Looney Labs Chrononauts Mailing list Archive

Re: [Chrononauts] Chrononauts 2000

  • FromLaurie Menke <laurie_menke@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 20 Feb 2006 16:54:31 -0800 (PST)
Nice job with the graphics!  And I believe you are
dead-on accurate in your choice of linchpins for this
decade or two.  Good job!


1.  Am I right in assuming that the blue-->green and
purple-->brown color changes as well as the ''
designations after the dates represent the cross into
the future?
2.  How would I read "?  Prime-prime?
3.  Why does Man Walks on Mars depend on the World Oil
Supply being Exhausted?  Is it that they are searching
on Mars for an alternate fuel supply?


--- Peter Oliver <pjo3@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I and some rabbiting friends of mine cooked up this
> 1-row addition to the
> Chrononauts timeline based on the events of the past
> six years, with some
> odd predictions and alternate historical scenarios
> for the next thirteen. 
> http://web.njit.edu/~pjo3/fluxx/chrono2k.htm
> I've also written up four Nanofics to go along with
> the new events.
> I know the Looneys are very sensitive about current
> events--we don't want to
> offend anyone touched by these events by treating
> them so lightly--but it's
> an interesting exercise anyway. 
> Thoughts? Discussion? Suggestions? Raging
> controversy? Go ahead. :)
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