Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

RE: [Icehouse] Monochrome stashes and Loco Colors.

  • FromScott Sulzer <ssulzer@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 07 Sep 2007 01:43:14 -0700

Then again, people are calling cyan a lighter version of blue when it is, in fact, a combination of blue and green, therefore not a shade of blue but a color in and of itself, as is magenta a combination of red and blue, not a lighter shade of red.  Both of which work to make the entire light/dark arguments moot, canceling the entire line of thought as well as this argument, true?


-----Original Message-----
From: icehouse-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:icehouse-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of James Hazelton
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 9:38 PM
To: Icehouse Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Icehouse] Monochrome stashes and Loco Colors.


Yes. With people worried about dark yellow being too orange or too brown, that's exactly what I would do.