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Re: [Eco] vegan, vegetarian, mindful?

  • Frombecca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • DateMon, 20 Aug 2007 17:35:16 -0400 (EDT)
TVTom wrote:
> The best sources of protein are beans of all kinds, raw nuts and
> seeds, and green leafy vegetables (which have more protein per calorie
> than meat, but not per serving, because they are not calorie-dense
> foods).  Also whole grains contain protein and are filling.

Okay, but where do you find good foods like this when you're in an
unfamiliar place and eating in restaurants?  That's when I have problems. 
There's something vegetarian on almost every menu, but often it's low in
protein.  Beans are rare in restaurants (other than Mexican and Middle
Eastern), raw nuts and seeds are even rarer, most salads are mostly
iceberg lettuce, and most grains are non-whole.  Sometimes at turnpike
plazas or in small towns, there's only one restaurant.  McDonald's, Roy
Rogers, Bob Evans, and some of the other chains just do not have a good
veggie option for lunch or dinner.  (If you eat eggs, which I do, at least
you can get some protein during breakfast hours.)

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