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[Edu] need ideas for Chrononauts

  • From"Kimberly Terrill" <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 14 Oct 2006 23:58:09 -0400

Hey, everyone.
I finally learned Chronoauts. Sort of. I will try to play it a few more times with my husband or friends before I use it with 3 students. Here is my almost-problem.... I think only 2 of my kids are old enough to actually play the gave. I need a role for my young 10 yr old. Something he can do to be part of the game without being a TimeTravel/player.  He likes being score keeper and recording scores (he doesn't play  games often, but likes to keep score or osmething like that).
Can anyone think of a role for him so he is still a part of the game? Thanks. (he is dyslexic and reading/writing words is out of the question for this level)

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