The latest decisions regarding stashes and treehouse are interesing. [disclaimer: total n00b here]. One the one hand, I am going to hurry and buy a couple of stashes so I can play volcano at some point in the future. My lingering disappointment at regular icehouse being sent down the memory hole is slightly offset by the fact that I can buy cool self-contained treehouses for family and friends, and use them to create some gaming partners. For what it is worth, I still worry that the abridged rules are too confusing to sell at a large chain. Perhaps it would be useful to create a domain called: so the longer rules are easier to locate once treehouse is released into the wild.
I was rummaging through Barnes Ignoble today, looking to leech off of their 75% off sale, and I saw a self-contained box of magnetic pieces and travel games. It was about 8 x 11 and
1.5" thick, black, and looked cool, although I'm sure the included games were weak at best. Anyway, as I checked it out it occured to me how cool it would be to have some sort of magnetic travel icehouse. Probably impossible to do and make a profit, but the smaller boards associated with some of the games might lend themselves to that treatment. Metal pyramids probably wouldn't make it through airport security either. Ok, I'm done rambling now, thank you.