideration be added across multiple play styles:
From the IGDC, I picked out Pylon and Hextris as games I've found especially playable.
I know that Andy prefers Zarcana to Gnostica; I was expressing my personal preference. I think there might be some merit in showing a "heavier" outlier pyramid game at some point.
Our experiences with CrackeD Ice obviously differ, and I know from reading remarks online that mine isn't a unique take.
I finally got Freeze Tag to the table this weekend. I've only played it once now, but I think it would be a good candidate for an IceSheet.
Expanding what David wrote, the page about award-winning games includes the Icehouse Award winners and finalists as well as the IGDC 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.
Gnostica is definitely my favorite pyramid game. It gets my vote.
My favorite light abstracts that have good ratings are Infiltrate and Logger. I've found them both to have high replayability.
For roll and moves, I was particularly impressed by Freeze Tag and Timelock. Either or both of those would be good, especially since they're both great games for the target audience. Timelock needs three Treehouse dice, though, which is a pretty big strike against it with the current distribution model.
I think Robert's Gleebs and Grues is an excellent one-Rainbow-stash game, by the way.
Cosmic Coasters isn't an Icehouse game, though it can be played with Icehouse pyramids (as it requires five of any kind of unique token per player).
I was actually thinking about the pyramid game adaptation of Cosmic Coasters. I'd forgotten that its name is Lunar Invaders, so it's already covered.
(However, I think it would be good to include the Special Powers from Cosmic Coasters as variants to Lunar Invaders, supplemented by new powers pertaining to Luna's 2 faces.)
Brian and everyone involved in the discussion here, I added a new wiki page on to help us have a central location for tracking all of the games that we are trying to get to the stage of finally becoming an IceSheet. Go check out my start and give feedback on ideas on how we can make it better. Thanks!
Here's the link:
A few months ago, our own Scott Myers put out an IceSheet for the game Pikemen. It is attached here, and if you would like to take a moment and check it out, and have some discussion here about the good, the bad, and the ugly. Once you've checked it out, and if you're a Starship Captain, head over to the Starship Captain forums for the official vote. If ten Captains approve the sheet, it will go up on the More Games page on the Looney Pyramids section of the Looney Labs website.
The requirements list "Rainbow Stash x5", but it would seem more accurate to say something like "1 stash per player". I.e. it doesn't require rainbow colors, and it doesn't really require 5 stashes per se.
> The player who captures a number of enemy Pikemen first wins.
That's not strictly true (victory depends on points captured, not number of pieces captured). So it might be better to say something like:
The player who first captures a certain number of points wins.
>accommodate a large pyramid laying on it's side.
Grammar typo: that should be "on its side."
I'm not a fan of having all the alternate layouts appear on page 2; I'd put them in an appendix. I'd much rather see a single physical sheet with all the truly essential stuff, and put optional/historical/Eeyore/strategy/etc stuff on the second physical sheet. Having a literal single physical "Icesheet" with all I need to play the standard game seems a Good Thing. Optional stuff should be on an optional second physical sheet of additional Pikemen info.
The 3 setup positions on page 1 could be made smaller to make more room for core rules text on pages 1 and 2.
> Gameplay: The tallest player starts, and play proceeds clockwise from there.
Ah, silly starting player rules... Maybe simply "Choose a starting player."?
> Attackers are always laying down, pointing in one of the 8 cardinal directions, on the board.
Remove ", on the board". I'm not sure what benefit/clarity it adds.
> Defenders are always standing straight up, pointing at the sky.
Remove ", pointing at the sky".
> · Any opponent's Pikeman that is not upright.
> · Any opponent's smaller Pikeman which is standing upright.
Inconsistent usage of "upright" or "standing upright". Maybe change to:
· Any opponent's Pikeman that is lying down.
· Any opponent's smaller Pikeman which is standing up.
> Tactics: Always bear in mind, any Pikeman in attack position can be taken by any opponent.
Simplify "Always bear in mind" to "Remember"
I will take a look at some of the grammatical issues later, but for now i will point out that rainbow stashes is the term used because Looney Labs doesn't sell monochrome stashes, just rainbow and xeno stashes. so, for someone to have the ability to play this game, five rainbow stashes are needed. the icesheets are more for new pyramid players than for old hands. going forward rainbow stashes will be the gold standard.
secondly, the layout issues was discussed with the looneys last night and the vote is more about whether the rules are presentedin such a way to be understandable with layout being of secondary concern, because layout becomes more about personal preference rather than playability. So while suggesting layout concerns is important don't let it be the primary factor in the vote. it may take a while to get in the groove of how to do this because so far only andy has really written published icesheets.
but as i said i will review the grammatical errors later today and start a dialog with scott about which layout concerns need addressed and see if we can get the grammar errors fixed. our goal is to get this published asap, but to make sure we don't skimp on quality. we just want to be ready, for all the new pyramid players that will be joining in the next couple months.
The term "stash" is used for 15 monochrome pieces.
Rainbow and Xeno are sets of 15 pieces in five colors (one opaque).
So it's either "one monochrome stash of 15 pieces per player" or it's "five sets of Rainbow or Xeno pieces, so that each player has 15 pieces of the same color (5 of each size small, medium, and large)".
This terminology is consistent across Looney Labs' product page and the Icehouse Games wiki.
The Guide to Looney Pyramids booklet uses the term Rainbow Stash. See also this page. Stash is no longer for monochrome any more. And since the primary way pyramids have been sold since 2006 has been rainbow stashes, I think it's best to use rainbow stashes as the standard unit if possible. The term Monochrome Stash is still officially used, though, so I could see cases where it might be appropriate.
My take is that in the case of a game like Pikemen where each player has their own monochrome stash, it seems clearly nicer to say "1 monochrome stash per player" instead of "5 Rainbow stashes".
If it's a new customer who is buying Rainbow stashes, then "1 monochrome stash per player" still give the information that they'll need 5 Rainbow stashes in order to assemble monochrome stashes, but "5 Rainbow stashes" overly strictly suggests that Rainbow colors are necessary (like RAMbots or Homeworlds) when they're not (you can play Pikemen with Xeno colors or pink or gray just as well), and it too strictly suggests that 5 different colors are needed (when only N colors where N=number of players) are needed.
Maybe "1 monochrome stash per player" with smaller print saying "E.g. 5 Rainbow stashes" or something? I don't know. I can understand the desire to cater to newbies, but at the same time it seems like the game description shouldn't immediately turn people away who have (e.g.) a Xeno stash or who have several monochrome stashes.
The page you point to also defines monochrome stash, as "5 trios of one color". Since the Introduction still includes the term, what's wrong with using it?
My previous post was mostly focused on the word "stash" and I was rather wishy-washy on the use of "monochrome stash." I'm still not sure how best to resolve the conflict between "precise" and "newbie-friendly."
The term "monochrome stash" is defined in the little booklet, but just because a term is defined somewhere, doesn't mean people know it. And some people who don't know the term will turn away rather than trying to figure it out.
At this point, I'm interested in seeing how it would look if you said, "1 monochrome stash per player (or 5 rainbow stashes)", to see if that would crowd the box too much. You could put the parenthetical in smaller type, but that's still a lot.
Is there a way to make it shorter but still understandable? "Stashes: 1 monochrome per player or 5 rainbow" maybe.
I keep looking for an ideal solution, but I don't know that there is one.
How about "1 monochrome stash (15 pyramids) per player"
Because it seems to me that saying "5 rainbow stashes" isn't even newb friendly. Remember that these are game rules, not a shopping list. When I put the game on the table, what do I need to get out of the box? I only ever need 5 rainbow stashes if I'm playing with 5 players.
Search for "stash" on the Looney Labs Product page
You'll see that it is only mentions "stash" for an old Tic Tac Doh rule card and for Deluxe Volcano Board ("the equivalent of 10 monochrome stashes").
You'll see that EVERY reference to Treehouse uses "set".
There is no such thing as a "Treehouse stash," a "Rainbow stash," nor a "Xeno stash"... and a customer that searches for those gets 0 hits.
Now... as Jeff points out, a document at use the phrase "Rainbow stash": a PDF (and a PNG taken from page one of that PDF). Neither PDF nor PNG are directly searchable at the site.
So... I'd suggest that that one document be updated to use the phrase "set" for multi-colored groups trios (Treehouse set; IceDice set; 3HOUSE set) and use the phrase "stash" only for a monochrome group of five trios (in the context primarily of older games--like Icehouse!).
Or, like... we go and update 150+ wiki pages. You know: to align with one PDF. *rolleyes*
I vote rather that Andy update that one PDF and we all stick to the conventions established when the product line was rejiggered. I think that's less confusing for new customers, and it's what we old hands are used to.
Or don't, and continue to be vague for both old and new players. Whatever y'all think is best for the brand....
I think we should let Andy vet the Icesheet for Pikemen before it's posted on the page. So why don't we let him decide whether to use "stash" or "set" or whatever? And similarly for other questions that there is disagreement on.
And now the answers and the scores for all Starship Captains that took part!
1. “If the attacker wins, the loser must flee…”
Answer: World War 5
2. “Slide one of your pyramids onto an adjacent card.”
Answer: Zark City
3. “Players can only bring their pieces onto the board from their edge.”
Answer: Pharoah
4. “If you can use the action on your trio, you must.”
Answer: TreeHouse
5. “Whoever is holding the dice goes first”
Answer: IceDice
6. “…cup your hand around it, forming a little shield…”
Answer: BlackIce
7. “It’s helpful to imagine that the quadrants are divided by small canals.”
Answer: Martian Chess
8. “Begin by naming your imaginary friend…”
Answer: Ice Towers
9. ..”the fictional origin of these pyramids is in the lost, ancient cities of the planet Mars.”
Answer: Martian Coasters
10. “..have each player take a monochrome Trio and hide the leftover pieces behind them…”
Answer: Launch Pad 23
Super Bonus Question (Not one of the games in the Cadet Training Syllabus)
“During each turn, you get TWO actions.”
Super Bonus Answer: Twin Win
Starship Captains Quiz Rankings!
Perfect 13 Points:
Mark Valenti
Jeff Wolfe
Joshua Denmeade
Jennifer Waddington
Thomas Preece
Christian Gilbert
Alison Looney
Frank DeGroot
Genevieve Sanders
Jeremy Wedel
Mark Booker
12 Points
David Artman
9 Points
Lorena Finnerty
8 Points
Scott Myers
Congrats to all the Captains out there that replied... Quiz part II coming this week!
To all those that didn't take part.. grab a space helmet and get in the game!
Hello!! As you may know, I have been working on making the IceSheets more accessible. To that end, I have made a new thing. It's a PDF fForm, with spaces to add your own text. Since the info box is the most uniquely "IceSheet" part of the IceSheet, I fFocused on making that. You could fFill in the blanks, then plop that sucker right in your own rule set.
You'll fFind the actual PDF attached below, but here's what it looks like:
Neat, huh? Okay, maybe it doesn't look like much. But imagine, you can easily fFill in all those blanks and spaces with stuff about your game!
As a proof of concept, here's the block fFor Caldera. The IceSheet fFor Caldera already exists, of course, but I wanted to make this piece look as good as the original.
So let me tell you a little about it. In Acrobat Reader, you can turn on "Highlights Fields" which will make it have a bunch of blue boxes, like so:
This whole thing is really cool. It's not a whole Ice Sheet, obviously, but I think if you make a block like this, and add it to your new rules layout (i suggest taking a screenshot of just this block and paste it into place in word or whatever), then use a 2 column layout and use Myriad Pro as your fFont, you will have a very very good looking page!!
Also, I have attached the fFooter promoting Looney Pyramids to this post, which appears at the bottom of the right column at the end of every rule-set, to help you look even more smooth. All you're missing now is the little page number glyphs, which are sort of tricky. Maybe I'll make a series of those or something. =)
I'd love to hear if anyone uses this! I'm fFairly proud of it, I'd say.
this is awesome!!!
Wow, you really moved on that Scott. I tested it, making an icebox for Autumn Ash, and it worked well.
The one thing I noticed was that "Rainbow Stashes" is permanent. Is "Rainbow" necessary? Or, better yet, it would be nice to be able to change that to "Xeno" Stashes or some custom wording. For many games, the type of stash is irrelevant (only that they are of the same type). For Autumn Ash (requiring two R stashes and two X stashes) "Rainbow" Stashes ends up being privledged on its own line, and bellow it is Xeno Stashes X2. Other games require other combinations.
The wording that line might be worth rethinking for IceSheets in general.
I'll end up trying to copy the same font and pyramid icon to put below the "Rainbow" line, for the Xeno stashes. However, you might make the line that says "Rainbow" editable in the IceBox.pdf
Ah, yes. I had considered that issue. As yet, I'm only keeping with the Original layout. I had thought of making "Rainbow" changeable to "Monochrome" as well. But, the issue of the Rainbow and Xeno does alter things. Because, with your game Autumn Ash fFor example, we need both R+X. So, how does that get laid out? hmmm...
Maybe a slightly more advanced version of this fFile is called fFor. Not sure. I was considering making some sort of page 2 or something, which lays out all the items in drop down menus or something, with all possibilities like this represented. It would alter things, but it might give more fFlexibility.
I am starting a new forum post in regards to the comment from Kristin Looney in this post:
First off, I just started a new job and out of the days that Kristin listed as being available for a Google+ Hangout, I would only be available on Tuesday September 25 at 9PM ET because I get off of work at 8:30 PM ET that evening.
However, I would like to present my idea here and see what you all think. If you like this idea and we can have a conversation via this forum post, we may not even need to arrange a time that will work for all of us.
So here's the idea that I have come up with:
I have created the email address: I plan on setting this email address up on my phone so that I will be alerted soon after getting an email. So my idea would be that if a Starship Captain or any other pyramid player would like to be a Pyramid Playtester of new games, then they can send an email to and ask to be added to the Pyramid Playtest Team. I would then add their email to a "group" in the google address book so that it makes it quick and easy for me to send emails out to all the playtesters by just typing the group name instead of a bunch of individual emails.
So that is step one. Allow Pyramid Playtesters to join the playtest team.
Step two would be anyone who has a new game that has already been formatted in the new IceSheet format, could send an email to and attach their nicely formatted PDF or a link to go download it. I would then take that email and send it out to all the Pyramid Playtesters that are currently on the list of playtesters. Before sending the email out, I would create a new forum post under the Pyramid Games category called something like this [PP New Game] Egyptian Solitaire. PP standing for Pyramid Playtesters and then the name of the game that has been submitted. I would post that link in the email that gets sent to all the Pyramid Playtesters with instructions to post their thoughts/approval on that thread instead of sending an email back to
The reason for the email is because I believe that some of the problem is that pyramid players aren't logging on to the Looney Labs Fan Club every day to see if their are new games or something. So if they want to be a playtester and they opt in to receive email from then they will get emails when a new game needs playtesting and they will get that notification in their email inbox which is something that they most likely check everyday.
As far as whether a game should be approved or not, the criteria that I can think of right now would be:
1. Format - Is it formatted in the new IceSheet standard formatting? If not, I don't think I should send it out to playtesters until it is. This should be a requirement before submitting it for playtesting. If they need help formatting it, maybe there is someone who could help with that? I don't know?
2. Gameplay - Does the game play well? Is it flawed in anyway? If needed, add suggestions on how to make the gameplay better.
3. Writing - Are the rules simple and clear? Is the text free of grammatical errors? If needed, add suggestions on how to word something better.
4. Graphics - Are the rules supported with visuals of how to play or move pieces during gameplay? Are the graphics confusing or misleading in anyway? If needed, add suggestions on how to visually display gameplay graphics more efficiently. Graphics may be somewhat optional on some games, I guess. However, I always prefer them.
So let me know what you think about this idea and how we can improve it if you think it is a possibility. Also, if we do go along with doing something like this, then it would be great to have a blurb on the website that talks about what to do to become a Pyramid Playtester and also how to submit your nicely formatted rules for the Pyramid Playtesters to play and hopefully approve.
I know this is a huge task because not everybody has a bunch of time on their hands to playtest games and many times you need more than yourself to playtest it, which can make it even harder. However, I think if there are people who want to be playtesters and have time to do so, then getting an email notification will at least help them get rules to new games which hopefully they will playtest and write their quick review on the forum thread for that particular game.
So I think that is all for this huge novel that I just wrote hahaha
I would love to throw my hat into the ring for that meeting. I am a rabid player of Pyramids, and I live in an area with tons of Starship Captains (2 registered, 5-7 unregistered) and we love learning that playing new games. My biggest issue is how to get the rules for some of the games that have become obscure recently into their hands for teaching purposes. I would love to get this ball rolling even if I have to do most of the work myself, because I hold these games in a place of honor among my gaming collection, and would love to see them elevated to bigger and loftier heights. I am available tuesday as well at that same time, and possibly earlier if necessary.
Thanks for the support! I am glad to see that you are interested in seeing more and more pyramid games getting formatted to the new standard formatting and becoming more widely accessible to all pyramid players. We are definitely going to need the help and support of as many Starship Captains and avid pyramid players as possible. Let's wait to hear from Kristin and others on what they think of this idea and hopefully we will get something moving along here in the near future. That's good that you are available on that Tuesday (Sept 25) so that if we do end up holding that Google+ Hangout then that would be great to have you there for that.
This could work well to get games recognized, both old and new, and I think it could also work well in tandem with the ICE Awards.
That said, the biggest potential problem I have is with the formating requirement. Some of use have already noted problems getting the template provided by Looney Labs to work. It creates a divide between game designers who have access and can use the technology and those who can't. In my case, I even own Acrobat Pro, and I can't use the template. I also tried the free program Sribus (not even close). The problem may be the different between Macs (what I have) and PC, or between the different types of Acrobat composition programs out there. Some have suggested trying to do something through Word, but this won't conform closely to what the Looneys have in mind.
I think this is the reason that, while there have been more games created this year than last, we haven't seen many of the new games created in Icesheets.
I'm pretty sure the Looneys use Illustrator, as do I. I also made a nice template fFor InDesign. I think anything short of a design package like that probably won't make pretty results. This echoes the most common problem I've heard about IceSheets: they are not easy to generate.
I've been wrestling with this issue fFor a time. I've considered some sort of webpage with a style sheet and some PHP to fFill in. that isn't the absolute best method, but it's an idea. Or maybe just a PDF fForm. Might be the easier way, tho I'm not sure how fFlexible a fForm actually is. Can you put an image in place? Not sure. I'm open to other ideas as well.
At present, the way to make an IceSheet is to have some design experience and spend the time making it -- which makes one really appreciate what Andy does just that much more -- or else send your rules to someone like me and have the Ice Sheet generated. I don't mind it one bit, it's quite fFun. But it's not the most accessible method.
That actually gives me an idea. What if we had people specifically who were around to generate IceSheets? I'm working on getting a copy of illistrator from the university and want to make plenty of icesheets, but what if we had 4 5 6 people who others just sent their rules to, and generated IceSheets based on that. I mean it's not a perfect idea, but it's somewhere to start at least. if only we could get a good word template, it'd probably make people's lives much easier
Even if all sorts of discussion on this thread moves us forward on ideas, I still think a conference call would be awesome...
So, I just put 9PM - 10PM ET on Tuesday Sept 25th on my calendar for a google hangout to chat about all this stuff with you guys. Andy is also available, and would like to join in, and I would like to reserve one of the 10 slots for Bianca Ruffin (if she is available) since she is starting as our full time marketing manager on Sept 24th.
With Dallan and Joshua taking two of the other 10 slots, there is room for 5 more pyramid fans to join this first brainstorming hangout session...
I have a medium interest of being part of the conversation, so if there are enough with a strong interest, I'm willing to cede to them.
Also, regarding Dallan's post: For new games, there should be a round of playtesting among Starship Captains BEFORE bothering to put the rules into IceSheet format. That layout job ideally wouldn't happen until the rules have been hashed out and tested and are declared ready - so the layout work only happens once. There are lots of already well tested known good games that could/should be formatted into IceSheets, and we will be discussing the challenges to overcome regarding the layout of IceSheets, but the biggest most important challenge for NEW games is the one that Dallan is trying to address with his ideas here: how do we get the community of pyramid game players to help playtest each others new game ideas? And it starts by making it easy for those who want to playtest to find out what to playtest...
So there are two very different challenges - making playtesting happen, and formatting final rules sheets.
Fantastic, I shall be there and ready. I'm very excited about the direction this is going.
I'm available! I'll take a slot.
Scott: can you join in on Tuesday Sept 24th fFor a google hangout conference call?
I am quite keen on doing so, yes!! I've never been a talking head in a hangout before, so I'll need to fFigure that out, but I'm betting it's not hard. Now where did I put that webcam ... hmmm...
Anyway, yes, please!!
Eek!! I just realized! I will be out of town that week! I might be able to connect to the hangout fFrom my phone. It's an android phone, and i'm pretty sure there's an app fFor that. I will need to look into the matter.
Or I can just bow out, but I think I would really like to be there. I happened to meet up with Greg Lattanzio tonight, and we talked about stuff while playing some games, so if I am unable to join, he's probably a good replacement fFor me.
But yeah, I'll see if I can fFigure out how to log into a hangout fFrom my device. Or, I might be able to borrow a computer fFrom someone else while journeying.
I will give a tentative yes to attending. =)
I agree about separating the issues of playtesting and "official" IceSheets. Linking to the game's rules in the icehouse wiki, or some other clear readable rule format, seems like it should suffice for requesting playtesting, especially since it sounds like creating "official" IceSheets requires possession of specific software and knowledge.
BTW I'm interested in this discussion generally, but I totally won't be available in this Tuesday night hangout. Hopefully a summary report about it gets posted. :)
I agree with splitting up these two very different challenges and talking about them separately in our meeting on Tuesday Sept. 25
I think something else to start pondering is how we keep track of who is playtesting what games. Without having some sort of organization for that, it could lead to 10 people playtesting a game that they happen to like or they know the designer, while there are no people playtesting a game from a relatively unknown designer. The games may or may not be good, but we'll not have the ability to discern that without making sure Starship Captains are truly giving all the games a good go.
I'm not sure that's necessarily a problem (ultimately people should test games they are interested in playing and not games that don't interest them, one might argue), but if one wants to keep track of who's testing which games, it could be done on a wiki page at the icehouse wiki, or a shared google docs spreadsheet...
To me, it could be more useful to just have a public list of games desiring testing, and people could "sign" them with a comment if they test them. Personally I find it hard to say for sure in advance if I'll be able to convince my gaming partners to try a prototype game, even if the game interests me.
Hey gang., I just started a new, relevant topic, about something new I made. It is what I'm calling The IceBox, which is just the top left opening section of the IceSheet.
Well, I don't think it's a problem right now per se, but, it could become a problem once a system is started and games are really going through the ringer. And i totally agree that people should play the games that they want to, but having a system worked out so that people are aware of who is playing what could be for many other reasons. It could operate as a place for people to post problems as soon as they find them, so that when others go to start playtesting, they already know it's there, and we don't end up with many redundant reports. A guestbook type system would be perfect for this. It can help build interest for a game, or let people try to find the next big thing that no one may have noticed yet. I was just proffering a suggestion of something to think about, so we can cover as many bases as possible.
Is the conference call on for tonight? Who will be participating? I don't mind if I'm not one of them, but if I am I want to know.
How do those involved hook up to the conference call?
I might be able to join in. It doesn't require video, does it?
Yeah, I think it's up to mass consensus if we are going to have this tonight. Can I please get a roll-call on who is available and wants to be on the call tonight? If we only have one or two people, we may need to reschedule.
Kristin and I are on board but let us know if y'all are up for it.
It requires the use of google hangouts. If you don't have a webcam - but do have a computer mic - you can still participate we just won't be able to see you.
I will definitely be available. 9 PM sharp. I am somewhat familiar with Google hangouts, but might need a bit of information on how to get into the hangout
I'm available.
What is a Google hangout and how does it work?
A Google Hangout is just like a video chat session. You'll need to create a Google + account (it's free) and then find the Hangouts link on your profile -- it's located on the left side, towards the bottom.
There is some software that needs to be downloaded for the Hangout to work, so you'll need to handle this ahead of time. Once your G+ account is created, click on Hangouts (on the left), then click "START A HANGOUT" on the top, right side of the screen. This is *only* to get you to the welcome screen where it'll prompt you to download the pertinent software.
If we get enough people to join tonight's conversation, at 9:00 ET, I will start a hangout with Kristin, then one of us will post the link in this forum. You'll need to be logged into Google+ for it to work.
So far, we only have Josh and Bryan available tonight. What about Dallan, who started this conversation, and others?
All right y'all, we're only four hours away from the original scheduled time and only two confirmed. So we're going to cancel this for tonight but we are *extremely* interested in doing one of these in the very near future.
We'll let you guys take the reigns on the agenda and potential re-schedule dates, then go from there. Because this is really a great idea and we want to see it through.
Thanks everyone!!
Ok, that's wonderful! We'll have it at 9:00 pm tonight, then!
Just in case my reply to Dallan didn't get pushed to everyone, we are BACK ON! We've got three folks so far, hopefully a few more will be available for 9:00 pm ET
Thanks everyone! We're excited!
I'll post the link in a moment.
Ready when you are!
same here :)
here's the link everyone:
Just wanted to say thank you for joining us the other night. Great discussion and we're excited about what these beginning plans may bring. Y'all are WONDERFUL!
Looking forward to digging in and finding out more about this discussion. Let me know if I can be of any help!
By the way, if you are interested in hosting playtest events when the pyramid demo kit hits stores, but already have several boxes of pyramids, playmats and/or rules -- don't be afraid to suggest to your local gamestore to make the demo kit purchase for you all to use.
That way, you don't need to use your own pieces and you aren't in a position to purchase them all over again. :)
What next?
I posted a thread asking for suggestions on which games to do Icesheets for next. I listed games from Playing with Pyramids and old Big Experiment tournaments that hadn't been done yet, and others suggested games from old IGDC competitions and a few others.
I don't remember exactly what was decided about where and how to determine which games to write up next. But if we want to have a bunch of games up on the Other Games page, we really need to get going on it and parcel out who is going to write up what. Shall we assume that if a game appeared in PwP, was in a BE tournament, or was a competition finalist, it's worthy of writing up?
I just wanted to let everyone here know that I added a new wiki page on to help us have a central location for tracking all of the games that we are trying to get to the stage of finally becoming an IceSheet. The wiki was an idea that Kristin suggested during the Google+ Hangout. Go check out my start and give feedback on ideas on how we can make it better. Thanks!
Here's the link:
Thanks, Dallan. That's the sort of thing I'd been looking for.
These games are now developed enough to formally post here.
Enjoy a strategy game made specifically for the coming season.
The game uses a type of color promotion that I haven’t seen used in a pyramid game. I’m really happy with how it turned out. I think it will be a satisfying challenge to anyone who enjoys a good abstract (and has at least two rainbow AND two Xeon stashes).
There aren’t a lot of rules, but the mechanics are different enough that it might take you a few minutes to get it right. If you think that you don’t understand something in the rules, let me know and I’ll work on tweaking it. I hope to get to play a lot of different people in this game, and I hope the broader community enjoys it.
Abide by the rules of binaries... Rely on deductive reasoning and luck to create weaknesses in your opponent's defenses in order to have a clear shot at taking control of their base. It’s sort of a cross between BlackIce and a positional strategy game.
Still early on in playtesting are Cascades and PyLiPo. The former is a light strategy game of mountaineering that uses a deck of cards; it's not quite there yet. The latter is a literary generation game for a group of players; test your imagination and writing skills. You get to try to stump each other and create some interesting writing in the process. It should be fun, even in its largely untested form.
An IceSheet is now available here. It hasn't been finalized (mostly because the "Advanced Rules" will probably be tweaked slightly after I test a few things out), so I'm not giving it its own thread for approval yet. The game itself though is ready to be enjoyed so feel free download.
Hello pyramid fans!
Dallan Duggar has created a new pyramid game called Egyptian Solitaire which he is hoping to get listed on the MORE GAMES page at - but first he needs to get 10 Starship Captains to give it a thumbs up and say the game and rules are ready for publication.
Comments/questions welcome... please check out this new pyramid game!
Cool! I fFeel bad I haven't had a chance to play this yet. I really really should, tho.
Tried it today, fun, and challenging. :)
I've been looking for a new solitaire game, I'll give it a go.
If I am reading the instructions correctly, color doesn't matter too much right? I don't have 3 rainbow stashes, but I have an IceDice set and a Pink Treehouse set, meaning I can come up with 12 stacks. Sounds like a very neat game, I'll have to try it out tomorrow when the fiance is at class!
Tricky, but fun! I'm not too great at solitaire games, but I enjoyed it.
The multiplayer variants seem shallow/tacked on, but the game itself I have no problem giving a thumbs up.
Thumbs up!
I added the game to my Starship Captain List today. Really like the solitaire option. Multiplayer solitaire is not my cup of tea, but it is nice even 2 multi-variants are included. Well done!
Really like it, its rather challenging. its good to have a new solitaire game to play.
'Sokay. I think I prefer Solace or even my own Magma as solitaire Pyramid games. Egyptian Solitaire does use fewer 'mids, giving it more accessibility. The comparison to pegboard solitaire is apt, but Rubik's Cube it's not -- especially considering that it is agnostic to color.
I've added it to my Starship Admiral's list.
Okay, updating on this since I finally found people to try multiplayer with.
The single player version I really like, it's a simple game to show people who are looking for a 1 player game. It's close enough to known existing games that it's easy to learn and pick up. I give a big thumbs up for the single player version.
The king tut did not go over as well. I got 3 other people to try it out and all 3 unanimously agreed they didn't care for it because they didn't like waiting around waiting for other players to play a game while they just played timekeeper.
The Quicksand multiplayer variant went over better, since everyone was involved at the same time, and the idea of an abstract timer (such as "when the delivery guy gets here") makes it a nice game to kill time with. One of the players had voiced concern about everyone being so involved with their game they couldn't see if someone cheated, but the other two players didn't seem to share that concern.
I agree; I like the game, but prefer Solace personally. I'm going to go and try out Magma now - don't know how I missed it.
Although I have not won (and may never BUT sure enjoy trying) I like this game.
I love my pyramids and am happy to be able to play with them alone!!
Thank you for the solitaire game, ready for MORE!!
Printed the rules. Will give it a try after work.
Just printed out the rules, will give it a try at Dirigo Hobbies tomorrow. Plan to leave early for MTG Draft, and run it solitaire a couple of times. That usually garners some curiosity! Hee-hee, my 'mids and me!
I played for about an hour last night ( was unable to score less than 2).
I give it a thumbs up. It is a very engaging time filler.
I will try the multiplayer after I teach the kids to play.
Here's what I've come up it.
With this (so far untested) variant, the colours of the pyramids do matte.
The variant can be played with different colour setups.
In every game, no matter how many colours you use, there need to be
the exact same amount of pyramids in all the sizes.
3 colours = 4 nests of each colour
4 colours = 3 nests of each colour
6 colours = 2 nests of each colour
12 colours = 1 nest of each colour
Additional components:
1 flat circular token for each colour pyramids you use.
Before setting up the nests onto the board, take all the tokens and hold them
a few centimeters above the board and just drop them. The squares they land on
are the squares where they stay for the rest of the game. Now set up the nests
onto the board as you would do usually.
Game play is exactly the same with 1 small difference.
Whenever a token is completely visible, a pyramid of any size with the same colour
as the token, cannot be placed on that square. All other coloured pyramids can, however.
Adding multiple tokens for each colour probably makes the game more challanging.
That's about it. I'll test this during the next couple of days and report back ;-)
I like it. I did manage to get to one once, but now I can't seem to repeat it. I guess it depends on your memory! I've only tried the solitaire versions of this.
So, I was playing board games with a friend in the G+ Hangouts version of AnywhereBoardGames, and I decided to bring Icehouse to our little world. So I looked up the official specifications for piece size and made some pixelly goodness.
My question is, am I allowed to distribute the .abg file?
UPDATE: they said yes! Links:
Not an answer to your question. I just wanted to say that looks great, and I hope you get approval.
I asked not long ago about playing Icehouse online. Good luck! :))
Yay! Thanks for these! Now to find some players. :)
While waiting for the mega volcano board to be in stock again, I decided to make my own.
Here's what I came up with using a small white board and some counting chips. (see attached)
I think the different color chips will make it easier to set up different volcano patterns. So, what do you think? :)
Hm. Your board appears to be 5x6, rather than 5x5 (Volcano) or 6x6 (Mega-Volcano).
Circles don't work very well to create square lattices: they pack hexagonally. To be brutally honest, I'd rather play Volcano on a bare tabletop (where the packing of the nests creates the square lattice) than on a shifty surface of chips. I guess it could play okay if the chips are affixed in place, but it just wouldn't look like Volcano to me.
lol So you're saying you don't like it? :))
A bigger white board and I have a 6x6. I went with what i had lying around. Just an experiment until the big board is in stock after all.
yep the same idea, The chips make for an adjustable board. :)
P.S. Are they still making the mega volcano board?
I have created a Volcano board for myself as well.
It is made with a top layer of plaster bricks I cast myself from molds I got at Hirst Arts:
I glued these to some foam sheet and then painted them.
Just wondering if there were an ice house app online? I've seen ones for treehouse and martian chess. ice house would make a good online multi-player game. I doubt I'll find enough interested players offline.
See, lots of people would love to play online, problem is, the game would lose a lot in translation. You would lose out on all the dexterity and speed of icehouse, but also, you'd lose out on a lot of the diplomatic elements. a deal can be made or broken in a matter of seconds, and sometimes, internet communication just couldn't cut it. there are tons of places to play different Looney Pyramid games online ( being one of them) but, there are just some of the pyramid games that just wouldn't translate well to being virtualized.
Thanks Joshua,
Oh well. :)
Hello all, its nice to be here. I'm planning on diving in and buying enough for 3house games to start., meaning an ice dice set and an additional booster set. My first question is will the new Tree House set be available soon? I'd rather have a tree house set in a spiffy green bag. Plus I've heard the old and new pyramids are slightly different in size? Should I not buy older pyramids?
Thanks for your help, :)
Hi Kristin,
Thanks for your reply, I read somewhere that the new pyramids didn't fit into the the old tree house boxes. Hence my thinking the new ones were possibly bigger? Not so?
I think you may have seen a reference online to the warning about the old tubes that Treehouse sets/monochrome stashes came in, and the fact that one is buying them at their own risk. From my experience with old and new pyramids, they are virtually identical, but that warning is there just in case they don't fit. But, don't worry, the old and new pyramids are completely interchangeable, i do it all the time with games like caldera, zendo, and many of the other awesome games that require lots of colorful pieces. If you can find old pieces, you shouldn't have a problem.
That was it Joshua, Thank you for clearing up the box question, Time to go pyramid shopping. :)
I also have a 3house set. Just wondering what games everyone likes the most that only require up to a 3house.
You can play three-player Cracked Ice with a 3-House set.
I haven't played a ton of 3House games, but these are the ones I have no problem suggesting. You can find a bunch of others on the What Can I Play? page of the wiki. If you click the number of sets there, it'll take you to the full list of games in that section. Games don't get added to the WCIP page very often, so not many newer games will be there even if they're good. I haven't had a chance to check out many of the recent games myself, so there are likely some gems that I've missed.
Alien City - Also needs a piecepack set, but well worth playing if you have one.
Binary Homeworlds - One of the pyramid killer apps. This one's actively played online if you get hooked.
Color Claim - Mine, but I play it more than anything else.
Logger - 3House is the low end of sets needed so that you don't run out of trees, but I really don't think you'll have a problem. On the off chance that you do run out, you can just use glass beads or something similar to represent some of the completed trees on the board.
Roll & Move
Timelock - This is my personal favorite roll and move game by a large margin.
Tower War - Because I'm a shameless self-promoter, and people seem to actually like it.
I like Zark City, Black ICE, and Maritan Chess.
Cool thanks for the info guys. Yeah I'm really into Zark City with my friends as well as High Ground. (a game I found on the wiki) I guess i just really like the idea of using a standard deck of playing cards as a board for a game because it keeps it highly portable. (which is the same reason why your Time Travel games are awesome) I'm starting to learn Binary Homeworlds but still trying to get a grasp on some of the rules and stuff. I also enjoy playing a lot of the simple stuff like Treehouse, Martian Coasters, Icedice, Launchpad23, Nothing Beats A Large, Twin Win and Pyramid Shambo all for different reasons. Thanks to Andy and Kristin for these fun little pieces though because they go as far as your mind will take them. (and you)
My pyramids should arrive tomorrow, I'll have to post pictures of my wife and I playing. :)
A question about the pyramid boards please. I've seen pictures where they seem lighted from underneath. Are the white squares opaque? Thinking of making a lighted board..
Thanks again.
Among my friends, the popular choices are World War 5, Homeworlds (of the Binary style), Black ICE, and then some of the single stash games like Pharaoh, and Martian Coasters.
Though, if you get a chance to pick up two more Rainbow Stashes, i would highly recommend it. It opens up the possibilites for all types of different games, like Ice Towers, Zendo, Pikemen, and many others. Having a full set of 5 monochrome stashes is always a boon to any game collection.
It's not so much that the new pyramids are a different size as it is that the tubes seem to have warped in storage such that the corners are more rounded than they should be, and hence they pinch the very pointy corners of the pyramids. We recommend people sort of re-crease the corners as much as possible, and this helps a lot.
AHH trick photography! Thank you Matthew. :))
It's not a trick! They really look that way with just an incandescent lamp nearby. (Nesting other pyramids inside will dampen the effect, though.)
I believe you, I was kidding about the trick photography. ;)
My Ice Dice sets came today along with a set of Martian Coasters, I've already come up with an idea for Martian backgammon using the coasters. I love the creativity these little pyramids inspire. There's probably a version of backgammon already I bet. Isn't there? Nevermind, found the rules for Martian Backgammon, oh well, great minds think alike! lol
The game Blockade is a much better "pyramidal backgammon" than Martian Backgammon, in my opinion.
Oh, and the ancient Egyptian senet (in most modern reconstructions at least) is kind of backgammony, and I've recently worked up a pyramid version that uses Martian Coasters.
It just so happens I was just taking a look at Senet and your other games Matthew. Great job so far. :)
My favorite Pyramid Backgammon is Martian Coasters.
Not sure if i'm being dense, but it seems to me that the Homeworlds PDF doesn't actually tell you how to play the game.
I am new to Pyramids in general, only having played Ice Dice and Launchpad 23. I got the impression that the current rules available for download are more of a primer for experienced players.
Is there a resource that someone could point me toward to help me better understand this game?
This pdf ?
Homeworlds is not an easy game to get started, and it definitely helps to have an experienced player teach you, but I believe that PDF does explain all the rules necessary to play. I'd be happy to try to help you, what questions do you have?
Yes that's the one.
I think my biggest hold up is the abstract nature of the star system. The set up is puzzling me a bit. Is the placement of connected star systems arbitrary? How is the size of star system determined once you get there?
It does take some getting used two. Any two systems are connected if they do not share an upright piece of the same size. So your homeworld (which has two upright pieces) is only connected to systems of the third size.
So if your homerworld is small blue, medium yellow, then it is connected to all star systems that have only a large upright piece defining them.
When you use yellow to move, you can move to an existing, connected system, or you can discover a new connected system, of any color available.
To continue the above example, if you were to use the yellow power of your small/medium homeworld above, you could move to any existing large systems, or discover a new one by taking any available large piece from the bank and making a new system.
I hope that helps. Keep sending me questions. Homeworlds is one of my favorite pyramid games, so I'm always happy to help grow the field of players.
I see. So size is determined, initially by your homeworld itself, but color is user defined? What about after you go one step beyond? are you free to pick any size and color as long as it's not the same size as the previous one? Also what determines your proximity to a system as opposed to your opponent?
Yes, the size of the first system you will discover is determined by the sizes you pick for your homeworld. From a normal system (with only one upright piece) you can discover systems of either of the other two sizes, as they're all connected.
I'm not sure what you mean by proximity, if do systems do not share an upright piece of the same size, then they are connected. From there you can draw a graph. Most homeworlds are three 'hops' apart, meaning that a ship has to travel to two intermediate systems before it can get to the other homeworld. If my homeworld has a small and a medium, and yours has a medium and a large, then I would have to move a ship from my homeworld to a large system. Then to a small system. And then I could move into your homeworld. That would take three turns, provided there was yellow for me to use in each system. If our two homeworlds use the same size pieces, you get what we call a 'small universe' because it's only two hops to get from one homeworld to the other.
The questions you are asking seem answered in the PDF you linked. E.g. about the size and color of your initial homeworld:
Two Stars and One Large Ship: To begin, take a Large spaceship (of any color) along with a Homeworld made of two upright pyramids (also in your choice of colors).
E.g. about connections between star systems:
Star Travel: You can move a ship from one star system to another ONLY if the stars are of different sizes.
Differently-sized star systems are connected... ...but same-sized stars are not.
E.g. about how to discover a new star:
Discovery: Take a piece of your choice from the Bank, add it to the board as a star, then move your ship to that star.
You may just need to read the rules through a second time now that you have a loose idea of what the game is about. Try doing a few sample turns, asking yourself "what are the possible actions I could make in this situation? How can I use each of the 4 colors in this situation?"
The rules are a bit more complex than a typical abstract strategy game (but still much simpler than a typical medium/heavy eurogame) and the game has some novel/unusual mechanisms, but all the info is there in the rules; just follow the rules literally! It's a clever deep interesting game well worth learning.
While i realize that the information was presented in the rules, it was not immediately apparent to me how it fit together. It is not presented as linearly as how you have formatted it above.
After talking with Tim, I feel i understand the move options better.
It's obviously going to take a while to learn good strategy through game play but I don't think the rules to play are all that complex, just that they are not well organized. No game is so abstract that clear and concise rules cannot be written to accompany it. I believe the phrase is " Minutes to learn, a lifetime to master".
Thank you. Your guidance has helped.
No problem. Happy to help. If you come up with more questions, don't hesitate to ask. There are several emergent properties that come out through play that are very interesting.
Neat. I like unexpected outcomes.
As a companion answer to Tim: Yes, placement is completely arbitrary. Andy Looney has explained it like this: There are lots and lots of stars in the universe, and they might be anywhere at all in relation to each other; We are only interested in a few at a time. A space ship might move to a new star, and that star can be anywhere on the table.
All that said, people tend to put stars in rows across the table, especially when playing Binary. This helps you see what things can travel where, a little easier.
I was kind of lost the first time i played too. Just reading the rules didn't really give a feel for the flow of the game. It would be helpful if the instructions included a small sample game or if there was a youtube video of someone going through a game.
There's a short single-stash game by Andy Looney called StarRunners that introduces some basic Homeworlds mechanics. It's a quick little outing, and might make good "training wheels" for Homeworlds play.
I think videos of some of the more abstract games would be a great idea. It seems there are a couple of pyramid games where the instructions state that you should learn from an experienced player, but depending on geography, population, and level of social awkwardness, that is not always possible.
It would be a great boon to some gamers to have other avenues of discovery for new games so that they can then introduce them to their friends and gaming groups.
I'll have to give that one a whirl. Thanks.
Since this is a basic discussion about Homeworlds rules, I am wondering if anyone could clarify this for me:
When using the blue trading power, if you're trying to trade a certain size ship for another color, but none of that size are available in the "bank", does that mean you just can't do it at all, or do you pick the smallest available size (like how the green construct power works) or what?
You are correct, it means that you are not able to trade for that size. It's part of the reason that the color economy is so important. Controlling who has what colors is a key to being able to win in a game of Homeworlds
That's what I thought, but it wasn't explicitly stated anywhere in any version of the rules. But thanks for clarifying! :)
FWIW, says:
Green: Build a new ship in the target system. Same Color: The color of your new ship must be the same as one of the ships you control in the target system.Smallest Size: You must take as a new ship the smallest piece of the target color available at that moment in the Bank.
Blue: Swap one of your ships with a differently colored piece of the same size from the Bank.
And in the book Playing with Pyramids, it says "an identically-sized piece".
So it seems pretty clear to me that to use Blue, there has to be one of the same size in the Bank.
Hello everyone,
I have a variant on Martian Coasters, not sure how many others are out there, called Gravity Plane. It's intended for a larger group of players but should be suitable for 2-8 players. I was wondering if I could some people to playtest it for me as I can't seem to get up a large enough group at a time when we could test it.
One point that is not in the game yet. Since it is a "larger" board, would it be better to throw two movement dice instead of 1 (and TIP would be 14 points instead of 7).
I do have two other variants that I was thinking of (one allowing up to 12 players) that use a similar mechanic, but I wanted to see how this one would run first.
Hello Scott,
My gaming group gets together every friday and we have between 5 and 8 people on average and everyone loves martian coasters so we will give this a try next weekend!
not sure how many others are out there,
Martian Coasters Games @ wiki
I rather like Wormholes. ;)
Your board setup is pretty confusing, to me. I realize you're trying for a "mirror" setup, but it's probably easier to follow with a "stacked" setup, to whit:
Do you think the coupling of A-D to 1-4 won't work as well if not mirrored? It doesn't seem like their precise orientation is all that relevant, since one can only go through the plane via the center square. Or, maybe it is TECHNICALLY different, but not so different it impacts play (and not just theme)...?
Anyhow. Neat variant. Just a bit confusing board management....
I need to double check some things first, just to make certain (I think I checked them as best I could before, but I can't remember now.)
I do have the stacked versions as ideas as well, although not written down (named duplex for two boards and triplex for three boards, duplex moves up/down, triplex moves "down" only with the ground floor warping to the top.)
The board layout means that, without moving the boards from their initial positions, one has to cross the board, warp through and then re-cross the board to return to their original coaster. I felt the A B 2 1 format helped to show the link to the back-sides. The layout instructions are to show that the coasters of the same color are on opposite corners. If your queen starts on 4, it has to move to 1 to warp through to A and then make it's way across to D. If I can get some coaster images scanned in, (or find some online) I'll try and actually show the starting board layout with images. If the images are already loaded, please let me know, I haven't searched for them.
I'll have to print of the Wormhole rules later, it looks interesting.:)
I pay for web space per month and was wondering due to the extreme spam on what people think of of another pyramid site for Looney Pyramids?
i have 150gb of storage space and unlimited bandwidth not to mention all of the other ins and outs that come with my webspace i was wondering if i was to purchase a domain if anyone would be willing to help build from the ground up a new pyramid game site?
Of course, it wouldn't need to be entirely fFrom the ground, up.
My main concern, in fFact, is that it would preferably *not* be fFrom the ground, up. The old wiki has a lot of content that is hard to move or reproduce, due only to the sheer size of it.
And what is to prevent the same trouble happening all over again?
Also there is the matter of "everyone knows where the old one is."
I find the spam annoying for two reasons only: 1) It (and its removal) adulterates the "Recent Changes" page, and 2) It comes up sometimes on a "Random Page" click. Other than that, it's pretty invisible. Is there some other way that it vexes you as a user? (Obviously, it's a rotten exploitation of the wiki host.)
Having put a fair amount of effort into the IcehouseOrg wiki in recent months, I'd be sad for it to be declared obsolete. The Looney Labs "Our Games" Pyramid pages with Icesheets are and should be the front presentation of Pyramid games for newcomers. The wiki is a deep resource and workshop space, and I think it's well-adapted for that purpose. Based on my recent reading, there was some loss of prior content with the migration from SLICK, and a real lag time in recovering a lot of what was kept, and it would be a shame to go through that again.
I'm inclined to agree with Matthew: we've put a LOT of time into that wiki, and it's non-trivial to migrate it, only so that it is hosted on a server with an admin who will keep it up-to-date.
The core, real issue is that the admins are absentee, and so there's no one maintaining the backend. So while the good content grows and grows with each passing month, so does the slop from spammers.
So we are in a Catch-22:
* Can't fix the existing one without admin access.
* Can't easily migrate without admin access to the database.
(Which is why, oh so long ago, I begged LL to take it over: at least they have a financial interest in keeping it clean and maintained.)
On the other hand, if there were a new Pyramids site with geniunely new content, I'd be happy to create corresponding articles and links from the wiki! "Let a hundred flowers blossom," and all that.
I love the wiki but find that it is over run with spam and it looks a bit dated. I hate printing game rules from it because I basically have to format it from the ground up to look decent when printing. So if we had another site that was a good place to put games on I would not think it a bad idea.
Well, in theory, the Looney Labs games page should have nice, neat pages that you can print easily and conveniently. In Theory. There are some limits to the versatility of this, however. That's the topic of some other debate, i spose.
I guess to be honest it the pure exploitation is whats truely getting to me not to mention the waste of resources as well it looks sloppy... I do understand the admins have lives but when they havent replied it does make it complicated
On this I can agree. The "Ignore it and it will go away" approach is less than rewarding.
This assault has lasted since at least October, with no signs of slowing. It's entirely possible old wossname wiki admin has simply been too busy, and the worse it gets, the more time it requires, so the busier he gets. I diggit. But at some point, *something* needs to be done.
Tell you what. If you can ensure longevity and a willingness to maintain the site fFor a long time, as well as come up with a good way to migrate all old content to a new location, AND some ability to make a really cool, useful site, and I may fFollow you. Reluctantly, you understand -- i did say "I May fFollow you," not "I Will fFollow you" -- because I don't like the idea of ... Starting. All. Over. Again!! But action is called fFor. Otherwise, we are just as likely to lose all content to something like Boardgame geek, which is a very good database, but a lousy Community fFor pyramid enthusiasts.
I really hope someone with authority chimes in on this subject, like Kristin or maybe the old wiki admin.
OK, so I stumbled across Mike Sugarbaker (the domain NAME owner, pointing his DNS to the physical server, wherever THAT is).
He can't really do admin stuff for us, as that's all transferred to... someone. The guys listed on the wiki.
So it would seem we have to decide how we want to do it. If the Looneys aren't going to host such a site themselves, we need to setup a new wiki somewhere and begin to manually move the pages over--I know of no way to do that with scripting or MySQL without admin access to the source database.
Yes, that's going to be a LOT of work. BUT, considering all the half-baked navigation schemes, the variety of Infoboxes, and the patchwork semantic tagging.... we're probably due a full, manual migration and clean-up anyway. MIGHT I SUGGEST that a steering committee be formed to establish:
* Main Page content
* Sidebar Navigation (to L1 Nav Pages; registration; special)
* L1 Nav Pages (Alphabetical, Published, In Development, "What Can I Play?", etc.)
* InfoBox
* Minimal, requisite semantic tagging (e.g., in InfoBoxes; in boilerplate introductory material; whatever).
I suggest a new thread for that work. I would not setup a new wiki (or, at least, not open it to new members) until those organizational and style decisions are made and templates are available.
*sigh*... This is going to take hundreds of personhours.... :(
I talked to Kristin about this this afternoon. We (Looney Labs) do want to be involved in fixing, replacing or whatever to make sure or its replacement is stable and properly managed for the long term.
I have some thoughts and I will post some of them later tonight when I have more time.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have questions or ideas.
I suggest a new thread for that work.
If it comes to a rebuild of the wiki, and I really hope it doesn't, should that thread be here in the Pyramid Games forum, or in the Starship Captains forum? Are there active wiki editors who aren't Starship Captains?
I think this will be a monumental but worthwhile task. A new thread should be started, either here or in starship captains. The goals should be outlined then the layout discussed then the volunteering then the move......
I agree. I think that the wiki should not be relocated/rebuilt, at least not without a lot of caution. Last year I spent several months relocating SLICK games over to the new wiki, as most had never made it there. In the process I found three games that were complete, but which I did not bring over because important images were broken by the way-back-machine, rendering those game unplayable. I also found a few games that weren't retrievable in their most recent states.
I can imagine the nightmare of migrating what is now a database of 400+ games, game files, images, and pages of strategy, etc.
Ideally, we find an answer to the spam situation. However, I don't think it is worth making a real mess of everything for a problem many users won't notice too often (maybe if they happen to check out the recent update page).
The advantages of keeping the wiki, supplemented by the pdf files here at looney labs, appear to outweigh the negatives of a migration to something else.
I'm going to throw in some thoughts on the subject.
First on hosting duties. I do understand why the Looneys wanted to keep a hands off approach to the Wiki in the first place in order to allow it to be a community affair. However, it seems that we need more community control over the server and they are, in fact, at the heart of the community, like it or not.
1.) Looney Labs should provide hosting space for a new or re-vamped wiki. While any one of us may have the best of intentions, sometimes our lives get in the way of our gaming. Stuff happens. However, the Looney Pyramids are part of Looney Labs lifeblood. It WON'T get in their way.
2.) Whoever the current web admin is at Looney Labs should have admin privliges on the Wiki. They should work in the background. Perhaps helping installing anti-bot software and such, but they should have priviliges mostly to ensure that there is SOMEONE active with priviliges that we can speak with if there is a real problem (spammers and bots, etc)
3.) Secondary Adminstrators should be assigned. Ryan Hackel has been doing an admirable job on the current Wiki, even with limited administrative powers. We might even want a third or fourth admin, depending on how it is set up. These are the people that should do most of the work on the Wiki itself. Design and administration, approving new members, setting up templates and such. The LL admin should be picking out these people and getting them set up and letting them do the rest.
Now, on to the site itself.
Personally, I like the infobox on the current Wiki, but I do think it is currently a bit clunky. It could be a bit better done. Perhaps having drop-down lists for some of the choices and radio button choices for some of the others, if a form can be made to generate the template results. :) I do not know much about making templates for a Wiki, but could something be made that is similar to the forms that can be set up for Access and other databases?
Perhaps something could be set up to drop new pages into a format similar to the current IceSheets so that they can be auto-generated from a user made page instead of needing to be made individually. It would certainlly help to keep a uniform feel to the Pyramid games that are created. It might even be set up to show the stage of the game as a "watermark" in the background if it isn't finished yet.
Image library: I would like to see an image library created of some of the standard items used in pyramid games as well as some of the normal pyramid configurations and individual pyramids. This will also allow a more uniform look to the pages. We might also ask for people who have the skills and software to manipulate these images, if any of them are willing to manipulate the images for others. i.e. coloring or re-coloring existing image, layering images, etc.
Playtesters page: A listing of people willing to help playtest the game for the developer. I, unfortunatelly, don't have much of a group to help me playtest any of my ideas (Hence, my one game contribution to the Wiki is still in the playtesting stage). Perhaps we could have a listing of people to contact about playtesting our creations. This can also give us a more diverse result and reaction to the game as we tend to design towards our own, and our groups, play styles. Getting feedback from outsiders can only give us more (hopefully constructive) feedback.
Perhaps a step by step guide on building our game page, including how to fill out an infobox, adding copyright information (the CC license images and other copyright images can be set up as nice gifs to be added to the page). There could even be small videos dedicated to doing each part.
I do want to say that I think Shane's offer is quite generous and that Brian Campbell has been instrumental in creating a community that we all love enough to fight for but that we need to make it more of a part of the community instead of under the control of an individual.
As a final note, a location for a new thread for this might be best put someplace where it won't interfere with other operations. I have notice that the ning community page has not seen a lot of recent activity, and the Other Random Stuff doesn't seem to get quite as much traffic either. It could be seen to fit into either of those categories.
I do not know much about making templates for a Wiki, but could something be made that is similar to the forms that can be set up for Access and other databases?
I've only ever made templates with placeholder text, to be copied and completed. I suspect one would need a plugin to do "proper" forms with full controls.
But a "copy&paste" template can be done very thoroughly, including (for example) having every possible value listed in each field, and comments instructing folks as to how to REMOVE what's not relevant, rather than know what to ADD that is relevant and consistent with other game metadata. For eample, look at this template I made for Bully Pulpit Games's Fiasco Playsets wiki:
Notice how I have ALL the potential attribution Categories listed; and I comment the heck out of it, to guide folks to (for example) properly set a "summary" semantic tag for an auto-generated list page elsewhere on the wiki. I think we could make InfoBoxes and page templates in a similar manner, and then jusut hope folks follow the instructions (and keep a weather eye on the Recent Changes page, to catch problematic pages).
Perhaps something could be set up to drop new pages into a format similar to the current IceSheets so that they can be auto-generated from a user made page instead of needing to be made individually.
That is definitely a plugin, probably needing a lot of customizing for format. That said, WordPress has a way to have "page formats" in a theme--perhaps there's similar available for MediaWiki? Then, a game page could have its own style, possibly with some "form" enforcement (i.e., require an InfoBox, require a Title, require 0 or 2+ headings, etc.). I've never dug that deeply into MediaWiki, though.
I would like to see an image library created of some of the standard items used in pyramid games as well as some of the normal pyramid configurations and individual pyramids.
I'm pretty sure this already exists, but no one uses them because one must use table formatting (or similar) to have fine control over image placement, e.g, to show a board setup or a sample move.
Yep, Dennis Moskowitz endeavored to provide such images back in July 2009:
File List: scroll down to July 2009 files and keep clicking Next Page
Playtesters page: A listing of people willing to help playtest the game for the developer.
I think this would be easier to handle with the list/forums. Call for playtesters, rather than have everyone who wants to help (ad hoc) become wiki members and get listed on some page somewhere.
Finally, I'd keep discussion in one thread in the Pyramids forum: that's where pyramid folks look (at least, speaking for me, I wouldn't check in Random Stuff to find a thread about a pyramid game rules wiki).
Good suggestions, though! Thinking in the right direction, vis a vis page consistency and a clean, professional look for the wiki.
On the subject of the 3 points about hosting and admins: We agree completely this is exactly how we would like the site to work.
Looney Labs would provide the hosting and have someone on staff who can be the admin for the site and would be able to fix things when needed. We also would like to bring in fans who can help us manage server and the site.
With that said, we want this site to be fan run and the content to come from the community and to be owned by the fans.
I will be working with Kristin and Robin to get a new server available to start moving these ideas forward. So if anyone is interested working on the technical aspects contact me privately.
I'd like to point out that the wiki isn't broken. In fact, new games are being added at about twice the rate that they were last year, and the formatting and content of earlier games continues to be improved. The site has been in place long enough to be amply indexed by search engines, and its pages are probably linked from all sorts of crazy corners of the Web.
I don't think the spam and admin-absenteeism are non-problems, but they sure don't justify the work and downsides of migrating to a new site! I too would like to see a plugin that would create more condensed, attractive page printouts. But I wouldn't want to see the editing flexibility of the wiki platform jettisoned in favor of a more uniform and "polished" presentation -- leave that for the official Looney Labs Pyramid Games pages. Come to mention it, if people won't be cautioned by reference to the SLICK-to-wiki history, I'd suggest that they look at the slowness of the creation of new Icesheets, despite the abundance of suitable content on the wiki.
Let's not ditch the best venue we currently have for sharing new game designs, and in many cases, for finding old ones. It just has some problems that need to be addressed, and room for significant improvements.
The point is that the problems are NOT being addressed, despite efforts on the part of the community that has helped to build the wiki. I think that, above all, is the main problem at this point.
So we have a choice:
a.) Do we continue to put our efforts into the current Wiki that MAY get better?
b.) Do we put our efforts into creating a community wiki that has more control BY the community and do it before the task of moving this tremendous amount of information becomes even bigger and we have an even bigger chance of losing information?
Because of its current state and the fact that we have many people willing to work to create something better, I think that migrating the data, while tedious, may be a bit easier as it can be done by a community instead of a single person, as long as it is done in an orderly manner.
Oh, and I'm not suggesting that the only way to input the information be based on some templates or an app, but that certain portions of the information should be formatted by such items. i.e. the infobox, the quick-reference box (the box on the icesheets). And have a template that would allow for easier printing in a format similar to the icesheets, as they are currently recognized as the desired format. If you look at the icesheets, they really aren't all that rigidly structured. Fill ou the box at the top and put everything else into a two column format. Use similar fonts and such.
As far as approval of new IceSheets is concerned, the slowness at this point seems to be because of a lack of IceSheets being produced by the community. There are currently four that have been put up for approval, it's up to the community, at this point, to help approve them.
You won't know how many "people willing to work" we have until they actually do work. I again point to the examples of SLICK-to-wiki migration and Icesheet formatting. Those didn't lag because there was no community. It's just that when push comes to shove, these tasks are a bit complicated, and creating procedures to delegate them is even more complicated.
The absentee admin is a problem. Wiki spam is the symptom.
I continue to see a situation where we're living in a rented house with a pest problem. It's frustrating that the landlord isn't returning our calls about lining up an exterminator. But it's not like the house is on fire.
Then you haven't poured a bowl of cheerieos to find roaches crawling out of your bowl.:) The pests are a problem that will overrun and destroy a house if not taken care of. It may be small now, but it can quickly grow.
And I do conceed the point that we won't know how many people are willing to help until it comes time to help. I am willing to try to help. I believe that one of the biggest factors with a move such as this is making an input device (app, template, whatever) that will accept information from the old format. That would, hopefully, allow the main part of the move to be mostly a cut and paste job, at least to begin with.
This is also not comparable to migrating the SLICK list as the information contained on the wiki is
a.) in one place (it's not a sortable list with lots of links to sort through)
b.) the information coming from this wiki should be in a similar formatting, so that putting it on a new wiki should result in similar, if not identical, pages.
As you stated, the pests are overrunning the house now and the landlord isn't returning our calls, why should we wait for a fire before we move? Why not move into a house where we can call the exterminator ourselves? (Or one where we won't have to?)
I think that the main reason for asking Looney Labs to host the server is that it will be, in my opinion, the most stable option.
I am not saying that you would not be stable, nor that you wouldn't be fair in admining or anything like that. However, as you stated, you pay for your web and storrage space. We never know if something could happen to your server. Maybe the company you're getting hosted by goes under. Maybe, God forbid, something happens to you (the whole thing would still be in your name, no matter how much of a community affair you turned it into.) or, even worse, you decided you didn't like Looney Labs games anymore! I know, I know, unthinkable, but people have gone insane before.;)
Perhaps it's also a bit of Once (maybe twice) Bitten. I, too, have tried looking for some of those missing games from SLICK. There were some of them that had become unreachable before SLICK moved, if I remember correctly. There was a time or two that I had gone through and tried to download all of the games that I could from the list. (I'll have to see if what, if anything, I still have on a portable harddrive). I would prefer to not have that happen again, which was one of the reasons to put everything onto a wiki in the first place.
Thanks for the info on the images. It is unfortunate that this is the way I had to learn of it.
I think I pointed out that it would be great (no matter if we move or stay) to have some videos made on how to create pages. Perhaps someone could make a set of videos detailing doing different items. i.e. "How to format your infobox", "How to build your own images", etc I wouldn't mind seeing one to show how to build a Martian Coasters layout. Something for another time, I suppose, but something to keep in mind?
In fact, that info on the images is just two plainly-lableled clicks from the main wiki page:
Click "Looney pyramid game system — all about the Looney Pyramid game system... history, culture, and miscellany," one of a half-dozen front-and-center links on the main page, to get to the "Icehouse In General" article. From there:
Click "Pyramid Icons for Diagrams" to get to the "Pyramid Icons for Diagrams" article, where those images are listed, and their use is demonstrated.
Thank you for the links, being already familar with the Loony pyramid game system, I hadn't frequented that particular page, or I hadn't gone there recently anyway. Apparently I'm not the only one, as David sent me to the files uploaded list.
It may be more apropriate to have that particular link on a "Building your game page" link or some such. There is, I'm sure, a lot of good information that could go into a page such as that.
The images, however, are lacking some of the ones that I was thinking of, such as a twin-win board background, a Martian Coaster board background (or all 11, has anyone bothered to invert the black's color scheme yet?) as well as some playing card images and/or images such as the Treehouse die faces and the IceDice faces, all listed in one, easy to find and read place.
Such a page could also incude instructions on how to build such images on the wiki as well as code snippets or even code for an entire chessboard layout with instructions on how to modify it to show pieces.
Ok, blah, I was trying to write up something nice and the computer decided to jump webpages on me and lost it.
In any case, my previous points on what I would like to see on a Looney Pyramids Wiki still stands. Those are the things I want to see. I am not saying that they do not exist in some form or another on the current Wiki and I apologize if it came across that way previously.
There has been a lot of hard work put into the current wiki by a huge community and I am worried, and a bit scared, that it may be lost if Brian continues to, apparently, ignore the problems that are going on now. He may be trying to do something about it that we have no information on, but we aren't recieving ANY information, which also worries me. That is the reason that I, personally, am in support of a move. I, like David, would have prefered if Looney Labs had hosted in the first place, as it should have prevented a situation such as that as we find ourselves in now.
In any case, I'm interested in what YOU (yes, you, if you're reading this, then it's you) would like to see in a Looney Pyramids Wiki.
Standardized page templates? Maybe something like the Icesheets?
How to build pages pages? (Infobox, adding pictures, styles and formatting, adding links inside the page, outside links, etc)
Image libraries? What kinds of images? What file formats?
Other games resource pages? (Printable boards page? Printable coasters, or a link to the Icesheet with them anyway, a Printable TwinWin board, etc)
Forms and what types and for what (They may need to be made using an app or plug-in, but let's think about what would help the most right now and then figure out the best way to make it).
What are the things that a Looney Pyramids site needs to have the most?
Who said anything about the wiki going under or the material on there being lost? This is the first time I've read of such concerns. Last I knew we were only talking about an issue concerning spam.
Standardized page templates are fine, and I think LL's showcasing them on their page makes sense. I think that they should encourage people to contribute Icesheets here, for that purpose (esp. games that people tend to enjoy the most). I don't think that standardization can be done over the entire wiki, and, indeed, some games probably won't translate well into any single standardized form. I, for one, was unable to put my games into Icesheets, simply because none of the software that I've tried does it properly on a Mac.
The community has been nice enough to help people who have problems building pages on the wiki, and I'm all for encouraging people to make tutorials to post here if they are inclined to do so.
Like I said, you could go crazy.:)
No one has said that it IS going under, the person in charge has not actually said ANYTHING. The lack of response creates an image of a lack of concern. Which is actually the overriding issue. The spam attack is simply a symptom of it.
I don't think an entire wiki should be standardized, but I believe that the games presentation pages could be.
Deciding on the format for a wiki should probably have its own .discussion.
Has anyone actually tried to email him?
That's actually the best question to ask. I believe that I had seen that several people had tried to contact him with a NULL result earlier. One of which has been Ryan Hackle, who is the other site admin.
I think I'll go give it a try myself, at the very least so that I can say that I tried.
To Greg: Sorry, from your earlier post about moving information from SLICK, I thought that the possible loss of material if a move was made would be a concern. As to the concern for the wiki going under, personal experience. Had a site I had spent, maybe several hundred man-hours working on and helping to develop code for while I was in college. Went home over Christmas break. Came back and the site was just gone. No e-mail, no explanation, just gone.
Well, I just added a link to the Pyramid Icons page from the Images help page.
The wiki is really wide open for anyone who wants to add help and tutorial material, or to provide links and access to what's already there.
Well, I sure hope he replies. We actually had some vandalistic spam on the WCIP Talk page, which is to say: it replaced legitimate content. (Greg undid the spam quickly, but it's still disturbing.)
Good news, everyone. I did get a reply. The jist of it is that he is doing fine but does not currently have time to admin the site.
However, he already has to have the hosting space for something else, so it's not any extra cost for him. It is set up seperately from his other hosting items so he can and is willing to have someone else admin it. He's apparently tried to pass of the reigns a couple of times in the past but they fell through for one reason or another.
So, we need someone qualified with the time to admin to take over the reigns. He can help get things cleaned up and hand over the reigns on a weekend, but he can't promise any more time to dedicate to the Wiki than that right now.
So, while I would love think that I am qualified, I'm smart enough to know that I'm too stupid to do it (at least at this point in time.)
So, first, thanks Jeff for getting right to the point and reminding everyone that the First step has to be to take the First step. (Doh! on me. That's what happens when you assume.:)
Second, we need a qualified individual to take over admining the Wiki to get into contact with Brian. Maybe even two or three individuals. I used the e-mail address that the page has for him.
Just to note, I am still willing to try and help doing back-end work on the wiki and I think that we still need to define just what NEEDS to be done to it. (I still want that image library and how to pages with full video and compentent AI along with the telepathic interface.;) )
Greg, I'm actually surprised that you're having trouble with a Mac. I thought that they were even better for doing things like Illustrator and Photoshop. Then again, I've never really used a Mac much. However, I just remembered that my wife has an older copy of Photoshop on her computer. I MAY be able to start making IceSheets. Then again, I may just end up making a bigger mess of them. I'll have to see.
It's simply a compatibility issue with templates. It was discussed a bit in the SC forum.
Congratulations on your persistence in tracking him down, as it seems to have paid off. That sounds promising.
Just to follow up, has anyone else gotten in contact with Brian? I don't feel competent enough to run a Wiki at this point (maybe someday). Perhaps Shane, Ryan and/or Craig can or should do it? Once one person is in place, others can be added. If it is decided to move the Wiki itself, we would be moving it, not trying to re-create or copy it.
We made assumptions to begin with instead of contacting him. I'd like to not repeat that mistake at least not this quickly anyway. (Oh, yeah, someone will do it.) :)
From what I gather, nothing further has happened. We've gotten in touch with Brian, but we're still looking for someone to take over the role as admin for the site? I'm not a good candidate, as I'm on the academic job market this year and the dust won't settle for some time. That said, as able I'll continue to help out on the wiki as in the past, and maybe more.
It might help out to give people some sense of what expertise may be required to run the site; I'm assuming that it isn't too complicated. Also, I'd assume that people could work together on house cleaning duties (such as running the delete script on all of those spam pages that have been tagged). Since the current owner of the site isn't actually involved in running things right now, I'm also assuming that someone who could provided a basic level of commitment would be better than none.
I'm not sure who here still admins the wiki, but it's getting hammered daily by spambots. It's software probably needs updating, and it probably also needs the reCaptcha plugin updated (or installed!).
It looks like someone is trying to stay ahead of it and get it all deleted, but they can't delete the actual pages I suspect, nor can they update the software so that it won't be such a problem.
Unfortunately this has been the case for months. See the older thread:
Apparently the only admin who can really address it effectively is Brian Campbell, who seems to be unreachable lately.
The front page of gives an email address for him (, has anyone tried that? It looks like the domain name was renewed last week, so he hasn't given up on it entirely. I found two other email addresses if anyone wants to try them. He hasn't logged on to BGG since late March.
It has the recaptcha plugin. I was greeted by it yesterday when i went to link my fanclub page to my wiki page. It didn't seem to stop all those spammers i was removing tho.
I think the reCaptcha has to be updated, though. It is routinely "beaten" by spammers, and is routinely updated to fight back.
On my own sites, I run several anti-bot plugins (Are You Human on random, AntiBot Clock, and reCaptcha). The idea is that a given bot might beat one, or even two, but all three, with each of them "resetting" when it fails one? I'm not worried... ;)
The plugin is only activated on the wiki if you are posting a link to an external page, not if you're only spamming with text, which is the problem in this case.
What's most bothersome about the recaptcha plugin is that it goes off every time I flag spam with the admin and delete flags. Makes it much more bothersome to flag it. Mind you, I'll still flag the stuff when I have time, but it seems as there should be a way to set up a spam flag or something that will allow us to flag without having to go through the recatchpa every time.
Well, it looks like the spambots will eventually stop... because they are going to max out the site storage any day now! ;)
Momentous day in the wiki's history! First DESTRUCTIVE spam post that I've ever seen, blowing out the Main Page content.
I'm rolling that back... but I'm also going to give up trying to manage this change. Had I a financial stake in pyramids, I would be considering this a major challenge to address, particularly if new buyers are being directed to the wiki (in rule books or box inserts, for example?).
I've actually seen spam loaded onto the Main Page before. Thanks for fixing that one.
It's really an awful problem. Besides being a serious nuisance for existing users of the wiki, it also creates a terrible impression for new people curious about the pyramids, making it look like the pyramid community is dead.
Has anyone had contact with Brian the wiki admin about this?
AFAIK he hasn't responded to any of multiple attempts by multiple people to reach him about this problem. :(
We really need to change the wiki settings so people can't trivially easily create accounts and immediate start editing. I.e. require an email exchange between the account requester and an admin (with the requester writing some message about their interest in icehouse pyramids) or a decent captcha system that would weed out people who don't know anything about the pyramids.
And to clean up all the tons of existing spam and delete the spam accounts and delete pages created by spammers. I suspect several us would be happy to receive the admin rights to do that. (I would.) But what is the plan if Brian never responds?
I discovered a pretty tricksie way to find all the spam pages using Orphaned pages:
Someone with delete permissions could knock that out in, oh, an hour or two. Doesn't solve the core problem, though, of course....
And is it true that no one's been able to contact him for months? (I've tried a few times with no success.)
I noticed that Ryan deleted some of the spam today. I did some math, and going at the best rate he had in a 15 minute period, it would take a little over 12 hours to delete everything. That seems like a lot of time to spend fighting a losing battle. I think the worst problem with the spam is the fact that it ruins the recent changes page. Even if it's all deleted, nothing will fix that without Brian's help.
I remember there being talk of a new wiki a while back (an official Looney wiki maybe?). Has anything progressed with that? I'd be happy to help copy things from the old wiki (or wikis if it's more than just pyramids) or do whatever else is needed. It just doesn't seem worthwhile to continue spending time on the current wiki, especially since we don't know if it'll just disappear one day when Brian decides to stop paying for it.
Edit: I just noticed that Ryan would also have to delete a lot more than just orphaned pages to get rid of all the current spam. Including images, users, talk pages, and any other non-orphaned pages, it'll take much longer than 12 hours. That was already using a pace he can't maintain anyway.
Good point. I see that the domain is set to expire in April 2013, just 5 months from now.
Perhaps a plan should be made to transfer the content to some place where several people share administration rights.
It could even be done (with some rearranging/simplification of the layout) at a free stable place like Google sites if we don't want to try replicating a MediaWiki, thus avoiding the costs of buying a domain name and the administration overhead of setting up & maintaining another MediaWiki (at the cost of losing some MediaWiki features of course).
Oh, I agree it's not a MediaWiki problem, I just meant that, if the site owner continues to be AWOL we'll have no choice but to move the data somewhere else, because the existing domain name and physical hosting of the site will expire in 2013. At that point SOME kind of new home will need to be found, and a new framework set up to host the Icehouse wiki information. That could be a new install of MediaWiki, or it could be something simpler.
I just meant that the MediaWiki software is more complex to install/maintain than a "pre-fab" solution like google sites. I like MediaWiki as a user, but it's certainly nontrivial to set up compared to something like a google site.
I understand not wanting to deal with the hassles of changing sites. It really seems like this is the time to do it, though. As Russ pointed out, unless Brian intervenes, there's not much time left before the site disappears. It's just too risky to rely on Brian's support of the wiki. Regardless of whether we end up with an official Looney-hosted wiki, another fan site, or even Brian's return, something needs to happen soon.
I can at least start archiving pages to make an eventual relocation easier. If anyone's able to or interested in hosting a site, now's the time to step up. I agree that a MediaWiki would be nice to have, but if we end up having to use a free host, the site'll still go on.
I wonder if the deletion goes faster for those pages tagged for deletion. He seemed to have gotten through quite a few this evening.
That said, I hope that we get assurance that the domain will not be discontinued. I shudder at the nightmare of forced conversion and migration that may otherwise follow.
Great job. The site is much cleaner now. It’s nice not to stumble upon ads for watches or sneakers while browsing the wiki. More importantly, it no longer gives new players the impression of being a site that is abandoned.
Thanks very much!
Hooray for Ryan! Give him a starship captain medal for this noble service!
I have attempted to contact Brian Campbell through FaceBook, and have just sent an email to the organizers at Arisia, fishing for contact info on our AWOL WikiMaster. Any other ideas?
I am in email conversation with Brian Campbell right now.
Do any of you gents have experience in web hosting? Brian's talking about BASH, and it's going over my head.
Yay, success! Thanks for finding Brian!
I gather from your question that Brian is indeed interested in handing over the site to someone else? And what of the URL ownership?
I have some experience in web hosting. I have an account at dreamhost where I have some old simple personal websites e.g. Dreamhost (like most web hosts) uses Linux and you can login via ssh to a bash shell there to do webadmin type things. I believe in principle we could park the URL with the wiki there as well if we want, though I'd need to explore that to confirm. Note that I have NO experience with moving a copy of a wiki, and the Mediawiki software seems potentially a complex PITA to me. I would also not want to be the sole or primary admin of the wiki itself. (I gather that you're willing to be a wiki admin, right, Ryan? And probably several of us would/should also be wiki admins.)
This looks very promising. BTW, I just noticed that the wiki is locked (as in we cannot make edits at this time).
Hey, all. I'm back. Apologies for the absence. I have been meaning to come back and help clean up the wiki; but several major life events interfered, and I have not had time to keep up. I do not mind continuing to host the wiki, but given my track record, I probably don't have time to administer it myself.
I've delegated all MediaWiki admin duties to Cerulean (Ryan). He can now add other admins ("Sysops" in the parlance of MediaWiki), who can help delete pages, block users, and so on. I've also removed edit privileges from ordinary users; you now have to be manually added to the "regular" group (which existed before, but wasn't used for anything) in order to be able to edit pages. Any Sysop on the wiki can add people to the "regular" group.
If someone could help out by compiling a list of all known real users who should be added to the "regular" group, that would help out quite a lot. Otherwise, we should probably start a thread here where people can request access to the "regular" group.
This isn't an ideal setup, but it was relatively quick to set up and should prevent the problem for now; if anyone can suggest a better solution, in particular for how to request access to the "regular" group, I'm all ears.
Upgrading the software will be a bit more of a pain. Because the software is so out of date, it may take a couple of steps to get it upgraded from where it is now to the latest release. In particular, the Semantic MediaWiki plugin is quite outdated, and the last time I checked, didn't have a direct migration patch from the old version we're running to the latest. There is also the issue of encodings; it's usually a good idea to back up your database when upgrading (and in fact, my plan is to dump and restore to another copy of MediaWiki, do the upgrade there, and once it's done switch it over), but due to a misconfiguration that I inherited, the encodings are all wrong. So I will need to be very careful dumping and restoring the database; if I'm not, everything beyond basic ASCII will become corrupted. This already happened a couple of times in the past (once when transferring it to me; you can see such damage here, for instance), but there are now a lot more foreign-language pages, and I want to avoid doing this again.
If anyone has experience hosting MediaWiki, dealing with encoding issues, and the like, I'm definitely interested in help with running the wiki. I will do what I can, but I seem to have a tendency to over-commit, so I'm willing to hand it off to someone else who has more bandwidth to run the site.
The wiki is not totally locked down. I've just changed it so that you need administrator approval before you can post. I've started going through the user list to find real users to give approval to. If you let me know your username, I can approve you.
It's Nihilvor. Thanks.
I am Skotte
OK, you have permission to edit now.
I've also gone through the pages in the User namespace, adding each of those to the approved list. So far, I've gotten up to Eeyore on that page; I'll need to pick up again tomorrow, or maybe Ryan can pick up where I left off. I checked the recent changes to find any users who have edited the wiki recently (within the limits of being able to search by recent changes, given that Cerulean and I have deleted a ton of spam; the users are Nihilvor, Goulo, Emporer, Cerulean, Cathorsis), and added them as well.
Hopefully we should be able to come up with a better solution than this. But for now, you need to be approved before you can edit; given the rate of spam, it's not sustainable to have admins going through and deleting it all.
By the way, I owe you a bottle of scotch (or other tasty consumable of your choice if you're not into scotch) for all of the work you've done fighting spam and for tracking me down and getting me out of my rut.
mine is arkanoid0
I am Goulo, but I guess you have already approved me, as I just did a test edit successfully. :)
(If you didn't already approve me, then there's something not working with the approval check.)
Welcome back and thanks for returning from the void! :)
I have never backed up and restored a MediaWiki (though I've installed a MediaWiki, which has since sat unupgraded...), but I certainly encourage not deleting the current version before verifying that the updated version is good...! :)
After New Year's, I could try reading up on it to see if I would feel comfortable/qualified doing an upgrade/reinstall.
It would probably also be good to formalize some kind of periodic backup plan for the wiki data!
Yep, I had already approved you last night. As I said, I went through the list of people with user pages alphabetically, getting up through Eeyore. And I did the 5 most recent people to edit anything, which included you.
You should edit your User page to introduce yourself!
We actually do have a periodic backup, but I realized when I checked it just now that it had stopped running due to a configuration problem. I've fixed that, so it's backing up again. Due to the encoding issue, if I actually try restoring from the backup, I'll mangle all of the non-ASCII text, so the next thing to tackle should probably be the encoding issue.
I'm Carthoris. I just tried an update to my user page and got:
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I've been seeing this error a few times today, but not consistently. I'm not sure what's causing it. Can you try again and see if it works if you try a second time?
I took a look in the logs, but I just get a "premature end of script" error that happens any time the PHP fails to produce any output; I still don't know why that is happening.
Yeah, I got it again today.
Consistently, or occasionally?
Has anyone tried Pikemen on a board with hexagonal cells? I'm curious how well it might work, what might break? Any starting position suggestions?
I think the largest issue with this concept is size. A basic 2 person game of pikemen requires a full stash of two colors, a total of 30 pyramids, and as of right now, the only hexagonal board in use for Looney Pyramid games has 19 spaces. so you'd have to shrink the size of your armies down a bit just for a two player game. If a larger board were to be configured, I think it would add a lot to different strategies, but one would have to be a bit more specific about movement, because diagonals would work differently, and so instead of the 8 cardinal directions, you have the six directions corresponding to the six sides of the hexagon
Yeah, a 19-hex board is probably too small for any Pikemen satisfaction. Even a 37-hex board is only a little more than half of the spaces on an 8x8 square lattice, and I'd suggest going bigger still. If you have enough poker chips, you can always use them to improvise a regular hexboard of any size, since closest packing of circles creates an hexagonal array.
I'm not completely against the concept, because it is rather interesting, but i forsee big problems getting a big enough hex board to make this whole concept viable.
I feel meta-resistance just because the square shape of the pyramids makes me feel like a square grid is more natural and "pyramidish", if that makes sense. :)
I was just thinking that, with the new IceDice (the pyramid die), that it could be used for Thin Ice and it could even be set up to be played as a solo version that way. You roll the die, you add those pieces. If the die says two pieces, you add two pieces. Your goal, as a solo version, is to either a.) see how many rolls you can successfully complete before your tower toppels, or b.) reach a certain hight with the least amount of rolls.
Has anyone else though of how the new dice might be used in older games?
I have heard of a volcano variant with ice dice. Roll the dice to see what you must erupt. if what you roll isn't available, you may erupt anything.
I'm not sure how good a game it is, but it's interesting.
My own Abiegnus somewhat fits that description, but it uses the die to select among different-colored caps on a 4x5 board of interwoven nests.
Hello everyone, I am looking for a storage solution for my Pyramid collection and was wondering if the new Pyramid's will fit in the old tubes
If anyone knows please let me know.
So far, I have had absolutely no problems with the old tubes and the new pyramids. I have all 10 colors, and 2 rainbow stashes, and they fit perfectly.
Nice, ill have to order some from the site then. Thanks
I'm glad to hear that too. The Looney Labs site has such a big disclaimer that I've been hesitant to try the tubes, since most of my pyramids are of the current vintage. I've got other solutions for storage, but there are at least a couple of games that use the tubes for play, and they still might be handy for the occasional pocket transport.
Personally, I like the tubes. Packaged correctly, you can carry a full stash along with a treehouse die and an extra die. My youngest has discovered how much fun it is to make trees with the pyramids and I'll pocket a stash when we go out somewhere. It keeps him from getting bored and it draws attention from other people. The tubes keep everything nice and secure and it even becomes a bit of an exercise to put them back when we're done.
I've tried it. theres actually more room in a tube with the new 'mids, due to the lip they put in making them nest closer.
I personally had the opposite result with the tubes. So now I don't use them any more.
Worked fine for me until I tried it with the Pink Treehouse set I just purchased. For some reason, they are the tiniest bit bigger than my rainbow and xeno pyramids. I'm tempted to just lightly sand the corners so that they slide in freely because I love how the 'mids look in tubes and are better protected.
LMAO!! That is too funny! I just got my tubes and my pink treehouse set in the mail today. All my new pyramids fit just fine but the pink treehouse set doesnt fit. I am going to sand them ever so much as well.
Glad to know it's not just me, haha. There's something different about the pink ones. They also make a different clinking on the table so I'm suspecting a slightly different plastic.
Not quite sure what is is about them.
I just used some 320 grit sand paper and barely rounded the edges on my pink treehouse set and they fit like a champ now!
Awesome! I ended up doing the same. Found some fine grit sand paper leftover from another project in my toolbox. Surprising how little it took to get them to fit. Can barely notice. Also received my custom 9x9 volcano board in the mail yesterday. Game on :D
NICE!! Glad it worked out for you as well. Two questions, where did you order a customer 9x9 board from and what games do you use that with?
It was actually Alison that directed me to it. I had mentioned to Customer Service that it would be cool if they made larger boards. Turns out the company that manufactures the other boards also make larger ones on a custom made basis:
I don't know of any specific games that use them, but I thought they were pretty awesome so I ordered one. I might try to incorporate it into a game of my own creation sometime. I have a few ideas brewing...
I've had my eye on the 7x7 board for a while now. There are some games that call for a 7x6 square lattice, as well as 7x7. And ELBs will make it into a mega-volcano board, natch.
I was looking at my tubes and I noticed that two of them were taller. I have monochrome stash tubes and Treehouse tubes. Two of the Treehouse tubes were taller, both of them had the single sticker design on them, not the triple sticker. I don't know of some had been cut taller to accomidate the die or what was going on, but there are some that are a different size.
I tend to store my 'mids with a different pattern which gives them quite a bit of extra room in the tubes. I alternate the way each set is pointed, bottom trio up, next trio down. It may not be quite as pretty as the standard format, but I like it and it gives a lot of room for a couple of dice in the tube as well.
That said, I usually put my mids into my Martian Chess box. It's a bit old and getting beat up, but if you take the time to store them neatly (which does take quite a bit of time, actually), you can hold 8 or more stashes in it. I currently have the Martian Chess set, a black stash, a grey stash, a pink stash and the Electric Yellow stash in mine. I can also plop in a set of IceDice or two and some extra 6-siders, although I haven't counted just how many.
Yeah, I have some shorter tubes as well which don't hold 5 trios all pointed the same direction. It was annoying. I eventually read somewhere the trick of putting one trio pointed the other direction, like this:
Ha, I tried to do that horizontally with less-than and greater-than signs, but the ning message software kept getting confused, sigh:
> > > > /p>
I tend to put mine a bit differently, more like this:
They slide together so that two trios take up just a little more room than a single trio. They also don't sit squarely on the bases this way either, so there is a little wasted space under the bottom trio. However, the successive sets of pyramids sit sqarely on the preceeding set.
However, all of my tubes arrived holding a full stash in the upright position and they will do so if I put them that way.
Hello everyone, I finally started playing with pyramids and picked up a martian coaster set but would like to play with 5 people. I was wondering if anyone has a black martian coaster that they would not mind parting with. I would pay for the coaster and shipping to California. Please let me know.
Thank you :-D
You can print out the coasters from the third page of the rules pdf on a black and white printer and cut it out, and reinforce it with some shirt cardboard or matting board. The purple coaster makes a passable black coaster, and you can color it in with a black marker if it's not dark enough for you.
this is where i bought mine from. theyre apparently still in stock
Thank you! I am not sure if i want to pay $5 for the black coaster shipped to US but this is a great option.
Did you ever get a black coaster? If not, I can send you one. Send me a message with your address and I'll put it in the mail.
We will be including several black coasters in the Looney Pyramids Demo Kit we are working on... the kit will ship in October! More details soonish...
Kristin, you don't even know how happy this insider information makes me!! :) I have been waiting for a new Looney Pyramids Demo Kit for a long time!! So excited!! Can't wait for more juicy details to be released soon...ish :D
Hey Rebecca do you still have an extra black coaster. Trying to teach my friends in our gaming group and it would be cool to add another player. Thanks.
You haven't been waiting as long as I have! LOL More details very soon!
Haha that is true! I'm excited for the details. Also, have fun at PAX! If I lived closer to Seattle, I would come and I would definitely show up to those local game stores to play some games with you and Andy. I think that is really cool that you guys are doing that. I have contacted some local game stores here and will hopefully be doing some demo nights soon :)
I don't suppose it will include a stash of gray pyramids, will it? *sigh*
Sorry... we have no more gray pyramids, and with the new way we are manufacturing pyramids I doubt we will ever make them again. If you find them somewhere, snag them, they are very rare at this point.
We made a small run of them almost a decade ago... very sorry we can't keep everything in print!
A fairly large number of Pyramid games (RAMbots, Capstone, Push-Pull, Ice Fishing, Liar's Ice, Kumbha, and others, especially ones based on card game mechanics) require opaque screens or shields behind which each player can conceal Pyramids during play. So far, my best solution for this article of equipment has been to cut up four Looney Pyramids tuckboxes: cutting them open along the glued seam, and trimming off the lids and flaps. These are efficient but unglamorous, and I'm wondering if anyone else has developed cooler designs for this purpose.
This has been one of the biggest challenges for me when designing games with secret information. When I was playtesting Liar's Ice, our group used plastic cups to make it more like Liar's Dice, but these days I tend to just give everyone an opaque cloth bag to keep their pieces hidden.
Games like RAMbots need an actual screen, but I always just used a half piece of cardboard folded 2 or 3 ways like a gamemaster screen in D&D basically, only shorter so it doesn't get in the way of gameplay. This was years ago, but I seem to remember making a set of 4 out of a cereal box. These worked quite well and didn't require a lot of work, even if they were equally unglamorous.
Cool, interesting challenge. I should (or someone should, anyway) make some nice design that you can print on cardstock and make screens. Maybe something like some of the art in the Playing with Pyramids book, with groovy martian landscapes, in assorted colors. I tend to be busy, but if I have time, I'll see what I can do.
fFailing this, you can probably just use any old cardstock, or even plain paper, fFolded to make it a good size and thickness.
Just so! I'd love to see whatever design you come up with. I may try my hand at it too.
Based on my experience with the unfolded tuckboxes, I think that an 8.5x11" sheet of heavy stock could be divided lengthwise to make two screens. Or a sheet of regular paper could be folded lengthwise. Either way, the resulting 4.25x11" item would then be creased twice across to make it stand.
I wonder if it would be worth it to actually make like a "GM screen" type of device out of these. Have it split lengthwise so that it can be folded in half and then the edges folded in. One side could have pramid artwork and/or the logo for the game being played (if applicable), and the other side could have notes for the game being played, an overview of the actions that you can take on your turn, or scoring values depending on the game.
Could have a generic design as well as specific "screens" for some of the more popular games with hidden information. Should be a pretty simple template to work up, I'd think. Maybe I can throw something together the next time I take a break from the new game I'm working on...
I've been thinking of trying these for this purpose:
I've not yet bought any (still fighting sticker shock), and 3" high may not work for some games. However, They'd work for RAMbots and the implementation of the Fate RPG I've been considering.
I've also played RAMbots using the 4 screens from Steve Jackson Games' Revolution (they're even sort of in the 4 original Icehouse colors).
I hadn't thought of the idea of putting some game-specific rules info on the inside of the screen until you mentioned it, even though the the precedent is obvious in RPG referee screens. Good idea! If they were the plain-paper printable kind I'm now picturing, that wouldn't be unreasonably specialized.
I've officially developed a cooler design, at least for Liar's Ice (might as well start with what I know). This is my first serious attempt at vector graphics (did this in Inkscape) and I did it rather quickly, but that's the basic idea I was suggesting. I obviously used the art from the top of this site as my inspiration, with a hand drawn approximation of a pirate ship. It doesn't look very sea worthy, but that's the best it's going to get for now.
I also noticed that for some reason I never finished adding the rules for Liar's Ice to the wiki, so I believe this screen is currently the most complete version of the rules until I can set aside time to update the wiki page.
Wow, that's great! It's certainly much nicer than my quickly slapped-together RAMbots screen (attached).
I work at OfficeMax, You can get very similar products there for a lower cost.
Look, I made a thing!! =)
I didn't put any rules on the inside, as yet. But it's pretty. The intention is to print it to fFill the page, print the PDF at 100%, fFold it in half lengthwise, then fFold it back at the sides. It should stand up by itself, and provide a nice private area.
There's a PNG as well. Print it centered, to fFill the page, and fFold accordingly.
I suggest printing on Cardstock, which should stand up nicely. And if you are really concerned about secrecy, then you should clip the bottom outside corners, so it leans back towards you a little as well.
Nice! I like the slightly wavy trees of pyramids there!
Yeah, the curving pyramids on the trees make me feel ... funny!
Buy a cheap checkerboard, cut it in half so that your cut intersects, is not parallel to, the fold of the board. This gives you two screens to use, as well as two Martian Chess boards for two players, pr, when you are done playing the game you made it for, place the two side by side and you have a full chessboard for Four Players of Martian Chess...
That's an elegant solution, although I like to play my two-handed Martian Chess on wedges.
I was wondering if anyone has done any work making pyramids out of craft foam or PVC foam, either solid or hollow?
I remember reading about the problems getting the pyramids approved in the EU because of the points they have. I also happen to work with very young children, pre-school ages, so letting them go rampant with hard plastic pyramids might not be a great idea.:) (They're good children, but they can get carried away sometimes.)
I want to have the children do a math activity using pyramids (they're fun to play with and stack) to put totals for math problem out. I know other things could be used, but the tactile stimulation of moving the pyramids around appeals a lot to children, especially when they can stack the pyramids.
I think it could also be interesting to use the pyramids to help the children to visualize multiplication and division (including remainders). The biggest hinderance with that is that the pyramids only deal (normally) with the numbers 1 - 3.
Any information would be helpful, however, I'm outside the states so it may be prohibitively expensive to have them shipped. (I'm in Taiwan currently.)
You could try these origami ones. They go together well with a glue stick. Before inflating them, cut off the blunt end to make them stackable, and put pips on in marker pen. If nothing else this gives you a printable idea of dimensions if you make them with foam and glue.
I made whole stashes of these before I could afford my plastic ones. I suggest printing them on coloured card, as colouring them in is a ball-ache.
Thanks, I hadn't been thinking about the paper pyramids. I might just go with the cut, fold and glue type for the younger children and I can print them on some heavier card stock instead. Maybe using the piecepack pyramids as a template. They do require glueing, but that's a good skill builder for children anyway.:) Might even be able to print pips on them that way.
Honestly, the paper will be fine for my older students and they will probably love having their own 'mids bacause I've been getting them hooked on some of the games. (WW5 and IceDice most notably) But I'm still not sure how well that will work for the younger ones. Pre-kindergarten, although I know that they like playing with the mids if allowed to. My 4 year old loves to stack and restack them. When my wife and I were playing IceDice, he kept trying to make trees with the bank. :)
Care to share the details of the activity you worked out? I'm interested in using pyramids in math class activities as well!
Pantopia looks like a game I'll enjoy, but I've been having trouble deciding some points that seem unclear in the rules:
Having just looked at the rules, I am interested in trying this one out myself!
In further support of my provisional answer to my own second question: In Gnostica to "play" a card from one's hand ordinarily means to discard it, and since this is a Zarcana-Gnostica-type game, I'm thinking that's the right answer here.
So obviously the original chessboard bandana is sadly no longer with us - has anyone found a suitable substitute? I spent a while this afternoon looking for fabric chess sets with little success. To add to the problem, I'm in the UK so the potential supplier list is smaller. I even had to import all my pyramid stashes directly to get round the EU safety test issue.
Failing the convenient materialisation of a perfect match, has anybody tried getting fabric custom printed? I spent a couple of hours today producing my version of a Martian chessboard, and am considering getting it printed on a bandana or napkin myself. They claim to be able to reproduce photos in print so I can't imagine my Martian and Lunar textures would be too difficult
there is one still available at the Danger Room in Anderson, IN that i saw just last week.....
Postage to the UK might be a bit problematic, though...
The idea of printing my own has kinda grown on me given the amount of work that's gone into the board so far. I want to actually see it in print!
Cool chessboard. Did you get it printed yet?
Not as yet - I took the textures from this board, added a yellow venusian surface as the third colour and photoshopped them onto Ee0r's chess wedges - they look pretty cool and allow for 3-player matches.
I'd still like to try this but paper and card is much cheaper than custom photo printing onto fabric - as it's larger than A3 width I can't even buy a sheet of printable fabric, I'd need to buy it from a fabric printing outfit directly. I suppose I could look into iron-on transfers and a plain white bandana at some point
I was thinking it would be pretty easy to order a blank bandana and use a very simple potato print to make squares on it with fabric paint. Blank bandanas and fabric paint are available from
There is a project on Kickstarter that I think will totally work for this: I talked to the guy & he added a pledge for just the "board." I really hope it gets funded b/c some of the colors are super cute. Also I don't want to have to get all arts & crafty.
I'm also in the UK, and I've spoken on the forums about UK suppliers previously here:
I took a bunch of black and white fabrics several years ago, cut strips and sewed them back together, then cut those, reversed half the strips and sewed them back together. The bottom side was kinda rough so I sewed the entire thing to a piece of fleece. Not a bandana, but it folded up nicely and with a drawstring made a neat little pouch that folded out into a chessboard.
Can you post a picture?
I also wanted a cloth chessboard and could not get the bandana.
So I made a cloth chessboard for myself. I have made a second one as a gift. (photo at the end)
What I did was cut a lot of squares and spray some glue on the back of them. I let the glue dry for a while and then stuck them to my cloth on every white square. Then spray some black paint and hey presto cloth chessboard. Since I have an airbrush and can use it a little, I put a little more effort in to it than that ;-)
Here are two boards I did earlier.
I just put the top one of these two cloth chessboards up for sale in my new etsy shop:
So for one lucky person there is an alternative to the chessboard bandana.
I found black and white checkerboard pattern bandanas at the Hobby Lobby for 99 cents. They're 14 squares by 14 squares, so the squares are a bit smaller than ideal, but should still work. I'm sure creative types would have no trouble (and might even enjoy) drawing, painting, dyeing, stamping and/or bleaching the three outermost rows to leave a workable 8 x 8 playable area in the center. Check your FLHL.
I made an error - I ordered 2 instead of 3 Rainbow Stashes. Now I have four, which isn't enough for a game of Icehouse.
I'm a little worried. Four rainbow stashes only just fit into my IceDice bag. How do other people carry around their stashes?
I've also observed that five stashes slightly exceeds the capacity of an IceDice bag. Right now I've got all of my pyramid stuff (including a couple of decks of cards, Volcano board, and other accessories) in a largish $1 plastic bin that isn't very durable, and which I expect to outgrow pretty soon, so I've been shopping around for likely containers. If you just want to hold loose or baggied pyramids the way the IceDice bag does, there is a nice Looney Labs tote that's more than twice the size of an IceDice bag:
It's actually a six-pack carrier!
I've noticed that ArtBin makes a variety of sizes of cases in hard translucent polypropylene that can be flexibly subdivided, and they look great for keeping pyramids and other game pieces sorted. Ultimately, I want to find something with a handle that will hold a dozen stashes neatly.
Ah, the age old "How do you store your pyramids" question!
Personally, I have two sets of pyramids at the moment. I have a large bunch of older pyramids, still in the clear plastic tubes, sorted by color. These, I carry in a laptop bag.
Then I have a bunch of new pyramids, 5 sets, stuffed in a blue pyramids bag. Plus another blue pyramid bag which holds other stashes, such as a pink stash.
Hey, I take it back: With patience and dexterity, I've been able to fit six full stashes in an IceDice bag! (But I'm still looking for that ideal case.)
Further on this topic:
I'm sure I'm not alone, but its worth asking once in a while. I have a bunch of other "normal" stashes I could trade or cash is always an option.
Still on the lookout.
I, too would like to see a return of the "Greys"! Also the volcano caps!
Sorry mate, I only got mine by randomly finding one in a small comic book shop in the middle of nowhere. They're like finding a unicorn in the wild... one of those events that could happen to you, and no one would ever believe you haha
I concur. It seems that they have gotten away from the monochrome stash model though. I wonder whether they might instead sell gold (or brown) and gray opaque trees at some point. It might be easier to create the pyramids on a contingency basis that way. In any event, having these would help in creating four-player hidden information games.
The Looneys have suggested that it may be less likely that they will be able to produce these with the new factory, so who knows when/if new opaque stashes may become available. I don't think that there has been any new information concerning this.
Yeah, I still like the idea of a "Crypto Stash" with opaque gray, tan, silver, and gold, and translucent bottle-brown. There's been no hint that this is under serious consideration, though.
I noticed recently that the easiest way to get a monochrome stash with Pyramids currently in production is to buy two Pink Hijinks!
I think there's no going back from the multi-color stash model, and on the whole I think it's for the best.
A third set of colors would be great, but I doubt there's a sufficient market for it. I wonder sometimes if it might be something that could be funded via kickstarter, but I suspect that even with kickstarter it wouldn't be feasible.
Wouldn't it be great if Looney Pyramids got popular enough that they could support a Build Your Own Stash system similar to the custom order systems for M&Ms and Lego?
That would be great, Jeff, but I'll still hold out hope for finding Volcano caps somewhere out there! Have a good one!
That would be pretty cool to get custom order ones.
Root Beer pyramids! Sign me up.
I totally second the notion for a Kickstarter for grey pyramids... or even another color (dark..).
I’d love to see this too.
I’m not sure how much they’d have to raise for a limited run of a given color. However, maybe someday they could try a tiered kickstart where the number of unique colors produced is determined by hitting certain goals. Personally, I feel that getting opaque stashes satisfies more of a need (so that three or four-player games can be played that require hidden information), so opaque grey, opaque gold (seems like it would go well with the LL color scheme), or solid brown (perhaps copper) mightmake sense.
That said, a rootbeer stash would also be a nice addition to those. :)
So other than forums like this, where does one go to find people willing to trade games and such?
I'd try boardgamegeek!
I'd totally be in on a Kickstarter!
Pretty much just Board Game Geek.
They cost a bit, but there are some fancy alternative pyramids here...
I've been coveting Crystal Caste pyramids forever!
But alas, only black, blue, or green, no gray. :)
Lots of people in this thread say that more opaque colours would be great to allow three or four players in games with hidden information. I guess the idea is that it would be like Black Ice, with the hidden information inside an opaque three-pip.
But that doesn't require a new colour! Using all the same colour opaque pyramids, you can differentiate players by capping each opaque three-pip with a one-pip of a player colour.
There are ways of demarking opaque pieces, and your suggestion is a good one. I wouldn't consider it an elegant solution (having a unique color per player would be best), but it works for some games.
There are games where pyramids may need to be placed on top of the opaque pieces, and thus this solution won’t work as nicely. My contribution, Latent Binaries, is an example that comes to mind (if I were to explore a three or four player game, I would need to have three or four opaque stashes).
Never mind that you’d have to buy 5 more sets to get enough pyramids for an extra stash of an opaque. There are ways around the problem of only two opaque colors, but, until there is an official solution via more colors, I doubt that there will be many games designed specifically for them.
I've been thinking about painting up a couple of stashes in order to expand the available colors.
Excuse my ignorance, but where did you find the other two colors?
Watermelon was a one-off. It was way lighter than any reds. See this link (found in the wiki you posted earlier):
Light Red was from the last production run of U.S. pyramids. As far as I know, I'm the only one that calls it that. I don't even know how many were made.
This link explains the light reds:
Haha thanks, and thanks for the ebay lot. I was a little surprised just how different the light reds are from the newer reds, but the more colors the merrier, I guess!
I have a first run set: when I get home I can scan the Mystique book for you.
Okay, my scanner is on the blink, so this is a real crappy KGB repro job with my phone.
Awesome job! Thanks a million...just what I was looking for, and fun to show people who're playing!
No prob! When I fix my scanner/get a new scanner/finagle non-work-related access to a scanner at the office, I'll try to get a higher-quality copy made, along with the other booklets from the package.
Are the ICE Awards are still on for this year? The lack of a Looney presence at Origins in 2012 shakes things up a bit. If it's still on, any ideas on how it should be run without the bits that take place at Origins? I've never been to Origins, so maybe it's still possible to work it out without a Big Experiment running.
Also, will they still be called the Icehouse Community Excellence Awards with the Looney Pyramids name change? We'd lose the cool acronym, but I'm sure someone could come up with a neat new one.
You can find all of the games that debuted last year here:
Last year's thread for the ICE Awards had a number of interesting discussions and is available here:
Oh my! You've beaten me to it! I have been slowly working on a draft of an article fFor this year, fFor about 6 months. =) I'm really, like, on it, eh.
I would like to comment on the nature of the Awards themselves. The interesting thing about the ICE Awards is, in the case of some games, the game recieves more attention and playtesting than ever before during the judging. Quite often, game designers will post their creations to the wiki, and it will recieve little revision or attention beyond that. The ICE Awards provide an opportunity for games to get looked at more than they might otherwise.
In effect, the awards are a kind of complimentary service, as well as an honorary award.
I'll cut to the chase: I'm wondering if we do the ICE Awards, or if we should simply call fFor an IGDC (Icehouse Game Design Competition).
As I hint at above, the ICE Awards makes fFor better games overall, because people play them without the designer seeking out playtesters. There is value in the ICE Awards that the IGDC doesn't address fFully. The judges simply start churning through every game, and fFind the best ideas of the past year, while giving occasional advice to designers.
The IGDC, however, is easier to run, and winners tend to be a lot more interested in the outcome of the competition. Designers put together the best game they can, submit it, and promote their creations.
In the end, here's the main difference between ICE Awards and The IGDC: The ICE Awards make a lot of games a lot better, fFinding the diamonds in the rough. The IGDC rewards people who actively want to make good games.
What do you think? Is it time fFor an IGDC? Or do the ICE Awards work well fFor everyone? Put it to a vote maybe ...?
Those seem to be separate issues -- ICE Awards for last year's designs, and an IGDC for future designs. It's like asking, shall we have breakfast or dinner today?
Let's definitely do the ICE Awards for 2011 games. If we also want to do an IGDC, that's fine too.
Well, is it a requirement that IGDC games are never-before-seen-games-of-the-fFuture?
Having been pyramidal for only a few weeks, I've already designed three games, and I'm eager for feedback. All three are up on the wiki. They are:
Okay, here's another:
Howdy, pyramid lovers!
During all of January 2012, I am running a contest on BoardGameGeek to promote all 13 of my available game designs. The rules and terms of the contest are here:
Six of the games in this contest are pyramid games. If you're a BGG user and pyramid fan who could use some easy GeekGold, check the contest out.
The contest ends January 31st!
I'm not sure if I'll try to win your contest, but I am DEFINITELY going to try Ferrball's Mansion and Check Please!
I should clarify that the object of the contest isn't to be the one person who plays all of my games more than anyone else, but to be the person who plays ANY ONE of my games. If you do play Ferrball's Mansion and Check Please and log your plays on my GeekList, then you would (as of right now) win those two contests sine nobody else has logged plays for either of them yet.
This isn't a decathlon.... it's thirteen separate events to compete in.
I am not on board game geek. However, I would like to take the time to tell you that I have played some of your games and printed up a decktet. I like Conquest of Mars a bunch. The Decktet is a kewl idea. I love the multi-suited cards. Decktana is a nice twist on an old favorite. Now that I have seen your list of games, I shall be making a point of trying all of your Icehouse games, and peeking in on the others. Also Cube Clash looks awesome. I have a bunch of Dragon Dice that need some love.
Hi, here's another "new pyramid game" announcement.
Stawvs is a game I made over a year ago and kept procrastinating writing up, and I have recently been nudged into adding it to the wiki. :)
It has been playtested with about a different dozen people over its lifetime, and it seems stable and enjoyable.
It's basically an Amazons / Hey! That's My Fish mashup with Volcano scoring. You need 4 stashes, a chessboard, and 3 identifying caps/pawns for each player.
Feedback welcome. Thanks!
I've played this a bit over the past week. It's good stuff. My attention span's crazy short, so I mostly play it on a 5x6 board with two Rainbow stashes and two caps just to cut the time down. That's not to detract from the regular game, though, which is absolutely fine as is. I recommend checking this out if you like abstracts.
Hi Robert,
Thanks for trying it out and giving feedback on Stawvs! I'm glad you enjoy it!
Funny, I never even thought about playing a mini version on a smaller board. I'll have to try it mini style. :)
Following the lead of others, I'm posting a link to two new games (my first designs). I expect that some minor tweaking of the rules may be made as I try out play with different number of players and receive more feedback from the community. However, these two are at a point where they're ready to be played. I think the concepts and mechanics are interesting, and I hope readers get some enjoyment out of trying them out.
EVACUATE (for 2 to 4 players):
Description: Stacktors are an alien species who love to party. Unfortunately, their love of revelry is matched only by their love of pyrotechnics. For this reason, Martian law confines their clubs to Phobos or the Martian icecaps. Luckily for them, they are a resilient species that rarely perishes in their all too frequent club fires. Instead, they've made a sport of it. Get your Stacktor clans out of burning nightclubs before your rival/s manage/s to do the same.
Have fun frustrating the movements of your opponents in this game, which features a unique board. While there are multiple levels of game play to keep track of, the mechanics aren't complicated, so you won’t have to keep referring back to the rules after you get the hang of it.
STACKTRICES (for 2 players):
Description: Played in a digital Martian matrix, the movement abilities of a given stack are determined by the programing patches that are on them. Players move, attack, and trade pieces (to develop pupils, adults, and skilled stacks) to further their goal, but they also each have a software hacker or "thief" who can steal from the other player's stacks.
This strategy game incorporates opaque and translucent pieces in a way to make it easy to identify a stack's abilities. The little chance that is in the game is more about deception and bluffing than blind luck.
I've finally gotten my friends hooked on Gnostica, and I personally love the way that every major Arcana is really powerful, so that none really outshine the others. However, I'm concerned about the possiblity that occupying the Fool on the board might be unbalancing. Has anyone found this to be or not be the case? I think using the Fool on the board to draw and play two cards that can be used by ANY of your minions on the board is too much, and that instead it could be that only your minions on the Fool itself would have to use the drawn cards.
I note that your saying "ANY of your minions on the board" suggests you are confusing pieces with "minions". Not all your pieces are minions. Only if you play a card from your hand are all your pieces "minions". When you use the power of a territory (including the Fool), only your pieces on that territory are "minions". So I would think that the rules as written already imply that only your pieces on that Fool territory can use the cards that are drawn.
PS: Multiple players believe Judgement is overpowered when played from the hand since you can redraw it back from the discard pile along with (typically) 2 other cards. We've started house-ruling that you cannot redraw Judgement back:
Ah, yes, I see I was a little vague in my diction. However, the description of the Fool in Playing with Pyramids (PwP) says "Turn over the next card from the draw pile and play it. Repeat once." This seems to imply that you are now following the rules for playing a card, in which case "All your pieces on the board are minions and any of them may use the power of that card" (PwP). I don't know if the official rules to Gnostica have been updated since then to clarify this point, but it seems from the original wording that any of your pieces could use the power of the drawn cards. I definitely agree that only the pieces on the Fool should be able to use the drawn cards' abilities.
As for Judgement, I've always felt that it was an odd choice for a pip-scaled power, and that perhaps it would also fix the balance issue if you could always only draw back two cards from the discard pile (to include Judgement itself), regardless of the size of the minion using the power. This would let you continue to draw a powerful discarded card every turn, along w/ Judgement, but would be limited by the fact that you aren't doing anything else when you're getting cards.
But turning over a card from the draw pile and playing it is not the same as playing a card "from your hand". The section "Turn Options" (p.112) says that all your pieces are minions if you "place a card from your hand on the discard pile". But if you "select a card on the board" to "use the power of that card" (which is what is actually happening in this scenario: you select the Fool card which is on the board as your turn option), then "all your pieces on that card are minions".
So it still seems to me that as the rules are written, only the pieces on the Fool territory can use the power of the 2 Fool-drawn cards.
(Maybe they intended it to mean any pieces are minions for the 2 Fool-drawn cards and didn't make it clear... but I tend to suppose that the Gnostica rules are rather carefully written to mean exactly what they literally say and so should be interpreted literally ("place a card from your hand" to make all your pieces minions, not merely "play a card" to make all your pieces minions"), even though they're not always easy to grok without some pondering and exegesis... a bit like some wargames e.g. Combat Commander.)
Have you played Pyramid Shambo yet?
I had so much fun playing this at an event at Labyrinth Games & Puzzles this afternoon!
Pyramid Shambo is our 2011 Holiday Gift - check it out! DOWNLOAD THIS PDF - or just view the rules online. Let me know here what you think once you've played it - we've been having so much fun with this game!
In case you missed the other thread, I'm trying to clean up the game lists on the Icehouse Wiki and make it a bit more functional. My goal's to have the games in accurate categories so it's easier to find and playtest them, and also to keep old games from being lost in the clutter.
I'm waiting to make any big changes until I've been through the whole list of games. I don't think it will take much time to make the changes once the lists are set. Plus, this way there's still a while for people to throw out more suggestions for categories (or lack thereof, or whatever).
I figure posting lists as I go will make the progress a bit quicker. So far I've been through the A and B sections. If anyone wants to hit up some other letters, that'd be awesome. There are also some games missing infoboxes and whatnot, so feel free to fix those as you go.
If you have more information on the completeness of the games I'm not familiar with or think any game's in the wrong section, please post. Also, if you're looking for a game to play on your next game night, maybe give one nobody's familiar with a shot? I've already bookmarked a few that look pretty cool.
For the polished game list (decent Ice Awards finish, high rank on gaming sites, etc.):
Alien City
Atom Smasher
Battle Zone
Black ICE
Branches & Twigs & Thorns
No clue on these:
Alchemy ICE
Avatar War
Ballistic Wars
Battle Royal
Bears, Foxes & Hares
Bottoms Up
Questionable games:
A-A-Arctic Kettering - I'd consider this non-functional unless someone tells me otherwise. It's only available as a word document that loads badly for me in Open Office. You also need "Kettering cards" which I couldn't find any references to online outside of this game. It did well in the design competition, though, so there's probably just something I missed.
Arena - Might be non-functional since the beginning of the rules says "Done? No." It only came in next-to-last in a design comp, though, so it could be a real game.
Around & Around - First Year Foundations game. Print a board and so on. The comments were very unfavorable.
Behind Enemy Lines - This is a First Year Foundations game that someone actually liked! It's also the first I've seen that doesn't make you print a map, but it's still a roll and move. According to the comments the rules are incomplete, but could be fixed pretty easily.
Block ur Friends aka BurF - The rules are poorly written and I had issues deciphering them. Maybe someone could do some editing? The first thing I'd do is fix that "ur," so I'm probably the wrong guy for the job.
C + D:
Cold Spell
CrackeD Ice
Drag Race
I don't know:
Capture the Card
Capture the Flag
Cardinal Connections
Chain Reaction
Chaos Checkers
Chicken Run
Circuit Connection
Coaster Chess
Colorful Clues
La Columna de Trajano
Conquest of Mars
Crystal Caverns
Crystal City Catan
Crystal Traders
Crystal Wars
Dog Eat Dog
Dragon's Hoard
Not polished:
Candy Capture - First Year Foundations
Coastercano - This is brainstorming, not a game.
Coup - "This is just the rough concept and will evolve as I work the game out." - 30 April 2005
CoverFire - Judging by the comments on the discussion page the game does not work.
Cryosquare - From the comments: "This game is broken and does not make the cut."
Crystal In My Pocket, The - "majorly in progress, please add notes and stuff. no, I have not playtested this, i really just don't know if it'll work or what it'll do."
Dash - First Year Foundations ("The game Dash is a combination of Chutes and Ladders and Candyland")
Death Race - No game, but he has an email address listed.
Diamond Mine - The discussion page is not kind to this game.
Dodger - Lots of questions and a negative comment on the discussion page.
E & F:
E, the Game of Martian Chinese Checkers
Flags - Probably note somehow that it's not a free game
No idea:
Emperor's Garden
Freeze Tag
Elementalist - Negative comments on feedback page.
The Fast and Ferocious; or, Black Ice - First Year Foundations, also missing materials
Fire-Ice-Slime - This works, but it's a clone of rock/paper/scissors. Is there a consensus on whether a copy of RPS can be considered polished? If that's okay, then anything like Tic Tac Toe that just happened to use pyramids would also be fine.
Fleet - Going by the discussion page, the rules need a lot of work.
Focus - This is obsolete due to changes in Magic the Gathering. It needs a number of updates to be functional again.
Force Field Factions – Rules issues on the discussion page
I'll pick this back up again on Thursday, so if anybody wants to help out while I'm off please feel free.
G + H:
No idea:
Good Harvest
Gravity Plane
The Great Martian Ice Machine
High Ground
Not polished:
Giants and Dwarves - There is no game here.
The Great Guessing Game - There's not even a page for this one.
Hamsters On Ice - This is more brainstorming. "insert collision resolution methodology here"
High Rise - Flawed judging by comments.
Horde Runners - First Year Foundations
How Pretty Is That? - This is not so much a game as a story about someone's daughter.
What are you planning on doing with your list once it's compiled? Perhaps Ryan could set up a template that labels these games buyer beware, while deleting those that don't actually have rules. May I suggest that new games not be included on such a spring cleaning. I think Block ur Friends was entered into this year's contest, and the designer should be given some time to respond to the constructive criticism he or she received.
Is your list only for the purposes of looking for dead games? As I see it, a polished game list already exists at the wiki, as that is what Ryan was trying to do with the changes he made to the "What Can I Play" list. Originally, most games were listed there, but it is now supposed to be a somewhat subjective list of polished games. It may even be too selective for some of our tastes, but all of those games listed there are playable and fine examples of what you can do with the gaming system.
"What are you planning on doing with your list once it's compiled?"
At the start I plan to just put things in the polished/not polished categories. I do plan to remove the non-games from any game lists as soon as I've made it through Z, though. I'd definitely never want a game like BURF deleted just because the writing's a a bit wonked.
I want to split the unpolished list into playtesting/abandoned categories at some point. I'm not sure what the divider on that should be, though. The split will be so people can hopefully aim for where their feedback will be most useful. Maybe something past six months/past two years/older categories could work?
Aside from moving the class project games to their own list, that might be where I stop.
"As I see it, a polished game list already exists at the wiki, as that is what Ryan was trying to do with the changes he made to the "What Can I Play" list."
Like you say, I consider his list way too selective. It's more of a "best of" than a list of pyramid games. I think what he has set up is a good starting point that should be expanded.
Going through the big list can be frustrating when you just want to find a playable game. A fair portion of games you hit will be in various stages of development. Other finished games like Hexano just get lost in the shuffle since the big list and its category lists are the only want to find them. There's just no way to access them that won't also keep spitting out unfinished games.
This appears to be a very level headed and useful approach to the situation. Well started.
I'm not sure what sort of help you would like. Are you hoping to move everything to "Polished" or "Unpolished" ? In which case you need some help sorting the "No Idea" games, right?
Yeah, that's the biggest thing. I'm not going to update the list of games I've gone through again, though. People can just go to the wiki and add them to the "good" list later. I'll just post a list of the non-games I remove so anyone who wants to can double check those.
I still have a fair number of games to wade through, so there's plenty of time to hit me with any issues or suggestions. As of now, these are the pages I'm planning to go with:
Functional Games ("Functional Games" isn't the actual title. These games will just be added to the "What Can I Play?" page.): These are games that work. They have complete rules, no guaranteed first-player wins, etc.
I think there should also be a rule where gameplay can't be the same (or better) using glass beads or poker chips instead of pyramids. I'm not a fan of having games in the list that only use pyramids incidentally. It seems like a list of pyramid games should only contain actual pyramid games. I get that there are ways to make any game playable without pyramids, which is why I set the standards for this super low.
Other Games (A better name would help): These will be the older/abandoned games that aren't functional, plus games like Tic Tac Toe, Checkers, and Rock Paper Scissors using pyramids.
Initial Designs (Games for Approval?): This is probably best as a tag with the games being listed in the archives. These are recently added or updated games that have not been verified as being functional. Optimally games new to this category would be accompanied by a forum post so that they're known to exist. Once the game's known to be work, anyone can move it to the "good" list. Otherwise, after six months (a year?) with no update from the designer they would lose the tag.
Playtesting: This is just a tag, not a page. I like this tag for any game that is being actively playtested. These games can be in any category. The tag just shows that the designer is still trying to tune or test the rules. Abandoned games will lose the tag (3-6 months with no response to feedback? a year?).
I think a separate page for any group of special games would also be good. The class project games are the first example of this. I don't hold games students had to create for a grade to the same standard as other games, but I don't want to mix them with the "real" games, either.
I think leaving non-games orphaned is fine. If they turn into games in the future they can be linked to again.
I don't plan to change the big list except by removing non-games since it's (I think) the only way to keep an accurate game count.
A best-of list could also go somewhere, probably at the top of the "What Can I Play" page. It would include something like the overall top 5 published and top 10 unpublished games from Starship Captains. This would be a good place for new people to dip their feet.
A wide ranging reply to your wide ranging post:
I'm against trying to determine somehow what are real pyramid games and what aren't. That way lies madness. IceTowers can be played with poker chips, does that mean it's not a pyramid game? Wherever you draw the line, there will be a game standing firmly on the line. Then if you decide to exclude that game, what about the one right next to it in pyramidicity? As far as I'm concerned, if the designer designs it for pyramids, then it's a pyramid game.
Similarly, I think games should stand on their own merits and not be segregated just because they happened to be designed for a class project or something. If it's a good game, then it's a good game, and if it's not, it's not. We have ways to highlight good games. I say just leave it at that.
Right now, Initial Design and Playtesting are marked by a template that automatically puts the game in a category. I think that's fine, except maybe it should have added Month and Day parameters so that the user can see at a glance if it's something that has been updated recently or not. And if it's out there too long without update, someone could move it to the abandoned list. If there's no major objection, I may take a hack at this.
I would say that rather than orphan non-game pages, maybe they could be collected on a page somewhere so that it's easier to find them later, if needed. It doesn't have to be (and shouldn't be) a prominent page, but I think having it would be better (or maybe just less bad).
"As far as I'm concerned, if the designer designs it for pyramids, then it's a pyramid game."
Yeah, my qualifications were way off. My real issue is with games not designed for pyramids that have been ported over, like in all the examples I used. I'm not sure what wording should be used so they're not on the "good" list, though. I mean, Go's a great game, and Go with a bunch of pyramids is just as great, but it probably shouldn't hit the good game list on a pyramid site. I think I wrote my example just to cover pyramids being used only as chips for betting, where they're not actually part of a game.
"maybe they could be collected on a page somewhere so that it's easier to find them later, if needed"
I can make a page of them. I'm sure there's somewhere appropriate to link it from. I'm not at all in the "all words are valuable" club, though. Pages like those can go easily go away and it will be no loss.
As a side note, I'll say that I've now realized just how brutal slogging through the big list actually is. I wouldn't be surprised if any games only listed there stay dead forever. I'm only up to M (martian...) and I don't know if there was actually a reason to remove the non-game pages other than to get an accurate game count. Who's going to dig through the lists to even see them?
Okay, I put a new version of the Under Development template in the Sandbox. It's backward compatible with the old template, so it can go live at any time.
I like that.
This is a good start. I didn't think the "what can I play" list did enough, and so this idea of putting a list of games that are verified to be at least good by some players would be welcomed. After all, the piecepack wiki has reviews linked to their pages, and they don't have nearly the number of games. Of course, some older games won't be checked for some time.
Also, I think the First Year Foundations games shouldn't be taken off the main list, especially as at least two were given favorable reviews or became semi-finalists. The others have little chance of making it on the "good" list, obviously.
One thing to decide is whether the games that we are delinking from the master list should be removed from the "community games" section. That seems logical, so I'll help out with that, unless there is an objection.
"A-A-Arctic Kettering"
That was frustrating for me too. I mean, the game received third place in an annual contest but there was no information on the web about those cards. However, check out the award page. It details about the cards and a print and play version for people to use! I'm going to add those links to the wiki.
I went ahead and updated the Under Development template. It's not that hard to revert if somebody has a problem with it. The parameters are specified with month= and year=. See the Sandbox if you want an example.
Probably a while before you get to "What blind ninjas?". it seems to have • instead of bullet points.
I went ahead and cleaned that one up, since you expressed a particular interest.
I know the wiki's a community site, but hey, we're that community. I think the guys that run it are also up here.
I've been going through the big lists of games on the Icehouse Wiki and a lot of the games either have incomplete rules or no rules. Should we remove these from the lists of games? I think pages like Zombies that are a number of years old and have no game at all can just be deleted.
Maybe there could be a separate list for partially designed games where there was at least some effort to make functional rules? A lot of those have been abandoned, so the section could be for anyone to try to fix the rules so the games are at least playable. They can make it back to the game lists then.
As it is now, the game count doesn't mean a lot. It's also incredibly annoying to be reading the rules for something that sounded cool and find out the game just doesn't work halfway through.
I agree, there should be a clear distinction between "real games" (clear complete playtested rules, interesting (to at least some people) gameplay, etc) and "works in progress"/"games under development"/"really cool ideas"/unplayable non-games that might be games one day or might not...
(I have a similar gripe about some "game entries" at boardgamegeek for half-baked game ideas created just for a design contest or whatever...)
yes please - this sounds like a great plan!
Concerning Russ' request, I believe that there are adequate distinctions in that Ryan has put warnings on the master list of games. Then he separated the "games in development" from those considered to be in a completed stated, and finally limited "what can I play" to a smaller group of games that seemed representative of the system and were considered "good" games by players. I think a lot of work went into that, but, perhaps us users have been too shy to make the changes on the pages where necessary. This just to say that there is some system in place, but that I believe that there is nothing wrong with users using the templates for "initial design" or "playtesting phase" and putting it in the older games that aren't in good working order. For those older games on there, I don't think we should wait for the designers to make their page conform to the current rules.
Yes, I agree, we should remove the games that are "Zombie" type games, that don't have many or any rules delineated (that seem like placeholders). Anyone can take them off of the master list; perhaps we should leave the pages orphaned, in case the designers come back and want to reintroduce them in a better state.
Other than that, perhaps we should talk about specific examples on the wiki "talk" pages?
In my experience, the vast majority of games on the wiki are playable or "tweakable" (by those who aren't afraid to amend the rules some during play. The latter aren't for the unadventureous, but that's why there is the warning on the master list. I'm with you though, there's nothing wrong with doing a little house cleaning.
I think new categories would be a good idea. Here are my thoughts:
Polished Games - Good rules, fully functional games. These aren't all necessarily great games, but they're at least games that some people would enjoy playing. Award winners and very highly rated games should probably be noted in some way here.
Playtesting Games - Games the designer thinks are solid, but that might have some hidden issues. After enough okays from testers these can move to the Polished Games list.
Rough Games/First Drafts - Temporary area when looking for help on a design. These will probably be best associated with a forum thread. After a certain amount of time they can move to the Broken Games category.
Broken Games - Missing images, missing rules, horrific balance issues, incomprehensible language. Since they're not being developed, it seems fine to me for someone new to try to fix the rules. Protazoa has broken images on and is a good example of this. (Note: If you have the missing images, please add them!)
Very Bad Games - Candyland, but you have to print out the board first. This section might hurt feelings, but I'd rather not inflict these games upon people.
Vague ideas like "this will be something about zombies" don't fit on the site at all. They're better suited to a forum thread somewhere. I'm pretty sure only admins can delete pages, but I don't see any reason not to delete pages like this.
I don't think any of the games in the "First Year Foundations Class Constructive Pastimes, 2009" category should be in any list except their own. I think the idea behind the class is cool and I'd like to see it happen more often, but I don't remember any of them being real games.
This will definitely require some effort from the community to put into place. To start, all the current games would need to be recategorized, though a number of them are well played enough that we already know where they go.
Playtesting games will need to be played and reviewed somewhat faster than they are now. A lot of that issue is that it can be pretty hard to find out about new games in the first place (especially with spam clogging up the recent changes section of the wiki). I think having a thread here and directing designers to it would help a lot.
I'd love to hear any other ideas people have for improvements.
Ryan just recently reworked the site for some of the reasons that you stated, and some of your concerns are addressed by those categories and the new game lists. Thus I don't think that another complete redesign is necessary. I like some of those categories though, and the "Broken" category may be most obvious one to add, as the wiki already has an rough "initial" design and "playtesting" template. Are you suggesting that we use those templates to further delineate the "community games" section with those headings? That could work.
The only category that I don't like is "Very Bad Games," especially as most players will read the description to the "Candyland" type games and never bother to play them anyway. Another possible way to warn players is to take some of the "talk" comments about a game (where notes as to how the playtesting of a particular game went are) and link them into the body of a game. I'm curious about what others have to say about some of these ideas.
Perhaps we should start a list of games to discuss their status, here or at the wiki site? Zombie seems like an obvious cut, but there are games like Yshuis that are more problematic (that go into your "broken" category). The designer of that game left one of the rules truncated, making it unplayable. It doesn't seem intended though. Since Erik O. was a rather active member of the community, another attempt to track him down might solve that issue. When there doesn't seem to be a solution, or when a designer doesn't have an active presence here or on BBG, then those games could be taken down indefinitely.
My initial reaction to this proposal is: "Too many categories!" :)
I could imagine even a simple binary categorization:
Polished Games
Unpolished Games (which would basically be everything else).
If someone objects to their game being in Unpolished Games, then others who feel it should stay there can articulate why (rules are incomplete or make no sense; images are missing; it's just a sketch of an idea; whatever). Then if the game is close to polished, that will help the active designer finish it and get it recategorized. And the abandoned dead games will stay in the Unpolished bin forever.
But I don't know. :)
You might be right on that.
I just like different categories for different purposes. If you want to help someone fix a system, go to Rough Drafts. If you want to playtest a game that most likely works, hit Playtesting. If you want to rebuild a game from rusty old parts, hit Broken Games. If you want to play Candyland, can do that, too, I guess.
It might be too much, though.
Broken games are frustrating, of course. I recently tried to port over every working game from the SLICK archives to the new wiki. Two games were really frustrating, Pyramid Scheme and Gemini. Both games seem perfectly playable, but did not retain their images, and thus their start up configurations. I even downloaded the giant geocities archive to try to find it for Pyramid Scheme (it hasn't been retained by the archival people, but they might "locate" it by request). I decided to not move those games over for the same reason that it IS frustrating to have broken games on the site. Thus, it seems like a reasonable request to ask players to mark such games, at whatever rate they find them.
I'd really like to see a comprehensive list of the solid, functional games. I'm not a huge fan of the small list of "good" games now (even though mine are there). I think a bigger list that gives more options for finished games would be a better starting point for new people and just a better resource in general. I think it would also be cool to break it down by category, like showing all the abstracts in the finished games category, but I don't know if that's possible on the wiki.
As for the list, I think doing one on this forum would be best. I can't imagine anywhere else getting the same amount of traffic. I've been going through the "A" section and reformatting/copying rules from I think all the "A" games look fine, but I have no idea which of them would fit in a finished game section. Alheimur in particular looked interesting, but I don't have an Aquarius deck so I can't test it. I'm not even sure if the game still works since there were cards added to the new printing of Aquarius (I think).
I'm all fFor sorting things out. Great!! But consider that a game which is placed temporarily in "unfinished" might still be there 5 years later when a hundred people say they love the game. Different game designers have different standards of what counts as an unfinished game. There are games which the designers consider complete in every way, which aren't all that great. What I have seen happen most often is: a game designer will put something together, label it "in development" and leave it that way, sometimes abandoning the game entirely. It might be a complete game, or it might not.
This is, in part, what the ICE Awards attempt to address. About which, the year is almost up, and I need to assemble some notes about all that. la-la-laa!
Anyway, if you put a game in a category, I think it will tend to not leave that category.
Great point. I think it is safe to remove those labels on some of that "abandon ware" material. I recently went through the list, removing the one or two games that said "in development" for the past four years +, which were obviously playable by consensus (meaning that they appeared on several spaceship captain lists.
My suggestion makes the categorization of games a community decision. I completely agree that designers have different interpretations of the categories and view their own games in ways most people might not agree with. I think that's a big source of the problem that I'm hoping to address.
My goal for my suggestions (wishful thinking?) is to make it so games are all in appropriate categories. It would also hopefully make it easier for people to get games through the playtesting process and turn old clunkers that are just taking up space into real games.
Cleaning up the junk is a Good Thing. I think every entry should have (a) rules, (b) a link to rules, or (c) a description of where rules can be obtained (or could, if it's OOP). If there are no rules, there is no game. The question: should those things without rules be deleted, or should they just be moved to an "unplayable" section? They could always be moved back if we find rules later. Or they could be recreated, if you just zap them.
It's a wiki, so be bold. But let us know what you're doing and planning to do. I think this is a better place for discussion than the wiki discussion pages, based on the relative levels of activity in the two places.
Well, by popular demand, I guess Zombies should be delinked from the main list of games.
Its history page suggests that it was made as a placeholder in 10/05 and never developed further.
If an unplayable section is made, it could be moved to that then.
The question then is whether to remove its "initial development" template, which would remove it from that list when we have something to replace it with. Users don't have the ability to completely delete a page, nor am I sure that we should.
Another recommendation for chopping is Pumpkin, which has been a placeholder for a nonexistent game since 9/07.
... Actually, all of Scott von Berg's games have the same issue.
I finished going through the list, removing filler pages, and moving some games to the What Can I Play? page. I only moved 15 or so. I'm not familiar with a ton of games, so any I wasn't sure about I made an Uncategorized Games page for. You can add things to the WCIP? list if you're familiar with them and know they work, or remove them from the UG list if you know they don't work.
I ended up going with Russ's suggestion and only having the two pages mostly because it'll be too much work for me to do everything else. I still think the other categories would be good, but they're definitely not necessary and they'd be a ton of work (and game playing) to implement.
Also, here's a link so you can see the Recent Changes on the wiki set so that it doesn't include new user pages. I used to use that page all the time, but the spambots make it mostly unusable. About 95% of spam pages are new user pages, though, so this makes it functional again.
On a further unrelated note, are you working on a game? Do you want to win the ICE awards for 2011? You have less than a month to get it done and add it to the New in 2011 list!
Hey! I made a couple of games almost three years ago (Infiltrate and Stack Control) that I recently found out were pretty well received. Thanks to everyone who played them and voted for them in the 2009 Ice Awards! I disappeared from gaming a bit before all that happened so I unfortunately missed the whole thing.
I'm back now, though, and full of gaming and game designing juice. I just finished a new game (Colonization) if you're interested in checking it out. It's a space game where you fight for control of three planets. It's pretty different from my previous games since I'm sort of burned out on games without a random element. I think this one's a lot of fun, though.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to talking to other pyramid heads. I don't think there was a forum devoted to pyramids a few years ago, but maybe I just missed it. Now I have to put together a Starship Captain list, which is going to be tough...
A kid came up to buy one Xeno stash and I asked if he had the Ice Dice set and he said 'No'. i explained what I know about the Ice Dice and that stashes are like add-ons. He put the stash back and got Ice Dice.
Was I wrong? Are there things you can do with just one stash? From the packaging, it isn't clear...
BTW- playing Martian Chess at the register with my employees draws attention!
There are several games that you can play with one Xeno or Rainbow set (aka, what we used to call a treehouse set because it was what was sold with the treehouse dice): . ]
However, that said, I don't think you steered him or her wrong.There are a lot more, representational games, that one can play with the number of pyramids that come with IceDice. The problem with buying just the Xeno or Rainbow set is that it doesn't come with the storage bag and literature that make getting into pyramid games so easy to start off. I believe that they are packaged more like an upgrade set of pyramids than a stand alone. In my opinion, there will be some gamers who are served well enough by the boxed sets (I bought all of my stashes back when they were sold in the clear tubes as single sets), but many more will find IceDice more useful to start off.
There are things you can do with just one stash, but they aren't obvious unless somebody does their research on-line. The Ice Dice set is a game which also includes a guide to the system. The pyramids box is really just a box of components. So - right call, I think.
I created a my first pyramid game over the course of the past week -- and finally got to play test and tweak the rules tonight. Now the rules are online and ready for others to examine. Freeze Tag can be played by 2, 3 or 4 players with an Ice Dice set and some sort of 5x5 grid (a Volcano Board is perfect, but not necessary).
If you want to play, check out Freeze Tag.
Hope you like it!!
As one of last nights playtesters I can report - this game is AWESOME!
I have not even read the written rules, and they will need to be formatted once they are final before I will have a chance to vote on this - but I would be proud to be the first Starship Captain to say YES this belongs on the MORE GAMES list. I already put it on my Starship Captain list and can't wait to play it again.
wowie man, strong praise! I'll play it as soon as I can!
I haven't had a chance to play yet, but from reading the rules, I have one question.
When you move a large onto a medium, the medium can't be yours. But then can you put that medium piece onto one of your smalls?
Ooh.. good question. We didn't think of that. My first instinct is to say you can because it is a legal move for that other piece - but I wonder if that makes it too powerful? It would definitely make capturing a medium very appealing if you have a small that is not already on another piece.
The way we saw it work in our games last night was that you could both move the piece of someone getting close to the edge while also freezing another person's piece also near the edge. It worked well to tackle two of your opponents at the same time.
We tried this on Friday night and each game of 4 players had at one or two of these 'capture a medium and therefore force move your own small anywhere on the board' - but it didn't necessarily mean you won. It didn't seem to be too powerful. Let me know what you think if you play.
Looks interesting. I have some rules lawyery questions about the "you must use all moves if able" rule.
For all of these scenarios, assume all the pieces of your color are off the board or frozen except for Small-1, Small-2, and Large-1.
Scenario 1: Small-1 is one space away from Large-1. Die roll: Large+Small.
Question 1: Is it legal to move Small-1 onto Large-1, thus making it impossible move Large-1? Or must you move Large-1 first so that you can use both moves?
Scenario 2: Small-1 has Large-1 frozen. Die roll: Large+Small.
Question 2: Is it legal to first fail to move a large (because there are no legal moves) and then move Small-1? Or must you move Large-1 if you move Small-1?
Scenario 3: Small-1 has Large-1 frozen. Die roll: Large+Small.
Question 3: Is it legal to move Small-2, leaving Large-1 frozen and giving you no legal large moves? Or must you move Small-1 first so you can use both moves?
Great questions! Let me know if these answers all make sense.
Scenario 1: Small-1 is one space away from Large-1. Die roll: Large+Small.
Question 1: Is it legal to move Small-1 onto Large-1, thus making it impossible move Large-1? Or must you move Large-1 first so that you can use both moves?
ANSWER: It is legal to use the moves in whatever order you want. I will update the rules accordingly.
Scenario 2: Small-1 has Large-1 frozen. Die roll: Large+Small.
Question 2: Is it legal to first fail to move a large (because there are no legal moves) and then move Small-1? Or must you move Large-1 if you move Small-1?
ANSWER: If you move the Small 1 that is on top of the Large-1 and then it is possible to move the Large-1 you must move it. You can't say "I try to take my Large move first, but I can't .. then I move the small"
Scenario 3: Small-1 has Large-1 frozen. Die roll: Large+Small.
Question 3: Is it legal to move Small-2, leaving Large-1 frozen and giving you no legal large moves? Or must you move Small-1 first so you can use both moves?
ANSWER: it is legal to move Small-2 leaving Large-1 frozen. I will have to figure out how to state clearly that you need not move so as to enable your ability to use both moves, rather if your first move leaves you with the ability to then move take your second move - you must... but there is no requirement that you MUST make the move that will let you then take the 2nd move.
I am about to update one minor thing with the game... rather than having a different setup for 2 player vs 3 & 4 player, we have tried it such that each of the 2 player positions will be the same layout as a player in the 3 & 4 player versions. In the center three positions of each of two opposing sides of the board, each player will (from right to left) have a stack of two large pyramids, a stack of two medium pyramids and a stack of two small pyramids.
See the wiki for the update: Freeze Tag.
Please let me know if you find any issues with this change. It will make it easier to document and teach, with no noticeable difference in play.
Played a few two-player games of this for the first time this evening. It was elegant and fun. I like the way it makes economical use of the IceDice materials.
Glad you like it! I actually prefer the 3 and 4 player versions, but happy to know that you found the 2 player version fun.
Really neat little game. One question: if I am relocating an opponent's medium, may I place it on the same opponent's small and relocate it as well? My guess is, no, because that would not be a legal move for him, but it is not explicit in the rules that I may not do it. I am assuming that I may place his small atop any of his other pieces, or his medium atop his medium or large pieces, since those are legal moves for him..
Great question Mark! I think you are right. You can only relocate a piece in a way that would be a 'legal' move for that relocated piece.
Happy to hear you are enjoying the game.
Hey there Jeanne!
With the amount of views and plays that Freeze Tag has received, have you considered creating an IceSheet for it?
Check out this thread :
Looks like the process is almost complete. Perhaps just use this thread to finalize the details.
Good idea! I still haven't gotten around to playing a solid game of fFreeze Tag myself (So many games to try out!!), and it's now getting embarrassing, since this game has been out fFor almost a year now!! So, Rink (should I call you Rink, or do you prefer Jeanne?), if you need help with an IceSheet, I may be available with the technical end of it, when it comes to the actual Illustrator/InDesign part of the process. If you need.
Why look what I have right here? It is an IceSheet for Freeze Tag!
Where else am I meant to upload it? Over on this page somehow?
Also.. how do I change that IceHouseGames page to say the game is complete?
(And Scott, I happily respond to either Rink or Jeanne)
Why look at that!!!
I guess we should take the next step and see if it can be included in the next Primer and listed as an official game - Kristin and Andy are in charge of that! Then Dallan will update the IceSheet Initiative thread. Soon there may be Starship Captains all over the country playing Freeze Tag! (if they aren't already.)
As for the IcehouseGames page here is info from Dallan...
I just wanted to let everyone here know that I added a new wiki page on to help us have a central location for tracking all of the games that we are trying to get to the stage of finally becoming an IceSheet. The wiki was an idea that Kristin suggested during the Google+ Hangout. Go check out my start and give feedback on ideas on how we can make it better. Thanks!
Here's the link:
Thanks so much for creating this game and can't wait to play it and add it to my Starship Captains list!
There is no "complete" tag on, so you just have to remove the "Under Development" tag. I went ahead and did that. I also added a link to the game's page on BoardGameGeek.
Under "Other Rules," the 6th bullet point uses the word "loose" which should be "lose".
Hi! I use to kind of help shepherd folks at the wiki; some quick pointers:
Looking good, otherwise! I'll try to get up a playtest or two, for meaningful feedback other than wiki stuff. :)
* (Boy, I wish we'd wrap this terminology question up!)
We are not going to begin ANY discussion of what goes into the next Primer for a while... the question on the table now is: do we have enough Starship Captains that are saying the IceSheet for Freeze Tag should be included on the MORE GAMES page? How/where does that voting happen?
Starship Captain Kristin casts her vote and says YES - but I won't always know the designer as well as I know Rink, and I won't always have played the game myself... so as a process, I can't just go on my own desire to include the game. Once 10 Starship Captains have said YES, then I will add it to the MORE GAME page!
I vote YES
I also vote yes!
Adding to my have to play list. :)
Hey Freeze Tag fans! In case you didn't see, Freeze tag has made it into the final round for the IceAwards.
More info here:
Thanks to everyone on this thread for their help, questions, and feedback.
When you roll an atom, can you choose something that's in someone else's vault?
Like, if I roll atom and Large and there is a large red in the bank but I want a large yellow and the only large yellow is in a vault-can I steal it? Or do I have to take whatever large is left in the bank?
You may choose any of your available options without regard to what will happen when you choose it. Note that if you roll an atom, you are not allowed to select a color already on your Counter. So it would be valid to select yellow in the scenario you present, as long as you don't already have a yellow.
We're still having debate about this. Say I roll Red and choice of small/large. And say there is a small and a large red in the vault and my opponent has a small red. I say I can steal his small red.
"If your roll gives you options, it’s OK to make a choice that will require stealing even if the Bank contains the other pyramids you could choose."
Am i wrong?
If there is a small and large red in the Bank, and you roll Red and choice of small/large - then you must take one from the bank, even if your opponent also has a small red. Because whichever piece you decide to take (small or large red) either one of them is available in the bank.
If there is a large red in the bank, but no small red in the bank, and you roll Red and choice of small/large - then you can decide you want the small red and take it from your opponent, even though you could have said it was a large and taken it from the bank.
What if what I roll is neither in the bank nor my opponent's vault because I have both of them?
Nothing happens and you can roll again.
That's what I figured.
Sorry, I don't have any other stashes to trade.
So - what do you have to trade?
You can buy monochromatic stashes here
I bought a stash in every color from LL last year when they had their sale, but they didn't have Blue.
So I ordered it from this site. Kristin L was actually the one who pointed me to it :)
Thank you, Brian, for jumping in and posting this link for me!
I've actually taken ccare of my need; I bought a couple of Xeno Pyramid boxes to get the clears I need. Thanks for the suggestion, however!
Does anyone know if something has happened to this vendor Superdairyboy? I ordered a copy of PwP from him about a month ago. I got an email saying he had sent it, and then when it failed to arrive after ten days or so (est. delivery in under five), I started emailing and calling. He hasn't responded to any of my attempts at communication, and I'm nearly at the point of trying to get my credit charge reversed.
If you have no prior experience with editing wiki pages (e.g. at wikipedia), then you'll need to invest a little time reading (e.g. ) and experimenting and practicing. Note that you can provisionally edit pages and preview them to see what the result will look like. And you can edit an existing game's page to see its source code and use that as a basis for creating a new page for a new game. And old versions of pages are kept in history, so in the worst case, a page can always be reverted back, so don't be afraid of permanently ruining something. :)
Hope that helps.
One tip I'd give is to "view [the] source" of existing games, especially well edited ones. This is especially important if you are a hands on learner. You can use them as a template for your page. Most games have rules, an info box on the right-hand side, and tags (so that games can be easily found by players with different resources).
Granted I know html fairly well, but I've never edited wikis before contributing to the icehouse wiki. I learned a lot from looking at the work of others on the wiki.
Also, if you are uploading pictures (and with those cool boards, why wouldn't you), remember that you can find the "upload file" link on the right-hand side. Simply paste the url into the source of your game.
Don't worry if you get something wrong. I'm sure someone will eventually clean up the odd error or two.
Hiya Lucy!
You can certainly send it my way, and I would be delighted to assist in any way I can.
My email address is in the image attached. Because images are harder fFor spam-bots to understand. Send me a direct message if you need to.
We'll get this whole thing solved. =)
Notice my address is like 4 words: I Am The Cheeze. Cheeze is like Cheese, but with a Z.
It is also the worst email address ever.
So, my initial reaction was: uh, what's Q-Turn?
A characterization of Q-Turn and a link to some Q-Turn resource on the web are desiderata for the wiki article, I think.
I've done a bit of reformatting of the page to make it easier to pick out sections, and have added in a Q-Turn link.
One rules query - if a stack is tipped over, and one of the target tiles is occupied, what happens? Does the active player decide stack order, does the falling pyramid skip over that tile or push the target pyramid away...?
the active player decides stack order.
I have added the rules to another of my games
Tell me what you think and edit as required
I've got my Computer buff, lewis pollard with me. i've had him working madly adding my games to the wiki. here's the next one.
I've added all my games to the master list, but i can't work out how to add them to the community games list.
The version for 4+ players
I'll add 'em.
I played it tonight (2 players), and it was fun enough. It felt like a tinier combination of Volcano and Pharaoh.
Two issues that could be clearer in the rules:
1) Victory conditions! I was able to infer these from the remarks on 2-player games, i.e. to win a player must completely assemble the pyramids of that player's color into monochrome trees on edge squares. But the rules would benefit from a categorical statement more prominently placed.
2) Restriction of stacked pyramids. I assumed (since it wasn't otherwise stated) that only the top pyramid of a stack was available for movement, and that pyramids could only move onto the top of stacks. But again, it would help to make this explicit -- especially if you intend something else.
We didn't play with the standard colors indicated in the rules; it was red and pink against blue and purple. At setup:
And then at early midgame:
(If you like these pictures, I'll be happy to upload them to the wiki.)
I've added those bits now. I'd love to have those pictures, thanks.
I put the pictures in the wiki article. Let me know if you want them tweaked at all (size, position, whatever).
My two Vankor games can be played without stacking pyramids. Please can someone add them to the non-stacking list?
I've worked it out. missing hyphen.
Hiya Lucy!
I'm not sure I understand the question, actually. Chess wedges, if I understand what you mean correctly, are simply quarters of chessboards which happen to be stretched a bit. They are normal 4x4 grid sections, which happen to have non-parallel edges.
Therefore, you would setup the pieces in the normal way, on this board.
Unless I misunderstand the question.
I just posted an Icesheet fFor Pikemen over on the Starship Captains fForum, and I inlcuded the wedge-board layouts.
I wasn't originally going to include those layouts in the IceSheet, but was prompted to do so by this very conversation. Jacob Davenport and I went back and fForth on that point a little bit, and in the end I simply decided to include them, because there is clearly some interest in that. So, there it is.
Go have a look, and let me know what you think over there.
I agree 100% with your assessment, though now I'm going to have to try out the 3-player retro-generalized version... for science.
I'm sure the answer, as Russ said back in October, is simply to use the usual four-player setup in the external corner of each wedge. This turns out to be identical with the setup for Martian Chess, and it should work for three, four, five, or six players using wedge boards that share a central vertex.
I think the chessboard wedges are awesome, and I just recently designed a new game that incorporates them in a sort of Martian Coasters manner into what is almost conventional chess.
I recently found some awesome game boards made by a company called Adrenaline Brush. They are traditional board games converted to artistic designs. I bought three boards, and I have so far invented 4 Games for them, and I still have one in development. I'll be putting the rules for them online soon.
The ones I got are called: Squares, Petteia 2 and Nine.
Have a look at them yourself.
Oooo... those are nice really! I'd love to see what you've come up with. I love how the abstract and amorphous aspects blend with the rigidity of board mechanics.
Here's a little something I used to make custom boards (as I'm working on a little project of my own that may or may not see the light of day).
Or you use a simple system to generate a unique password algorithmically for each site based on some non-obvious transformation of the domain name (and optionally on your user name there)! E.g. a very simple such scheme might give: : password = ojSomeSalt4oh : password = hpSomeSalt6hp : password = cpSomeSalt13bs
Or you use a more complex javascript system to generate a unique and cryptographically secure password for each site based on some cryptographically secure transformation like MD5 (or iterated MD5) of the domain name and a single good password you remember for all sites, as done (e.g.) by , where the script runs securely only on your local browser but is also easily re-installable (or runnable without installing) if your browser somehow loses it or your computer crashes or you're using a different computer.
Thought this was an interesting find. I know it's not 100% official, but interesting nonetheless. You can see the pyramid awesomeness around 1:00. Makes me think of a Looney based Martian Chess world...
Hello All,
I've finally gotten enough extra pyramids together to be able to create a set of weighted pieces with which to play and teach Icehouse. And more importantly I've actually found people excited about learning this amazing game and the elegance of it. So my question would be, what's the best way to go about getting a decent weight in the pyramids and what's the best way to fill them in so they're not light as a feather, and the game is Icehouse rather than a chain reaction of crashes. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks -Josh
I did lizard aquarium sand and then capped them with hot glue. Worked out ok. The hot glue gives defenders a nice grippy bottom.
great as usual :)
thanks, jan
There is one idea for game mechancs:
All players start with 3 cards in their hands. Instead of a move can player add one new card to his/her hand.
More cards s/he has in the hand, easier s/he forms a „group“ of states.
I prefer this new way of starting the game:
I prefer if you try the new version of rules that changes the mechanics of the game a bit as is based on cards instead of dice :)
these rules are 100% also with classical WW5 boards and i hope all of us have pyramids to play it so there is no need to shop anything.
Hey guys. I am just looking for some feedback on this game so I can stick a fork in it. If you have any questions, please hit me up.
Wyatt Hensley
I will be taking a company trip here in a few weeks and really would like to take my pyramids. Has anyone had any issues with taking them on a carry-on? I have a few people who would like to play a few games during our eight hour flight, and where we are staying.
So, if anyone has had any issues, please advise me on how to avoid adverse situations with me potentiall losing my beloved pyramids.
The easy solution would be to put them in a regular non-carry-on bag, but I do not want to risk the chance of losing them... Too many bad situations have come up where bags get lost...
Wyatt Hensley
Please don't let Andy jinx me.... Please don't let Andy jinx me... ;-) I hope to spread the word of Looney Pyramids while in Cancun Mexico. Whooot! That and exercise large groups of Are You a Werewolf?. Fifteen plus people will make it quite interesting.
Hey Lucy,
That is a great idea! I can foresee many specialized boards being made form this. Hmmm... I like the extra bits that come with it too. These could be glued in special spots for games that require certain areas to be marked off... The creativity wheels are churning...
I've also found this roll-up chessboard that comes with a bag.
I wish I could settle with a roll-up chess board. I really wanted to acquire a Loone Labs chess-board bandana... but was onto the bandwagon far too late to get one. I ended up going to Walmart getting a potato, purchasing one of their small squares of cloth (just big enough for a chess board), and some Rit-dye (sp?). In the end, I came out with two toally awesome and unique boards that have been the envy of some of my gaming friends. Ending price was around $5 or less per board.
For people who might want to make their own bandanas... is a great US based site that prints custom patterns on cloth. I don't know if they ship to the UK, but maybe there's an equivalent?
Thanks for posting this! I've used movement trays in Warhammer, but never thought about using them for pyramids. I find the squares a little on the small side to comfortably play on boards larger than 3x3, but I made a bunch of 2x2 sections that I really like. I'm not that informed about piecepack, but I'd assume the 2x2's would also work in at least some games using that.
You can make ten 2x2 tiles from one $10 (US) pack. It does take a fair bit of work, though. I used a modeling saw, an exacto knife, Apoxie Sculpt (like green stuff, but it comes in big tubs), plastic cement, and paint. I still have a complete 8x8 sheet and a few other sections left after using all the edges. I'm sure that can be used for something, too.
I used the 8x8 sheet to make a martian chessboard, by spraying it white then filling in the chessboard squares in four colours. It came out rather well, and the four colours help people used to normal chess get the idea of separated sections.
I do hope to not sound redundant if this question or topic has been brought up already, so please forgive me if it has.
Seeing that the opportunity to produce product quicker and at a lessened labor dollar per piece is being make use of, it seems as though there is an even more present opportunity to improve upon the remarkable Icehouse (Looney Pyramid) game system. One thing that I have found myself constantly saying aloud is that there should be an opaque color for each of the transparent colors. Off the cuff, I can see the potential for many more games to come out of the woodwork to utilize opaque’s within the same color spectrums that are already present. The easiest to foresee would be games much around the realm of Black ICE, Solace I + II, or even a more in-depth form of Stratego with more abstract elements utilizing an Aquarius dec, or even a deeper poker-esque game that uses the opaque’s to hide point values or trumped Pawns and Drones underneath Queens.
Are there any plans for this in the upcoming future? Thanks!
There might be more outside of the scope of your and my understanding. I mean to say, Andy started with only four colors and look where he is now with almost 400 games behind their Icehouse game system. Some of us never had the opportunity to acquire grey stashes. I would literally trade some of my rather expensive worldly possessions for a grey stash.
I for one like Black ICE and Solace 1+2 and would like to see more games that utilize the hiding of pieces like setting a trap for another player, trying to get three in a row (all while pieces are hidden), etc.
If opaque versions existed of the Rainbow colors, say, there would be a potential for lots of things to do with them. I and many other pyramid fans would probably snap them up right away.
But I am certain that there are no plans for such a thing, nor the potential for such a thing for a long time.
You could always paint the existing pyramids to make them opaque!
I so see what you mean. It is easier to sell twelve or thirteen different color sets, but trying to also coerce these same people (not including us ICE-heads) to purchase twelve or thirteen more would seem a daunting task.
Grays first, then the world! Mwahaha.... sorry. I too am longing to see some grays make it back into the mix. Grays would at least tide me over on the hunger for more colors... ;-)
There is a way to get some opaque sets if you want to spend some cash. I just saw this while searching the internet for a grey stash.
they can make lots of opaque sets
I must say those are expensive as well as a patent infringement on patent us006352262 which i have linked to
I skimmed that patent you referenced. There is no mention of exact size and shape of pyramid pieces. That patent seems to refer to game play which the website selling the pyramids does even mention game play or any rules to a game what so ever. The patient does not seem to be patenting the pyramid shape of the pieces but the free form game play itself.
BTW: I don't know patent law but can you really patent such a basic geometrical shape as a hollow pyramid?
I have just put a new Looney pyramid game called Chain Reaction up on the icehouse games wiki site. You can find it here:
The chain reaction of the title is supposed to be the chemical one. Pyramids play the part of particles fired into a matrix of atoms. Atoms with too many particles decay and eject particles into adjacent cells, which may then also decay, causing the chain reaction in the game name. Your actions are used to direct the chain reaction to enable you to collect particles in 'black holes' (yeah, yeah, the science is no more than indicative).
It uses a volcano board, and although the mechanics are quite different, it does seem to have ended up with a very volcano-like feel. This includes some of volcano's less than positive features like the possibility for AP and down time when there are lots of players, and how well you do being in some part dependent on how good the player on your right is. This is a little disappointing - I certainly did not set out to create a game with that feel, but it is how it seems to have ended up.
Its state is officially 'in playtest/review'. It means it is a working game, but could do with more testing and feedback, especially independent feedback. So if you have a lot of stashes, and like to try new games, please try it and let me know what you think. Any feedback would be welcome. I will eventually put an entry up on boardgameeek if the game seems to deserve it. I have also set up a feedback thread there (and got none, thus far !).
I saw the BGG thread. You didn't put as much detail there as you did here. The detail piqued my interest. You might consider adding the detail over there.
IceDice was scheduled to go on sale next week... What happened?
Short answer: The product has been stuck in Hong Kong having failed European safety testing. The testing agency at first said they passed, and then decided they failed, so they are paying to repackage all the product to remove the CE and UK Import markings that were printed on the packaging. We will be releasing IceDice and Looney Pyramids to our US market with a new street date of September 30th, 2011.
The long answer: Our Looney Pyramids Safety Testing Story
Once again, we are very sorry we missed the street date!
I was thinking of posting this to a BGG forum, to broaden the call for advice, but I guess it would be better coming from you.
This is just dumb - there's got to be a mistake somewhere, there are far more 'dangerous' products that small children can buy here in the UK. Hell, LEGO has smaller parts & some specialised pieces are pointier than the 'mids. That's *made* in Denmark.
I can't see how they failed safety testing, perhaps it's worth getting a second opinion?
I have also written to my MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) asking them to look into the matter.
do the same at :
Response from my MEP is this:
Dear Ms Bracegirdle
Thank you for your email regarding the Looney Pyramid game made by Looney Labs.
As I am sure you aware Looney Labs agree that the product could be dangerous and they have now decided to only sell the game in the USA to over 14s and for the packaging to be labelled ‘this is not a toy for children’.
Under EU law toys are defined as: "products designed or intended, whether or not exclusively, for use in play by children under 14 years of age". Therefore products that are clearly not designed or intended for under 14s to play with will not be covered by the Toy Safety Directive and its underlying standards. However, as the product in question was originally sold to children and the fact that it could appear to be a toy that is likely to end up being played with by children, could lead it to be covered regardless of the labelling attached. This is an important point in the law, because previously many companies tried to sell dangerous products aimed at children, and circumvent the ban on such products by simply labelling them as for over 14 year olds.
You mention that you have played with children with the product, but as noted by the company the danger is not in them being played with as much as being left around by children and then someone falling on them. This standard ensures that nothing children can be left to play with could be an impaling hazard.
In light of the above the law is clearly designed to prevent a risk the company themselves acknowledge and therefore agree they should not be used as toys. If the company wishes to sell their product in Europe they would need to demonstrate that the product clearly would not be sold intended for children to play with.
Yours sincerely
Arlene McCarthy
Member of the European Parliament
"If the company wishes to sell their product in Europe they would need to demonstrate that the product clearly would not be sold intended for children to play with."
Well that is circular, because the product is specifically not for "children to play with."
What they seem to be using against LL is simply the fact that the age requirements used to be different. Just because something may be age restricted differently, doesn't mean that the intended age was ever under fourteen. The majority of pyramid games, including the games created by Andy Looney, are not aimed at children, as far as I can see.
This is really annoying!! I have updated all my articles that mention playing with pyramids with children (my son is 6 now and has been playing with them since he was 1!) with a link to the safety testing story and encouraging people to be cautious and supervise well. I also updated references to what quantities of pyramids are available for purchase. Please let me know if anything is failing to cover your legal needs.
Apparantly the EU has decided that 13-year-olds can't safely handle balloons:
Is there any date on the horizon for an EU launch of IceDice/Treehouse? I've several local game stores who would happily stock it as soon as it's available...
Sorry, no date on the horizon. That said, I did have excellent conversations with my printer a few days ago (while at Toy Fair) about HOW we are going to approach this question...
It won't happen soon - but I have faith that at some point our pyramids will be for sale again in the UK. Let's all hope that I am right about this!
Fingers crossed!
A follow-up question (and I appreciate this might not be answerable, or at least not simply) - if I'm looking to promote IceDice over here, and bought sets myself to give away as competition prizes, would that be legit?You're not able to sell them, but can they be distributed (to over 14s) without charging?
I don't suppose there has been any progress on this?
I still enjoy playing with my Treehouse set and Martian Coasters that I was lucky enough to buy at our local games shop (in Newcastle, UK) years ago, and it would be good to expand my collection so I can play some of the other games.
I know I could buy from the US but postage is fairly high and I'd have to face import taxes.
I have a few friends here who would probably want sets as well.
Hi Duncan,
Unfortunately this has not changed yet. We are discussing a new pyramid product for 2016 and we will do our very best to make sure that it passes safety testing - but for right now there are no changes.
BoardGameGeek only uses dummy votes when computing the rankings. The "Avg. Rating" displayed on the game page is a raw average. You can sort the pyramid games by avg rating on the Looney Pyramids family page.
Why is it important to have a dedicated site?
First of all, if you have no idea what the SSCL is, please check out these older editions:
December 2010 and January 2011
This time, over 130 Starship Captain lists have been compiled into this SSCL, helped in large part by the Electric Yellow Recruitment Drive. Here are the rankings now:
1) Volcano >> listed 117 times >> rated 3.49
2) Zendo >> listed 97 times >> rated 3.97
3) Homeworlds >> listed 87 times >> rated 4.23
4) Zark City >> listed 47 times >> rated 5.49
5) Icehouse >> listed 46 times >> rated 5.565
6) Martian Chess >> listed 97 times >> rated 5.567
7) IceTowers >> listed 68 times >> rated 6.16
8) Martian Coasters >> listed 83 times >> rated 6.41
9) Treehouse >> listed 93 times >> rated 6.72
10) World War 5 >> listed 70 times >> rated 6.91
Wow! Icehouse and Martian Chess were nearly tied. I had to expand to the fourth significant digit to call the winner.
Also, the biggest mover in this update is IceTowers, whose rating improved by almost two whole points. Similarly, Treehouse climbed up from last place with a +1.74 rating improvement. World War 5 took the heaviest beating, dropping from 7th place to the bottom.
In other news, Zendo overtook Homeworlds for second place. Pharaoh dropped off the list to be replaced by classic Icehouse.
The Loners: 47% of games that appear at least once on anybody's List appear on only one list. Thankfully Dectana and Mundialito are no longer among them, as each received a second listing! Yay!
That's a tall order, Kristin! There were 139 games listed at least once, even back in June.
Volcano | 122 |
Martian Chess | 102 |
Zendo | 101 |
Treehouse | 98 |
Homeworlds | 91 |
Martian Coasters | 84 |
World War 5 | 73 |
IceTowers | 71 |
Icehouse | 50 |
Zark City | 50 |
RAMbots | 42 |
Pharaoh | 40 |
Pikemen | 37 |
Twin Win | 36 |
Black ICE | 31 |
Gnostica | 31 |
Tic Tac Doh | 23 |
IceDice | 22 |
Cracked Ice | 21 |
Martian Backgammon | 17 |
Zarcana | 17 |
Alien City | 16 |
Thin Ice | 16 |
Blam | 14 |
Nothing Beats a Large | 14 |
Branches Twigs Thorns | 13 |
Quicksand | 11 |
Launchpad 23 | 9 |
Penguin Soccer | 9 |
Armada | 8 |
Pylon | 8 |
Drip | 7 |
Synapse-ice | 7 |
Time Lock | 7 |
Crosswalk | 6 |
Petri Dish | 6 |
Subdivision | 6 |
Hextris | 5 |
Moon Shot | 5 |
Torpedo | 5 |
Zagami | 5 |
Blockade | 4 |
Flags | 4 |
Logger | 4 |
Petal Battle | 4 |
Zamboni Wars | 4 |
3-High | 3 |
Ambush | 3 |
Amoeba | 3 |
Apophis | 3 |
IceSickle | 3 |
Infiltrate | 3 |
Mandala | 3 |
Martian Mud Wrestling | 3 |
Powerhouse | 3 |
Pyramideto | 3 |
Quintazone | 3 |
Rotationary | 3 |
Stack Control | 3 |
Trice | 3 |
Crystal Caverns | 2 |
Dectana | 2 |
Dog Eat Dog | 2 |
Ice Dao | 2 |
Igloo | 2 |
Martian 12s | 2 |
Martian Race | 2 |
Mundialito | 2 |
Pentamid | 2 |
Sandships | 2 |
Skurdir | 2 |
Solace I & II | 2 |
Sprawl | 2 |
Undercut | 2 |
Atom Smasher | 1 |
Automaton | 1 |
Battle Zone | 1 |
Bears Foxes Hares | 1 |
Blammo | 1 |
Boundary | 1 |
Capture the Flag | 1 |
Chicken Run | 1 |
Continuum | 1 |
Cooler | 1 |
Crystal Wars | 1 |
Drag Race | 1 |
Edges | 1 |
Elephants Lions Mice | 1 |
European War | 1 |
Evan Ice | 1 |
Extinction | 1 |
GRYB | 1 |
Hubble | 1 |
Ice Age | 1 |
Ice Palace | 1 |
Ice Pirates | 1 |
Ice Solo | 1 |
IceGolf | 1 |
Icehouse Arena | 1 |
Icehouse Plant Game | 1 |
Imperial Shuffle | 1 |
Keepers & Creepers | 1 |
Knights and Trolls | 1 |
Landing Zone | 1 |
Leaning Towers | 1 |
Mammoth | 1 |
Martian Canals | 1 |
Martian Coaster Charuranga | 1 |
Martian Match-Up | 1 |
Martian Pachisi | 1 |
Martian Rails | 1 |
Martian Shogi | 1 |
Martian Shuffleboard | 1 |
Martian Tic Tac Toe | 1 |
Martian Trickery | 1 |
Martianopoly | 1 |
Missile Command | 1 |
Moscow Ice | 1 |
Origami | 1 |
Pass the Pyramids | 1 |
Plutonian Poker | 1 |
Prototype 3124 | 1 |
Push-Pull | 1 |
Quinto | 1 |
RGB | 1 |
Share and Share Alike | 1 |
Sorceror's Apprentice | 1 |
Spicklehead | 1 |
Stacktors | 1 |
Star Runners | 1 |
Take It or Leave It | 1 |
Tic Tac Loop | 1 |
Tippy / Tilt | 1 |
Toframenn | 1 |
Tree-Halma | 1 |
Tresurion | 1 |
Turning Points | 1 |
Virus Fight | 1 |
Ziggurat Demolition Throwdown | 1 |
Thank you! What a beautiful power law example. (I'm dreaming of getting time off from other responsibilities to get together a marathon gaming session to play all but one of these.)
Some of those 1 counts should also be added to the More Games page. Keepers and Creepers, for example, isn't on my Captain's List, but I play it more often than any other Icehouse game lately. On the More Games page, it and similar games could support more parents and their gamerlings.
Thanks Ryan! This is an awesome list of games!
If anyone wants to help format up your favorite games - look for templates on the MORE GAMES page - Scott made an InDesign template so we have Illustrator, InDesign, and PDF template options now.
Did anyone else notice that the reds in this last batch are almost between a pink and a red?
I see the pictured ones as Red-Pink-Lavender...
It is different enough for me that I treat it like another color in my collection, but I'm guessing most people just treat it as "red".
My wife and I played a game of Launchpad 23 last night. Basically, it just seemed like a race to get right part on the dice. Whenever a piece we wanted popped up in the factory, it was moved two spaces to our launchpad (cause we always had two moves). Am I missing something?
Maybe we weren't mean enough and should have placed the bad size pyramids on each other's launchpad?
The auto-sort stack is only for visual convenience, right? You can take any part out of the stack?
Thanks in advance. Admittedly, it was a little late when we played. ;)
Whenever I can't make a move to help myself, I make a move to hurt my opponent(s). I think you have to do both.
The auto-sort is only for convenience, yes.
I don't see why not let the factory pile keep growing.
But like Jeff, when I roll a piece I can't use, I move it into one of my opponents' pads :)
Maybe something slightly generic to be used in Twin-win and Launchpad 23 and other similar games?
I like Jeff's idea.
As someone who just had to re-purchase a lot of pyramid equipment because of losing the carrying case they had been in, I was extremely glad that I was able to get a Black Coaster. (I could not replace my gray pyramids, unfortunately. :-( ) In sympathy with future purchasers of Martian Coasters, I recommend that you do place the Black Coasters in them. Please!
I do look forward to getting a nice coaster-type board for Launchpad 23, though.
One that would fit nicely in the bottom of the IceDice bag. That would be cool.
I was actually considering getting the board re-printed onto a heat-proof ceramic coaster for use in demos. Various digital photo sites offer this relatively inexpensively. It would work out slightly too big for the bag, but would actually stand-up to the wear.
An actual Looney coaster though would be much, much better.
I can get something less hard-wearing instead,but I'll have to much about with sizes. I'll see how it goes.
People sometimes discuss whether a game that uses the Looney pyramids is a true pyramid game, that is whether it can only be played with the pyramids. My take on the issue is that it is not a true-false question, but one of degrees: a game can be more or less pyramidic, depending on how many of the pieces' attributes it uses.
To make this more concrete, I listed the attributes that the pyramid pieces have, that can be used in a game:
I went through the games mentioned in the Looney Pyramids pamphlet to see how many of the pyramids' attributes are significant in each one. I may not remember all the rules exactly (I have lost my copies of Playing with Pyramids and 3House), but here are the results:
Treehouse 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 3
Pharaoh 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2
IceDice 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Launchpad 23 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 3
Martian Coasters 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 4
Martian Chess 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2
Zark City 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 3
World War 5 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 4
Black ICE 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 4
Homeworlds 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 4
Icehouse 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 4
IceTowers 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 4
Volcano 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 3
Martian Poker 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Zendo 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
RAMBots 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 4
So, instead of saying whether a game is or is not a "true" pyramid game, we could use a measure of its pyramidicity. Some discussion points:
It is interesting to try formalizing the notion of "how pyramidy" a pyramid game is. :)
One attribute missing from the list is "location" (in the sense of position on a grid or some such). Perhaps this is too fundamental/obvious/trivial (since the concept exists in almost every pyramid game), but at least in principle I can imagine games where the location of the pyramid has no meaning (other than presence or absence in the game state). E.g. playing a Nim-like game with pyramids. Or ownership games, where we simply give pyramids back and forth to each other according to some rules.
Some similar discussion recently happened here and might be of interest:
One attribute missing from the list is "location" (in the sense of position on a grid or some such).
I was trying to isolate the different attributes of the pyramids themselves, and I wouldn't consider location as one of them, per se; any game that uses physical pieces can use or not use the location of the pieces as part of the game. Game designers can consider the use of location, or lack of it, as part of the design process, of course.
Nice to see a formalization of something I only had an intuitive sense of. My game Pylon is P3: CO, Sz, St. But, you just gave me an idea: a couple people have complained that it often leads to draws, so how about counting total pips in your stacks as a tie-breaker? This doesn't eliminate draws, but it might reduce them enough. And that would make Pylon P4.
I'm not sure what you mean by shape, since all pyramids are pyramid-shaped.
Orientation, perhaps? That's something that's used by Homeworlds and Pikemen, but not Volcano. Of the orientations, Bryan leaves out "weird," which is important in at least one game. I would also split "pointing" into its own property, since two pieces can be oriented exactly the same and yet be distinguished by pointingness.
I would agree with Bryan that stacking is an important part of many pyramid games, but it's obviously not an integral property since the original pyramids couldn't be stacked.
Good question. I had thought about Thin Ice, and while size matters there (the bigger pieces being heavier), I probably wouldn't count "pileability", since you could pile any sort of piece.
But I had not thought about Spicklehead. After looking up the rules (*ouch!*), I agree that Acuteness probably should be added to the list of attributes, because playing that game with disks having pictures of the pyramids just doesn't have the same effect.
I think Antoine would be combining Orientation and Stacking under Shape.
I would also split "pointing" into its own property, since two pieces can be oriented exactly the same and yet be distinguished by pointingness.
At first I was baffled by this. Now I think you are referring to Homeworlds, where two different pieces might be pointing northwest, yet aiming at different stars. Is that correct? To me that fits just fine under Orientation, which could include both absolute and relative orientation.
The attributes I listed above could be used in more than one way, and I didn't mean to have a separate category for each usage. I went back and forth on splitting "Color", and now I wouldn't split it (too bad we cannot edit old posts like we can on BGG). Instead I might put a "2" for RAMBots' use of color, since it uses it for player identification and the effects of the rays.
Look at a icehouse pyramid and you will see only 3 attributes : shape, color and size.
I also see pips :-).
You are approaching this with a purist attitude I do not see in the Looneys themselves, Antoine. Treehouse and Martian Chess do not use color -- in fact, Pink Treehouse gave everyone the same color pieces. Pharaoh, IceDice, Martian Chess and Zark City do not use any aspect of shape. Martian Coasters and World War 5 use standard dice, Martian Chess uses a chessboard, and Zark City uses a standard deck of cards. Yet the Looneys do not give any indication that they consider these games impure, fake, or less valid pyramid games.
Well there is some clarifications to make. The pip of a pyramid is the size. Of course they are all pyramids, but when i'm talking about using the shape, i'm referring to the 3 parts of the shape: nest,tree and faces ( so we can use that for orientation). The icehouse pyramid, like it was created,are able to stand up,down, nested, get the form of a tree, be identified by the color and the size(pip). In my own view of it, a game must use all the properties of a pyramid to be call a icehouse game. So if we use that definition, Martian chess is not a pure icehouse game because colors are not used, pikemen is not a pure icehouse game because nest and\or tree are not used, but Volcano is a pure icehouse game because the shape ( nest and tree are used), also the colors and the size(pip) are running in the game.Homeworld is a pure icehouse game because all 3 attributs are used. Here we are trying to identified what is a icehouse game and what is not a icehouse game. I think the material ( pyramids) must be used like it was created, with all their attributs, to make a icehouse game work. Don't forget that Andy Looney is running a business and, because of that, he have the right to create pyramid games who are not entirely using the attributs of the material (pyramid). But it is not the same for others like us. We are not the creators of the icehouse system and so, we must use that system like it was created at the origin. Again i'm not the one who start the story here but Mr.Myers.I'm just telling you what is a pure icehouse game for me. My definition of it is simple, clear, with no room for interpretation.
I don't mind your definition for your own use, but I am not aware of anyone else who uses it, including Andy and Kristin.
For practical matters -- namely the ICE awards competition -- we are not using that strict of a definition. I was one of the judges and organizers last year, and not once did anyone object about a game's using standard equipment like dice, chessboards or cards, nor for failing to use "all 3 attributes". This includes Kristin, to whom I taught one or more of the finalist games. Last year's winner, Quicksand, uses size and color, but not shape as you define it.
Your participation in evaluating and voting for the candidate games is welcome, Antoine, but if you do I ask that you not vote against games for not meeting your strict definition.
First off, the preferred names are now "Looney Pyramids" for the pieces, and "pyramid games" for the games using them.
What are Looney Pyramids?
The pyramids are not so much a game, as a game system - like a deck of playing cards, a set of components that can be used to play all sorts of different games. And here at Looney Labs we have been making and playing pyramid games for almost 25 years!
Traditionally, they are known as Icehouse pieces, since Icehouse was the first pyramid game that launched the system in 1986. Some people call them Treehouse pieces, after the starter game we have sold for many years. Many refer to them by whatever game they themselves learned first. But the official name is Looney Pyramids, named for their inventor, Andrew Looney.
[From, emphasis added.]
As far as I know, the only definition of "pyramid game" is "a game that uses Looney Pyramids as components", with no further attempt to specify what aspects of the pyramids must be present in the rules. Depending on how you approach it, that's either frustrating or liberating.
As far as a definition of an acceptible definition for the awards, let's move that discussion over to that thread.
I have a couple comments on this.
1. I'm not sure that color for ownership contributes to pyramidicity of a game. Color, yes. For instance, look at Black ICE. I don't consider it any less pyramidular because the colors don't denote ownership.
2. I wouldn't say that Zendo makes use of opacity at all. "Standard" Zendo is played with four transparent colors. Even if you did play with an opaque color, the opacity of a piece doesn't really hide any information since the students are allowed to inquire of the master about any that 'mid might be hiding.
3. In response to Mr. Williams, I would say that Martian Chess just barely counts as a pyramid game. The score of 2 it gets is even a bit charitable since the points come from counting size and pip count separately. You could just as easily play Martian Chess with pennies, nickles and quarters (remembering that they are worth 1, 2 and 3 points, respectively). Was it a mistake to publish it in PwP or the 3House booklet? Not really. It's not unIpyramidy -- it's just doesn't ooze pyramiditude.
4. I almost want to separate "pointing ability" from orientation in general. Can you think of any games where orientations other than pointing in a particular direction or at something is important. e.g. Should Zendo get an extra point because it has "pointing at" relationships and orientations such as "weird"?
Those might be "orientation" rather than "pointing", but indeed it may be a question semantics and definition.
I would say that in Pikemen, a pyramid isn't necessarily pointing AT anything else, it's just facing in some direction (in which it can then move). I'd probably call that "orientation" (as I understood that term being used in this thread.)
In contrast, "pointing" suggests (to me) some target you're pointing at. I don't know if there exists a game that does this, but imagine a game where you declare "Pyramid X is pointing at Pyramid Y", and then if Y moves, X would be moved to keep pointing at its target Y.
Meanwhile in Pikemen, I might orient a pyramid north with the intent of aiming to attack some specific target piece, but for various reasons it might no longer be pointing at that target piece - it moves away, or I capture it with a different piece, or some other piece comes between us, etc - yet it continues to have the same orientation (north).
I.e. perhaps "pointing at" is a relation between 2 objects, whereas orientation is a property of a single object...?
Both Icehouse and Zendo feature pieces pointing at other pieces, so it's more than just a theoretical concept.
Regarding orientation, I've mostly been thinking about absolute orientation relative the the table (upright, flat, weird), but relative orientation is also widely used (relative to an external component like a chessboard or relative to other pyramids).
Pikemen fits somewhere in between. On the one hand, it's just oriented relative to the chessboard, but on the other, the direction in which it's pointing defines its line of attack.
Regarding the pointing-vs-orientation discussion:
In my OP I was trying to isolate the different aspects of Looney Pyramids that games can draw upon. When I specified "Orientation" I meant the fact that pyramids can be pointed, not how that ability is used. You really cannot point with Go stones or Othello counters, for example, but it is very easy to point with pyramids. Some games point the pyramids along the grid lines of the board, some point them toward other pieces, many do not use the ability to point. But this ability, which perhaps would be better named "Directionality", is an attribute of the pyramids.
With the hindsight of more reflection, I am very sorry I cannot go back and edit the OP, to combine the two "Color" attributes into one. Many games use color to show ownership, some games use color to show desired acquisitions (e.g. monochrome trios for IceDice, or towers with all 5 colors for Launchpad 23), some use color to indicate special abilities (RAMBots, Homeworlds). But it's color that they are all using. If I could redo it, I'd show color as just one column, but any entry could be more than 1 -- RAMBots using color in 2 different ways, for example.
I just have two last questions for everybody: is it so difficult to create a game who use the 3 attributs of a Looney pyramid (shape, color, size) ? Is it so difficult to create a game who are not using parts of other games?
To those of us who have not defined "pure" pyramid games the way you have, these questions sound rather odd. It's like declaring that sonnets are the purest form of poetry, and asking "Is it so hard to use iambic pentameter? Is it so hard to have 14 lines in the poem?" The answer is, "No, it's not too hard. But why should that be the only option? Sonnets are great, but so are many other types of poems!"
An irony I myself pointed out. :-)
But my quest wasn't whether a game could only be played with pyramids, as I also said that any pyramid game could probably be played without pyramids. I was trying to come up with a roughly objective measure of how "pyramid-y" a game is, which is a different question.
I think it's better with pyramids than it is with anything else, and I've tried other variations of Zendo. Pyramid properties are easy to distinguish and there are enough of them to give you a good variety.
With the sale going on I decided to buy a bunch of extra pyramids including some extra clears. The reason for it was to see if I could do some custom coloring.
I recently designed & built my own piecepack set with the specific idea to have the colors match the pyramids. I did the base set as well as 3 expansions. In the elements set I did earth as brown. It's the only suit that doesn't have a corresponding color . I would like to make it a transparent one if I could. Maybe vinyl dye or rit dye. There's also the method used by some people for yo-yo's with a mixture of brake fluid & rit dye. One thing I'm worried about with this method is the finish as I still want a shiny surface.
Thanks, :)
If you find a good way to dye, just dye clear pyramids from the inside, to protect the external gloss/smoothness. If you're going for brown, maybe a green dye inside yellow pyramids would work...?
Please post the results of any chemical successes (or failures!).
Have you seen this yet?
The rules explicitly say you can use Judgment to take Judgment itself back from the discard like this, but we are really starting to think it might be better if you couldn't take Judgment back in this way.
So 2 questions:
1. Do others find the luck of who draws Judgment to be too game-deciding?
2. Has anyone experimented with weakening Judgment so that it can't be used to take Judgment itself back out of the discard when you play it?
(Note: I'm talking 2-player Gnostica. I could imagine that in multi-player, there would be the usual leader-bashing to solve the problem of Judgment being so powerful...)
Also posted here:
Having just upgraded to a 5House set (plus pink) I figure Im going to have to try Zendo at some point (all this raving about it has to mean something after all). But I don't won't to spend any money on stones just to try it out. So I've been considering some items from my house to do the job for free until I find out if my group likes it or not.
Some items I'm considering include; LEGO bricks, K'nex pieces, checkers, and the coins from the Pirates of the Spanish Main CSG.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Warnings? Lambasting Critique? Thank you for your time.
Small, medium, and large pyramids of one color not used in koans?
Coins? Playing cards? Pieces of candy? Meeples? Wooden cubes?
This doesn't seem a decision worth agonizing over. :)
Perhaps not, but I read some post or article somewhere about how the green stones were a separate color in order to not confuse Students (someone asked if they could just use 60 stones in 2 colors or something).
It doesn't seem like something to worry about to me, but I figured I'd ask just to be safe. :D
I use the 64 pieces from an Othello set as marking, answering AND guessing stones.
- Students need only one answering piece.
- The white side is smooth and the black side has a raised edge. This makes it easy for students (and master) to know which side they're about to display without having to look.
- There's less concern about running out of any particular color. Some rules can lead to 80% or more of the koans being marked one particular way. With a regular complement of stones (20 white, 20 black, 20 green), you'd have trouble marking your 17th koan that doesn't have the BN. (three students, one master and 16 koans). With Othello pieces, you still have all the piece you need.*
- If you have a chessboard with you, you can play Othello.
- It can be a little confusing using the same type of thing for both answering stones and guessing stones. e.g. "If you have any 'extra' pieces, you can spend one to guess the rule." "Wait... this is my answering stone and these are guessing stones?... but they look the same."
WAIT.. I KNOW... Maybe having just one type of piece is GOOD thing. How about adding in the possibility of spending your answering stone for one last all-or-nothing, shoot-the-moon rule guess. If you get it wrong you don't have an answering stone left, so you have no hope mondoing to get any more. I'm not too worried about this kicking students out of the game early, leaving them to mope about the house until the next game starts, since this type of guess would most likely be used when the end of the game is imminent.
Don't have Othello pieces? How about M&Ms or Skittles? "A koan has the orange buddha if it has (exactly) two mediums. (Otherwise it has the purple buddha nature.)"
* What is the maximum number of koans that could be on the table at once? There could be 24 different single-pyramid koans. That leaves 36 'mids to make 18 two-piece koans for a total of 42. Having 42 marking stones on the table leaves 22 for answering and guessing stones.
On a related note...
Just about to try Zendo for the first time? I usually have three suggestions for people just starting out, especially if you're starting from just the rules, without any experienced players:
1. Start with rules that you think are way too easy. It is a LOT better to play a half dozen easy games in quick succession than to have one game drag on for over an hour while everyone loses interest. You can worry about rules that involve prime numbers or XOR conjunctions much much later.
2. Don't introduce too much jargon too quickly. Color is obvious... so is size. If someone wants to say "touching the table", don't jump in with a harsh "tsk... you mean 'grounded'." You can mention it in the post-mortem while getting ready for the next game.
3. Start with a rules that you think are way too easy. Really.
To this I would add:
Start with rules that you think are way too easy. This point cannot be emphasized enough. Beginning players always underestimate how hard their rules are.
On the jargon issue, I always tell new players that it's not necessary to use the jargon, but it is helpful. I once had a game in which a new player used a jargon term in a way that was different from its normal definition. A bit confusing until we worked it out. So, don't worry too much about it at first, but you do want to learn it eventually.
My strategy on introducing people to jargon is to demonstrate what the terms mean the first time players have trouble thinking of potential guesses, or at the end of the first game, whichever comes first. Frequently students overthink the rule or just get totally stranded, and having a list of things which can and cannot be part of the rule is a good way to get the gears turning.
I frequently say things like "FYI, the rule is not allowed to reference anything other than the pyramids and the table. It doesn't matter what order they were built in, it doesn't matter how close they are to each other... imagine that each koan exists on its own on an infinite featureless plane, like from math class. The rule is allowed to be about things like the size, color, and relative direction of the pieces within the koan."
On a related note, what do you do when your new students reach out and remove a piece from an existing koan, saying "does this change the marking?"
Heh, that has never happened in any of my games with various people.
Interesting - the email notification said "when your new students inevitably reach out and remove a piece" but I guess you already decided it wasn't really inevitable and edited that word out... :)
As far as the OT, I actually had stones that I was using before from my days as a Magic: The Gathering player, but I picked up a bag of stones from the local dollar store that contained more than enough stones. It was a mixed bag with black, white, green, and blue. I picked out 20 of the black, white, and green ones, and used the rest for their intended decorative purpose.
Not bad for a dollar. :)
Ha! That's pretty bad. And what's worse, they also used the wrong photo, from yet a different 3rd game Armada:
(They claim they're selling the SPI Armada .)
So 3 different Armadas are mashed up here. Buyer beware...
Yikes! I didn't catch that, though I must admit the image didn't look tremendously... SPI-y.
Sounds like this idea could be cross-applicable to other games too! Who knows, it could help make another game in itself...
By coincidence I've been playing Pentamid lately! (After 6 games, we're still not sure if we think strong players will often draw or not. But we're enjoying it so far.)
I will see if I can convince my Pentamid partner to try this version sometime.
(Of course as the rules are written, draws are trivially possible by simply moving a piece back and forth, and we had at least one time where this seemed what both players would want to do, so we assumed a simple ko rule is in place, i.e. you may not undo the previous move to restore to the previous game state. Assuming you intend this seemingly obvious restriction, you might want to update the rules to make it explicit!)
Given a simple ko rule, we've never had a clear draw. But in almost every game we started to WORRY that it would be a draw. :) And in some of them the win came because one of us made a totally silly error that a competent/alert player wouldn't make (i.e. "Oh, DUH, you had 4 in a row there and I ignored it...").
And in several such cases we undid and continued, until someone again made a silly brainfart. But I can't say that it definitely IS drawish. It's rather interesting/tantalizing in that way! :)
We did have some games that went on for a (subjectively) long time (e.g. 15 or 20 minutes of rather steady (not slowly agonizing) moves) before someone won, and it wouldn't surprise me if we repeated some earlier board state(s).
I would guess that a pure "simple ko rule" (don't repeat the previous state) would suffice and be more familiar and easier for players to keep track of.
And conversely, if ultimately the game is unfortunately drawish with good play, I'd guess it can have very long loops indeed, and then a 3-turn ko rule isn't going to solve that anyway.
PS: If you are interested in my brief notes from our games:
The notes were interesting, and I think I will take your advice re: the ko rule - and I'll apply it to Pentamid Twist and Pentamid, both.
Have you tried Pentamid Twist, yet?
OK, we just tried one game but I misremembered a rule change - so we were not considering diagonal 5-in-a-row to end the game. Requiring only horizontal or vertical 5-in-a-row certainly made it take a long time! :)
As in regular Pentamid, there was midgame where one player got to threaten to win first, and the other had to keep spending moves to move the opponent's pyramids, while the player with the advantage could add more pieces, and thus push the weaker one around even more. But it's a gamble, because if they fail to get 5-in-a-row and place all their pieces, then they become weaker and the other player with a reserve left gets the upper hand. In this case, that's what happened.
Repetition is even harder to notice/remember here, so I think I'll try with your suggested variant of moving only along the arrows next time - that seems a cool idea and will at least obviate short cycles presumably.
"... move the opponent's pyramids..."
Ummm... How did you get a reading of the rules that would allow that? Per my intent, you can only move your own pieces, but you may do so to cover the opponent's pieces of lesser size. And, of course, if there's a threat that ends at an empty space, and the opponent has pieces in the reserve, there's nothing stopping blocking the threat by dropping onto the empty space.
That holds for both Pentamid and Pentamid Twist, by the way.
OTOH, allowing the piece action to be moving an opponent's piece to relieve a threat of 5-in-a-row might be an interesting variation on either game.
Ha, that's a crucial clarification that will make a big difference. :)
Rereading the rules, I see that in the expressions like "Move one of the player's pieces" I was misparsing it as "one of the player's" + "pieces" instead of "one of the" + "player's pieces". I.e. "move a piece of one of the players". Doh!
OK, we will give it another go. :)
OK, so I finally got a chance to try it the intended way (where you can only move your own pieces). I taught it to a friend this evening.
Unfortunately Pentamid seemed even more drawish this way, just waiting until someone blundered, since with 4 larges, it's easy to keep several threats of 5-in-a-row blocked. :/ We both eventually agreed to a draw after it seemed clear we were in a quagmire.
(With my old misinterpretation that you can move the opponent's pieces, at least the player threatening a win can move a blocking large out of the way, and with the ko rule, the opponent can't just move it right back. But even that was drawish. But it was easier to brainfart and get confused and lose, so the draw eventually broke...)
However we then tried Pentamid Twist and found it to be much more interesting and pleasing! After we finished, my friend said he liked it much more, and I agree. Pentamid Twist seems like a good game. I'll happily play it more, but probably not the basic version.
Russ, I can't seem to reply directly to your postings any more; apparently, reply level 10 (counting the initial post as level 0) is the max that this forumware will allow.
I do agree that P'Twist is a more interesting game; that and the fact that it had a significant difference in rules and equipment was why I put it as a separate game on the wiki instead of just updating Pentamid with it as a variation.
As far as basic Pentamid, have you tried the variation played with full stashes on a MegaVolcano board? With a little more space on the board to play with (and an extra tree/nest for each player), it might not be as drawish.
Although I have made my own Tree House set of giant pyramids... Does anyone have a set of actual Giant Pyramids? I need to make at least a 3 house set ( a 5 house would be better), and although mine are good, it would be a lot easier if I could get my hands on an original set. Even a template....
I do have some templates and stuff. Normally, this is available on my website. But, my server is down at the moment which annoys me. I can mail you what I have if you'd like?
I made some vector-based layouts, and saved em as PDFs. There's 5 colors, plus some volcano caps. The whole thing, printed at 1-to-1 scale, fFills several 4'x8' sheets. This is not any sort of official Looney-sponsored layout, just some shapes I made using known dimensions of pyramids.
I keep meaning to post more pics of my pyramids here on Ning. Remind me to do that sometime. =)
Send it over. My only other recourse is to trace my giant pyramids and make a new template.
I want to run a giant IceTowers game as well as Giant Binary Homeworlds.
I thought you might like this. I made a little something. =)
fFirst, a pic of my pyramids.
Second, a pic of my pyramids in use. =)
When I am the master in a Zendo game, I usually start with a standard (for me) pair of Koans. I just really like these Koans, and have many rules that follow the marking stones included.
Traffic Light Tree (has) and Hillock (has not) (link is to the photo of these Koans, here on the Looney Labs Fan Club)
Does anyone else tend to re-use certain Koans, or is it just me?
I do not have standard starting koans. Sometimes I will build the koans and then come up with the rule rather than coming up with the rule first. Maybe even more than "sometimes." But not always.
I have reused the starting koans used by the master of the previous game. I have built a strange koan as a student in one game and then reused the koan as one of the starting koans when mastering the next game.
On BoardGameGeek, we play a play-by-forum version called Emoticon Zendo. Instead of pyramids, we use BGG emoticons. Instead of marking stones, we use the "thumbsup" and "thumbsdown" emoticons (which are therefore not used in koans). For the first few games of Emoticon Zendo I mastered, I spelled out THUMBSUP and THUMBSDOWN in Scrabble tile emoticons as my starting koans.
I don't have a favorite pair either. I generally decide on the fly, perhaps inspired by playing with the pieces for a few seconds.
We also tend to use rules that don't depend on physical positions of pieces, just on their presence or absence. (That's due to a desire to avoid occasional weird issues like "is that pointing here or not?" as well as a feeling that there is already plenty of interesting variety in the space of possible rules without worrying about physical positions as well. Ultimately a question of taste/preference, I guess.)
I'm not convinced that using a "standard" set of starting koans is a good idea. What if you wanted play a rule where both of your standards would be marked the same? e.g. "AKHTBNI it has a large piece." You would have to change at least one of your initial koans. Anyone who plays with you a lot would realize that you were probably "forced" to use a strange koan because the usual starter you _didn't_ use would be marked the same as the one you did. This would give that player extra information.
Of course, there's the possibility that you're setting your usual students up, trying to get them to make that erroneous assumption. In that case you're getting into meta-gaming, which I dislike UNLESS it's specifically part of a particular game.
On the other hand, you might just never play the rule I mentioned above simply because you can't use your two favorite starters. It seems a shame to limit yourself like that.
I, personally, start by setting up one koan with whatever two or three pyramids I happen to grab first. I then mentally note a short list of "randomly" selected attributes about that kaon and try to construct what would be the anti-koan considering those attributes. Then I come up with a rule illustrated by those two koans.
I am on a crusade to convince people that koans marked white are no more important, magical, good, special, worthy and/or necessary than those marked black. To drive this point home, I make a show of randomly selecting which marking stone goes with which initial koan.
"I make a show of randomly selecting which marking stone goes with which initial koan."
I like that idea! Hopefully I'll remember it next time I play. :)
Mostly I get to play Zendo when introducing new players (family get-togethers are rarer), so these are great for color, smalls, pip counts, orientation and pointing. It's also fun when newbies can see two games that start identically then veer off wildly.
I like your starting conditions, though. I'll probably try it.
I like your crusade, though I've not seen the focus on white koans.
> I then mentally note a short list of "randomly" selected attributes about that kaon and try to construct what would be the anti-koan considering those attributes.
Mind you... the attributes may very well include things that the first koan DOESN'T have. e.g. "The first koan has zero reds and zero upright pieces." That way the rule wont' necessarily be based on a property that is present in the first koan and not the second.
I didn't even know that the common ones had names! My strategy is usually to make the starting koans very different and distinct, so that they don't hint at which variable(s) are used in the rule. Likewise, when building a counterexample koan, I try to add extraneous details that don't immediately reveal how close the guess was.
I guess in general, I like making my students derive a very simple rule from a set of needlessly complicated koans. Anyone else play this way / have a good reason not to?
Yeah, I can second this. I've only ever had a chance to play one game of Zendo. None of us had ever played before, and the master didn't seem to grok the idea that even a simple koan could have multiple interpretations, and proceeded to pull out about ten pyramids per koan. It took us the best part of an hour to identify that the rule was "It contains an opaque piece". (I have never let him live this down, but he maintains he was doing things the right way. :/)
I wish to play more rounds sometime, but I'm not letting him into the driving seat if I do. :p.
Last year we started the ICE Awards for the best fan-designed games of the year. This year, the 20th anniversary of Icehouse, in that same spirit I propose that the pyramid game fan community start a Pyramid Game Hall of Fame, to honor the best games of this product's history. The Hall of Fame would start with a certain number of games this year, and more could be added each succeeding year.
This proposal raises several questions that deserve discussion:
1. Should it be done?
I'm assuming the answer is yes, of course.
2. What should the criteria of admittance be?
The general principles would include quality, longevity, originality. To start off, I propose:
- Both professional and amateur games are eligible.
- The game must have been invented at least 10 years ago.
- The game must still have a substantial devoted following.
According the BGG list of Pyramid Games, the games invented in or before 2001 include: Icehouse, Trice, Martian Chess, Igloo, Zarcana, DNA, Gridlock, Zendo, Pikemen, Think Ice, IceTowers, RGB, Martian Frisby, Extinction, Ice Solo, Volcano, Martian Backgammon, Ice 3, Turtler, Kotra, Martian Life, RAMBots, Efni, Dragon's Hoard, Crystal Formation, Homeworlds, Martian Mud Wrestling, The Martian Gathering, E, Breakthrough, Battle Zone, Martianopoly, Invaders of Mars, and Gnostica. Zagami should also be in there I think, and probably others.
3. How many games should go into the Hall of Fame?
I propose that there be no limit for this inaugural year, and perhaps 2 per year after that; or perhaps no limit any year.
4. How would the judging work?
Two major options include having a small panel of judges, and open judging. The former is potentially subject to inbreeding, the latter to the cult of the new. But if the latter should be weeded out by a 10-year eligibility requirement. It might work well enough if we allow anyone to nominate games and to vote on them, sending out a ballot of all nominees for people to vote yes/no on: any game that gets an 80% vote, say, makes it in. Campaigning for certain games would be fine with me: I would enjoy hearing why people enjoy certain games.
5. When would it happen?
It could happen in conjunction with the ICE Awards: people either emailing their ballots in, or doing it by hand at the Big Experiment. The awards would happen in the same ceremony as well.
Your comments and suggestions are encouraged!
I think that keeping the same limit in an inaugural year doesn't pose much of a problem. Games that are good enough to get in WILL get in at some point. This also means that new(er) games would have to still hold up to the same standards as the games which were invented earlier but haven't made it in because of the backlog of older (but similarly great) games. A newer game that beats, say, Martian Chess, Pikemen, RAMbots or Volcano, etc. into the HoF would have garnered an impressive achievement. I would certainly hope to see a limit of games per year with no requirement to actually fill those slots. (Likewise, the mechanic use to induct such games should not automatically select enough games to fill the available slots.)
That said, I'm not sure if a HoF is the best option. Perhaps instead a simple "Best of Icehouse Treehouse Looney'mids" list that can be voted (thumbs up/down?) on through a periodic basis by fans ("Come back every week/month to vote for your favorite games!") is a better idea. Games could make the list of "Best games right now" through votes and over an extended period of time they could earn "Grandfather" status and be added permanently to the list of "Best games of all time" which would be simply sorted alphabetically (or by BGG avg. rating).
I'm always skeptical of "hall of fame" type awards. If one gets created, it seems very wise to err on the side of caution, i.e. making it hard to get into the "hall of fame". Otherwise it often ends up getting watered down to meaningless with a lot of not so great flash in the pan type things in the hall of fame. 10 years seems smarter than 5 years for this reason.
Having an ongoing rating system indeed seems a potentially cleaner way to show what games are considered best.
Having an automated page that shows all pyramid games sorted by rating, sort of like this geeklist:
except excluding games that have too few votes, would be great.
Eliminating the unranked games from the first 2 pages of that geeklist leaves us a fairly plausible list of top pyramid games:
Alien City
Zark City
Twin Win
I will disagree with you, then agree with you by way of disagreeing with you some more. =)
Sure, eventually all amazing classic games should get in. But how embarrassing it would be if it took Volcano years to get in, just because there was a bottleneck. The fFirst year should have some limit certainly, but a much higher limit than normal. 5, 10 or 15 maybe. 10 seems sensible.
Your second point is pretty significant. Both approaches have usefulness, and I don't want to quash either of them. I think you've got a reasonable idea, but, yes, I think the Hall of fFame is also a pretty good idea.
Sorry, I don't mean to be such a contrarian!
There's an interesting thing you said there:
But how embarrassing it would be if it took Volcano years to get in, just because there was a bottleneck.
Would it really be embarrassing? If the point is that the game took years to get in then maybe that's disappointing temporarily, but the point isn't that our favorite game gets in first, it's that we highlight the MOST awesome games. We know that a game like Volcano WILL get in eventually, right? Imagine how great the games are that beat Volcano! If they're better then why shouldn't they have a little bit longer in the spotlight? We could probably make a short list that we know would be easy inductees. The question is this: which game(s) are the best and deserve the most attention FIRST? The advantage to a slow inaugural year is exactly that only the very best get in first, and not just all of the worthy games. Gradiation and tight metering is what makes the greats in the HoF become legends, and it's a huge statement for great games if they continue to hold off the "newer" games at the bottleneck for 4-5 years, just as it would be a huge statement if one of the "young ones" manages to squeeze past its elder to get inducted. Each game that makes it into the HoF reflects greatly on the games that came before it, but they don't really reflect much on the games that come after it.
TL,DNR: Is your focus on hoping that your favorite game (no matter how obviously great) gets the honor of induction as soon as possible or is the focus on setting a high standard for the caliber of the list?
I'm resurrecting this thread, because it's something I still would like to see done. My refined thoughts about a possible Pyramid Game Hall of Fame includes two parts:
The main question right now is: When would that first year be? There are pros and cons for several possibilities:
Did I miss an announcement with a fuller explanation? I only found out when I checked to make sure this link is still valid
and then I had to edit my articles in which I had said all Looney Labs games are made in USA.
I searched for "China" and found only a series of articles from 2005 explaining the vehement decision NOT to make the pyramids in China then, and all the good reasons for it:
What gives?
The most recent webzine -- -- mentions the China decision. Don't know why it doesn't come up in the search.
I think there are places on this site that discuss it, too, but it doesn't come up in the search. That doesn't seem to mean much, though: I don't think it works. It says there are 0 results for "Fluxx" or "pyramid".
Anyway, it was one of those painful decisions that businessmen have to make. I assure you that it was not easily made, but they figured it did more good to use Chinese manufacturers than not to.
Yeah, I think it was a really really hard decision to come to. And I think they're trying not to make a big fFuss about it, because it's pretty contradictory to what they have always held. Like when you catch your health-conscious fFriends eating McDonalds, or indie-music fFriends enjoying Britney Spears. It's ... awkward.
Ultimately, I think the Looneys decided the only way to make pyramids a profitable enterprise, and truly make this The Year of the Pyramid, is to look at ways to improve the process. It's a sad thing, to be sure, but the pyramids can be molded in big batches, will have a more consistent coloring, should have fFewer air bubbles and problems -- and then there's the super awesome new packaging, which wouldnt have been possible at all in the U.S.A. KLON had not been producing anything at all fFor the past many months, due to their own complications.
I agree with you, it's sad, but I think it had to be done in order to make better stuff.
There seems to be a problem with the Fanclub site search. We are working with Ning to fix the problem.
I want to make a set of ZPIPS. I am looking for pyramids to saw down for this. I need five pyramids of each color (size is irrelevant) in as many colors as possible. If you have spare pyramids you are willing to sell, please send me a Private Message. More than anything else, I'm looking for five in blue.
I know the blowout sale is going on, but I'm fishing for better options that are cheaper and less wasteful.
(Looneys: If you have some factory rejects that I could use for this, contact me too.)
For those who are confused: ZPIPs are zero-point pyramids, scaled to be proportionately smaller than 1-pointers. The easiest way to make them is to cut the tip off existing pyramids.
After years of lamenting; I finally bought a tree house set and cut them down. I too had asked my fellow Looney labs fans for "extra" pyramids, cracked pyramids etc.... to no avail.
I would suggest waiting for the new pyramids to become available. Then buy the replacement sets for $10 each, and cut your OLD pyramids.
Would be cool if looney would make some of these. I too want some.
There is no way Looney Labs will ever make a mold to make these in large quantity, so this will always be a DYI project... so your best bet is to convince someone with the tools and the will to make a set for you!
You can watch Andy making a set in this video:
Hey, all you pyramid fans out there!
Ever wondered where you can find opponents for your favorite pyramid games? Have you been curious about the geographic distribution of pyramid fans?
Well, here's a helpful tool for pyramid fans... a Google Map that I put together from location data on the individual pages of Starship Captains.
The pins on the map are just for the general cities, not your house in particular. I've tried to put the pins where it's obvious you don't really live at that point, like parks, intersections, and notable structures.
Naturally, there are hot spots of pyramid enthusiasm built around certain areas:
* the College Park, MD area, the capitol city of Looney Pyramids
* the Ohio/Indiana area, home to Origins and GenCon, the two largest gaming cons in the nation
* Boston, home of Arisia
* Denver (!)
And pyramid fans reside in other countries too. Canadian Pyramid fans can be found in Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver. England has four Captains, Poland has three, Sweden has two, and Germany and the Czech Republic have one each. There are also lone Captains far away in Kyoto, Japan and Perth, Australia.
I will update this map as Andy approves new Captains. If you want your pin removed (or if you actually do want your pin on your house), please send me a Private Message, and I will address your concern.
Share and enjoy!
Ah... more Captains in the midst! Whoot!.
You're on the map now, DH.
I have a tendency to start with some core element or elements of existing (possibly non-pyramid) games, and build from there. Sometimes, the result works; sometimes it doesn't.
Recently, I saw a commercial game that is completely unrelated to any of my existing pyramid games, but which on brief reflection easily modifies into a variant of one of them.
Or, it can stand as a pyramid game in its own right, with rules similar to the existing pyramid game.
Which leads to the questions:
Sounds like a great idea and a much better way to organize the games.
Perhaps games in development can be split further into games looking for playtesters and games being playtested. The designer looking for playtesters can specify the number of outside playtest groups (s)he is looking for and when that number is reached, then the game can be moved to the being playtested category. Just a thought.
Thanks for posting this. I began discussing this with you last night (Nihilvor), and it’s good to see that I wasn’t alone—that others have put some thought into this. It's also a good time to make such changes, with the upcoming batch of new users who will be introduced to the pyramids.
I agree, if we want to make a helpful list, a sort of limited quality control, designating an “Award Winning” and a “Published” section makes sense, and eliminates the confusing/redundant “existing” list. That leaves us with five (instead of six) lists. Firstly, there is the “master list” of all games proposed, dreamed up, actualized, and/or tested/played. Next is the “Community Games” list: a list of games that have actually gone into development or are finalized (it’s still not the best retained list, but this would be an easier to just have one to update). This second list will probably become more valuable than it was. Thirdly and fourthly, there is the “Published” list and the “Award Winning” list. Finally, the “What Can I Play” list, which helps players make sense of their options). Is this the method that you are proposing?
What you propose does leave me some thoughts concerning the “What Can I Play” section. It seems that we still want to avoid putting games in that section that are obviously in their initial design phases. I can think of one game that I added there that certainly isn’t done (I can adjust that if need be), but, overall, most of those game are playable as they are (despite our own subjective opinions of the games themselves). If people have played games successfully, just because the designer forgot to remove the “In Development” tags, there’s no reason why it should be excluded. There are games that we all know to be successful, such as Quicksand, that still have the “In Development” tag.
Thus as far as the “What Can I Play” section goes, I think it should work as it has in the past, even with the changes you recommend to the other sections. It would then be up to users’ and developers’ discretion to determine if a game is far enough along to be put up there. It’s a wiki, so any of us has the right to take down games from that list, if they are in an obviously unfinished/preplaytest phase.
Agreed that's what forums are best for. Besides discussions can become hidden on the wiki because ongoing discussion aren't flagged so obviously. You have to take the time to seek them out (thus I missed some of Ryan's earlier thoughts on this matter).
Also, I think the wiki is great for debating/discussing rules/variations on recently created games. However, for the same reason, this would be a good place to discuss older games, as no one is likely to click through to their discussion pages.
Hi Ryan,
I agree that "Games Under Development" system isn't being used as it should, and should be overhauled. Thanks for bringing this up. Here are some existing thoughts, in semi-random order:
- The icehouse wiki is a very valuable resource as a repository for pyramid game rules. Thanks to those who help maintain it!
- Those who are developing games can use a resource like this to post their ideas and get feedback on them. This fan website is great for asking for feedback, but the wiki is a good place to have the rules.
- Those looking for games to play need some way of knowing how fully developed the game they are looking at is.
- Those interested in playing new games should have a way of getting automatic notification whenever a new game is added to the wiki, or when a game is updated.
- I am in favor of eliminating the "Existing" list in favor of "Published" and "Award-Winning" lists. Those are much more useful categories, along with "Community" games.
Okay, the largest heavy lifting is done. This change is live now. Please check to wiki to see if anything is seriously broken.
There is still some work to be done. You can help by moving games from the "Existing Games" page to the "Community Games" page. If it's not obvious, I've organized the latter alphabetically by designer's name.
>- Those looking for games to play need some way of knowing how fully developed the game they are looking at is.<
The problem is that some designers have left very successful games (with high BGG scores, etc.) on the "in development list." All we can do is encourage designers to upgrade their games; they can't be forced to do so. That said, there are a few games that probably aren't developed enough to go on the "What Can I Play" list (just deleted one that I put up by mistake). That said, it's a wiki, so we can always remove "broken" games while making sure quality abandoned game creations aren't invisible to those who might want to play them.
Under the new organization, I'd consider those game that are in the new "Community Games" section, but not on the "What Can I Play" list to either be in the early design phases, or untested. That will keep the unadventurous away.
I just posted my objections to the changes that suddenly came to the "What Can I Play" page. I kind of rambled on, so I apologize for the lack of brevity, but my primary concern is that it eliminates the usefulness of the page as a place to find new games (my players like to learn something new each time we play, and isn't that a major draw of the Looney Pyramids). It also resigns lesser-played gems to the dust heap of history (not allowing for rediscoveries). But, perhaps most importantly, stifles the development of new games that are complete/nearly complete, where the designer could use all of our encouragement to make additional games/improvements.
What are people's thoughts on this? I know that there was a concern that some players might want an abbreviated list of games that are popular, but isn't something that the "Award Winning" and "Published" lists largely accomplish?
This requires a different tool, something that combines the "what can I play with what I have" functionality of the IceWiki with web2.0 feedback features. We need something that says "you have enough pyramids to play this AND other people find this worth playing", and nothing we currently have does this except good old-fashioned dialogue.
The IceWIki is not a community. It is a repository of facts used by a community.
>The IceWIki is not a community. It is a repository of facts used by a community.
Which is why I thought it was great that it included something like the WCIP? page as a codex into the games. However, I understand your issues with it.
Anyway, I made my points (here and on the wiki), and I'll give it a rest. In my case, I saved a copy of the Wiki's cache from google, so I'll be fine. :-)
Just an idea... If the WCIP? page, or something comparable, returns as a broader codex to the working/complete games in the wiki (maybe a little thinner, minus certain "broken" games), you could add asterisks, annotation, or links adjacent to each game that appears on the Awards and Published pages and the upcoming Hall Of Fame list (not to mention the SC list you have compiled).
That way, you'd see, at a glance, what games people like from even the WCIP? page, and you'd have a real list of what games you'll be able to play with what you have or might purchase in the future. All with the use of old school Wiki technology.
Then why thin out so many good games? If you want to signify the popular games on the list, may I suggest implementing even more annotation to a more comprehensive page? That way you'd accomplish your goal of letting users see what they can play with what they have, giving them knowledge of what's available if they purchase more sets, and being able to see, at a glance, what is popular. Just how to annotate or distingish the popular games is up to you, but it seems that we have many old and new listings that provide that very service that could then be referenced or linked to.
My first reaction is: Inclusive, except for games which are identified as in a prototype/playtest state.
Ideally, the user could filter on some kind of rating (e.g. from BGG). I think there's not a single use case for the "What Can I Play" page. At least I suppose that some people want to see "what's a good well-known respected game I can play" and some people want to see "what are ALL the games I can play, including perhaps obscure overlooked diamonds in the rough?" I don't know how feasible it is to get some kind of filtering automation, though.
In practice, perhaps it could simply function according to the wiki principle: people add games they think are worth checking out to the page. In case others disagree, it might get edited away; in case of dispute, some discussion might occur. The obvious risk here is Edit Wars... or an accumulation of half-baked useless games because no one wants an Edit War.
Thanks for soliciting other viewpoints! In my group of players, we're all relative newbies, and we've found the "What Can I Play?" to be invaluable for using the wiki, with all of its wonderful, creative games. It has encouraged more than one purchase, and, while I keep a printout of what's available to play for a given number of stashes, for a given number of players, it's something we return to when deciding what we want to play and/or learn to play in a given evening.
I'm interested in hearing more points of view on this.
I just wrote up on the wiki a pyramids and words game I made up tonight for my kids:
If you have pyramids and small kids, you might enjoy it.
I realized that with all of the Icehouse games in various formats and spread all over the internet (or at least spread over a small corner) I wasn't going to ever play all the games I wanted. As it was, although I'd created a repository of game rules on my computer I never had those rules handy if I wasn't near a computer and I always had to disappear to my computer before suggesting a game so that I could make sure I had all the rules right.
The time was ripe for change...
I cranked out a bunch of games in 2-page (one sheet, front and back) summaries, with boards even included on the back of short games. I sleeved the rules and threw them in a binder, including enough copies in each sleeve that a) I always had enough for however many people could play the game and b) I could give away a copy or two when people liked the game. Two additional sleeves hold Martian Coasters and Ee0r's Tri-chess/Martian Chessboard segments. To make things even easier, I created an index in Excel for the back of my binder that allows me to visually identify which games are playable with exactly X# of people, whether the game includes chance and what type of board is necessary. I still need an awesome cover, though.
Seeing how helpful the binder had become for me I figured I'd share, so I posted the rules summaries on and threw up a geeklist with the rules linked directly from the list. I thought that perhaps folks here will find it useful, too, especially folks looking to try a new game or looking for an easier way to share/teach the games. Let me know what you think.
I agree that Zark City is not the easiest to read in its current format. Alas, any reformat is likely to be "for personal use only." I called Looney Labs yesterday. Alison rocked my socks by saying that she was going to personally bring up my reformats for Martian Chess, Martian Backgammon and Volcano in an upcoming meeting. Apparently LL doesn't have an easy time on a game-by-game basis of what they're going to put online, what they'll release in which formats, etc. Specifically, she said she'd take it to the next meeting and ask them, "when can we have a meeting about this?" Also, the expected timeline for a thumbs up or down on some/all of the games (if one or two is acceptable it doesn't necessarily mean that all of them would be) is at least 2-3 weeks.
On the bright side, I get to use the summaries for those games myself and they're great. On the down side, that doesn't help anyone else. Cross your fingers if you hope to see those summaries. I imagine that the legal concerns are sticky, stinky and no fun at all to consider. I'm just glad they're willing to entertain the idea, now that I know what I know.
These are absolutely wonderful and this is a GREAT step in making the IceHouse games more accessible to mainstream Euro gamers.
Consistent, concise, well-presented PDF rules documents are a tremendous help. Thank you kind sir for doing this!
It isn't a legal concern, just a matter of time and resources to focus on everything we are trying to get done. But the time for this is now - your timing on this awesome project of yours Mike could not be better, and you will be excited to hear that we are ready to embrace the 8.5" x 11" format you are working within.
The tri-fold style was a format we were experimenting with - back when we were thinking the next published pyramid product would be a boxed set called Looney Pyramids that contained tri-fold rules sheets to a whole bunch of different games. But we are not doing that boxed set, so there is no reason to burden ourselves and the community with this overly fancy tri-fold rules style.
Regarding Zark City... as those who follow my facebook posts might already know, we are actually working on changes to the rules to the game Zark City - so the version online right now is very much out of date. Andy just handed me a copy of a Zark City 2.0 rules sheet - which is NOT formatted as a tri-fold!
We will be posting this Zark City rules sheet to the private Starship Captain forum for a round of final playtesting and rules editing before they go up online - and then they can be added to your rules binder.
I think I've solidified my list of games that I want to squeeze out before I feel like I'm done with the list, at least for now. Here's what I posted on boardgamegeek. Does anyone have any suggestions for other additions?
Icehouse (still at 4 pages and awaiting the verdicts from LL on other games that I already reformatted and submitted to them)
Homeworlds (Done, with a decent strategy guide, no less! Looking for Ginohn's contact info)
Zagami & Zendo (Now OK'd to do by Kory Heath! (RAMbots is already up.)
Alien City
I've already lauded your efforts on the BGG page, but I have sort of an open question about rules formatting. I wonder if it would be possible to come up with a robust structure for icehouse rules. A formulaic series of headings under which rules could be organized. For example, rules might follow this structure: What You Need, The Object of the Game, Setup, How You Play, Endgame Criteria.
To a lesser extent, the wiki already tries to do some of this. I think it would be useful if a common structure could be decided on. Perhaps even implemented/enforced on wiki. It would certainly help to clean up my ragtag collection of Icehouse rules.
Your condensed rules are great, but for the most part they seem to be editing within the format of the original. When you have as unruly and diverse a collection of things as the icehouse rules, a little bit of uniformity goes a long way.
I'll be the first to admit that the formatting that I've adopted for the 2-page summaries is far from the most sensible format. Any "Stuff you need" is invariably shoved into the italicized "flavor summary" for reasons of space and setup sections vary wildly, too, purely for the desire to be as space-efficient as possible. RAMbots, for instance, had massive sections butchered. Icehouse, likewise, is looking horrible to finish compacting. I'm going to need to rearrange a large number of sections so that the whole thing reads more straightforward if I'm going to manage to remove enough extra wordsmithing to fit in two pages. The trick is always figuring out what can be moved around or removed entirely. A few games were short enough that they fit on one side. In those cases I tried to throw a usable board on the back but I often left the rules themselves almost untouched. Hextris is a notable example where not only did I heavily reformat the original rules but I also rearranged and edited fairly thoroughly. The end result, while quite readable, doesn't even look too terribly similar to the other rules in the binder.
"A little bit of uniformity" was certainly the goal with the project, but it ended up being very subsidiary to the space requirement and was more or less watered down in the end to "looks vaguely similar at a glance." Still, that was good enough for me.
At some point I need to share the spreadsheet that really made the entire binder at least four times as useful. Maybe I'll update it and share it here. If you thought the summaries are great, wait until you see what you can do with the summaries and the spreadsheet together... Maybe I should update it. :/
Yeah, I can imagine that squeezing everything into 2 pages often trumps following some uniform format. :)
Also alas it would be a nontrivial amount of work to rewrite all the games' rules to conform to some standard format - even supposing that a good one that's widely agreed upon gets hammered out...
Mike, if you're still working on these at all, have you seen the IceSheet templates on this page? It's a bit more fussy than your existing summaries (and some games would have to run onto more than two pages) but does give a nice unified look.
I like my rules hand written, so i have my favourites written in a notebook the same size as the playing with pyramids book. they both fit beautifully in the top of my purple bag of games.
Thank you for posting these links so I didn't have to go dig around and look for this answer! :)
Does anyone remember who it was that bought this stash for $100 six years ago?
Can anyone help clarify somethings about these two games.
Martian Backgammon:
I don't understand the entry point concept. Another person online
asked it best.
"I'm reading the rules for Martian Backgammon and I'm a bit confused
about one point. When your pieces get moved to the re-entry point does
it simply cap the one that's there? Are you required to move the
topmost piece off first?
Lastly, the re-entry point shares a space with one of the opponent's
stockpile. Does this mean that your opponents have to move their
pieces out of the re-entry point before you can fill your stockpile?
Or do they just get stacked on your last stockpile?"
Does anything happen to the enzyme once it's power is used. Say you
have a three piece red enzyme and you use it. What then? Does it
stay in your enzyme area ready to use again? If so, does that mean
you have to enzyme swap pieces in order to use other similar sized
Thanks in advance!
Martian Backgammon: The entry point is the farthest end of the opponent's stockpile. There should only be a nest there when your opponent is working on their last nest. By that point in the endgame, there should be nothing new coming in the entry points. If this ever comes up, just cap what's there.
Zagami: Using the enzyme does not change the enzyme, at least by my read of the rules (It's #2 on my Have You Never Played Icehouse List). If you have a 2 piece red enzyme and eat reds over two turns, each eaten red becoming a new enzyme, then you could keep using the 2 piece red.
I've been practicing Volcano recently with some solitaire games, and I need a clarification:
If my eruption creates more than 1 matching piece, do I get all of the matches? I've had a couple times where I was able to match a large and medium at the same time. Should I take them both?
Sure, you can even capture 3 pieces if 3 squares of the flowing lava match...
FWIW it also works this way in the online versions.
I feel dumb-I read the whole Volcano section of the PwP book, and I missed that!
Thanks everyone who replied!
I'd assume that using some sort of acrylic paint such as those used for gaming miniatures would work well as long as you sprayed on a clear top coat to keep it from chipping off and used some sort of primer as a base coat. Two or three layers of slightly thinned down paint of your chosen color(s) on top of a base coat should do the trick.
You may have luck with the type of enamel paint commonly used on or sold with model car kits, but I haven't used that type of paint since I was 10 and I didn't really care for that type of paint. To be honest I was a horrible painter back then, so my dislike for that type of paint may be based on my inexperience at the time.
I don't have any examples, as I have not yet attempted this but once I work the new pyramid releases into my budget I may convert some of my old ones into works of art. I just fear that I'd be afraid to play with them once I've made them, as my artistic endeavors tend to wind up being more complicated and time consuming than I initially plan them to be. As soon as I get around to trying a project like this, you can believe I'll be bragging about the results here! :)
I've tossed around the idea of using chrome spray paint to make a custom martian chess set, but I haven't really had enough fellow players to make a fancy looking set like that worthwhile so I haven't tried that either.
I have not painted them, but check out this link.
this page has the above link and some pictures.
hope this helps. :)
I'm resurrecting this old thread. The eblong post concerning painting plastic pyramids is kind of depressing.Has anyone had luck with painting them with anything besides the enamel paint process that is described in the link? I haven't found any good examples online.
I'm interested in painting a bunch of pyramids to then fill with sand to be used as Icehouse pieces (I already have one set [unpainted], but then what does one offer guests?). It might also be nice to paint a fourth set of opaques for use in hidden information games for four players.
I'd love to just take a spray gold or silver can of Rustoleum and go, but I'm not sure if that is advisable.
Krylon Fusion For Plastic Spray Paint looks like it might be worth testing, and is fairly cheap.
Ok. Here's what I know. There's obviously two ways to color pyramids. One involves attempting to get the plastic to absorb the color - you can find Elliott C. Evan's trials and tribulations with that process HERE, ironically posted about 15 years to the month before this post of mine. The other involves putting the color onto the plastic and getting it to hold, my area of interest.
I started with some half-pyramids that I had left over from creating a zero-pip piece set a while back - man, am I glad I finally found SOMETHING to do with them and didn't just throw them away! I do make my own art, (HERE on Facebook, if you're interested) and am generally familiar with paint steadfastness, and though I didn't test them, I'm not sure that acrylic paint or spray paint are the best types of color for this kind of project. Acrylic ink on the other hand, is water resistant, thinner, and can be just as brilliant and even translucent or pearlescent, while more permanent.
First, I used a standard 1-2-3-All surface primer, then created a silver-stipple-on-blue/black paint pattern using air-blown ink, allowing the colors to dry between layers (left photo). I then clear coated it with a clear enamel spray and allowed it to dry. I may have done two coats. In any event, I could easily dig my fingernail into, and scratch the ink, but not really through the white primer (right photo).
Just to see what would happen, I applied a few larger drops of ink to an unprimed yellow piece (below left) and some micro dots of various sizes on another side of the same piece (below right). Once it was dry, I topped it with some vehicle-grade clear coat that I had in a repair kit in my car. After about a day, I was able to scratch into the larger drops but wasn't able to scratch the micro-dots away. After about three days, the larger drops (for size, compare that orange dot in the lower left to the size of the pips just below it) had more scratch resistance, but I was still able to get into them. But the micro dots in acrylic ink, with a vehicle-grade clear coat have held up incredibly well without a prime. It's like they are so small, you can't get under or get into them to damage them.
I stacked and unstacked another piece on top of that treated yellow piece close to 100 times - in a quick jittery successive motion - and it didn't leave a line, scratch a dot or dig into the finish. Could I scratch it if I really wanted to? Of course, but I would need a real tool of some sort, using another pyramid tip isn't enough. And really, that's not much different than how they already are untreated. Below is a color study of a black piece with 3 sides of each gold-silver-bronze pearlescent acrylic ink micro dots, and one layer of vehicle grade clear coat. With juuuuust the right light angle I can see the brush strokes in the clear coat, so possibly dipping it instead would be better if one had enough volume. In any event, it seems to hold up incredibly well, and I can't scratch it with my fingernail.
Encouraged, I sacrificed a clear trio, set out to color it in such a way that it would still be translucent, but still looking like many colors. I used air-blown ink as stated above, in micro dots, in small layers of color with time to dry between almost every color so they didn't blend too much, and each side was done separately as well so it could dry and lie flat without running - I did not attempt to color them standing up. I also didn't want to totally cover the entire thing with ink, in hopes it would keep some translucence. 'Confetti Clear' was born.
Happy with the results, I sacrificed a white trio, and created 'Confetti White': This next photo is BEFORE clear coat, the rest are AFTER clear coat.
Here are shots of 'Confetti Clear' and 'Confetti White' side by side:
So, then I tried a primed piece, with acrylic ink micro dots and vehicle grade clear-coat. It's just as tough as the ones above, though I'm an artist not a scientist so I can't say if it's truly 'tougher' or not. I will say both with and without primer are tough enough for me and the way I treat my game pieces. So, again, for me so far, the only advantage in priming using the micro dot method is that it covers up the base color of the pyramid if it's not already clear or white; but priming will take away any ability to stay translucent. The piece below was done on green, using neon pink and green inks - the original green color does not show through. I figure Hijinks Pink + Kickstarter Green = 'Pinkstarter'.
Lastly, I went with trying a solid 'sheet' of color on a primed piece. Based on the unprimed-yellow-pyramid-with-large-drops example towards the top, if you're going to try and do anything but the micro dot method, priming is probably a must. Using a blank side of the 'Pinkstarter' piece above, I put on a solid layer of Indian yellow acrylic ink, spreading the ink as opposed to air blowing it, and keeping it very thin. I let it dry, hitting it with vehicle grade clear coat. I wanted to get after it a little bit, so I scraped on it with the side of a flat-head screwdriver, and naturally, was able to get a scratch through the ink, and deeper one through the primer. After a hundred or so stack/unstacks, you can see the spots where a little bit of primer is showing through the yellow paint - it's big in the photo but so small you can hardly see it with your naked eye - but I did not sand that side prior to painting, and you can see where the little clumps of primer have allowed the paint to wear through. So if you're going to prime, super-fine-grit sanding, after priming, is key as well, even if it initially feels and looks smooth.
...And that's about what I know, based solely on my knowledge as an artist, and the experiments I've done as stated above. Will this method hold up to 10,000 stacks, I have no idea. Will it hold up to throwing your pyramids in small bag, then into a back pack, then all over the place, I'm not sure either. I'd think there is a pretty decent shot though, Confetti Clear, Confetti White and Pinkstarter are pretty tough. ...As a disclaimer, I maybe should say that the practiced technique of ink & air control (and maybe more importantly, volume), material handling, color theory and more all go into making these specific examples look the way they do. It may or may not be tougher for someone without a studio type setup with air-fed art tools, or familiarity with the materials to achieve the same look (outside of solid colors), but could be just as successful albeit with slightly different techniques and aesthetic end results. The cost of the ink is also be a factor; the ones I used here are $7-10 each, and I already have over 50 different colors so it was easy for me to create the confetti look in the colors I wanted. The willingness to experiment on your pyramids comes into play as well, once you prime or clear coat, there's no going back. A part of me initially considered making a few custom stashes, maybe not to sell as much as to trade, as I've been a Looney Labs fan for a long time but somehow missed out on the gray/electric yellow/volcano caps opportunity, but of course also wanted to also share everything I knew, so there ya go! That being said, there's no better time for me to say I'd still love a trade for one of those elusive gray or electric yellow original colors, and can offer a fairly customized stash in any number of your colors, in addition to having other oddities I'd trade like Q-turn; unopened Fluxx 2.1; or other stuff if anyone wants to talk.
Does anyone out there even HAVE a 'second/spare' set of gray, electric yellow or volcano caps?
All the best & good luck coloring your pyramids! Certainly share your results, other techniques and success/failure stories if you give it a go!
Those are amazing! Those translucence pyramids are so interesting. I've never used air blown ink, so I don't have the confidence quite yet.
I'm in the middle of pieceniking my second set of solids.
I'm using a Rustoleum rust red primer and then going over that with a bronze spray. They'll be filled with sand and glued shut once they are all done. I'll post a picture at some point.
Okay. Here are the results. This is a bronze set that I'm filling with sand to then be a pair with the Hot Topic Set that I made.
I don't know that I'll do more (as I'm hoping to inspire others to fill some of their sets), but at least we have some nice solids for Icehouse games. The photo where I left on the flash gives you a better sense of the bronze, even though it brings out some of the primer that is not normally visible to the eye.
Right on! They sure look nice in the top photo, well done! Are you using any sort of protective coating on top of the paint? I'm curious how the finish holds up with conventional spray paint and a (typically metal?) primer as I've not tried either.
The Hot Topic ones are cool looking with the two tones, and seem aptly named! Do you mind sharing your method for sealing/gluing the bottom?
I use the instructions for filling pyramids the Eeyore came up with.
I have an acrylic pad that was originally for something else. I recommend pushing down with the pyramid you are filling underneath and then flipping it over right-side up while pressing down. After several hours of drying time, they snap cleanly right off the pad. Any extra glue is going to push inward or come out the side (which you can easily remove), and it makes a nice seal. I've only had one pyramid start to leak sand over the past few years (and a slow leak at that), and I'll simply reheat the glue to reseal that.
I only used a primer and then the bronze spray. I'm not sure how well it will stay. I did find that the primer becomes active again after spraying the bronze, so that when I tried to fix up a mistake, I ended up smudging some of the primer off of a side (I might see some lose of paint there). So far, I haven't noticed any issues, but they haven't gotten much use. I'm not sure if a protective coating is necessary or not, but it couldn't hurt. I used a spray primer that bonds on plastic (among other things).
I have used Eeyore's method as well for six sets of Icehouse pieces, and I think I have seen only one piece of the lot leak sand at all, which is pretty good. Putting that alongside my purchases from LooneyCon and Origins, I have nine Icehouse stashes, so don't worry Greg, the art of pyramid filling and Icehouse playing will be passed on to the next generation haha
I've continued to experiment with painting pyramids using acrylic inks to good success. Using a few different combinations of ink colors, applied to Xeno Clear pieces only, I created this Sunset Stash with new color combinations (L to R, as shown here) Setting Sun, Red Horizon, Midnight Moon, Blue Lagoon & Green Flash. I also went ahead and got a quart of clear coat so I could dip the pieces (2 coats) instead of brushing them, resulting in a more factory looking smooth finish instead of slightly streaky from brushing. The color seems quite resilient to use, and sufficient drying time between each color (1 day) and each layer of clear coat (2-3 days) appears to be critical. I'm certainly pleased with the way these have turned out!!
Green Flash:
Blue Lagoon:
Midnight Moon:
Soooo I have never played any pyramids game. I have attempted to get into it on multiple occasions and have even looked at them at my local game store and online but there are sooooo many to choose from and the guys at the game store do not have any suggestions because they have never played before. Where is a good place to start? How many sets should I get? What games do you suggest? Any advice would be awesome.
Couple things that may help, my normal weekly gaming group is a rotating group of about 20 people with normally about 6 or 7 most weeks but I also love to play 2 and 3 player games a lot. We all have a pretty wide range of favorite games anywhere from Fluxx, Risk Zombies/ Humans and even Illuminati. I generally learn all the new games and teach them to everyone else.
All the games you mention playing include some randomness, so you might enjoy Gnostica, which works for 2 or more players and has some randomness from the Tarot card draws. Also check out RAMbots, which is a good fun game about simultaneous programming of robots sort of like RoboRally for 2-4 players, but plays in about a half hour instead of dragging on for hours. :)
Pretty standard advice is buy 5 Treehouse packs, so you'll have 5 nests of each of 5 colors, since a lot of games (including Gnostica and RAMbots) expect 5 nests of a given color.
For me, Treehouse itself is too fluffy/random, but your group may enjoy it.
If you're open to pure strategy games with no randomness, there are many good ones. With 3 Treehouse packs you have 3 nests of a given color and so can play binary Homeworlds, an excellent abstract-ish science fiction wargame. Homeworlds works for more than 2 players - add a Treehouse pack for each additional player. A single pack suffices for Tic Tac Doh, a short but interesting filler. 2 packs (colors don't matter!) suffices for 2-player Martian Chess. With 5 packs you can play a lot more games, e.g. Branches, Pikemen, Stack Control, Quicksand, etc etc...
More notes from me about games I've played:
Also, Check out Ryan Hackel's "Stereotypical Starship Captain List", it is basically a collected poll on the average favorite pyramid games based on everyone's Starship Captain List. (A Starship Captain List is a list comprised of a gamer's favorite games to play with pyramids.)
I've also written an "introduction to pyramids" report you can find on my page, which describes the five games I tend to get newcomers into pyramids with the easiest, and a brief description of each.
I hope it helps, the Looney Pyramid world is one worth exploring!
Zendo has remained one of my favorite pyramid games for quite a while now. Up until recently I have had little chance to play due to differing working schedules at the home front. On most occasions it is only one roommate and I at home.
Having the urge to play, yet only having one other person around inspired a Zendo game playable for two players. (This variant is a bit similar to Dharma Duel, but voted by a few to play better.)
We ended up testing this for hours! It is not a new game, but Zendo (or Dharma Duel) slightly modified.
If you love Zendo but sometimes don’t have enough players for a full game give this a shot!
I hope you enjoy!
Challenge of the Zen Masters
In this variant, players are essentially both Master and Student simultaneously. This is why it is viewed as a “Challenge of the Zen Masters”.
You will need 4-5 pyramid stashes, about 40 stones (20 black, 20 white), and something to mark as a divider on the table.
Place the divider in the middle of the playing field to divide each player space. Put all of the stones in an area that can be easily reached by both players, and place the pyramid stash with the same accordance.
To begin, each player will think of a specific rule for their side. (Example: A koan has the Buddha nature if it contains only one medium piece.) Each Master must then build two koans according to their secret rule. One koan will have the Buddha nature, this will be marked with a white stone. The other koan will not have the Buddha nature, this will be marked will a black stone. We have found it sometimes helps to put a limit on the number of pyramids that can be used in koans while early in the game. If someone is less experienced, we set the limit to five. Both masters build their beginning koans simultaneously.
Players decide who begins. On your turn you must build a new koan on your opponent’s side of the divider. They will then either mark it with a white or black stone, dependent on whether or not the new koan has the Buddha nature compliant with their rule. Your opponent will then build a new koan on your side of the divider, and you will mark it with a stone accordingly.
This continues as long as it is necessary, until someone is confident in their guess.
Because you are a Zen Master, you will have only one chance to guess your opponent’s secret rule.
If you guess wrong, you lose this round. Your opponent can then continue building koans on your side until they are confident to guess. If they guess wrong, nobody wins this round! Therefore it becomes very important to test your guess with koans to narrow down the possibilities.
This could mean either players win, or one player wins, or neither player wins!
I hope you have fun with this simple variant, please feel free to comment!
Making guesses, and getting counterexamples, is one of the crucial mechanics of Zendo. Without it, you can never be sure about some odd exception that you have never tested. Say the rule is "a koan has the buddha nature if it has a red piece, or a weird green ungrounded piece touching a large yellow" and you've gotten the red piece part of the rule. You test lots and lots of combinations to make sure the the rule is "a koan has the buddha nature if it has a red piece," since you never happen to try the particular construction that would prove it wrong. So you make your guess, and lose. Mondo, guessing stones, and counterexamples are important are to prevent this kind of situation, by giving you a way to discover those sorts of obscure exceptions that you otherwise might miss, while limiting the rate at which you can do so.
Also, this has the same problem that Dharma Duel has; the fact that masters are competing. The best strategy in that case is to come up with a ridiculously hard rule. So you get rules like "the sum of the pip counts of the red, large, and ungrounded weird pyramids must be divisible by both the number of green pyramids and the pip-count sum of all groups of mutually touching pyramids." And then no one gets the rule, and so no one wins. Or you could not play optimally, but games aren't much fun if you have to handicap yourself in order for the game to be reasonable.
I find that one of my favorite aspects of Zendo is the fact that it straddles the line between cooperative and competitive. The master is only there to provide a compelling game for the students; their goal is to create a rule that's not too hard, and not to easy. While the student start out competing, they are also cooperating in a way by providing information to the other students; and I find that when the rule is a little too hard, the students start fully cooperating by suggesting ideas to each other or suggesting koans to test.
I agree with you, Brian. Zendo is definitely at its best while played with many people for all of the points you suggest. This was an attempt to best emulate the game while only having another person with you, due to my love for this game and not often enough having the necessary amount of players.
I do have to disagree with one aspect you mentioned, though. The game plays out to have multiple outcomes, and isn't necessarily a competition. Both players can win, or lose. This is something I ultimately enjoy, because one thing I find myself frequently yawning through is the lull during analysis paralysis while you're the master in Zendo. Not that I'm an impatient player, but when someone takes more than 15 minutes to build a koan, sometimes a feeling of detachment begins to creep in.
Over all, I think Zendo is a very intelligent, well thought out game, and I love playing it. I wanted to try something that kept the same feel, yet had an equal involvement for each player.
It may not be perfect, but I suggest giving it a round or two before deciding you don't like it. Who knows, maybe you will!
By the way, "the sum of the pip counts of the red, large, and ungrounded weird pyramids must be divisible by both the number of green pyramids and the pip-count sum of all groups of mutually touching pyramids" is intense, and makes me think a game with you would cause my head to explode!
I can't find any pictures from last year, but I like the dice in this picture from the year before:
Large enough to be large, but small enough to be reasonably portable.
Just a little fFollowup on this. I have built a set of 4 dice, one each of:
I considered making 3d6, to play WW3, but it just didn't happen. Sorry.
They are styrofoam cubes, sheets of craft-foam, duct tape, and a bunch of pins to hold stuff on each side of the dice. This happens to be similar to what I made last year, but I did make them somewhat improved and better looking. I will post pictures a little later.
I just made a small album of some pictures of my dice, here:
The sun is shining and the grass is green, a nice day fFor some pictures!
If anyone would like some different views or something, let me know.
Inspired by last week's discussion of kids and pyramids, my son's growing interest in pyramids, and an hour shoveling snow to think about it, I decided to look for a pyramid answer to Snakes and Ladders. After a solid beating this weekend, it feels firm enough to send defenseless into the world for some comments.
Keepers & Creepers uses a rainbow stash and the Treehouse die, works for 2-5 players and takes about 15 min. to play. Please let me know what you think!
So we have tried the game. I like it very much. Children also. My wife less as she rolls only tips and digs. :)
We will continue to "test" on weekend. Just few questions to rules.
Will you put your game on wiki?
I have tried this with my kids (5, 3 and 3). For us, unfortunately, this is not a replacement for Snakes & Ladders nor for Treehouse Snakes and Ladders. On each roll in the first half of the game, the kids had to wait while I checked the rules to be sure which action was just rolled. The twins got distracted after a few turns and did not complete the game. Also, the eldest and I had some fun, but not as much as when we play TS&L. Though my son saw the game through, he got frustrated with not knowing if he had rolled well or poorly. The kids also showed some frustration with analysis paralysis. A child of the age S&L aims at (preschool) benefit from some choices while gaming, but too many choices is worse than no choices at all. On every Aim rolled, for instance, the child would ask for or just wait for me to tell them the most advantageous move at the time.
This is a tough target age group for a game designer. We did not hate your game; it just wasn't loved, either. We did like the smaller board, and the Fluxx jargon use (the eldest is eager to learn to read so that he can play Fluxx without showing an adult his cards and without just playing random cards). I think replacing the movement point mechanic with something simpler and also simplifying Wild would speed the game and make it more fun for the younger players. I'm also going to color one of my white Treehouse dice before our next time playing. Making the creeper sides red and the keeper sides green would help preliterate kids quickly recognize the up and down beats of the game as they're rolled.
I ordered my reply by weaknesses (for us) followed by strengths. Make no mistake, though, that this is a good game that could be great. Are you going to put it on IcehouseOrg?
Thanks, glad to hear you liked it! How did your kids do with the rules relative to their ages?
It stinks to get a lot of tips and digs in a row -- that was the primary motivation for adding the poor bonus.
Regarding your questions:
I decided to introduce the game here and then consider adding it to the wiki if the reaction is positive / after any major snags are revised.
I'm sorry to hear that the game didn't work out as well for you. I suspect, thinking about my daughter that K&C is probably a bit much to ask a 3 year old. K&C is really intended to be a "next game" from S&L rather than a drop in pyramid replacement like TS&L looks to be (I somehow missed TS&L on the wiki, by the way -- thank for pointing it out to me! It was interesting/strange to see the piggybacking term show up in the other game as well).
In our house, S&L is popular, but I my 4 (almost 5) year old has been expressing more interest in playing games more "like what Mom and Dad play", so I wanted something that would add more strategy choices for him to experiment with (3 pip pyramids move slower, but they can take riders or can be useful for reducing the impact of a dig/tip. Does a hop or a tip let me move further from this point near the corner? If I get a wild, which to moves are best for me and in which order?) as well as to let him to practice his emerging math skills (6/1 -> 6 , 6/2 -> 3, 6/3 -> 2). The first couple of times through, Aidan was also reluctant about which choice to made, but after we slowed down to let him see how each move would change the board, he started making his own choices (some good, some bad) fairly quickly.
I didn't have as many difficulties with him understanding the keeper/creeper distinction, but he's also a very early reader able to read the rules and also caught on quickly to the black die/white die difference on the rule sheet. I think your idea of coding a die is an excellent one though -- if you try it, please let me know if it makes things clearer.
The movement rules were the part that took the most work to get balanced. Of course, my intent was based on using pip-based movement for some basic math practice, so that complexity comes from design. Originally, instead of the point based movement, a d6 was used along with the treehouse die, but this caused a lot of issues with which actions did and didn't use the d6 as well as a major problem with negative bias on the board that made the games run far too long. I would be reluctant to drop the movement point basis entirely, but a simplified rule for younger players would certainly be a good idea. My first two instincts would be to either make Aim "move a piece forward 2 spaces" and Dig/Tip "a piece back 1" (The 2/1 being to keep that negative bias down and this still likely slows down the game considerably) or to use a custom die that indicates which pyramid to use (though this tanks the early strategic side of the game and still needs something like the 2/1 to keep a little bit of forward bias on the board). What kind of change did you have in mind when you mentioned a simplified movement mechanic? Something like one of these, or something else entirely? Also, regarding wild, what would you simplify? I felt that the take two turns of your choice was fairly straightforward -- what kinds of problems was it causing you at the table?
Thanks for the great constructives -- as far as the wiki, I'm definitely considering it, but wanted to introduce it in the nifty forums here for an initial outing and put it to that audience after I find out whether the predominant reaction is positive and I've decided which rules do/don't need changes and how.
We have played the game three times in last 24 hours with my 11-5,5-4 and my mum. Twice it was a bit longer than expected, but still fun. We understand the rules well. 4yo had problems to follow the game, so he played with his grandma. Both 5,5 and 11 enjoyed the game. And me too. It is nice to more games with only one tube of pyramids. I would think about less rows to play. May be - try to reduce the game to only 4 rows if played by more than two players. Or if played with more than 3 players to only 3. Of course, it depends for how long you wish to play. :)
I like piggbacking a lot. And double wild is great too. My mum had problems to remember her color :):).
As far as I know Looneys claim their games fit for adults and children can have fun too. As a father of three kids (4-6-11) and a teacher I look for pyramid games children can play and love.
I created Pyramideto (for my 4-6) to have a game that fits. We use to play Treehouse (with my 6-11). Pharaoh is ok too. And what´s about you?
My son (4) has just recently started to play with pyramids, much to the chagrin of my daughter (almost 3) who REALLY wants to play but just isn't quite ready yet. Treehouse is one of our games of choice with pyramids along with Synapse-Ice. I think the big key for me when I'm trying to pick games is that Aidan's still not necessarily great with private information games (these are also a little harder to teach without having him "on mom's or dad's team") so for now I'm giving preference to games without decks (also helps with the sticky hands issue). I'm also trying to stick with games for now that have a simple play mechanic and goal structure (I tried to walk him through a game of volcano I was playing with my wife, but he glazed a little about it.) I think my next couple of choices are probably Pharaoh, Penguin Soccer, or maybe Martian Coasters (I made a quick and dirty set on index stock that can be laminated/recycled if necessary)
Demoing for kids, I find they use them as a sort of Legos a lot--making "scenes" with them and so-forth.
How Pretty Is That? is sort of for the young'uns (and maybe a bit tongue-in-cheek):
My own Moon Shot should probably test well with your demographic:
In a similar "dexterity game" vein, there's Thin Ice:
I was surprised at how good the young kids who played in my Martian Mud Wrestling tourney a few years back were:
Another of my favorites, which is a low-strategy, no-randomness "miniatures game' is Armada:
(Err on the side of agreeing that a hit happens, when in doubt. Also, play around with using tubes and caps as barriers and "wormholes"--Armada is ripe for progressive complexity due to special rules and terrain.)
I could go on... but that will get you through a long Saturday night. ;) Maybe try some searches on the wiki for Low "Rules Complexity" and "Min. Playing time", for games which should be easy to learn and won't become so protracted that impatience sets in.
We play lots of pyramid games with our 8yo son. I just asked him what his favorite pyramid games are:
- Crosswalk
- Volcano
- World War 5
- Martian Coasters (though he says that might not be good for some kids)
- Petal battle (when it is released)
He also has fun inventing his own games - complete with rules and playing boards. His biggest creation he calls 'USA War I' which requires an astonishing number of pyramids (50 each of two colors) - so we haven't actually gotten to play a full game of it yet.
I've written several articles about playing games with kids that include pyramid games:
I wrote this one for Looney Labs in 1999 when I was not yet a parent, just a developmental psychologist with a lot of younger cousins.
Then I wrote about games my son could play by the time he was 4:
He's somewhat ahead of the curve in his hand coordination and attention span.
He started playing Zendo shortly before turning 5, and then he learned to play IceTowers at Origins last year:"
That reminds me, we need to play that again soon!! IceTowers is MY favorite pyramid game.
With almost 20 new Starship Captains in the ranks since my last SSCL, I've compiled statistics on all 52 starship captain lists I could find here. Here's the top ten most listed games, in order of their average ranking in lists they appear in:
1) Volcano (listed 45 times, averaging 3.44)
2) Homeworlds (listed 33 times, averaging 3.55)
3) Zendo (listed 35 times, averaging 3.89)
4) Zark City (listed 28 times, averaging 5.61)
5) Martian Chess (listed 40 times, averaging 6.05)
6) Pharaoh (listed 20 times, averaging 6.50)
7) World War 5 (listed 29 times, averaging 6.72)
8) Martian Coasters (listed 29 times, averaging 6.90)
9) IceTowers (listed 29 times, averaging 7.59)
10) Treehouse (listed 37 times, averaging 8.46)
(Note: Binary Homeworlds counts as Homeworlds. Speed Zendo counts as Zendo.)
What has changed? Homeworlds and Zendo switched places. Homeworlds now has the edge on average rank, but Zendo still has more listings. Martian Chess overtook Pharaoh. World War 5 edged above Martian Coasters, but these games are nearly at a dead heat. The eponymous Icehouse fell off the list entirely, having insufficient listings to stay in the top ten, joining Pikemen on the congeniality podium.
31 games appear on three or more Starship Captain lists but not in the top ten.
Zagami now appears on two Starship Captain lists.
P.S.: Here's the previous edition:
I'm not sure if you got to mine, as I just posted it the other day. I might make one change on it, but if you're only calibrating the top ten of each, it might not make any difference.
I'm guessing that my list didn't make your rankings (though I was listed as counted in the other thread). If so, that doesn't explain what happened to many of the ones that had one or two votes in the last edition.
What happened to Synapse-Ice, Torpedo, TimeLock, Pylon, etc.? In fact, shouldn't Torpedo and TimeLock have gained votes? For instance, there are at least twp (I think three now) who have TimeLock listed (fairly high on my list).
By my count, there are 92 games represented here.
Top 10: 10
3+ lists, not Top 10: 31
Two lists: 12
One list: 39
I would be interested in seeing the list of games that appear on 3 or more lists which are not in the Top 10.
Edit to add:
By comparison, the Icehouse Pyramid Games family on BoardGameGeek lists 153 games, and lists 335 games.
I got your list, Greg.
Pylon is on six lists. TimeLock and Synapse-Ice are on four lists each. Torpedo is on three lists.
GAME, #Lists, #AVG
Icehouse | 18 | 5.50 |
Pikemen | 17 | 6.29 |
Twin Win | 15 | 8.80 |
Black ICE | 13 | 8.69 |
IceDice | 12 | 4.42 |
Gnostica | 12 | 6.75 |
RAMbots | 12 | 6.83 |
Zarcana | 9 | 7.22 |
Penguin Soccer | 8 | 8.25 |
Blam | 7 | 5.14 |
Cracked Ice | 7 | 10.14 |
Alien City | 6 | 6.67 |
Pylon | 6 | 7.83 |
Tic Tac Doh | 6 | 8.33 |
Thin Ice | 6 | 8.83 |
Petri Dish | 5 | 6.40 |
Subdivision | 5 | 9.40 |
Branches Twigs Thorns | 5 | 9.60 |
Time Lock | 4 | 4.50 |
Petal Battle | 4 | 5.75 |
Synapse-ice | 4 | 6.75 |
Crosswalk | 4 | 8.25 |
Moon Shot | 4 | 9.25 |
Quicksand | 4 | 10.25 |
Nothing Beats a Large | 4 | 10.75 |
Drip | 4 | 12.25 |
Martian Backgammon | 4 | 12.25 |
Launchpad 23 | 3 | 5.33 |
Armada | 3 | 5.67 |
Powerhouse | 3 | 7.33 |
Torpedo | 3 | 7.67 |
Zamboni Wars | 3 | 8.00 |
Ah, here are the missing games (Pylon, Time Lock, Torpedo, etc.)! They just didn't get noted above (just the ones with 2 or fewer captain lists). Sorry for my confusion on that. It's an interesting mix.
As a side note, I'll be playing Quicksand tonight... As a recent game with a lot of promise, it will probably end up on my list at some point. Wouldn't be surprised to see that one (among others) creeping up the list as time goes by.
Thanks. For some reason, I read the above as 10 games, plus the few from one or two lists. I missed that there were many that didn't fit into those categories.
Do you recompile the older lists each time? It just happened that you compiled the list one day after I added my top 20.
If you recompile them each later, or if not, you might note that Quicksand indeed made it into my top 10. It was a blast to play. I put it into 4th place, moving the rest down.
To Greg and Everyone Else Who Cares About the SSCL:
Whenever you change your List, tell me on my Comment Wall.
Some friends and I have been kicking around the idea of a custom Volcano board that was lit from underneath. I got the idea when I was playing on my MegaVolcano board on the lit card case at a local shop. It made the white of the board brighter and more translucent. I think it could easily be done with a bunch of LED's in a box with a clear top that I could fit my existing board. My goal would be to softly light up the pyramids from below.
They want to try a different approach and have and LED in each square lighting them individually from the bottom. I think it would be too bright and gaudy. I also think that it would be too complex and require a lot of batteries. I think it might overshadow the neatness of the pieces as well.
I plan looking around at various hobby stores this weekend to find a box that is suitable. Has anyone done anything like this before? Does anyone have any suggestions?
I will let you know how it goes
I've seen such things, but can't find any instructions on the web. You will probably just have to experiment with LED placement, or perhaps with small fluorescent strip lighting.
With LEDs, power will probably not be a big issue--common LEDs use 20mA at 2V or about 40mW (0.04W). 25 of them will barely be a watt--something a 1400mAh rechargeable cellphone battery could run for days and days and days. A single AA battery would drive it for quite a while. And, of course, you could design the circuit to allow it to be plugged in, but seems overkill.
But IANAEE. Do your homework for matching voltage and setting up a charger (or stealing one from an old cell phone).
Annnd it's your lucky day--slow at work means I'm reading a LOT of RSS feeds. This just floated down from MAKE Magazine:
I saw a lit board at an Origins many years ago. It was a pretty straightforward wooden box, with a spot to put a standard volcano board, and mounted to the inside sides were a couple battery powered florescent tube lights. (They probably weren't really florescent, but that's what they looked like.) This actually did a nice job illuminating the pieces on the board.
After hearing Sam talk about his idea for a color changing volcano board at Origins, I've been mulling over the same idea. I'm not sure if I'll make it to Origins this year or not, but I hope to have a prototype of that board done for then either way.
All these ideas sound amazing. Of course, now I have crazy ideas about squares changing color and that somehow impacting the game play. Maybe after each turn you push a button and the colors shift and that means something? Will need to daydream about this some more.
So curious to see what you all build!
Eeyore has a bunch of Icehouse-related craft projects, one of which is this cheap-n-easy lightbox.
(I could swear that somewhere on his site I've seen one of his projects where he turned light-up speech balloons into a glowing Volcano board, but I've gone internet-blind just looking for it. It required special off-the-shelf products that might not be available anymore, so screw it.)
Another method I've heard for a simple underlit Volcano board is to build the Volcano board on the plexiglass lid of a box, then throw a few closet tap lights inside.
So, I went to Hobby Lobby (best craft store in the area) and found a bunch of goodies. I found a brief case type box that fit my Mega-Volcano board nicely. My friend claimed this one for his project, so I won't be able to post pictures of it until this week sometime. For my self I found a 10 x 10 box that didn't have the top and bottom that is working out fairly well. I didn't know this at the time, but Hobby Lobby will measure and cut plexiglass for you. I also bought a glue gun and glue (If you are going to do this I suggest you go withe a High temperature gun as the lower temperature one cools down quickly(I had a little trouble getting the plexiglass positioned).I bought a piece that fits snugly on my box. After that I headed off to Radioshack where I bought 4 super bright LEDs, a battery case, and a power switch. All I have left to do is get it wired together, and then make it pretty. I only spent about $40.00 on this project, and plan to do similar ones. I am not normally a crafty person, and would like to thank the Looneys for getting me out from in front of my computer for a while.
I am in the process of compiling all of the variations of Volcano and putting them into a little book which, with the Looney's permission, I will make available here.
So far I have:
Mini Volcano
Mega Volcano
Uber Volcano
Scambled Volcano
Random Layout Volcano
Single Move Volcano
Compass Volcano
Melting Volcano
Plain Earth Volcano
Does anyone know of any other variants?
Does anyone know who created the following variants so I can give them proper credit in the book?
Uber Volcano
Random Layout Volcano
Single Move Volcano
Compass Volcano
Melting Volcano
Plain Earth Volcano
Jim, if you're up for it, please update the Volcano page on the IceWiki with variants you know of, including a brief description of each.
The Compass Die variation is mine:
The single-cap variant [there are many versions of it--one cap, one move; one cap, many moves; many caps, one move each] is discussed here and probably in other places:
I discuss both the Compass and my one-cap version here:
If you really want to credit me for the Compass variant, email me [] to get the exact way I play it [since I'm probably the only player who uses it] down, and credit me as"Nate Straight".
The wife and I developed a color setup variant that we really like. A Red / Blue / Yellow / Green / Orange game would look like...
O G R Y B (And, as ususal, the caps start on the Reds.)
We initially called this the Knight's Move setup. notice that if start with the green in the lower left, you up-up-right and land on another green. Up-upp-left again and there's another green, etc. The same is true for all the colors.
You could also call it the Pinwheel setup, based on...
- The initial location of the reds and caps.
- The fact that the board has what might be termed 90 degree rotational symmetry. i.e. Notice where the greens are in the diagram above. Rotate the board 90degrees clockwise and the orange pieces take the place of the greens. Rotate again and the yellow pieces fall into place. etc.
I think I like "Knight's Move" better. It's easier to set up the board given just that name.
>... notice that if start with the green in the lower left, you up-up-right and land on another green. Up-upp-left again and there's another green, etc. The same is true for all the colors.
Holy mackerel, talk about typos! I just can't leave that as-is.
Notice that if start with the green in the lower left, you go up-up-right and land on another green. Up-up-right again and there's another green, etc. The same is true for all the colors.
I don't remember who suggested Capless Volcano, but essentially it removes all caps, and eruptions simply happen. This is probably okay fFor a very unbalanced game, like one strong player and one weak player.
The presumption is that the strong player can setup any move and get any cap to anywhere on the board, so the caps are mostly irrelevant fFor them, acting as more of a mental exercise. Meanwhile, the weaker player may not see how best to move the caps, so they become a limiter to what can be done. Such a game might be a bit dull fFor the expert, and fFrustrating to the novice. Remove all caps, and anything can erupt anytime.
It is unclear to me whether nest pieces erupt into 1 square away as in normal Volcano, or in adjacent squares since there is no cap to erupt adjacently. Also, I don't know if such a game has ever been played. But it was suggested somewhere.
I'm a fan of Hexano Duel (a two-player variant of Volcano), so I'm happy to encourage more SCs (especially for those that have enough stashes) to give it a try.
I've only been playing Volcano for the past year, but I've played Hexano Duel enough, and with a few different players, to see it as my favorite variant for two players. It allows six moves from an open space (instead of eight moves), has some spaces that are available to only one player, and each player has their own caps. Among other things, this adds a lot more strategy to cap placement than traditional Volcano does. However, its other mechanics are like Mega Volcano.
Jim, were you including the two Hexano games on your list, or do you not consider them different enough from Volcano to exclude? I look forward to seeing the completed list.
I just added Supercalifragilisticano to the wiki. I was a little surprised that no one had documented anything (that I could find) arranged like this straightforward metastasis of Mega-Volcano.
Thanks for starting this. I was thinking about the ICE Awards just the other day. Do we think a thread will be sufficient, or do we maybe want to try to get a forum or a group set up?
As for numbers, I think maybe there was a pent up supply last year and this may be a more "normal" number. I had proposed setting up some sort of exhibition to encourage development, but that went nowhere.
I think no more than 6-8 semi-finalists would be as much as a we could manage, then the self-appointed cabal could narrow it down to 3 finalists. Most people at Origins could manage 3 games along with the rest of their schedule, so I would say "no more than 3." And unless the alternatives are really bad, I would also say "no less than 3." Absent something extraordinary, that works out to (wait for it) "exactly 3."
I would like to open up a question: Last year we simply said "Amateur Games Only." This easily excluded all Looney Labs games, and made sense at the time. But this year, Jan Divecky has 2 games, Flags and Pyramideto, which are being sold commercially. Are they also excluded? I dont imagine Jan makes very much money off of the cards (which could theoretically be used in other games as well, in the same way that a Decktet could be used in other games, although less likely.)
What is it to be? "amatuer" meaning non-Profit, or "amateur" meaning non-Looney? I fFeel it is unfair to include Looney Games in the competition, but beyond that?
Not sure, actually, if we'll need more than a single thread. It can be a long thread, that's okay by me. A whole agora of threads would probably be suited to one thread per game, but most games probably dont need that much conversation.
Perhaps it would be sensible to have one thread to discuss procedures, and one thread to discuss the actual games themselves? But maybe even that would get too splintered.
In general, I'm okay with keeping it all together.
The threading mechanism here can sometimes be hard to follow, so I was thinking that maybe it would be good to be able to break off individual discussions into their own threads.
So: Did he reply? Notification. Vs. Did he reply? Dig through the big thread until you can find the subthread that deals with what you care about.
Really? I thought the threading was pretty good. But I suppose I haven't really used Ning very much; there's probably a lot of situations I'm not thinking of at the moment.
Well, I suppose we should start with using 1 thread, which seems to be enough now, and expand as needed. No need to build Rome just this minute, but it's good to think of these things.
In the 6-Cap Volcano thread, after a while I started having trouble following along as people were responding to responses and also responding to the main thread. It was difficult for me to tell what was new without going through and looking at the timestamps on everything (and trying to remember how long it had been since I'd read it last).
May be I am too fresh in this community but as I see there are so many pyramid games no one can know all of them well and no one can play all of them. For me it is great i can follow some hints (Awards) what to try and what game is really good. If experienced gamers say: Theese three games are the best we had in 2010 it will push me to try such games.
I do not see any reason why to delete new Looneys pyramid games from the list. (Oh, well, except keeping my fingers crossed for Pyramideto and Flags :) )
As you said the goal is to promote Looney Labs catalog. I see the pyramids there :). In my opinion - more people playing pyramid games, more pyramids sold. It should be good for Looney Labs, don´t you think so?
Iceminers looks like, from the history page, to have been created in 2010. Also, it looks to be in its final form (though I haven't played it yet). Perhaps that belongs on the list.
Proposed eligibility guidelines:
- The games we consider must be freely available. The existence of a "pay" version does not preclude consideration of a free version if they are the same game.
- Our goal is to promote games beyond the Looney Labs catalog, so Looney Labs games are ineligible for consideration.
This sound like a perfect plan to us. These are the ICE awards - C is for Community - so Looney Labs games should not be eligible.
Thanks again for organizing this - we will provide a table again in The Big Experiment to promote the playing/voting, and can promote it online in advance of the show!
I see the rules fFor fFlags posted here: Flags Rules
I am basically okay with these as being rules which are "fFreely available to download." All that is missing is the goal cards. I would prefer to see a collection of images made, possibly with Denis Moskowitz's Pyramid Images, to use as Goal Cards. (maybe that should be my contribution towards playtesting that I am quite delinquent on reporting! As an official playtester, I should make that my bound duty.)
But, in summary, I am of the opinion that the requirement of "fFreely available to download" has been fFulfilled here. Jan has provided every aspect of the game, probably more than was available fFor other games last year.
Is it the best game of the year? I cannot say =) I like a lot of games fFrom the past year, actually. But I think it's eligible, yes.
It is my desire to begin the judging!! All that has come before is now accepted to be true. =)
Here's how this works. Put your name by a game on the wiki. Play it through a couple times.
If you like it, cool. If you think someone else might like it, cool. If you think it might be a good game even though you cant imagine anyone ever liking it, cool. IN all of these cases, make a note to the effect of "Pass."
If you cannot understand the rules, or you cannot play the game because the game is unplayable, or if the game is a joke, or a fFalse attempt at making something, or, generally, if the game is a fFAIL .... make a note saying something like "DOES NOT PASS."
At this stage, more games should pass than fFail. The only things that don't pass round 1 are games that are not Icehouse games at all. Examples might be a variant of some other game that happens to use 2 or 3 pyramid pieces, or a game that doesn't make any sense at all. We're just cutting the chaffe, here.
I am here finally. I really liked doing all the Looney Labs stuff through email, and so I have been slow to get involved in the shift to this fan club site. (I prefer minimizing the number of web places I have to check, but if this is where the action is, I'll get up to speed.)
Anyway, here are some thoughts I have:
- I am impressed with the number of people involved with continuing this tradition. Kudos to you all!
- A large section of last year's number of entries was because of that one college course that required a pyramid game design of its students. That's part of why there's fewer this year.
- I like the eligibility criteria.
- I realize that I never uploaded a couple of games I designed last year to the wiki. If you think it's ok to do so, I'll do that soon; otherwise I'll let them be eligible for next year.
- I had fun trying out those new games last year, and look forward to doing it again.
Under these conditions, Block ur Friends passes, though I honestly don't expect it to win. The endgame can be boring, the pieces can run out too soon, and strategic play can be self-defeating. Whether it even qualifies as an Icehouse game is up for debate, given that the pyramids can be replaced with pawns and colored chips.
On the other hand, it has a nice little twist on the disappearing board mechanic, and can be enjoyable.
Allo! I would like to request some fFeedback and opinion here.
Consider the game Emperor's Garden. It's a pretty good game!! There is but one main problem: it's a card game not a pyramid game. The pyramids are present and used and important. But you could entirely replace the pyramids with penny-nickel-quarter coins. Essentially they are used as pawns to move around a constrcuted board.
So the question is: does that matter? I am reminded of Martian Poker, which is really just poker with pyramid pieces. Even Andy has said it exists as a Pyramid Game only as a loophole to be able to play Poker. Should Emporer's Garden be cut fFrom this round of ICE Awards due to not being Icey? I am leaning towards "it should be cut." It's a pretty decent game, but you could use any playing pieces to accomplish the same task.
That's too bad. I think that it depends, and you're the one who has actually played it. Pyramid gaem? The critique could be said of Zark City to some extant and other games that don't require stacking or nesting. The difference being, in most of these games, at least the colors matter. Do they in Emperor's G.? Does size matter at all ?
If the game doesn't really utilize the pyramids much, then I doubt that it will win the prize by any measure. I thought that the judging criteria round was loose, but it may not matter so much, if it obviously isn't a pyramid game. If the game truly doesn't feel at all like one, I'm sure your cut reaction is the correct one. Emperor's Garden may simply be an example of how not to integrate gaming systems.
A loophole is a loophole. It should pass round 1. It's minimal use of pyramid nature should be taken into account in determining how far it advances, but I don't think we're to the point of making that determination. We should get there fast, though, because Origins is only 5+ weeks away.
fFair enough. The Loophole says it's in. =)
It is a pretty good game, too. The rules require a Hanafuda deck, but you can basically play with any standard deck of cards. Hanafuda Cards use suits the short way across a series, where European Playing Cards use suits the long way up and down a series. So you would just read "suit" as "number" any time it appeared in the rules.
I remain uncertain about the quality which was identified last year, known as "iciness," and owing to the impending deadline, we should really start to think about that fFor round 2. But fFor now, this will pass. Onward!!
quite right. I had been hoping other people might play some things, since I don't want to be the only one to make the call on all these. And, some of them seem a little more involved so I had been putting off playing them. But maybe I should simply churn through some, suss out their basic qualities in some lighter gaming, and then declare round 1 over. Round 2 will probably use some advice of round 1to help expedite the decision making process. And boy do I hope more people aid in the judging process. =)
So. Let's say Round One shall be over this weekend. I will play as many games I can, get through round 1, and start on round 2 if possible. I encourage others to play games as well, of course. Round 2 should be over by, let's say, two weeks hence, on 03JUN11. Round 2 will be all about honesty and cutting games that are simply not as strong as other games. That gives us a couple weeks to go fFrom whatever remains down to only 3 games fFor the fFinals.
I think that if pyramids are used for markers, it is not a icehouse game. A real icehouse game need to be played with pyramids only and, in some case,with a board game specialy designed for the game. Now, if we are honest for a few seconds, many icehouse games can be played without the use of pyramids. It is just a matter of making pieces who can do the same things then pyramids ( colors and pips). So what is the dead line between real or fake icehouse games ? Some people are using pyramids just to get some publicity for their game. Like Andrew Looney create it, pyramids have sizes,colors,can be upright or down on their face...and that was( and still is) used for special games called "icehouse" games. So a real icehouse game is a game played only with pyramids (and a special board if necessary) and some markers who are not pyramids (Zendo, Alien city).
Here you can see pieces of round wood, face 1 and face 2. It is a fake icehouse system but it can work for many games.
A real icehouse game need to be played with pyramids only and, in some case,with a board game specialy designed for the game.
That sentence can be interpreted a couple of ways, but I don't think I can agree with it either way. If you mean that a game requires pyramids to play, then as you said, substitute components can be found for most if not all pyramid games. If you mean that the use of other generic equipment makes a game not a "real" icehouse game, we'd then have to discard many classic games as "not real" because they use chessboards, playing cards, or dice.
How do we identified a game? By the pieces who are parts of that game. A chessboard is a chessboard because we use chess pieces to play. If you use other kinds of pieces who are not chess pieces, then the chessboard is no more a chessboard but a 64 squares board. So the pieces (and what they can do) give the name to the board. In martian chess, we are not playing on a chessboard but on a martian chess board of 64 or 32 squares. The icehouse piece is a material of 3 components: color, size and shape. In Homeworlds, the 3 components are used because it is a Icehouse game ( using a icehouse piece). You can use dice, boards of any shapes or sizes, but still you must play the pieces with all his components to call that a icehouse game.If it's not the case, then you have a variant-icehouse game. It can be a wonderfull game but not a pure icehouse game. So what games fit the competition ? Pure,variant, or both of them ? We must remember in what things are made , and for what purpose they have been created. We can use a Tower to move it like a pawn but then,it is not chess. Volcano is a pure icehouse game because we use the shape, the size and the color of the pyramids to play the game (Just trying to save my neck here :))
That sounds about right to me. Particularly when the external components are either extremely common, or from Looney Labs: I expect nobody to bat an eye at chessboards, poker cards, d6 dice, or martian coasters; an Aquarius deck could pass, though Fluxx would be harder to make more icy than Fluxxy; but a full piecepack or commercial game would be much harder to justify.
Hanafuda appears to be Japan's equivalent of a poker deck, and can easily be replaced by one for purposes of Emperor's Garden, so I wouldn't dock it on that point. The game does use the color, size, and pip values of the pyramids involved, so they're a better match for it than other common components would be. It even uses a fifth color specially, just like Treehouse.
Compare BurF, which on its face uses more standard components. However, it falls flat on its face when you run out of pyramids, and is designed in a way that makes it easy to do so. It would, in fact, be improved by using something else in place of pyramids; just about anything in multiple colors will do, as long as you have enough of them, and they fit on the board.
Thought for Round 2: Some of the games that passed in Round 1 have done so with unfinished or unclear rules. The quality of rules craftmanship should certainly help parse the list in Round 2.
Also, Julien Griffon has two games in the current batch. Per last year's convention of one finalist per designer, Julien should withdraw one of his designs.
I myself have not been contributing as much this year as I wanted to, since life is more challenging with a baby in the house. I have already played five of the twelve games that have passed Round 1, and think two or three of those should get cut in the next round. I will weigh my opinions of these five when called upon to do so, and I can be pressed to try a few more.
I have gone through a few of the last entries, and passed Pyrinoes and Nimbus; the Game of Princes left too many questions for me to know exactly how to play it, so it failed this year.
I am not sure what to do with Crystal Caverns or Elementalist, which are both rather complicated -- the first being a cooperative dungeon crawl using a deck of cards, the other being a MTG-like duel, both having various tables of properties. It will take some time to get familiar enough with the rules to play them. I am loathe to eliminate a game for being too complicated, and would like to actually play them before judging.
Leaving those two aside, what next? I'll have to peruse old emails to remind myself how we did it last year. Gotta run some errands right now.
Yes, we have 2 more games to decide on right this moment, but we are nearing ...
In which we are honest. If a game could be okay, but it just really isn't, then it should be cut. If you think a game can be improved with a simple clarification, then try to ask the developer to clarify the point; that's cool. Every good developer issues addenda to their rules. If a game is easily breakable, then it doesn't make the cut. This is a time of honesty.
I don't recall exactly what we did last year, but the spirit of the thing is that every picks a game they DIDN'T play in round 1, and decide whether it goes on. We aren't getting a lot of playtesters this year, so I might need to replay some things fFrom round 1, which is probably okay.
Hi everyone,
For the peace of mind of Antoine Richard, and perhaps others, could we clarify what is meant by a "pyramid game", for the purpose of these awards? Here is my take on it:
Anything else to add (or subtract)? I left out considerations of the quality of the rules and gameplay, since that isn't pertinent to the type of games we are looking for.
This seems like a very inclusive definition of the concept. Rule 2 seems to be pretty broad, and is fFurther broadened by Rule 3. In fFact, Rule 3 seems to exist specifically to make sure this is an inclusive definition, not an exclusive one. I'm okay with this, but it does appear to allow just about any use of pyramids which employs at least any two fFeatures (color, size, orientation, pips, etc.)
Rule 4 seems to be the biggest limit, in that it prohibits game components fFrom other existing games (such as a monopoly board) and it prohibits exotic materials (such as a specific out-of-print tarot deck or something).
Also, Rule 1 is obvious but must be stated; I really like the wording on Rule 5; and Rule 6 is nicely established.
Maybe some day we might need to consider how important the pyramids should be in a game. If a game uses a deck of cards, a decktet, a variety of dice, a chessboard or two, some specialized print-n-play markers, some amount of poker chips, all this stuff -- and some pyramids. It meets all other conditions above, but does the importance of the pyramids matter? We don't need to worry about that right now. But maybe someday we'll have a Rule 7. Maybe.
fFor right now, this looks good, and I'm glad we had this conversation.
Hi, I finally had a chance to play several of the listed games. Questions:
If a game has already received a "pass" from someone, should I update the wiki page and add a 2nd opinion "pass", or is 1 pass sufficient?
And if a game is technically playable (mostly clear rules etc) but seems too underdeveloped / not fun / strategically broken / etc, should it get a pass in round 1 and then be rejected in round 2? Or just "no pass" in round 1 already?
Concretely, we enjoyed Plutonian Poker and Nimbus, which both already have round 2 passes. But we found that Elementalist seems insufficiently tested/developed and it is listed as needing a round 1 evaluation still.
You ask a very good, very important question. What should we be doing ?
Last year, Round 1 eliminated a bunch of stuff. Round 2 thinned the pack down based on designer preferences, and a fFew other things. This year, we have a lot of things left in Round 2, so we can't quite fFollow the precedent.
I considered setting up a discussion area where we can start some votes on what games should pass. But then I thought against it becauseI don't think it's useful to start accumulating actual votes.
I got to thinking. Some cuts have been made, based on clear assessments. It's important to note that no game being cut means the game is actually terrible or should never be played again. Some very good games cut last year in Round One remain on my mind and in my heart as things I would like to play more sometime, one way or another. Every game has it's strength! But some are a little stronger than others.
Round Two is a matter of identifying the spirit of the game, I think. I believe the most intelligent thing to do is play games and pluck out the ones that have the weakest spirit. I think some will stand out as being more or less compelling. We're not really looking fFor a number of votes or any sort of majority. We are hoping fFor a sense that any given game deserves more attention.
If you play a game, I encourage you to leave some fFeedback, describe your thoughts, put something in the "Discussion" page of the game. Move something up if it is clearly a well structured game. Move it down cautiously. There's no solid rule of what passes and what doesn't. This is a largely subjective, organic process. Remember, our goal is not to cast horrible games into the blackness of space. Our goal is to give some thoughts and identify some things that are a little better than others.
So, give your thoughts. Add comments on the wiki page. Tell us what you think. We have one more round of vacillating after this, at which time we will probably start to talk about arcane measures of mediation. =)
Oh. And. Elementalist. I have been avoiding it somewhat, mostly because I do not play Magic, and it seems like many of the assumptions of Elementalist are based on knowing how Magic is played. In other words, I'm not sure I am qualified to playtest it.
If you have played it and it seems lacking, then it is probably safe to move it down to the Round One cuts.
I'm also nervous about how close to Magic the rules might be. Is it simply a re-interpretation of the WotC game? That's no good. But again, I'm not qualified to assess it.
It's simply loosely inspired by Magic - I don't think it's an inappropriate ripoff or anything like that, nor is knowledge of Magic necessary to read/grok Elementalist's rules. It's no more like Magic than Plutonian Poker is like real Poker with cards, or than Nimbus is like Nim (or that you have to be a poker or Nim player to understand PP or Nimbus). :) I.e. it is its own game certainly. There are some very significant differences. (Including, alas, that Magic works better than Elementalist.) Anyway, I just added a bunch of comments to the games' discussion pages.
Rule 4 seems to be the biggest limit, in that it prohibits game components fFrom other existing games (such as a monopoly board) and it prohibits exotic materials (such as a specific out-of-print tarot deck or something).
Actually, I did not mean to prohibit "existing games" with the "easily available" clause. My concern wasn't licensing, but availability. For example, my game Treehouse Snakes and Ladders uses a Snakes & Ladders board, of which there are several, but I used the commonly available Chutes and Ladders board from Milton Bradley. I consider it a valid pyramid game, with pyramidicity P2, that adds significant decisions and plenty of player interaction to the well-known children's game.
Maybe some day we might need to consider how important the pyramids should be in a game. If a game uses a deck of cards, a decktet, a variety of dice, a chessboard or two, some specialized print-n-play markers, some amount of poker chips, all this stuff -- and some pyramids. It meets all other conditions above, but does the importance of the pyramids matter? We don't need to worry about that right now. But maybe someday we'll have a Rule 7. Maybe.
I agree with this -- pyramids need to have some degree of centrality to the game. On the related issue of game complexity, I am starting to think that complex games are not in the spirit of most pyramid games, which can be described in a small pamphlet. Both are gray areas, and I wouldn't want to establish rigid guidelines about them. It'll be worth discussing later, though, probably.
I thought I would mention: I have transposed the Pyramideto Goal Cards here. The rules were already available, and, all things considered, you could make your own goals. But these are the "official" goal card combinations. I have not included any original artwork or fFancy useful stuff, just the layout of the trees, so the game now meets the qualification of being fFreely available online.
...well, you might want to wait and see if it makes it to the fFinals!
However, I will certainly be at Origins, if you would like to entrust them to me. I think you have my address already, but I can send it again if you like.
In the BESC teleconference this week, Robin told me that she needs any ICE Award related material by next week at the latest, so she can prepare it for Origins. So in less than a week we should at least come up with the 3 finalists, so we can have the rules ready.
Last year we had a few people who played enough games to submit a ranking of the semi-finalists, and we were able to cull those down to come up with the finalists. I like that, but first we need to finish the second pass.
Over the weekend I will try to see which round-2 games I can evaluate, except for Pyrinoes which I did for the 1st round. Then I'll play through all the 3rd-round games, and come up with my own rankings.
Ah. Yes. The rule is specifically: "Professionally published games are not eligible, unless free versions of the components and rules are downloadable."
The simplified goal cards are here.
Although the actual fFancy laminated goal cards may be bought fFrom Jan (and they are attractive, I will say) the entire game is fFreely available online. Therefore it qualifies here. And it's a pretty good game.
Appeal is received and understood. =) It really sounded like you said you prefer Crystal Caverns. No worries though. I should probably state that usually the opinion of the judges would be fFinal, no take-backs, but this seems to be a mild misunderstanding. So, no problem, We'll simply toss Crystal Wars back in the mix and give it some more plays. It still may not make it to fFinals, but we'll give it another go!
1.Each designer may submit one previously unpublished game which is played with Icehouse pyramids and any other equipment. Note that, the more hard-to-find equipment your game requires, the harder it will be for judges to try it out and, as a result, your ratings will likely suffer.
Maybe the page need an update cause we do not see "unless free versions of the components and rules are downloadable."
Scott, last night I played Emperor's Garden with my daughter, using the 2nd version of the rules, which I found by following the link to the BGG entry. This is much improved from the first version.
The biggest difference is that every time you push a piece off you get points equal to its value. Most of the points we got in the game resulted in this, so most of the game is maneuvering your pieces around trying to get the points for pushing. Only at the end do you start to worry about final scoring positions.
The Priests can also get 2 points by moving a card so that all 4 cards of a suit make a connected group.
We played with a standard card deck with the Kings removed, btw, so it's very easy to have the equipment necessary. (Suits from the Hanafuda deck correspond to ranks in the standard deck.)
I was going to move it into the finalists' group, and I still think it should go there, but since you'd already made this announcement I thought I'd check with you first. We should get the author to change the rules description -- or I could do it, or we could at least include a link to the newer rules.
In the meantime, I will continue playing all the finalist entries so I can rank them. And Crystal Wars, too.
Oh jolly good!! I was afraid noone else would ever play it, which would be a great sadness! Also I had no idea there were updated rules. That does change a couple things, doesn't it. And indeed, the new version seems to address many shortcomings.
fForemost among these is goal of getting points by assassination and building an attractive garden. I played a version 1 game this morning and noticed the game was somewhat limited to just holding your ground and hoping fFor the best. 2nd Edition rules make it so you can ignore the emperor if you want, and simply be an aggressive combatant, if you want, I think. I'll have to give it a play.
I'm not sure the best way to handle this particular addendum. I want to be accommodating, but at the same time we do need to pin this down, not open it up to a wider number. Perhaps we'll move Emperor's Garden bak into the "needs evaluation" bin, and if it gains more interest then we'll simply include it.
Truthfully, we are at the Reckoning, in which theoretically any game could be nominated to the fFinals. The whole point of these last fFew months has been to simplify people's choices, not eliminate games completely. If enough people select Emperor's Garden to advance (or indeed, any other game at all, even BurF or Nimitz or anything else), then so be it. I think we have identified the strongest available so fFar, anyway.
And so it goes.
and maybe Crystal Wars, by Jeff Hammans (it still needs someone else to play it fFor round 2) (although if no-one wants to play it, that may be telling enough, maybe)
To help play it, I just added a summary table of unit properties at the bottom of the Crystal Wars page.
Yes, I agree. That's sort of what I had hoped to suggest in my invitation to comment. =)
Personally, I like Nile fFor it's structure (I'm quite fFond of Eurogames), Plutonian Poker fFor it's concept. I like Pyrinoes, Pyramideto, and Crystal Mines all a fFair amount. I'm not sure which is the best of those. I need to play Pyrinoes once or twice more to get a proper fFeel fFor it I think, but it does seem pretty strong.
I really liked Plutonian Poker. When I first played it, it sure felt like a winner, in the same caliber as last year's finalists. It's also the game that I've most wanted to replay. Plutonian Poker is also a pyramids-only game, so it should get lots of play at Origins.
I have played Pyramideto many times with children, who enjoy it. However, my desire to play it with grown-ups only is low.
I gave Iceminers a try. It did not feel like finalist material to me. Others have enjoyed it, but I am unlikely to play it again.
My group thought about playing Nimbus, but just reading the rules gave us analysis paralysis. The decision tree is huge, above and beyond that of Homeworlds or Gnostica, with no ability to plan your turn ahead of time.
Emperor's Garden looks interesting, but I haven't yet been bothered to print out the tiles for the game. Like Pyramideto and Pyrinoes, it does require a full set of some other components, so there is some similarity there to other Round 3 games. I think only one of those three should advance. I want to stay away from having too many component-heavy finalists.
The goal of the ICE awards is to showcase the best aspects of the pyramids as a game system, and I think the three best games of the remaining seven that accomplish this are Plutonian Poker, Nile, and Pyramideto.
Last year, rather than just voting, we had a discussion and built a consensus about the three finalists.
I agree that we should have both voting and discussion. And playtesting! The more of us who can play all the Round 3 games, the better. It often happens that a game that sounds iffy when reading the rules can come alive when you play it.
At last night's BESC (Big Experiment Steering Committee) conference call, Robin said she will need any materials by early next week, because that is when she will assemble the packets to distribute to the volunteers.
I also found out that we missed the chance to get the ICE Awards ceremony put into the schedule printed in the Lab Report brochure that will be handed out. So, after we pick an appropriate time for the awards, we'll just post it at the Lab and Booth.
Emperor's Garden looks interesting, but I haven't yet been bothered to print out the tiles for the game.
You can play it with a normal deck of cards. Just leave out the jokers and one rank (Kings, say), and use the other 12 ranks as the 12 suits from the Hanafuda deck, which have 4 cards each. If Emperor's Garden makes the final 3, I recommend that we have both the special tiles, and decks of solitaire playing cards (which are smaller) for people to play on, according to their preferences.
I will work on playing the remaining games today, so I can post my ranking and comments.
I would like to report some comments emailed to me. Here's something fFrom Greg Lattanzio:
I'm naturally drawn to Nile, but I'm not sure if I can adequately create the game situation by myself. Other than that, I'd really have to play out Pyrinoes to see if it falls flat or succeeds (such conversions sometimes feel like poor substitutes). Other than that, my initial interest in playing Iceminers has wained, and that leaves Emperor's Garden verses Plutonian (which really can't be evaluated on solitaire). If I had to vote today, it would be Nile, Nimbus, Emperor's Garden, and Pyrinoes... but which to eliminate and in what order?
And Sam Zitin writes:
I like Pyramideto, Pyinoes and Plutonian poker. They all explore some interesting new design space to me
Sam also expressed interest in seeing his own game, Iceminers, in the fFinals, which is understandable.
We need to tally up some standings here, so I will post that next.
Opinions are very closely divided, let me tell you. We seem to be leaning towards Pyramideto, Plutonian Poker, and Nile, it would seem to me. Bryan hasn't voiced his preferences, and of course if anyone else has some input, that's also good. There's a strong showing fFor Pyrinoes and Emperor's Garden, and the scale may tip in that direction with a little encouragement. Nimbus has moderate support, and Iceminers, I'm sorry to say, seems to have lost all fFavor. A pity, I think it's a really inventive concept.
As "Benevolent Dictator," I'm not sure if my voice should count as more or less than any other -- probably should count less. I ultimately like all these games and would be happy with any of them winning.
Ryan made a good point about "component-heavy finalists," which touches on something I have been sort of considering. Basically, should we aim to have 3 different kinds of games? I think it's good to have one "component" game, one "board" game, and one "pyramids only" game. Not as a rule, just as a nice variety. This short list seems to support that direction, consciously or not.
Thoughts? fFeedback on this shortlist? Bryan, I'd love to hear what you prefer.
I would like to present a fFinal list very very very soon.
Here's a short list of components needed, of which I can supply most or all the extra stuff:
I don't think it should be a primary consideration, but if it's between two games that are close, saying "we already have a 'component' game so let's go with the pyramid-only game" is legitimate, I'd say. So, you know, as a tiebreaker, okay, but not as the first thing we look at.
I know that there will be chessboards, regular playing cards and regular dice on the game table, but I don't know if it would be okay for us to use that stuff for the contest or not. Maybe a Looney can give us some direction on that. The biggest conflict I could see would be during the Zark City tournament. I have a double-six domino set I could loan out for the weekend, if needed, but we might want more than one.
I have played everything at least once. Almost: I am in the middle of my first game of Nile, and will finish it tomorrow. (By the way, I posted some questions about the influence range on Nile's discussion page. If you know the answer, please post it!)
I have taken the liberty of eliminating a couple of games on the New in 2010 page:
That leaves 6 games, which I will think about more and post about tomorrow.
In the meantime, I encourage people to try the games they haven't played yet. Including Emperor's Garden: if you haven't played with the 2nd edition rules, you haven't played it yet. I have changed its rules page to reflect the newer rules, so you don't have to search for them on BGG. (After doing the changes I asked the designer if it was OK, and he was "delighted" that I took that initiative.)
Scott, I could help with components if you need it. We'll also need instructions for the finalists of course, and some of the semifinalists could use some player aids to help new players -- rules summaries, tables (for turn sequence, possible actions), illustrated examples of setup and plays. I'm already developing ideas of what to do for them.
Is there any doubt that Plutonian Poker and Nile are advancing to the finals?
Is there any doubt that Iceminers isn't?
The only real decision left is between Emperor's Garden, Pyramideto, and Pyrinoes. We should pick one of those. I vote for Pyramideto since it's the only one of those three where the pyramids aren't sharing space with a different game system, which better suits the whole purpose of the ICE Awards.
If we don't have a decision by end of the day, we should just advance Plutonian Poker, Nile, and Pyramideto and wash our hands of this deliberation. Emperor's Garden and Pyrinoes can and should be promoted year-round as solid good games, but they shouldn't get in the way of progress in the ICE Awards.
Okay, here are my rankings:
I'll add some discussion later. For now, let me ask: has anyone used Eric Wald's voting app? I have, and it wasn't immediately obvious what to do, but to use it, you drag the games you want to rank from the Unranked purple box to the cyan box on the left. You can shift them around, putting the most-liked games toward the top, and the least favorite at the bottom, and having more than one game on the same level if you have equal preference for them (I did this as shown above.) When your preferences are arranged as you wish, click Submit. You can the view the results based on several different algorithms chosen from the drop box that appears.
If enough of us use the app, that might make it easy to pick the 3 finalists.
Here are further thoughts about the games:
PROS: A fun, light, quick game. The cards are attractive (even the mockups I made based on the Icehouse wiki page). And there is decision-making, and player interaction. I like the multiple ways to win based on the card colors, and I like the balance and themes of the card colors.
CONS: I'm not sure how much depth there is in it, though; that is, I don't know how much better an experienced player will do than a newbie. It's hard to know how to try to block your opponents.
One variant that occurs to me is: Deal each player 4 cards at the start. Once a goal is completed, any further Goal Cards you draw must be left face up on the table, separate from your completed Goals. This lets people know some of your future Goals, but also gives you incentive to retain some hidden Goals as long as possible.
PROS: A very nice strategic expansion to Dominoes, allowing you to plan ahead and build pieces you might need. It has several nice balances: using dominoes vs. using pyramids, building what you want vs. letting your opponent see what you have, building high numbers and burning your pyramids quickly vs. allowing future flexibility, and others.
CONS: None for me, really. I'd like there to be more players, though, and that might be possible if both Rainbow and Xeno colors are used.
PROS: The first viable (or only) Euro-style building game I've seen done with pyramids. This also has several nice balances to consider: fast small pyramids vs. large valuable pyramids, building your work force for later vs. using it now for early influence, doing more actions vs. passing and earning more resources, the general resource allocation problem (where do I deploy my assets best?).
CONS: It can be a bit long. It needs several player aids to help learn it quickly and remember the highlights during play.
Plutonian Poker
PROS: A nice multi-player perfect information game. The constraints work well -- you can only take a piece on top of its stack, and only put on top of one of your stacks -- not too broad or too tight. Good tension between going for your points vs. depriving your opponent of his points.
CONS: The points for the different hand values may need to be tweaked to reflect their difficulty better. I agree with Ryan about the Straight lacking any partial goals (like Two Pair does for Full House). Perhaps we could borrow an idea from Yahtzee and add a Small Straight with 4 different colors.
Emperor's Garden
PROS: The 2nd edition rulers make it a much more engaging game, with lots of tactical maneuvering for both card placement and piece movement/pushing. The Priest's scoring ability is a good plus, too. The special cards are cool to play with, but it can be done just as well with traditional cards.
CONS: I think it still needs a little more tweaking, to make guessing the scoring cards more of a priority.
PROS: A fun race to grab the gems and get them off, using the Martian Coasters very well. I like how you have to get the different colors off at their appropriate coasters, guaranteeing lots of crossing paths. The point balance is nice, too, with the doubling for getting your own color, and the medium values for the center gems. I like the ability to steal from each other.
CONS: The total experience is not a fun as I want it to be. I think what I'd like is more stealing back and forth, which is not that often since you can only carry one gem at a time, and while you're running one gem off you cannot bother others.
One possible tweak: let each player have two miners, so while one is depositing the other can be getting more or stealing, guaranteeing more interaction. Other ideas include: use 2 dice and split up the movement points however you wish; let a miner pick as many gems as he wants, but his movement points per square go up 1 per pip he is carrying.
Bryan, please copy these comments onto their respective Talk pages on the IceWiki. Good feedback like this is best aggregated there.
I really should make an effort to try Nile and Pyrinoes. Which one would be easier to learn in a hurry?
Pyrinoes, definitely, even though I had to read it a couple of times, first.
I'll copy the comments I haven't made already. Thanks!
Has anyone else voted? Eric told me yesterday that only 3 people have cast votes, and it looks like that hasn't changed. We need to get the finalists chosen?
BTW, you can vote more than once, but only your most recent vote will count. So you can rank the ones you've played, and change your earlier entry if you play others, or have second thoughts.
If we don't get more votes, we'll just have to look at the slim results and pick the finalists based on that and the unranked preferences that Scott has compiled. But I'd prefer more ranked entries.
Robin Vinopal will need the materials by early next week -- Tuesday, say. What information do we want her to have to distribute in the volunteer packets, and in free booth information fliers?
Anything else? Perhaps,
but it is possible for us to bring this ourselves, though it might be nicer to let Robin make copies of it all herself -- assuming we have it ready for her soon. At the least, we could ask her to copy the wiki rules pages as a failsafe; but I would like the rules for all the potential finalists rewritten, reformatted, and illustrated for ease of learning, which may or may not be doable in the next couple of days.
I guess also:
With the understanding that we'd be happy to supply any materials they don't have available. They may or may not have domino sets to use, for example, if Pyrinoes is a finalist.
One thing they won't bring is the award itself. I'll make it up just like I did last year.
Here is what Robin told me by email that she needs:
I'm happy to include one or two sheets in the volunteers packet, and have one or two sheets in the booth. If you have more than that you can set them set out on the ICE Awards table for people to pick up. So give me :
Info like the rules and list of materials you can print out and have available on the ICE table. I don't need those in the booth since I won't have any pyramids to sell anyone.
- something that explains what the ICE Awards are,
- the list of finalist games,
- how people can vote and
- when you'll be presenting the award.
So, what we need to do today is:
Edit to add:
Since a consensus seems to have built around four candidate-finalists, might we want to give the non-finalist among them an "Honorable Mention"?
I'm sorry I have been unavailable this weekend. We had a fFamily emergency on fFriday and I have been completely out of it. I'm trying to come back to humanity, though. I'm very sorry.
My vote is Pyramideto, Plutonian Poker, and Nile. I thought I voted on the app, actually. Anyway, I really enjoy Nile. I think it may seem a little complicated, but it can be basically reduced to a fFew important rules. I can even make up some nice player aids.
Also, if I may suggest, are we against having 4 options? if we are so divided on Pyrinoes vs Nile, are we willing to have all 4 available? I hate to open the can of worms, but we seem to be at an impasse.
Also, I'll see if Jan is still interested in sending out some Pyramideto cards.
I agree that basically everything could and should be handled similar to last year. I think the awards were given out around the same time last year. Also I will be a "demo tech" at 4 pm, which means I'll be on hand. I think, last year, you (Bryan) set up a thread at board game geek or something to collect votes as well. I don't know if you actually received any that way, but we can do it again.
I will attempt to write up a description tonight. I've been sort of non-productive these last fFew days, so this will give me something to do. Also, last year I made up some small posters. I'll see about getting more made this year (and I'll properly laminate them so they will be re-usable again next year).
I would be in favor of making the award presentation later to give people more time to play and evaluate the games. ... How about 6pm, after Andy vs. Everybody?
I don't think there's that much difference between 4pm and 6pm on the 4th day of Origins. But maybe a lot of people only come on Saturday. I don't care much whether it's 4 or 6, beyond the fact that after the Icehouse tournament we are continuing in the spirit of Pyramid games.
Since a consensus seems to have built around four candidate-finalists, might we want to give the non-finalist among them an "Honorable Mention"?
Sure we could. Only one gets a trophy, but we can specify who gets 2nd, 3rd and 4th/HM.
I'm sorry I have been unavailable this weekend. We had a fFamily emergency on fFriday and I have been completely out of it. I'm trying to come back to humanity, though. I'm very sorry.
I hope everything's OK, or at least improving.
I thought I voted on the app, actually.
Oh. Eric said 3 had voted, and I know Ryan and I did; I assumed Eric was the 3rd. You could vote again to make sure :), since it won't hurt if you already did. Jeff, did you vote? Eric?
Also, if I may suggest, are we against having 4 options?
I don't mind.
Also, I'll see if Jan is still interested in sending out some Pyramideto cards.
It would help if he could send 2 or 3. I'll bring a deck or two of my own copies, but they only show the pyramids; the actual objects on the real cards would be nice.
I will attempt to write up a description tonight.
Great! Let us see it for comments, too, please.
Oh. Eric said 3 had voted, and I know Ryan and I did; I assumed Eric was the 3rd. You could vote again to make sure :), since it won't hurt if you already did. Jeff, did you vote? Eric?
Actually, I hadn't voted yet. Turns out that I've only played one of the candidates, so I can't compare it to the others. I could add a single-candidate vote, but it would be worthless for the voting methods most applicable to a game design competition.
I'm tempted to open the ICE 2011 voting soon after this one is awarded, just so I can get around to testing more than a few of the entries.
This can be tossed into any old word processor or what have you, and printed up. I decided to write in a standard Q&A, so if anyone has any other great items to add, just tack them onto a reply:
The 2nd Annual Icehouse Commuity Excellence (ICE) Awards
Q: What are they?
A: The ICE Awards are a completely community driven effort to recognize outstanding games made by the community of Looney Pyramid enthusiasts!
Q: What games are eligible to win the award?
A: Any game made last year which uses Pyramid pieces, that was made by someone outside of Looney Labs, and is available at no cost at all online (or elsewhere) is eligible.
Q: Who can vote on the awards?
A: Absolutely anyone at all can vote!!! We will be taking emailed votes, or votes by phone or whatever else. Paper ballots may be dropped in a small box, which will be kept somewhere visible.
Q: What games are up for the award this year?
A: Nile, Plutonian Poker, Pyramideto, and Pyrinoes.
Q: How many games were made all last year?
A: A few dozen.
Q: Wait, what about those others? Can I still play them?
A: Oh yes, most definitely! Many of them are excellent games, and their designers are to be commended! But, we played a lot of games this year, and decided these few might be some of the strongest games made last year. You might disagree, and that's okay, it's a tough decision to make!!
Q: What about next year? Can I submit a game?
A: YES!!! We encourage anyone with a cool concept to put their ideas together, and submit it to the wiki or mailing list! All of this year's games will be assembled and playtested. Hopefully your big idea will make the grade!!
Great write-up!
I suggest fleshing out the "how to vote" part, mention the winner ceremony, and call out the IceWiki by name (IcehouseGames.ORG). Also, at the end replace "mailing list" with "Fan Club Ning Community".
On the IceWiki, I fleshed out the rules and procedures for the ICE Awards. I'm certain I missed something, so please review the article and make changes as appropriate.
Thanks, Scott. Rather than list suggestions, here is a second draft, with changes in italics:
The 2nd Annual Icehouse Commuity Excellence (ICE) Awards
Q: What are they?
A: The ICE Awards are a completely community driven effort to recognize outstanding games made by the community of Looney Pyramid enthusiasts!
Q: What games are eligible to win the award?
A: Any game made last year is eligible if: it uses Pyramid pieces; it was made by someone outside of Looney Labs, and any other components are common (e.g. dice, chessboards), parts of other Pyramid games (e.g. IceDice, Martian Coasters), or available at no cost at all online (or elsewhere).
Q: What games are up for the award this year?
A: Nile, Plutonian Poker, Pyramideto, and Pyrinoes.
Q: Where can I learn these games?
A: There is a special table for them in the Lab [more explicit location info], where you can find the rules and materials to play the games. You can also find links to the rules at
Q: Who can vote on the awards?
A: Absolutely anyone at all can vote!!! You will find ballots and instructions at the Lab.
[Note: Since this is for a handout at Origins, I think we don't need to mention email voting, which would be worth mentioning at this Fan Club site, and to the Icehouse email list.]
Q: When are the ICE Award results announced?
A: At the Lab, on Saturday 6/25, at [6pm, 4pm, or whatever time we decide].
Q: How many fan-made pyramid games were there all last year?
A: A few dozen.
Q: Wait, what about those others? Can I still play them?
A: Oh yes, most definitely! Many of them are excellent games, and their designers are to be commended! But, we played a lot of games this year, and decided these few might be some of the strongest games made last year. You might disagree, and that's okay, it's a tough decision to make!! And you can include fan-made games as well as official Looney Labs games in your Starship Captain list of favorite pyramid games!
Q: What about next year? Can I submit a game?
A: YES!!! We encourage anyone with a cool concept to put their ideas together, and submit it to the wiki or Fan Club Ning Community! All of this year's games will be assembled and playtested. Hopefully your big idea will make the grade!!
Random comments:
I wouldn't call Nile "the first" eurogame. Just say it has a eurogame feel and leave it at that.
I would expand the "how many" question a little. It's impossible to know exactly how many games were developed, but a few dozen of them were posted to Not all of them have been finished yet, and some games started in previous years were completed in 2010.
Too many exclamation points. I would be perfectly happy if there were none.
I agree with Ryan about identifying the Wiki and the Looney Labs Fan Club site ( specifically by name and web address.
The 2nd Annual Icehouse Commuity Excellence (ICE) Awards
Q: What are they?
A: The ICE Awards are a completely community driven effort to recognize outstanding games made by the community of Looney Pyramid enthusiasts!
Q: What games are eligible to win the award?
A: Any game made last year is eligible if: it uses Pyramid pieces; it was made by someone outside of Looney Labs, and any other components are common (e.g. dice, chessboards), parts of other Pyramid games (e.g. IceDice, Martian Coasters), or available at no cost at all online (or elsewhere).
Q: What games are up for the award this year?
A: Nile, Plutonian Poker, Pyramideto, and Pyrinoes.
Q: Where can I learn these games?
A: There is a special table for them in the Lab [more explicit location info], where you can find the rules and materials to play the games. You can also find links to the rules at
Q: Who can vote on the awards?
A: Absolutely anyone at all can vote!!! You will find ballots and instructions at the Lab.
Q: When are the ICE Award results announced?
A: At the Lab, on Saturday 6/25, at about 6pm.
Q: How many fan-made pyramid games were there all last year?
A: It's impossible to know exactly how many games were developed, but a few dozen of them were posted to Not all of them have been finished yet, and some games started in previous years were completed in 2010.
Q: Wait, what about those others? Can I still play them?
A: Oh yes, most definitely! Many of them are excellent games, and their designers are to be commended! But, we played a lot of games this year, and decided these few might be some of the strongest games made last year. You might disagree, and that's okay, it's a tough decision to make. And you can include fan-made games as well as official Looney Labs games in your Starship Captain list of favorite pyramid games!
Q: What about next year? Can I submit a game?
A: YES! We encourage anyone with a cool concept to put their ideas together, and submit it to the wiki ( or Fan Club Ning Community ( All of this year's games will be assembled and playtested. Hopefully your big idea will make the grade!!
Good! Good. (I agree that it could use fewer exclamation points. :)
Why don't you send this to Robin, Scott?
I removed some. I can probably remove some more.
Sending!!! Sending...
Actually, I hadn't voted yet. Turns out that I've only played one of the candidates
Ah. OK.
I'm tempted to open the ICE 2011 voting soon after this one is awarded, just so I can get around to testing more than a few of the entries.
That would be too soon, for several reasons: designers may want to improve the design with feedback; voting during preliminary rounds is different than the later rounds; etc.
It would be great to be automatically notified by email when new games appear, though.
Did we meet Robin's deadline? What else do we have to do?
We did meet the deadline, yes. I got a reply fFrom Robin thanking me (all of us, probably) fFor the nice work. She asked about the "Hall of Fame" as well. I think it might be way too close to make that happen now, since we have no real fFormalized plans or ideas. At any rate, I don't have the time, myself, to make it happen. Unless someone can write up something, say, before the morning sun rises, maybe, I'll reply to her saying we won't have anything, I think. But we're not just talking about a write-up, we would also need some guiding imagery, some print outs, some games setup probably ... it's a lot of things to do fFor that project.
As fFor the Ice awards, here's what we need next:
Anything else?
Over at the Hall of Fame thread I recently said that I was leaning toward waiting until 2012 or 2013 to start it up, and earlier today I told Robin that since no one responded, I think it's best to wait on that.
Tasks: I'll do the trophy, Scott will do the signs. Who will do the press release(s)? Who will email the designers?
Shall we parcel out the finalists so each person can edit the rules, and come up with illustrations and game aids? Others can certainly help with comments. I can start with Pyrinoes.
I was looking into maybe writing the press release, and I ran into two obstacles.
First, whose idea was it to change it from "2011 ICE Awards" to "2010 ICE Awards"? From a marketing perspective, that's a terrible idea. People see "2010" and think the award isn't relevant because we're half-way through 2011. Plus, if we ever decide to change the eligibility criteria (say, to a non-calendar year, or to allow older games that have been significantly improved), the name will be meaningless. I should have said something earlier, but it wasn't until I was staring it in the face that I thought about how much I dislike the idea. Did the stuff that went to Robin include "2010"? Can it be changed?
Second, I went to BoardGameGeek to look up my article in BGG News about last year's ICE Awards, and it's not there. Everything before late January is gone. I don't know if that was a conscious decision or a technical problem, but obviously I can no longer use that as a starting point.
So I'm going to take a step back now.
- Jeff, where does it say "2010 ICE Awards"? The copy that Scott wrote says "Second Annual Icehouse Commuity Excellence (ICE) Awards" but doesn't mention the year anywhere except in the URL for the "New in 2010" wiki page. I did a search on "2010 ICE Awards" and cannot find it. I agree that if the year is mentioned, it should say "2011 ICE Awards", but I don't know where the error is.
- Could you email Eric Martin and ask him about last year's article? If it's lost, it shouldn't be too hard to write a new one, should it?
Last year, we called this the "2009 ICE Awards", which makes sense to me since we are honoring the best games of the previous year, not the current year.
Here is my BGG GeekList for the last ICE Awards:
I will make this year's list, too. Who should I direct voters to... Bryan or Scott?
2010 ICE Awards Geeklist here:
Votes are directed to me for now.
Well done, sir!!
Good Job.
I have uploaded the playmat I made to BGG. it's quite attractive. I'm attempting to attach it below, fFor your enjoyment. =)
I'll print one or two and bring it to origins. The current state of the rules is pretty good, actually, so I'm mostly going to hit print on the icehouse wiki page.
Also, Jan is having a fFew sets of Pyramideto cards sent to my hotel in Columbus. I expect he'll send copies of the rules with it as well, but I'll print a copy or two myself, to be prepared.
When I saw Scott's Nile playmat, I realized something that had never occurred to me before. The self-appointed cabal (aka the ICE Awards committee) is not just evaluating pyramid games, we are helping to develop them. We provide feedback and the designers improve their games as a result. We rewrite rules and develop player aids. If we do this whole ICE Awards thing again, we should consider making that an explicit part of the process. I don't think we should commit ourselves (lest someone thinks we're going to go through and fix their game for them), but we should put it out there as something we might do.
One of the weaknesses of community designed games is that the games are usually designed but not developed. The rules are often poorly written and poorly organized. The games are underplaytested and the mechanisms are unrefined. I wish it wasn't necessary, but I guess I'm happy that we're addressing these issues as we "evaluate" and "present" the candidate games.
I thought of this, or something like it, at some point a month or two ago. The realization was based more on me asking questions of game designers, and them making little adjustments to the rules. Most notably this year was Nile, and last year I think Quicksand got some edits at some point. And I thought to myself, "well, you know, every good game designer puts out a FAQ and responds to questions. This is part of the process of making games."
It turns out, this is one of the subtle, awesome values of the ICE Awards: fFree playtesting and critiquing.
And, I think it's totally terrific if people ask fFor their game designs to be withdrawn fFrom this year's considerations to get more development and submit it fFor next year. This was the case with Diamond Mine which became Iceminers this year; and I think possibly fFlags might get a more developed re-release next year as something else maybe.
This sort of development and redevelopment is completely awesome in my mind.
I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to do anything to help prepare the materials for the finalists. I have gotten the trophy, though, and I'll bring dominoes and perhaps other things. I will start driving out in a couple of hours. Go ahead and print out anything else you need in the meantime.
Okay, I hadn't touched the Pyrinoes rules because you said you would do them ... but actually, they are the best written of the lot, on the icewiki. So I am simply gonna print those and bring exactly as is.
Hey, does anyone have any ballots made up? =)
ok, i just printed a bunch of copies fFrom Ryan's BGG page. A beaut. =)
Gotta hit the road now!!!
See you there, those who are going!
Greetings!!! I am completely delighted to announce the winner of this year's ICE Award!!!
I collected a number of votes, both on site and through BoardGameGeek. By a very narrow margin, Pyrinoes wins!!
I would like to write a complete write-up and analysis sometime soon, after I return home. However! I can tell you this: Nile came in with a very weak showing, I'm sad to say. Pyrinoes and Pyramideto both had a very, very close ranking. The fFancy Nile boards I assembled got a lot of attention, but I think I saw more games of Pyramideto being played than anything else. I have a bunch of other ideas, including why some games didn't show a little better, but another day.
Now, I'm off the bar!!
Scott, could you post your writeup to the Icehouse list as well when it's ready?
Jeff, could you write a little report about this for Board Game News?
This was delayed because Eric decided to roll the ICE Awards article into another article I was writing about Looney Labs. The other article was delayed because I needed to finish writing it. It's now done and scheduled to go live tomorrow.
I shall be keeping this list in my Eigenspielen Rucksack with my gaming supplies. Here's hoping this list (and possibly my Starship Captain list) changes after the Arisia SF con next weekend.
What's your Have You Never Played Icehouse list?
Interesting idea. I'll have to put some thought into this. Icehouse is also in my #1 position, with Zagami and Sprawl coming in pretty high.
I think there's some games which maybe don't quite make any list of mine. fFor example, I did not care fFor Crosswalk, but I could easily teach it to anyone. So it could go on my Captain's List, but I probably wouldn't put it there. I have not properly played RAMbots and I think I'm in no hurry to do so, so it wouldn't go on my "Never Played Icehouse" list.
Then again, people do seem to enjoy both of those games -- and really who am I kidding? Ill play anything you put in fFront of me. =)
I'll play almost any Icehouse game, especially one I've not yet tried. I say almost because I don't think I'd be trying Ice Traders, Gnostica or Zarcana, when Homeworlds and Zark City are available. I also say almost because there's also that short list of games I'll never try. The Australian game Andy wants to forget was ever suggested is at the head of the "only winning move is not to play" list.
Australian game wants to fForget? Would this be Spickle head (which is more of a joke-game)? Or something else?
1. Zagami - the only game from Playing with Pyramids I haven't yet played.
2. Penguin Soccer - the only pyramid game with a ranking on BoardGameGeek that I haven't yet played.
3. Zarcana - I've played Gnostica and Zark City, but not yet Zarcana.
4. IceDice - I remember seeing prototype IceDice at Origins (is it possible that it was in 2009?), but I haven't yet played the game. I suspect I'll get a chance to play it in June. :)
After I get at least a couple of those played, I'll scour the usual lists for more games to add.
I'm pretty much the only one who brings out pyramid games, except one person who pops in occasionally who brings out Zendo. So I'm the one who has to figure out the rules and recruit opponents and teach the games. It doesn't help that Zagami plays exactly 4 and Penguin Soccer plays exactly 2. I should probably add one more game to my list that's more accessible than Zarcana, more available than IceDice, and more flexible (for number of players) than Zagami and Penguin Soccer.
I can help you out a little bit here: Albiorix has no clear ruleset, as far as I'm aware. It has a great nugget of an idea: stacks of two pieces which have different movement abilities depending on the two pieces involved, including pieces which are made up of your and your opponent's colors, and it has a pretty solid win condition, as well. Unfortunately, I have been unable to figure out what the author intends every piece combination's movement to be, though I've taken my best guess and played a trial game in that manner... and came to the conclusion that there are simply too many combinations to keep track of. However, while the game appears to be virtually broken, there's a light at the end of the tunnel: I'm pretty sure you could change the rules so that each of the three types possesses a movement pattern which are additive -- thus bringing the movement patterns you need to memorize down to a much more manageable 3. It's something I've meant to look into for some time, but my own game designs always get in the way.
There are some great games on your list (Logger, Pylon, Subdivision stand out to me from the ones I've played), I think I'll have to make a list like this for myself to help focus my exploration!
D'oh! Forgot Pharaoh. And it exactly fits the type of game I wanted to add. Revised list:
1. Zagami
2. Penguin Soccer
3. Pharaoh
4. Zarcana
5. IceDice
This is a very cool and interesting idea... and is probably going to want to be incorporated into the Starship Captain List ap that we are talking about building (see thread here) - a game that is on one Captains list and not on another but is high on their Never Played But Want To list is the perfect game to bring out when these two Captains get together to play pyramid games!
Thanks for playing RAMbots at Arisia! It was quite fun!
My "have you never played" list would include a lot of the newer games, like Martian Coasters (I might have played it once; I bought them, and know I've looked through the rules, but not sure if I've actually played), World War V, Pharoah, Caldera, and Zark City. I'll also need to go through the more recent competition winners to find ones I'm interested in trying out. Sadly, I didn't wind up having enough time to try any of these at Arisia, but maybe the next time we meet up.
I like each color having a different initial, and some of the given color names are dull. I use these color names, mostly:
Does anyone else do this, or something like it? What names do you use?
I have been known to call the color people are generally referring to as "cyan" azure. Azure seems to me like a nicer name fFor that color.
Also, that same thing might be simply "Blue," if the darker blue is not in use.
We use a 2 letter code to refer to them in our product codes... RD, OR, YL, GR, BU, PU, CY, PK, BK, GY, WH, CL
I love name Ruby for Red - something very nice about that!
I frequently say "gold" rather than "yellow"; sounds more elegant to me. :-) I also have trouble telling "dark blue" from "purple" so when I can, I use the "light blue/cyan" pyramids instead.
Oh, and the see-through pyramids are "clear."
I would like to ask you for a favor - I am looking for people interested to play and test my pyramid game named Flags (or Pyramids and Flags, here is my page with details and current rules).
What i need to test is scoring, goal and ending of the game.
I think about solution i called 3+5=8. In this variant, as well as in Pyramideto, there are three ways how to win. In each of these three ways, wins the first succesfull player and therefore there is no subsequent re-count of points.
In Option 3 + 5 = 8 wins the one who:
The version was already tested a bit and seems to be: swift, exciting and fair.
Note, please, that as the testing goes on, there are some changies to the rules. So look here for actual version and forget the printed rules you have got with deck of goal-cards.)
Main changies:
I am interested to read your feedbacks. For initial distribution, goals and ending. Thanks. Jan.
I'm not worried about the world knowing where I live, so I'll just post it right here:
Scott Myers
390 Chestnut Ridge Rd
Rochester, NY 14624
I've posted my learning sessions on BGG as a session report:
(link pending)
I saved my game improvement suggestions for this thread.
Suggested fixes for the four-player deadlock were:
- deal out four goal cards in a four player game, instead of three cards.
- enforce the No Takebacks Rule more strictly, that NONE of your opponents can move the pyramids you moved until your next turn.
- allow players to trade goal cards in for new ones instead of moving pyramids that turn.
My group didn't like the zero-sum scoring method. The only way an opponent could score points was to take them from me, and this wasn't Fun. Often our motive when making captures was "if I can't make a tree for myself, I will break somebody else's". My suggestion to fix this is to place all scoring pyramids in a bank at the start of the game, so that nobody starts the game with any scoring pyramids. When a flag is made, that player can then either steal one pyramid from another player OR take (any or all) elligible pyramids from the bank. This would allow for build-up scoring rather than screw-your-buddy scoring. Early flags would be focused on taking several pieces from the bank, while later flags would be making strategic last-minute thefts from the lead player. I haven't had a chance to try this yet, but my colleagues all thought it has promise.
I will try out the 3-5-8 scoring system Jan proposed in his original post. It seems like it naturally follows the scoring and winning patterns we were seeing already, and takes out all the math of counting up points.
I also had some thoughts about the graphic design of the flag cards.
I held my cards in a fanned arrangement, from left to right so that the info on the upper left side of the card was visible. But then I realized that I couldn't see the flag trio illustrations this way.. they were hidden. So I fanned my cards from right to left. Now I could see the flag trio illustration, but I couldn't see which scoring pyramids I could capture with that flag. Both of these illustrations are important to see during gameplay, and I could only see one at a time. These illustrations should all be on one side of the card, and I prefer the left side. This means that the national flag and flag trio pictures should switch places.
Also, the other players and I agreed that the scoring pyramid icons were too small to tell apart. I was certainly squinting at those tiny white pyramids in those colored bars, and I wasn't the only one. These should be bigger, much bigger.
I do have other thoughts about uneven pyramid distribution among the flag trios and among the scoring capture options, but this post is long enough and I'll save them for another day.
I forgot my suggestion for three-player setup.
Each player takes all the scoring pyramids of one particular size.
I didn't realize I'd have a time window for making edits. Only 15 minutes before comments become forever locked. Oh well...
Here's the session report on BGG:
thank you very much. i am happy i have found so good play-tester.
there are scoring pyramids in neutral bank already - if 2 or 3 players play. i like very (very) much the idea you can take more pyramids from bank but only one from another player. (and my wife even more.)
i will try this version next week.
about graphics - all we did was one big compromise. i hope we will print new cards once in closer future. i know about this bug. i also plan to add some new countries and divide them to more groups evenly. honestly i am not sure what to do with white color as i need it for so many flags but looney stopped the xeno tubes... for now - we should use cards we have.
The "official" name of the game is Pyramids and flags as i wish to introduce pyramids to local people. But i often short it to Flags only. :) I hope it stays clear what game i mean.
Once again i thank you very much and to these sites that help me to find you.
(I hope you will also like Pyramideto as a nice a easy child version of "Flags".)
please pass my thanks to all your "group" :)
I would appear to be a liar, and still have not posted a report.
I played several games with fFriends, and intended to place a report here saturday night after gaming, but it was late when I got home, and I'm an all around slacker and lazy jerk.
I *WILL* post a report, though. I can promise you. Tonight most likely. Delays in posting a report just mean I have more time to play more games and have an even more thorough report to give, eh.
I tried Flags last night, using the rules as they are currently written on the IceWiki. The new "Bank or Steal" scoring system worked great, and I wouldn't want to go back to the old way. Increasing the hand size from three to four is also a good idea I want to keep, and the same goes for the "trade in unwanted goal cards" rule. The new multiple victory conditions work well, and I will have to play around this both the old and new victory rules to see what affect this has.
However, I did mention in my last testing session that we missed the "take a completed flag tower apart" rule. (I call that the Disassembly Rule.) Wow, this rule changes everything, overriding all the other changes you've made to the game since last week! I wrote an addition to my previous BGG session report, explaining what effect this has on Flags, and why I think the three-player version of Flags is broken.
All you need is one rainbow and one xeno tube of pyramids and cards you can get here:,us_pyramids-and-flags.html
I hope you will like the game :) And i am looking forward to your review.
I am happy to hear you like the actual version of rules. (And thank you for your advices.)
I will try few games without Disassembly Rule. But as i have written in i have not such an experience. I will see and tell you.
I will keep rules on up to date continuously to help all players of Flags.
Rules update
Thank to all of you i have put on Icehousegames wiki:
If you playtest the game, read, please, this version of rules, not the printed one.
According to Ryan, the game has problems when played by 3 players. I have not this experience. What´s about you?
Looking forward for all kinds of your posts - Jan.
What we try to test now is this kind of change.
The change i am thinking of is: On your turn you must move exactly one pyramid or exactly three (topmost) pyramids or more than three (topmost) pyramids. What do you think about it?Actual version of rules says: On your turn, you must move exactly one pyramid or exactly the three topmost pyramids of a stack (a pyramid trio). This piece (or trio) can either be directly on the table, or on the top of a pyramid tower. The pyramid (or trio) can be moved on the top of any other pyramid or pyramid tower.
I have not had 3-player problems. Most of my problems have come fFrom everything else, in fFact.
2-player games can be over simple, and move too quick. It's not effective to hinder an opponent, and there are no take-backs. All of my 2-player games have been over in very short time. It's not a bad game, it's just not very good.
4-player games can be too chaotic. One of my co-players suggested playing with an open hand, so everyone can see what everyone else needs, and choose to act on that or not. This was a dramatic shift, which I did not expect would be a good idea, but really helped a lot. You can make your own plans, and choose to help or hinder those around you. I need to play more games this way to be sure, but I recommend it.
3-player games are just right. =D
I have a new suggestion which i have played twice, to good effect. It works on 4-player games, it would not work with 2-player games, and I am unsure on 3-player games. The idea is thus:
When a fFlag is completed, the creator may place one new pyramid on it, to be used at any later time. The pyramid must be one of the pieces which was involved in making the thing, and it should be a new piece whcih was not available to be played before. In other words, a new piece fFrom a new treehouse set. This expands the game fFrom a "1-house" game to possibly a "3-house" game, which is not appealing to some people I am sure. But if you have the pieces to play with, and you have 4 players, I recommend it.
This gives the advantage of being able to strategize your next fFlag. I believe it requires a limit of one stored piece per player, so you cannot stock up a bunch of pieces and then lay out your next fFlag with no hindrance.
A possible limitation to this rule is to only allow pieces to be held on non-affiliated nations (nations which are not Oil Producing, or EU, or African, or Carribean). This gives a greater incentive to complete these unclassed nations.
Complete a fFlag, put a brand new piece on it, move it off any time. Only one piece in holding allowed per player.
What do you think?
The summary is: "3+5=8" is difficult fFor people to understand. Unless you have been playing volcano a lot and are fFamiliar with the volcano scoring, it is simply too "new" fFor most of the people I explained it to really grasp easily. I like the idea, and would play with that method in games with Volcano Players, but anyone else, no, probably not.
The "3 of these, or any 5" is good, however.
I have spoken with Kristin. I think about Flags without scoring pyramids and create more "groups" of states, continents etc.
But it will not be so soon. Up till than i prefer to keep 3+5=8. It is not bad to have three ways to win. :)
SInce last time I and my friends have played half a dozen of games to try what Ryan suggested - to eliminate Disassembly Rule. It works ok for 2, 3, and 4 players. BUT ONLY ON CONDITION there is NO LIMIT how many pyramids you can take from tower top. And I have to say I like this version.
I up-dated actual version of rules and edited Development of rules on wiki (The Rules), I hope in proper english.
For all of you lava-lovers out there, what is your favorite Volcano variant? Mine is Compass Volcano. I haven't had the opportunity to try Caldera yet.
Compass Volcano? Is there a list of variants somewhere?
Before trying Caldera, I think the only variations I've played in Volcano is randomly placing the initial nets of pyramids.
I don't remember where I found the following variations (Icehouse mailing list perhaps?) so I can't give proper credit to the creator (none of these variations were created by me).
Compass Volcano: basically you set up a standard Volcano game, mark one side of the board as North, then each player will roll a d8 compass die (available from most gaming stores) and whatever direction comes up is the only direction you can move a Volcano cap in. If you can't get a compass die, you can use a regular 8-sided die and substitute the numbers for directions, something like this:
1-North, 2-Northeast, 3-East, 4-Southeast, 5-South, 6-Southwest, 7-West, 8-Northwest
UberVolcano: you need 10 Treehouse sets and a set of caps. You set up a standard 5x5 Volcano game using five of the colors, the place nests of the other five colors on top of the first five colors, then the caps. Standard rules apply.
Single Move Volcano: players may only move one Volcano cap one space per turn.
Plain Earth Volcano: played just like regular Volcano, except that when the cap lands on an empty square, it is removed from the game.
Other Volcano variations can be found here:
Compass Volcano sounds like it wuld be hard to play. like, really hard. not just strategically, but actually difficult to fFind an acceptable move, sometimes. I would at least vary that to be "you can only *erupt* in the direction indicated. You can move caps anywhere that is otherwise legal, but the actual eruption must be with the compass.
I like the idea of the 5x5x6 Uber variant. the game would go 2, maybe 3 times as long. I will have to get that in play as soon as possible.
Plain Earth seems like it would introduce a new end-game rule: when you run out of caps, the game is over. count points and declare a winner.
The only other variant I know of is the single-player puzzle variety. Capture all the Red pyramids. Or capture every piece, larges then mediums then smalls. You will be left with exactly one monochrome tree. These challenges are terrific fFun, and really hard to do. You get a good sense of how to make the board work in new and interesting ways.
I have tried today my own version with only rainbow pyramids. I have used five treehouse tubes and put black trees in the middle. all is same like in 6cap volcano. you can even use power-move (putting any of your captured pyramids back). the only difference are large and middle black pyramids that stay in their place for ever. you can use black middle pyramids to capture other middle pyramids.
i named this variant ICELAND VOLCANO.
I add to photos. One with black trees in the middle of board. Second with set up i like.
Sorry, for some reason I was thinking regular Volcano, not Caldera.
Thanks for the quick reply.
If your local game store doesn't carry them and can't get them for whatever reason, you can get the compass die here, which is where I got mine from.
I recently designed the game Abiegnus, which is similar to Compass Volcano in using a die to govern cap movement. I'm on the verge of declaring it a finished game, and I'd be interested in any thoughts you -- or anybody else -- might have on it.
In reply to your original (2010!) question, my daughter likes Clear Land Volcano best, and I think I still prefer the original game above all variants, although I enjoy the sheer prodigality of Supercalifragilisticano-Duel.
UPDATE: This list has been replaced by a newer version. GO HERE for the new list.
I've compiled statistics on all 33 starship captain lists I could find here. Here's the ten (11, really) most listed games, in order of their average ranking in lists they appear in:
1) Volcano (listed 30 times, averaging 3.13)
2) Zendo (listed 24 times, averaging 3.81)
3) Homeworlds (listed 24 times, averaging 3.84)
4) Zark City (listed 18 times, averaging 5.67)
5) Pharaoh (listed 13 times, averaging 6.08)
6) Martian Chess (listed 24 times, averaging 6.25)
7) Icehouse (listed 13 times, averaging 6.31)
8) Martian Coasters (listed 20 times, averaging 7.35)
9) World War 5 (listed 20 times, averaging 7.50)
10) IceTowers (listed 20 times, averaging 7.65)
11) Treehouse (listed 24 times, averaging 8.38)
Volcano is the most frequently listed game, by quite a margin. There are a few pairings of games that are similarly listed and ranked... Zendo vs Homeworlds, Pharaoh vs Icehouse, and World War 5 vs IceTowers vs Martian Coasters. Martian Coasters is listed fewer times than Treehouse, but is typically two ranks higher when it appears. Treehouse, the point-of-entry game for the pyramids for almost five years, appears on many lists, but only three Captains ranked Treehouse in their top three.
There are only two Captains each for: Logger, Synapse-Ice, Torpedo, Launchpad 23, Zamboni Wars, Branches Twigs and Thorns, Martian 12s, Powerhouse, Moonshot, Infiltrate, Nothing Beats a Large, Blockade, and Stack Control.
There were also a number of games that appeared on only one list: Martian Trickery, Solace, Rotationary, Crystal Caverns, TimeLock, Armada, Dectana, Landing Zone, Sandships, Ice Palace, Take It or Leave It, Bears Foxes and Hares, Hextris, the Icehouse Plant Game, Edges, Trice, Martian Race, Stacktors, Mundialito, IceGolf, Drag Race, RGB, Skurdir, Ambush, and 3-High.
Zagami is the only game in Playing With Pyramids that does not appear on any Starship Captain List.
Very interesting. Thanks for doing the analysis. I wonder how this compares to the BGG ratings for games that have them.
Very interesting. Thanks for compiling this information. Obviously Volcano is a favorite
Coincidentally, Zagami is the only game in Playing with Pyramids that I haven't played yet. Or perhaps it's not a coincidence.
Have to add another for Timelock. Of course I'm a bit biased since I designed the game. :) Still happy (and somewhat surprised) that it wound up on someone's favorites list.
Zagami seems like it could be a fun enough game, but I've never been able to convince anyone else to give it a try, so I've never played it. I have a hard enough time getting people to play games in the first place.
I remember Zagami getting very heavy play here at our house while they were developing it... but like many games worked over by that team of people (Kory Heath, Jake Davenport, Kristin Matherly, and John Cooper) working on a game seems to be more interesting than playing it (Gnostica, for example). Even some of Andy's games follow that pattern here at Wunder/Pepperland. They get heavy play while being developed, and then less as they are deemed to be "done" and the brains move on to focus on the next exciting thing.
Wow! Someone listed Stacktors? Heck, I haven't even actually played it, just tested it with one-off simulations of exchanges.
Ryan, are you keeping your original post in this thread up-to-date, as folks add Captain lists?
Zagami is on my list... I only played it twice, I think, many years ago, but I rated it a 7 on Boardgamegeek and that put it in my top ten list. I should try it again soon.
Carlton: Subdivision would be in my top 15...
When I get around to making a list (I just joined this forum) Timelock will certainly be on it. It's in my top three two-player games. You did a good job on it.
When it was first introduced it was panned as being too random and not high enough on the strategy end.
Certainly, it uses the Treehouse die wonderfully (giving you a lot more to think about, as far as placement, than the original Treehouse game. However, it welcomes more strategy than the original comments on the game would allow you to believe. The way we've ended up playing it, not only do you have to consider how to move your own pieces toward their goal and when to slow down your opponent by pinning them at the center line, you also have to consider the best way to proceed with the different stack stacks. I distribute my work between each stack, knowing that my girlfriend is just waiting to mix up my goal. I find that I may then anticipate many of her disruptive plays to then have at least some stacks closer to the goal. The mechanics of the game, including the fact that one is usually forced into addressing only two stacks at a given time, are actually rather satisfying for a game that mixes chance and strategy well.
Top 15 vs Top 10... an interesting question...
We are talking about building a custom ning ap that manages the database of Starship Captain lists... and there are two tasks to dig in on... 1) designing what the ap should do, and 2) actually figuring out how to build it.
Everyone can get in on the what should be built question! How many games should you be allowed to list, and what about ties? I notice a lot of folks doing interesting numbering schemes when they couldn't decide what order to put them in... should the ap just force you to put them in order, or allow ties?
Anyone who is interested in helping spec this out should go talk about it OVER HERE - thanks!
How many games have more than two mentions but are not in the top 11? e.g. I don't see RAMbots mentioned in your analysis. It's on my list. (...and I know you looked at my list since I can't believe that anyone else has Martian Race on their list.)
RAMbots is currently on 12 of the 46 lists I've found, several short of the minimum 18 listings to be in the top ten most listed.
28 games appear on at least three lists but are not in the top ten.
When I have found 50 Starship Captain lists, I'll update the Stereotypical SCL. Four more to go.
You only have 46 lists? But we now have 52 Captains, and I think I checked each of their lists myself before approving them. So whose data are you missing?
Can't wait to see the next round of stats!
I started looking at profiles to see if I could find any missing a Starship Captain list. The only one I've found so far: Andrew Looney. :)
I currently have lists for:
Artman, David
Asman, Nicholas
Bryan, Rob
Chopra, Vijay
"Chris' (no last name given)
Dalton, Aaron
Darrah, Jason
Divecky, Jan
Drobina, Josh
Dunaway, Jim
"The Dunwich Horror"
Duquette, Dennis
Ellison, Paul
Griffon, Julien
Grotenhuis, Todd
Hackel, Ryan
Hartstein, Marc
Hickman, Chris
Hunt, Tim
Janssens, Bart
"Jonathan N."
Jones, Cody
Klemer, Avri
Kramer-Smyth, David & Rink
Kronengold, Josh
Krupa, Slawomir
Lattanzio, Greg
Looney, Andrew, Kristin, and Alison
Loop, Peter
McGuire, Ryan
Muhlstein, Austin
Murdock, Shane
Myers, Scott
Nelon, Daniel
Noles, Carlton
Orleans, Doug
Reinerfelt, Paul
Richard, Antoine
Seiger, Tim
"Spencer C."
Staley, Kevin
Von Berg, Scott
West, Shel
Williams, Russ
Wolfe, Jeff
Zitin, Sam
You are missing the following starship captains:
Mike Cowpers
s lipori
Robin Vinopal
Who all have lists
and T Johnpaul Adams
who somehow does not?
BTW Is it OK for our list to have more than 10 games? I supposed so.
I had missed Mike Cowper, S. Lipori, and Robin Vinopal, but I've got those now.
Timothy is Tim Hunt. Julien has pointed himself out already.
New edition here:
Yellow all the way!
Green -- because in all games, green is my favorite color (consistency might be a hobgoblin of small minds, but it can be useful in larger ones).
Although I'm quite fond of my "dicehouse" icehouse set, whose color, kinda polka-dotted.
I like to play pink whenever possible. In 2 player games, however, I have fFound that Purple and Green make a really nice looking board in any game. And I have several stashes of clear, because they're good to have around.
The most nihilistic game of Volcano ever played was with Black, Gray, White, Clear, and Red.
My first choice is yellow, because it matches my car.
However, I think the green, teal, and orange 'mids look the prettiest to me, since they do the best job of capturing light.
Sapphire, definitely.
(The tube says "blue" on it, but they're too cool to be mere blue.)
I like grey and pink, maybe because they are "special."
Well, Cyan used to be special. I bought mine with Carrot Points. It may not be "special" anymore, but it's still my favorite. :)
It's gotta be red, unless pink is playing (makes things confusing). Black is okay. Cyan's good too.
Well, as a general rule I play blue, so if I'm playing a pyramid game that requires me to pick a color, I'll probably pick blue or cyan. Aside from that, if I had to pick a favorite color, it would probably be gray because of the limited-editionness of it. I have a gray stash and Volcano caps, so let's play 6-cap Volcano with gray caps.
I try to be blue in any game that uses colored pieces. That may be a side effect of being nicknamed Brainy Smurf, though. 8-)
The last one. Or red.
White, or clear.
I always try to use cyan. I got them back when you had to sell your soul to get them.
It's a toss-up between purple and cyan.
I'd say cyan, but all pyramids are equal.
Yes, we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all pyramids are created equal...
Cyan or Orange. Sometimes Gray if I'm in an opaque sort of mood.
Green, clear, or gray. In that order.
I generally go with blue when given the chance.
I like Xeno Blue.
I wish I could see through white, gray, & black.
Orange is "my colour" the way some people wear purple or green (Hi Eric). So of course that, or red if it's a standard RGBY set.
(Still never made it to the Icehouse finals, so I haven't gotten a chance to request that yet)
Cracked Ice is my exception though --If I'm playing that, I want the clear stash, so so badly!
The Cyan or Purple are my fave.
I'm always Red, unless Dr Cool is there to pull rank...
Games are archived at but it looks like there's currently a bug in the server.
Cool! Thanks. I had no idea that they saved them.
You should watch Homeworlds Theater, if you haven't already.
The Emperor and Dr. Cool play games and talk about stuff. A great watch, to be sure.
I really wish they would do a Binary Homeworlds tutorial video.
A tutorial video, like this one, perhaps?
I asked about the same thing, and I heard from a little birdie :: coughtwittercough :: that a Youtube tutorial series is possibly in the works.
Probably the best place to find them is on superdupergames itself.
There's also this exhibition game: