Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive
Re: [Icehouse] ZPIPs: An unofficial survey
- From"James Hazelton" <jameshazelton@xxxxxxxxx>
- DateWed, 14 Mar 2007 14:59:57 -0500
Now that it's been confirmed that zpips (if it's going to be a word, we no longer need to capitalize it) are not going to manufactured by LL for a long time at best, I consider myself to be in the market for them. If I can get a friend to help me out, I'm going to try to make them myself. If we feel like it, we might even make extras to sell. Failing that (since I am neither handy nor motivated), I'll definitely want to buy some.
To answer your question, I could probably be convinced to spend $1 a piece for a set of 55 well-cut pyramids. In other words, it would need to be a quality job and grey would need to be available for me to consider such a price.