Looney Labs Geeks Mailing list Archive

Re: [Geeks] Treehouse for the Palm/ipod/cell

  • From"Jason McIntosh" <jmac@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 28 Aug 2007 10:16:01 -0400
On 8/28/07, Kristin Looney < rabbit-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Cool! Volity is also very AWESOME!  But will it be designed to work on
tiny tiny web browsers?

Preliminary tests with a friend's iPhone suggest that it will work there. Can't speak for Treos and such yet... there'll be a round of investigation once I post the alpha.

Working _well_ is another matter, since, yes, I am designing the first draft on a 17-inch display. The Treehouse UI Zarf made last year, with big bright pyramids (or triangles, anyway) and large obvious buttons, should look and work fine. The whole business of logging in and sitting at a table may be fiddlier with an itty-bitty finger-pokey display, though. Dunno yet.

Personally, I'm looking forward to playing Treehouse on my Wii, whose web browser's done an excellent job keeping up on our tests so far...


Jason McIntosh
Email:  jmac@xxxxxxxxxx
Jabber:  jmac@xxxxxxxxxx
AIM:    zendonut
Cell:   617-792-3829

President and Founder 
Volity Games

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