Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] Re: Rabbit needed in Lemoyne, PA

  • FromPsilan <psilan@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 12 Jan 2006 10:14:20 -0800 (PST)
"Hey I don't want to sound Ignorant but the question
going through my head is how can you have a game only
emporium and not have the desire to play the games or
understand how to play them. I'd assume(I know you
should not assume) that if you run a Game store that
you would love games and Play them. we are always
playing games here." -- Brian

Well, my understanding is that he does want to play
the games, or at least learn how to play them, and
would rather be taught in person from someone
knowledgable than trying to tease out proper play and
strategy from the rules.

He also made it sound that unless I brought people
with me, it would likly be a one-on-one demonstration
of the games. Apparantly he doesn't expect to have
many customers. 

Since he also sounded like he wanted to get a demo in
ASAP, I told him I would stop by on Friday (tomorrow,
1/13) to teach him (and any lucky passers-by). I
expect to arrive there shortly after 5 and the store
closes at 7 - if any of you will be in the area, we
could always use some more players.

My question for the list is: given that this event is
being thrown together last minute and is known to be a
short demonstration between (likely) very few people,
is this worthy of an event submission / asking for
Rabbit Points?

Timothy Eller

P.S. - (Oh - and thanks for the general heads up in
regards to the Origins list)

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