Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Deluxe World War 5 Question

  • FromSlev Sleddeddan <slev01@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 26 Nov 2008 21:57:59 +0000
Kristin wrote:
7.5" x 10"

Thx, excellent

Andy Looney wrote:
> The map is exactly the same size as it is on the folded paper version.
> The actual board dimensions are 10" x 7.5". The boards are about 2mm
> thick, printed on real gameboard stuff, so they won't warp.
> I've been carrying my first one around loose in my everywhere bag and
> it's holding up nicely so far. It's very nice.


I'm now waiting on payday for the deluxe. And I only ordered Labs stuff last month. *sigh*


"The Government's always right.
 They tell us what to be,
 They tell us what to believe,
 They're wrong,"
   - Nevermore, 'Inside Four Walls'


 ICQ: 39660341     Y!M: ninthmaster
 AIM: DragonSlev   MSN: slev_dragon@xxxxxxxxxxx
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