Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Icehouse Digest, Vol 46, Issue 3

  • Fromswandive78@xxxxxxxxx
  • DateTue, 3 Mar 2009 10:44:53 -0500

Unfortunately, this is the bad side effect of the Treehouse selling plan versus the Icehouse selling plan.  When the shift was announced, I commented that I felt it was a disservice to the long-time supporters who would want individual stashes in the future and to the newcomers who were uninterested in Treehouse, but were interested in the large library of Icehouse games that required stashes.  I was immediately shouted down and told that I should be happy to buy five Treehouse sets to get five stashes.  (I have bought at least one stash of every color in which the current style of nesting pyramids have been manufactured, including pink and cyan and grey, despite the fact that prices have gone up since the Treehouse shift, so it's not that I mind buying pyramids.)  However, I suggest that asking a new player to slap down sixty bucks to get two full stashes and five Treehouse dice (or $120 bucks if you want stashes of colors that are not in the same color scheme) and then suggest selling the extras bits on eBay is not customer-friendly.  Just my two cents.  And remember, buying broken sets on eBay does nothing directly to fund Looney Labs, and may or may not do anything indirectly.. 

I'm interested.  Is the community still in love with the Treehouse selling plan? 

Would any of you be interested in a return to stash-based sales? 

Do you find the games designed since the shift are better, the same, or worse? 

What does the Lab itself have to say at this point?

>>...you're gonna just have to buy sets. On the plus side, I
>> would bet that you could sell of any excess mono stashes you were left
>> with on Ebay without taking a loss.

>Speaking of Ebay...I just did a quick browse in ebay and found two folks
>who were selling Treehouse sets for around $8 - one listing the shipping
>fees at $3 (with combined shipping possible for multiple sets). While
>I'm all for shopping at the Looney store, this is a reasonable alternative.

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