Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] 3HOUSE proofreading opportunity!

  • From"Rachelle Grein" <rgrein@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 23 May 2007 09:34:06 -0400
I would love an opportunity to proof read 3 house.
I am a Professional Geographer  although I am not a technical writer I do
review documentations/presentations  and contract deliverables ( documentation and datasets) as part of my job.
For trustworthiness a  Girl Scout is always trustworthy and loyal (I am a leader and council outdoor program committee member)
best of all I am home on vacation with no particular plan until next Tuesday!


On 5/23/07, Andy Looney <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Greetings Pyramid People!

I'm really very pleased to say that I'm almost done with 3HOUSE. It will be
going to the printer 2 weeks from today, and unless something goes horribly
wrong with the manufacturing process, we'll have 3HOUSE in time to be
selling it at Origins! Woo-hoo! I'm really very proud of it too, it's
looking really good...

Anyway, I've got various local proofreaders checking it over, but I'd like
to get a few more eyes looking for mistkes. If you are interested, and if
you have time available in the next 7 days to devote to this, please send
me an email so I can give you the PDF files.

Please note however that I'm not planning to say Yes to everyone who asks.
I still haven't announced any details on the 3rd game, and I'm keen on
keeping it shrouded in mystery until 3HOUSE is actually released. That
said, I don't feel like making the proofreaders sign NDAs, so I'm not
likely to choose you if I don't know anything about you. Therefore, the
more of a stranger you are to me, the more you need to tell me in your
email about why you should get to be a 3HOUSE proof-reader.

In any event, 3HOUSE really is coming soon now, and it's going to rock!

-- Andy

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