Looney Labs Geeks Mailing list Archive

Re: [Geeks] Web Forum Options for Looney Labs' Lists

  • FromOlle Johansson <Olle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 7 Nov 2009 11:10:38 +0100
On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 22:14, Joshua Kronengold <mneme@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Olle Johansson writes:
>>Unfortunately, it's practically impossible. Yes, you can have
>>mailinglists which have html archives where you could post stuff, and
>>you could have forums with email integration.
> It isn't, really.
> The Right Way (well, a right way, and a right easy way) is to use a mail<->new gateway, and
> a front end on top of the usenet server to make it look much like a
> forum.
> In this way, you end up with forum goodness with an understructure
> that looks, oddly enough, exactly like email.
> Weirdly enough, mailman supports mail<->news gateways in the core.
> But again, someone would have to maintain the usenet gateway and drop
> a pretty front end on top.

Sounds good. I'll believe it when I see a good web front end. =)

It's still going to mess up though, when people answer stuff incorrectly.

Google Wave might be a good solution, though there isn't really a
standard mail integration.

>>Nowadays I can't even reply properly to emails, as you can see.
> Yeah. So what's with the top posting?

Don't know what happened, really. Sold my soul to Google and then all was lost.