On 3/13/07, Chris J. wrote:
> and include six well-made Eeyore boards. * Looney Labs styled/branded Tri-chess boards would be really cool,
I had an idea once about putting a hex board on the back. With the right space size, it works really well for coloring in one third of the spaces, and kind of well for using three colors (you would need three each of two board types, with two colors swapped). I should really get some images posted somewhere...
* A Looney Labs Piecepack set would be *really* cool, particularly if done in the same plastic and colours as the pyramids. It could be called the a Peacepack set and include the basic four suits, plus the five suits from Aquarius.
The same plastic? That would be great for the dice and pawns, but not so much for the tiles and coins. The suits could be nice, though. Curious how they almost align with the Treehouse sets: Red -- Suns Yellow -- Crowns Blue -- Arms Black -- Moons Green -- Earth Orange -- Fire Cyan -- Water Purple -- Ether White -- Air Clear -- ??? Grey -- ??? - Eric