Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Re:

  • From"Don Sheldon" <don.sheldon@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 26 Jan 2007 11:50:12 -0500
On 1/26/07, Carol Townsend <carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The coffeeshop that Kristin was talking about is the College Perk.

Are there any Rabbits close enough to the Perk that want to get a meet-up
set-up?  I'm in Chicagoland, or I'd be there (it's a COOL place - have
visited a couple of times when I was out at the home office!!).

I have friends and family there (within a few minutes of the coffee
shop) that I've been meaning to visit.  Some of them have even met
Andy and company before (so jealous!).  I would love to have a planned
date to schedule a road trip around.

- |) () /\/
 we'll get our own con...  with blackjack and hookers.

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