Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive
[Rabbits] Chicagoland Warren Meeting
- From"Carol Townsend" <carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx>
- DateMon, 12 Feb 2007 09:48:17 -0600
Saturday 17 Feb - Pizza to the People, 2pm
Marissa, will you need a ride from the train station?
Chris, are you going to make it?
Fred and Fran, I know you'll be out of town - bummer...
Di, you won't be at this one, I know. St. Louis is just too dang far away...
Anyone else?
Also: The March Chicagoland Warren Meeting will be held at a different location for March Only. If you're interested in coming to the March Chicagoland Warren Meeting, ping me offlist and I'll make sure you get directions.