Looney Labs New Mailing list Archive

[New-stuff] Treehouse <--- new from Looney Labs

  • FromKristin Looney <customer-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 28 Mar 2006 22:39:56 -0500
Thanks for signing up for our New-Stuff mailing list!

We launched a cool new game last week
under a tie-dyed tree in Vegas...

Treehouse is the exciting new pyramid game designed by Andrew Looney, the creator of the card game Fluxx. For 2-4 players, each game last only 5-10 minutes - but you'll want to rack them up again and again each time someone wins.

Each player rolls the custom die to determine if they will TIP, SWAP, DIG, AIM, or HOP their Tree of three pyramids while they try to make them match the configuration of the shared goal called The House. Roll a WILD and you can change your own Tree or The House!


Treehouse costs only $9 - get a copy from your local game store today!

Not sure where your local game store is?
Type your zip code into our retailer roster:

or you can order from us online:

Thanks for playing our games!  Have fun with Treehouse!

and don't forget our other recent releases:

EcoFluxx - The Nature Game of Ever Changing Rules

Family Fluxx - The Ever Changing Family Card Game

-Kristin Looney

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