Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] OT: Oh No

  • From"Michael Kohne" <mhkohne@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 11 Oct 2007 11:34:05 -0400
On 10/11/07, Elliott C. Evans <eeyore@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
[snip news of new land of the lost]
> "A comedic take"? I realize that pandering to fans doesn't assure
> success, but alienating them doesn't help.
> --
> Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans
> eeyore@xxxxxxxx

The thing is, though, if you try to do it straight you don't have a
very good chance of the show making it. There's a limited # of people
who are going to watch a new version of Land of the Lost, as is.

If you take a different direction (comedy in this case), then perhaps
you have a better chance of drawing in a new audience.

Or, it could be they are doomed no matter what they do, and it doesn't matter.

Michael Kohne

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