On 4/19/07, Evert <e_cuesta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Tim, I have a solution to your quandry. I am a Rabbit and a Retailer. I'd be more than happy to pool monies, order and send invoice any Rabbits who want to send something to Ziggurat, that way, thresholds are met, everyone gets a discount and everyone gets to feel all warm and fuzzy.
Well, no offense, but I really don't know you from Adam (evidenced in part by the fact you call me Tim and not Timothy). But it's not just about getting the discounts. Looney Labs constantly tell us "Support your local game store". We are positively encouraged not to buy regular product from the site. We, as Rabbits, are instructed to tell people to buy from their local gamestore, unless there is no local store, and then and only then should be point people to the site. So I would want to support my local game store, not one I have no connection with. (Where are you, by the way? You give no indication of where your store is located, so I couldn't look you up on the Retailer Roster. Maybe this IS something that would work for your local rabbits). So, normally I would support my FLGS. When we are encouraged to buy directly from them I have to wonder why. Is it because we can get a discount on the games? No... is it because LL will do an explicit 1-1 or 1-2 match? Not that I can see... So I'm left wondering. Timothy