Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Throwing a game of IceTowers?

  • From"Ryan McGuire" <ryanmcguire@xxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 30 Jun 2010 19:35:43 -0400
The decision whether to handicap versus play poorly comes down to the
personalities involved.  I agree with David that IN GENERAL handicapping is
preferable to playing poorly.  For one, it's more honest.  Also, there's no
problem with "getting" caught.  And lastly, by forcing the better player to
actually play well in order to come close to winning, it gives the weaker
player a way to see good moves in action.  

The only time you'd want to play poorly on purpose is if A) the weaker
player is overly concerned with the possible stigma of admitting to needing
a handicap, and B) the people whose opinions matter don't notice the poor
play.  That might be the person himself or maybe friends.

As for the exact handicap, you might want to over-compensate to begin with
so that the kid has some wins under his belt before dialing in on the exact
level of handicap.  You might even go a little further than David's
suggestion just to make sure.

By the way...
IceTowers?  How many players are you playing with?  I'm not a fan of
two-player IceTowers.


-----Original Message-----
From: icehouse-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:icehouse-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David L. Willson
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 4:53 PM
To: Icehouse Discussion List
Cc: becca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Icehouse] Throwing a game of IceTowers?

I find that handicapping works better than strategizing to lose when playing
with little people. A handicap allows the big person to try hard, developing
winning strategies, while the little person does the same. True that the
strategies won't be completely identical to those used in the "real" game,
but they'll at least be very similar.  Here are a couple ideas for

  1. Have the big person remove 2 smalls and a medium from the table.
  2. Give the little person 2 black smalls and a black medium with special
rules like "black pieces cannot be capped".

Technically, the 2nd one is more of a game-mod than a handicap and defeats
the "learning this game" goal I described so carefully, but it sounded like
fun to me.

David L. Willson

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