Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] ICE Awards on BGN

  • From"Jeff Wolfe" <jwolfe@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 12 Jul 2010 08:48:04 -0400
I got the okay from Eric to do an article on the ICE Awards for
BoardgameNews.  Two things I'm thinking about as I work on the article:

- What do we call ourselves?  So far, I'm going with "Icehouse fan
community" (perhaps prefaced with "members of the..."), but I'm open to
other suggestions.
- Eric suggested pictures.  Does anyone know where I can find good pictures
of the trophy and the winner?  And maybe an action shot of people in the Lab
playing the games.

By the way, it's going to be a short "news" blurb, not an in-depth article.

- Jeff

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