Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] {SFBay} SiliCon Demo, Sat 10/8, 2pm

  • FromB Strand <jet.strand@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 5 Oct 2005 20:39:58 -0700

Not a Sac local exactly, I'm up in Chico, which is far enough from Sacremento that it would require making a day trip of going down, but it's close enough (and I've relatives who live in Davis, so...) that I'd be interested in helping with a Con.  I've run a demo of Chrononauts, Beta-ed EAC, and generally tried to expose friends and family to Looney stuff, as well as working a brief stint in a gaming store.

Keep me in this loop,
Brian Strand

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