Looney Labs EcoFluxx Mailing list Archive

[Eco] vegan, vegetarian, mindful?

  • From"Luisa Fernanda Robles" <lrobles@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 14 Aug 2007 12:36:34 -0400
Hi Gina, Hi Everyone,

I have been wanting to comment on going vegetarian or vegan for the environment. I think it is definitely much more environmentally friendly to consume the least meat possible, or none at all. Gina points out all the benefits, not just for the environment but for one's health as well.

I am an environmental eater, but I am not vegan and not fully vegetarian either. I think one can be mindful and still eat some animal protein, if that is one's inclination. So for fish, I ONLY eat species that are harvested sustainably or grown sustainably. I know that reduces options drastically, but you are eating consciously.

The Monterrey Bay Aquarium has a list of species that are safe to eat if you are concerned about the environment. WATCH however that they are NOT mentioning health risks associated with eating species like TUNA (hight in heavy metals). So if you are using their list, beware of health issues as well.


If I do not know where the fish comes from, I do not eat/buy it. That means at restaurants, I almost always eat solely vegetarian options.

Now for poultry, there are some environmental alternatives as well. The first one is not to consume it often, but just for special occasions (like Thanksgiving...). Also, if you must eat poultry, make sure it is organic and freerange, preferably from some small farm near you where you know the production cycle is a closed loop incorporating the wastes of some species to nurture others (like composting the chicken poop to grow vegetables).

I never buy chicken, but have friends that do, and I tell them I will ONLY eat it if it is freerange/organic/local. So if they really want to have a special dinner with poultry, they usually humor me by getting the sustainable alternative. I never eat chicken at a restaurant.

And then we have the bigger animals, like pigs and cows. I do not eat these at all, but if you must, do it also only on special occasions and purchase only freerange/organic/local. These kinds of meat I think should ONLY be eaten once or twice a year. And if you must eat them, really make sure they are produced sustainably.


If everyone were a bit more mindful in their eating habits, we would have a much better environment/health. Can we try to consume less animal products, and when we do, can they be produced sustainably? C'mon you guys! Let's walk the talk!

Luisa the Green Fairy

---- Begin Original Message ----
 From: Ginohn <ginohn@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 13:07:39 -0400
To: Eco Foundation Discussion List <eco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Eco] Fascinating!

In case you don't read to the end, here's a little bon mot from the  
bottom of the page:

Let?s review what I?ve said here: By not eating beef? and other farm  
animals as well?you:

·          save massive amounts of water ? 3,000 to 5,000 gallons of  
water for every pound of beef you avoid,
·          avoid polluting our streams and rivers better than any  
other single recycling effort you do,
·          avoid the destruction of topsoil,
·          avoid the destruction of tropical forest,
·          avoid the production of carbon dioxide. (Your average car  
produces 3 kg/day of CO2. To clear rainforest to produce beef for one  
hamburger produces 75 kg of CO2. Eating one pound of hamburger does  
the same damage as driving your car for more than three weeks);
·          reduce the amount of methane gas produced. (I imagine the  
next bumper sticker: stop farts, don?t eat beef);
·          reduce the destruction of wildlife habitat, and
·          help to save endangered species.
That?s a pretty good day?s work, for just what you don?t put in your  

On Aug 2, 2007, at 1:03 PM, Ginohn wrote:

> In this article, early on, it says essentially -*one pound* of beef  
> = showers for 1/2 year- in water consumption.
> Amazing!
> http://www.lovesorganic.com/page.asp?page_id=4231
> Gina
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---- End Original Message ----

><>  ><>  ><>

Luisa Fernanda Robles, PhD.
32 F Ridge Road
Greenbelt MD 20770
301 313 0409

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