Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] [Event] Dragon*Con 2005 by Sasquatch by Ralph Nelson

  • FromSuperFRED <superfred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 09 Sep 2005 13:35:10 -0000
This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that Ralph Nelson has submitted.

Title: Dragon*Con 2005 by Sasquatch
Location: Atlanta, GA
Date: Sept 2-5, 2005

I was, literally, a Rabbit from the moment I walked in the front door of the hotel. I arrived later-than-hoped on Friday afternoon, so after a quick stop to drop off stuff in my room, I headed downstairs to start my first of four "official" shifts.  I got my carrot-pack from Russell and off I went, teaching and playing, playing and teaching. According to my FluxxBuxx sheets (can't trust my memory!) from that day, I played at least a dozen games of Fluxx of various sorts and tons of other games besides.  Thanks to Kristin for working right up to the wire so we'd have Glotz-backed versions of FamilyFluxx and EcoFluxx to play with!  I can't wait until these versions come out "for real".

Later that night, I finally got my first exposure, aside from reading reports, to AYAW -- and yes I'm hooked.  That was a blast!  I think the only reason that the game(s) didn't run 24 hours a day is that the space they played in was too crowded during the day.

Saturday found me working another "three hour shift" (hah! did anyone actually only work their "assigned" hours??) and I finally got around to learning enough about Ice Towers so that by the weekend's halfway point, I was able to start teaching other players, and correcting my own mistakes before anyone else could (though I *did* manage to end one game with "zero" points -- eeep!).

Saturday night was the D*C's first attempt at Giant Circular Fluxx (32 players) and it was a rolicking good time. There were some lessons learned (including the fact that three people can sort 8 comingled Fluxx decks in under 20 minutes and that the "diagram" is *very* confusing without the rules to go with it.  I'd love to try a (fast) game with *only* experienced players as a "draw" and then another (slower) game immediately after with all of the people who watched and may not know as much about the game.  Some really evil rabbits kept me from my bed by offering me "just one more game" of AYAW... *yawn*

Sunday was very much the same as Saturday (including GCF) and by this time, a few friends from "back home" managed to find me in the game room and I was able to suck them into playing Lab games for several hours.  One of them even asked me to *take her to the Dealers Room* to show her where to buy a couple of games -- she wandered off later after purchasing over $50 in games! Yay!

All good things must come to an end, and D*C was no exception.  After showing up *extremely* late on Sunday (thanks to the parking/boot nazis -- grrr), I still managed to play a few more games of Fluxx and Ice Towers (I never *did* get around to playing with the giant pieces) before making my goodbye rounds and then heading back for the long drive home.

My first Dragon*Con ever (and my first Con with the Lab crew) was a blast!  Thanks to everyone who made me feel at home.

p.s. A friend of mine who's a high school history teacher was eagerly awaiting my arrival home -- on Wednesday, she took my Chrononauts decks (both regular and EAC) into her classes -- and they're already fans!