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Re: [Edu] need ideas for Chrononauts

  • From"Kimberly Terrill" <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 15 Oct 2006 10:31:06 -0400
  Do you have more info on the binder from PCI?
  The Chrononauts isn't as complicated as it looks when reading the instructions. Though still too complicated for Ki. (Ki is 10, the other are 11.5 and 13).
I like the timeline idea. I think I'd get a second set of cards maybe. And I'd probably put the inverter cards from the 2nd deck into the original deck. I think the deck seems to a ' inverter light' (the cards that let you change a timeline event). Either that or I am too power hungry. Or maybe they just weren't shuffled enough.
I think I'll give Ki the title "Keeper of the Time Space Continuum" and do some timeline stuff that you suggested.  And because he likes keeping score, I think I'll make a score board where he records how many pathces and how many paradoxes his brothers make happen and reward a couple points for each. He'd like that. And I will let him narrate for my turn. He loves making up stories. Until someone comes up with better ideas for me......


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