Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] IGDC rankings idea

  • From"Benjamin Kleber" <benjamin.kleber@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 20 Feb 2008 12:34:06 -0500
I doubt that this idea is practical, because you'd need a log-in-only
voting tracker, but couldn't that kind of vote-only-for-my-game
skewing be avoided if each game creator were able to vote only for
games other than their own?


On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Don Sheldon <don.sheldon@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 2/20/08, David Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  > > From: Jeff Zeitlin <icehouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>  > > The system I encountered says "You have x points.  Allocate them as you
>  > > see fit among the choices." X is a function of how many choices there
>  > > are on the ballot - the particular example I encountered said "two
>  > > points per choice on the ballot".
>  >
>  > Sounds fine to me, if someone can code the resolution script for it. I
>  > could trivially confirm that no one overspends points when I receive
>  > ballots.
>  >
>  > Maybe all one has to do with this system is add up points, though, eh?
>  > In other words, relative ranking comparison is moot, as the points
>  > allocation makes the ranking an absolute: the sum of allocated points.
>  >
>  > I can dig it... which means there's five math experts on the way to
>  > explain how it's busted.
>  I'll start.  This system is even more exploitable because one person
>  giving all their points to one entry (a strategy that I wouldn't fault
>  a designer for taking) is pretty much guaranteed to completely
>  override anyone with a more moderate opinion.
>  While it's true that one person's vote can have a large influence on
>  the order of victory, it isn't obvious to me that that is inherently
>  bad.  Isn't the point of voting that each person be heard?  Under that
>  theory isn't it a good thing that one person can make a difference?
>  I understand the frustration in being forced to say entry X is better
>  than entry Y without being able to say /how much/ better, but to do
>  this properly and fairly makes the voting system (I believe)
>  unnecessarily complex without adding much of an advantage.  In a close
>  contest, the results will be close.  That's the nature of the beast.
>  --
>  - |) () /\/
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