Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] another introduction

  • FromScotto <scott_vonberg@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 22 Aug 2007 10:49:01 -0700 (PDT)
Hello everyone,

I've been reading the list for the last week or three, and figured I'd poke my nose out of lurking and actually introduce myself.

I think I'll cheat a little and modify my bio page from the Looney Labs Rabbit Roster. (Username Scottobear - actual name Scott von Berg)

I'm a longtime player of Fluxx (about 8-10 years now), and have recently become interested in Treehouse... I suspect that 3House and other pyramidal games will be soon to follow! Chrononauts is our most recent Looney Game, and we're already quite enthusiastic about it. I've been telling all of my friends both on and off line about the Labs for ages...now that I'm married and living with a person who loves games, we've been building up our parlor-games closet and inviting pals over for a game night whenever we can. Since we started in December 2006, I suspect that we've hooked about a half-dozen people on classic Fluxx, and Eco Fluxx will probably draw even more into the fold. I guess that means you can color me a Blab rabbit.

I'm the head of IT for a company that focuses on transportation - all things Boat, Train and Truck related. I'm left handed, lean to colors that are forest green, rust or orange. My immediate family is comprised of my wife Allison and our two cats - long-fuzz-ears and cotton-ballish Black cat Pyewacket and shorter-haired Orange-Striped tabby Newton.

I do a little side programming, and would like one day to publish both computer and regular parlor games.

my livejournal is at - http://scottobear.livejournal.com

and our online cat-cam is at http://www.scottobear.com/newtcam/newtcam.html

Please feel free to visit, and let me know if you're up to play a game, or just want to say howdy! I also game at http://superdupergames.org as scottobear.

Also- from the icehousegames wiki bio -

Some Quick Notes:

I just wanted to say hi, and say that I've been enjoying the group and games quite a bit.

Incidentally, I discovered some java code at


that mentions some source for martian chess amongst other things - has anyone compiled and run the software?

Thanks for reading, writing , and your community.

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