Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

[Edu] Teacher Discount?

  • FromScott Sulzer <ssulzer@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 21 Oct 2007 00:07:24 -0700

I hope this doesn’t sound bad, but I have a friend whom I have gotten…umm, almost addicted to Fluxx.  He happens to be a substitute teacher for one of the local schools.  (He subs most days).  He wants to see about getting Fluxx, Chrononauts, and at least Nanofictionary (he is trained as an English teacher) for use in the classroom.  So, what does he have to do to get set up as a teacher rabbit, and what does his school have to do to get registered?  Or, where do I send him to get the information anyway?  (Genesee Joint District #282 I believe)

I’m also hoping to use this information to get our University (University of Idaho, Moscow) to maybe look into getting some of the Foreign language Fluxxes (Espanol at least).  I showed my copy to the head of the Spanish section and she was mostly worried about cost.  She only has something like 24 students.  That’s 4-6 decks, so 32-48 dollars.  My next plan is to try pushing Chrononauts onto the History Department. :)


Scott Sulzer

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