Looney Labs Chrononauts Mailing list Archive

RE: [Chrononauts] Time Wars of the 24th Century

  • From"Dan Isaac 2" <disaac2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 29 Mar 2006 22:27:06 -0500
Sounds *vaguely* similar to what Zarf did with "The Emporer's Star"

Although his was not a futuristic Human timeline, but rather a fictional
Martian setting, composed a three separate days (timelines) each of which
was played independently one after the other. It was quite an interesting
concept and game from what I recall.

Best wishes to you on your version. Let us know when you have something
worked out.

- Dan

> -----Original Message-----
> From: chrononauts-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:chrononauts-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Robert
> Potter
> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 8:22 AM
> To: chrononauts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Chrononauts] Time Wars of the 24th Century
> Speaking of futuristic timelines, I'm working on a version of
> Chrono. that
> is set in the distant future of the 24th century.  In it, humans have
> already colonized Mars, Venus, Luna (that's the moon), as well as
> the moons
> of Jupiter and Saturn.  All the nations of the Earth are at peace
> with each
> other and function together as a single sovergn nation.  But
> that's not to
> say that there's no war in the future.  There is a Great Solar
> War between
> Earth, Mars, Venus, and Saturn (Jupiter is neutral).  The
> timeline consists
> of great advances in science, like human cloning and artifical
> humanity, as
> well as some colorful characters.
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