Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

RE: [Icehouse] Trip Away rules questions

  • FromDavid Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 04 Sep 2007 12:54:01 -0700
> From: Dale Sheldon <dales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> > BUT [...] the IGDC is also a competition and, as such, is set up so that 
> > a game is judged as written at the time of Submission Announcement.
> So are you saying no one should answer these questions now, or that one 
> should not take the answers into consideration when judging the games? 
> Because I can agree with the second, but not the first.

Oh, certainly the latter, as I wrote:

"All that said, better games are, ultimately, the goal of any IGDC.
Let's just be aware, generally, that the IGDC games are to be judged as
they stand, even while they change and refine on their Talk pages (NOT
on their main article pages!) during the judging round."

Thus, judge games as they stood on August 17th (and, thus, do not change
the Article page until after the 17th of this month or so) but feel free
to refine, discuss, and even copy wholesale and paste to the Talk page,
to rewrite it. But if that happens on the Article page then someone who
shows up in a week to judge will be judging a totally different game
than Doug (or you or I) already has (have) judged. And that's lame
because, again:

"It's only fair to those games which do not require clarification and
which were "complete" at the start of judging."

After the winner is announced, just copy all refinements back to the
Article page and clean up the Talk page, for clarity; then go ahead and
keep working to make the best game possible.

Thanks for asking;

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