Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] 3HOUSE proofreading opportunity!

  • From"Shaun Klein" <thornn@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 23 May 2007 11:40:56 -0400
Hello, Andy!

I also would love to proofread 3HOUSE. While I haven't done a lot of
technical writing, I have played a lot of games. I'm the usual rules
reader in our group, so I have plenty of experience with rulesets and
what distinguishes a good one from a bad one. Also, as Alison can
vouch, I'm rather a pedant when it comes to the English language --
not always the best personality trait, but it comes in handy when I'm

I have no interest in leaking the new game, especially since doing so
would probably prevent me from playtesting any other prototypes, and
as you might know, that's one of my favorite things about visiting DC.

As always, thanks for the great games!
