Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Black ICE Rules

  • FromAlan Anderson <aranders@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 29 Sep 2009 22:46:56 -0400
On Sep 29, 2009, at 10:42 PM, Brian Reichert wrote:

I was wondering if Black ICE rules were available online like much of the other
games are.

No[t yet].

On Mar 14, 2009, at 11:00 AM, Andy Looney wrote:

While you can get the rules for most of my games free online, for Black ICE we decided to see what would happen if we did things differently. At some point we'll probably put an end to that experiment and post the rules on a webpage, but it's currently still the case that you have to buy 3HOUSE to get the rules for Black ICE.

-- Andy

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