Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] not sure where to ask....

  • FromTheLoneGoldfish <thelonegoldfish@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 17 Oct 2006 18:36:48 -0500
Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue colors are
the most common colors

Which are available in the rainbow treehouse sets with black. (and with three sets he can start with an all-yellow set for himself if playing martian chess). And as was mentioned before, it's a lot easier to play/make other games with multiple colors.

As for boards, I've got a feeling it may be cheaper/easier to have ee0r's acrylic boards professionally produced/cut than for him to cut them in his basement/garage or wherever he does such madness; but I haven't been able to discuss it with him.

Also, a red/black checkerboard would look fairly mars-ish in my opinion. There were rumors and plans for a martian chess set a while back, but I think the project was dropped when they moved to the treehouse distribution method (along with all the other boxed sets).
