Looney Labs Geeks Mailing list Archive

Re: [Geeks] Treehouse for the Palm/ipod/cell

  • FromKristin Looney <rabbit-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 28 Aug 2007 07:51:47 -0400
--On August 27, 2007 Brian Campbell <lambda@xxxxxxx> wrote:

I have a friend who does Palm and Windows CE programming, and acts as a
consultant if you'd like to hire her. She's into gaming, but probably
wouldn't do it for free.

Yes - please introduce us via email off list.  It wouldn't be expected
to be free... I would love to get a sense of what something like this
would take in both time and money.  (This idea of getting our games
running on hand-held devices was brought up by several of our advisors
and again by two people we are talking to about large investments - so I'm
just casually looking into what it would take to make such a thing really
happen so I had some answers when they ask again...)

--On August 27, 2007 Subhan Tindall <subhan.michael@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Haven't tried it on the iPhone as I don't have one, but you can play
volcano & a bunch of other icehouse gaems via web at

Superdupergames is AWESOME!  It's part of what makes me realize how
well such a thing could be done...  but it doesn't work in tiny web
browsers like the one on my Treo.  As Brian says...

What you really want is an AJAX app where you just click on the piece
you want to move and where you want to move it, and it updates your
display without having to reload the whole page.

--On August 27, 2007 Jason McIntosh <jmac@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Ask me about this in a couple of months. :)

The Volity folks (Y.T. included) have been creating a web-based port of
our Java client application this year, and we're nearly to an alpha
release. Once everything seems to work, among the first orders of
business will be porting over the current games we host, including

Cool! Volity is also very AWESOME!  But will it be designed to work on
tiny tiny web browsers? or just on the web?  In the last few months
since I've gotten a tiny web browser that lives in my pocket I've found
just how few web sites are designed to work well with tiny browsers
(ours, of course, included)  But regardless I look forward to checking
out your new version when you start babbling about it on the list!

I have another little AJAX project I'm looking for help with...  but
I'll post about that in another email with a new subject line.

-Kristin (of the Looney variety)

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