Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Query: Wiki categories

  • From"Subhan Tindall" <subhan.michael@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 20 Dec 2006 21:03:21 -0800
Maybe 'GNAT' - Game 'n a tube
Fits more with the small-size themeof treehouse etc. as well.

On 12/20/06, TheLoneGoldfish <thelonegoldfish@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The problem with GIANT is that people will probably confuse it for Giant

just my 2 cents...


On 12/20/06, Jeff Zeitlin < icehouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Back in July, I'd asked this question on the Wiki's Main_Page Talk page,
> but nobody replied, so I'll ask here as well, with a note that this is a
> question about the wiki, rather than about Icehouse or Icehouse pieces
> /per se/.
> I'd come up with two potential categories for classifying games, and the
> inquiry was essentially "Is there some sort of vetting procedure for
> categories, or do I just go ahead and create the categories and add
> games to them as appropriate?"
> The two potential categories were:
> (1) Non-stacking games: These are games where the Icehouse pieces are
> never stacked, either treewise or nestwise.  Games in this category
> would be suitable for playing with the early Xyloid pieces, or with
> probably the vast majority of piecenikked stashes.   The original
> Icehouse game would fit into this classification; Ice Towers and Volcano
> would not.
> (2) GIANTs: GIANT is an acronym for 'Game In A Nifty Tube', and refers
> to games that (a) use a single stash, AND (b) can be explained fully in
> eight-point Courier type on a 3x5 index card.  Treehouse is a GIANT, and
> in fact might be considered the prototype GIANT.  My own Par-Trees-i
> probably isn't a GIANT, although it's a Single-Stash game. 'Single
> stash' does not specify whether the game requires a monochrome stash, a
> Treehouse stash, or a Whocares stash; merely that it can be played with
> at most fifteen pieces, of at most five pieces of each size. I am
> undecided whether requiring COMMON materials (e.g., all or part of a
> deck of ordinary playing cards, one or two six-sided dice, etc.) beyond
> the stash disqualifies a game from being a GIANT.
> GIANTs are more a potential marketing category than anything else, I
> think, but I'm unsure whether that should be considered a Bad Thing or
> not.
> Discuss?
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