Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Re: New Game: Geomancy

  • From"Carlton Noles" <carlton.noles@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 3 Mar 2007 21:48:57 -0500
I will give it a test shortly. I was gong to do it sooner but got my time reouted by a hospital stay.

On 3/3/07, Gobleteer <gobleteer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
James Hazelton wrote:
> No-one replied, so I'd like to ask one more time for people to try out
> Geomancy. Upon further playtesting, it seems that a chessboard bandana
> works well, and I know you all have them. Steve prefers the variant,
> so please play that instead of the standard version.
> http://icehousegames.org/wiki/?title=Geomancy
> We appreciate your time.
> James
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I propose the following variant, because I think dropping enemy pieces
as well would make it more fun, and this looks like the easiest way to
do it.  Please let me know what you think.
1. If pieces are captured, they may be placed under the capturing
pyramid, which is put pointing up.  The pyramid gains one extra pip for
each captured piece, so more than one piece must point at it to take the
2.  Captured pieces can instead be taken into your stash, but in ths
case, you must play them later.
3.  If a piece would be recast, it is recast by its original owner.
New scoring:  Add the pips of all pyramids on the board, plus the pips
of all captured pieces.  Do not subtract anything.

I'm curious why you're removing upright pyramids.  Care to enlighten me?

Because I want you to.

Icehouse mailing list

Carlton "Kermit" Noles
"Joy Multiplies when it is shared among friends but grief diminishes at every division. That is life"
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