Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Re: Piecenicking made Difficult (was: Pieceniking made Easy)

  • FromDavid Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 22 Jan 2007 11:43:46 -0700
> Brian C. wrote:
> I played around with eMachineShop a bit to see if I could get any
> metal pieces custom machined, but the only design I could figure
> out that worked with their software was a very expensive version
> of Minimice.

Ok, I forgot about these services cropping up, but I say that's an
  AWESOME idea for how to piecenik some heavy metal stashes. I am
  already wondering what metals such services support (*I* want brass
  or copper) and what kind of cost reductions we might get given that
  we'd all be using the same "blueprint" and, thus, they might be able
  to do each piece for less than they charge for totally on-off items.

But all that said, we ought to get the blueprints up on some site
  somewhere--if not LL then the wiki--because that should be the least
  of our limitations. If no one else has a CAD tool that can save in
  a sufficiently generic format that can be used on these sites and in
  other CAD applications, then I can hunt around for a freeware one.

I bet they take just about any 3D file format standard, with MAYBE a
  slight surcharge for file format conversion and confirmation, if
  they MUST us a proprietary format (e.g. a format that only their
  machine uses or some such crap).

Anyone know something about CAD, on-demand CNC machining, and
  companies offering such services?


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