Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] [Event] MileHiCon by Cecelia Thomas

  • FromSuperFRED <superfred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 3 May 2007 16:09:41 -0400
This is an auto-generated report from SuperFRED regarding an event that Cecelia Thomas has submitted.

Title: MileHiCon
Location: Denver. CO
Date: Oct 27-29

We (Thor, Christine, Molly, & myself) setup and ran a mini-experiment through out the course of the weekend convention. Gave away a lot of stickers and many promo cards and a few flowers.
I also ran a nanofictionary tournament being that Mile Hi Con also features authors and I timed the event to be a lead-in to the Literacy Auction. To be honest, it didn't turn out as well as I hoped because I didn't get it showcased very well and I was in the wrong room. I did get a few people who were interested and played a few games and I gave a set of nano blanks to the winner. (I had the 2 of the other rabbits act as judges and help to give a few pointers.) I hope that this coming year will be much better as I had a long talk with the games coordinator afterwards about how to promote it better.

Truthfully I am absolutely terrible about reporting my events because I don't have the time to profilic about it like some other cool rabbits' reports but I am trying! I hope to get the last few events out there before we start Ben Con in June.

PS - I don't remember how many points I spent on my order for this event and looking at my order history, I can't tell unless I am missing something?