Looney Labs EcoFluxx Mailing list Archive

Re: [Eco] Mothering Magazine

  • FromKristin Looney <foundations@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 16 Feb 2007 16:40:20 -0500
--On February 16, 2007 3:49:30 PM -0500 becca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I know I've mentioned it before, but it wasn't in regard to EcoFluxx
specifically: Have you sent a review copy to Mothering Magazine
<www.mothering.com>?  Like any other magazine for parents, it regularly
runs articles about good games and toys, but this one is "the magazine of
natural family living" so they'd be particularly responsive to EcoFluxx.

Hi 'Becca

I did look into banner ads with them, but I've never sent them a review
copy of anything. I just poked around the web site a bit more, and I
need some help figuring out what angle to pitch a review to them.

Do they do reviews of toys and games?  I see book reviews...

It looks like it's both a print magazine and a web site?

looking around at various pages...

although it is mostly about younger kids than our games fit, there is
some stuff for older kids and teens and families...

As someone who reads this magazine... can you help me figure out how
to pitch our story to them?  I don't see any easy way to submit a
product for review, but lots of guidance for how to pitch a story...

... what would readers of mothering magazine like about Looney Labs?
I'm not a mother, and don't know zip about raising kids... but I do
know that parents and families and kids love our games.  Your a great
writer - would you like to pitch writing a story about Looney Labs?

Thank you for the suggestion!

-Kristin (who's kids are named Fluxx, Aquarius, Chrononauts...  )

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