Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Laser-cut Icehouse storage

  • FromSimon Budig <simon@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 8 Jan 2008 11:47:22 +0100
Hi all.

I recently used the pre-christmas special offer from ponoko.com (which
unfortunately turned out to be way more expensive than expected due to
german taxes/customs) to realize insets for a case. The case itself is
from a 300-chips poker set and was quite cheap actually  :)

The inset itself is made from two sheets of acrylic plastic that have
trapezoid holes to hold the pyramids. They hold the pyramids quite well,
but since the "3mm" sheets from ponoko currently actually are 2.5mm it
is not as perfect as I planned it - if I ever do a reiteration of that
stuff I would make the holes a bit bigger, since now the smallest
pyramids are a little bit loose. I also would get rid of the lower
sheet, since it does not add much benefit, as long as the upper sheet is
mounted with a bit of distance to the actual bottom of the case.

If you're curious: photos are available here:


and the raw sheets look like this:


(It actually is not practical to have the zendo stones loosely in the
case - I use a small bag now)

If you were to redesign that stuff - what would you change? Is there
interest in having the EPS file readily available at ponoko.com?

Thanks for your input,
              simon@xxxxxxxx              http://simon.budig.de/