Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Votes for the ICE Game Design competition due Oct 10th

  • FromJonathan Leistiko <leistiko@xxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 25 Sep 2005 06:36:46 -0500
Greeting All,

Votes for the 5th ICE Game Design Competition ( http:// icehousegames.com/contest/ ) are due October 10th.

If you haven't played them yet (although I'm sure you have), the entries are located at: http://icehousegames.com/contest/icedes-5/

Thus far, one person has voted. More votes would be super-keen. Please email your votes to me - jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - before the deadline.

Best Regards,

Games Advocate
Invisible City Productions