Dale Sheldon writes: > This is why standard ranked-pairs is to have all unranked candidates lose > to any ranked candidates on a ballot; honestly, that's probably how voting > aught to be done for this, because counting partial ballots the way we do > /does/ break the algorithm, just as you described. Does doing so change > the outcome in this case? Yes. The results would look like this instead: Geom Mart Moon Peng Pylo Subd Trip Zamb Geom X 18 3 -1 4 9 20 -6 Mart -18 X -20 -27 -18 -13 5 -27 Moon -3 20 X -9 3 16 26 -13 Peng 1 27 9 X 7 11 23 -2 Pylo -4 18 -3 -7 X 12 14 -3 Subd -9 13 -16 -11 -12 X 7 -8 Trip -20 -5 -26 -23 -14 -7 X -25 Zamb 6 27 13 2 3 8 25 X 1. Zamboni Wars 2. Penguin Soccer 3. Geomancy 4. Moon Shot 5. Pylon 6. Subdivision 7. Martian Coaster Chaturanga 8. Trip Away However, I am sure that the ballots would not look the same if the voters knew that unranked candidates would lose. For one thing, every designer's ballot would have his own game added to the top. For another, some people would either not vote at all, or impose some hasty ranking on the unplayed games based on browsing the rules. It would have been a completely different contest. I am totally in favor of allowing incomplete ballots. I just think there is some research to be done as to how best to adapt methods that were designed for complete ballots. --dougorleans@xxxxxxxxx