Hey! New Stuff!
Okay, this isn't that new, but it's Back In Stock!
Pandora's Boxxes are back in stock (both sizes!) A wooden box with FLUXX
woodburned into the top, to replace your frayed Fluxx box. Natural wood
finish is easy to customize if you want to make it more exciting. Roomy
enough for your promos, it comes with a promo of it's own - Pandora's Box
(Action). Check it out, it's a lot of fun. Boxx comes in two sizes, one
of which is big enough to fit a Chrononauts deck if you want, too.
We've been really bad about announcing stuff lately, but a brief rundown,
since Treehouse:
Treehouse Upgrade Kit - if you already own lots of pyramids, and want to
upgrade some of them into the new Treehouse format.
Volcano Caps - with the advent of the new paradigm in pyramids, Volcano
Caps became necessary to make playing this excellent game economically
Zendo Rule Cards - since the Zendo box set is no longer available, the only
thing that was not still available a la carte, was these starter cards.
Zarcana Rules Pack - what originally came with the clear-boxed Martian
Chess Set - if you're into Zarcana, this is great. Sorry I don't have a
pic up yet.
Holy Fluxx Boosters - Jewish Fluxx and Christian Fluxx 7-card boosters to
add to your regular Fluxx deck for some light religious theming.
Jewish Fluxx
Christian Fluxx
ELBS - Eleven Little Black Squares to liven up your gaming experience.
They fit perfectly into the square cut-outs of Volcano boards.
Are You A Werewolf is back in stock in its third edition.
The 2006 Promo Card Pack
Promo Cards
and Literature Cards
and Fluxx Blanxx
are available singly online, and our SASE program has been discontinued...
Gray pyramid stash - a Rabbit exclusive, made when we made Volcano Caps.
Another Rabbit exclusive - Tree Buttons, leftover from the summer shows.
If you're craving these, you'll have to sign up as a Rabbit at our site -
and hey, putting up a picture and a bio gets you ten points right off the
Thanks for playing Looney Labs Games!